Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 November 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 540 1 SBtpptnoc (YlofteeetI’eiiHisniar Oriental Steam Navigation Company. 'JIHE mail steamers may be J" expected to arrive outWar^8 and eave Penang homewards, on the following dates Outwards. Homewards. tfirt-u I’re 1 re Nov 19 Ancona Nov. 25 Ari- hi Uec 3 I Ganges Dec. 9 17 Mirzapore „23 31 1898 IS9S Chusan
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    • 461 1 pipping Qtofices. OCEAN STEAM SHIP COMPANY. EAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM SHIP COMPANY, Ltd. AND NEDERLANDSCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ OCEAAN. THE Company’s steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China, and Japan, and from Japan homewards for London every ten days. The Company’s steamers on the Java Line are despatched
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    • 665 1 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,—(LTD.). KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Stearnere. For Will sail Stiamer From Expected on Negapatam, Karrical, lhu 2 d Dec Porto Novo, Cuddalore, k at a p.m. Lalpoora. Singapore. I’lhn. 2nd Dec. Pondicherry, and Madras I Thu. 25th
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    • 332 1 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Paid-up Capital $10,000,000 Reserve Fund 7,U00,0<»0 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000. Chief Manager. Hongkong—Thomas Jackson, Esq. .Manager Shanghai— J. P. W'ade Gard’ner, Esq. London Bankers—London County Bank. PENANG. Interest Allowed. On Current Accounts, at the rate of 1% per annum on the daily balances. When
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    • 555 1 NEDKRLANDSLfIE HANDEL IAATSCBLhU (Netherland Trading Society.) Established I><24. Paid-up Capital f 35,783,000 00 Reserve Funds f 2,404,166.45 Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India.— The Factorij of the Nederlandsch* Handel Maatschappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sonrabaia, Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan. Pasaroean, and Tjilatjap. London
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  • 122 2 Penang, 23rd November, 1897 Rates close as follows London, Demand Bank 1/11 pr To. 4 months’sight Bank... Do. 3 Credits 1/IIA Do. 3 Documentary. 1/11 Calcutta Demand Rank Rs 15(1 Do 3 days’sight Private 153 Bombay, Demand Bank 150 Do. 3 days’ sight Private 153 Madras. Demand Bank 149
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  • 173 2 Pknano 23rd Novembe l "7 Tin 837 40 sellers. Trang no stock Black Pe| per West Coast 21—sellers 1 Acheen 611» 22.1 d°White Pepper 305 do. Cloves (picked) out of season Mace No. I 102—sellers. Mace Piekin.s 90. do. Nutme s 78. do. ,No 1 6.90 do
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  • 37 2 Mails close to Morrow I’m' I'er etr Tuut, Tongkah H- fny J p jf PaiigkerAT A iib n ...Tate T<>nq 2 pm. Deli ...HoKwti 3 pm. Thprsday. 25th Langkat Quorta Noon Deli Laiukut I p.m.
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  • 40 2 From Sleamrrs To arrive N«*gapatum L-i i oora to-m<orow. Siigtpore Vadahi do Singapore Sund t do Oh lileh I <in (Liens 25-11-97 Rangoon Homa 25-11-97 Singiipote 25 11-97 Siugupote J. Apcar 25 11-97 Singapore H-be 26-11-97
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  • 34 2 The Crag Hotel (’apt A Mi- I’l l.ill and children. Mr. A Mi- Schnalje. Mr J. W Schaalje Yom. Miss Do. Airiialf Mr, A Mrs Ross Park. Mr J W. linker.
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  • 134 2 London, 22nd November. Disasters in Australia. FIRE IN MELBOURNE. A great fire has occurred in the business quarter of Melbourne. The damage is estimated at fully £1,000,000. DUST SIORM IN VICTORIA. T'he north-west portion of Victoria has been visited by a dust storm. Several towns have been wrecked.
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  • 835 2 There will be Hotk.y on *he Penang cricket ground to-muiruw, at 5 10 p.m Tvngkv Mohamed Sahat was yesierdav fined $lO by Mi lunes, f<n commiiting mischief Thus s. Deli came < ut of «lock on Sunday, and left for Asahau ami Batu Bahra yesterday. 1 hkGovernok
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  • 62 2 The Selangor Gazette contains a copy of the agreement between the Resident-General and Me'eis Hiittenbach, Liebert, <t Co, who undertake to convey 6,000 Government Immigrants from Negapatam to I’enanif during one year (commencing 3rd Dec. 1897—2nd January, 1898), and the Federal Government agree to pay for their passage
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  • 147 2 It is reported that the old Church of the Immaculate Conception, Pulau Tikus, is about io be taken down, and a new church, ot a moie substantial and improved design, is to l>e buil* on the site. The last sei vice will be pet
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  • 107 2 (22nd November) The two Klings, Irlen and Savarimootoo, convicted of voluntarily causing hurt, were each this morning sentenced to six months’ rigorous imprisonment. The only case called during the day was that against six Malays, named Mat A rip. Mat Nayan, Mun, Che Mat, Mat Hussain, and Mat
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  • 211 2 (7b the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.”) Sir, —I am one of those who sent iu Designs, and note with some little surprise your paragraph on the above matter, wherein astonishment is expressed at so few competing for a prize of 8200, and I
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  • 17 2 ovr ‘TLUK ANSON, *T*L V 23RD lhe shipments to-day areTo Penang, 451 pikuls of in
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  • 37 2 The “Throne” I, H L the adoption of a Lt is Saul that the Board of of the scheme, and i ec., llllnell(] f| e t” Permit its adopt..,.. tln O n gb(lU
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  • 66 2 A very successful n enterta.nment was g iv. n a> School, Singapore, ~n p. 11 8 About 160 girls and a few LLvAoT"’ in the pe.f-i inaiiee, which was i,? of a “va.iety” character nursery rhymes in character <.«]•' wand drill, .he Lil tie a refrain of
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  • 143 2 Persons wishing to ‘square the plaintiff may take warning f>. m the sad C as f Capt .in Fnpp, of the s. s. Honj L eo was fined Slo. wuh costs, on Suuidav U iu Singapore, for assaulting H Bvt e nJ of
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  • 374 2 Everyone predicted that s<> strong j position as the Sainpagha Pass, onu i-dlt the combined strength of the Afu.iis (J.akzais, well aimed with M >ili. i H could not becaptuied without a i.. v> fice ou the pan of the fro p> _,.g J- ij the
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  • 73 2 With referen e to the marriage of Sir E' l 1 Arnold and a Japanese lady educatediu don. a Tokio paper avers that although in absence of information the personality ot lady referred to is not known, it is pro ,a 1 that a lady named Miss Tana,
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  • 31 2 Arrivals. To-day. Per s. 8 Talc Tong from Teluk Mr. Ephraums. Per s. s. Qworra from Lmgkat. Bev Sell lag. n I,rt. Per s. s. Langkat fiom Deli R"’ BOU.
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  • 77 2 Tuesday, 23rd:— P i rl k Band, H. M. S. Grafton, 1 4 3opM t toil F” High -water at New Jetty. 1and 1-11 a.m. Wednesday. 24th Town Baud, Esplanade 5 P MNew Moon, 4.15 t 183 r< High-water at. New Jetty, and 2 00
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 777 2 n qi JP fl New advertisements I rilCilOtl ffl bO. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA- VVIAUII U W VV. T|()N CoM p flNY| LTD Sea Trips during the Xmas Holidays. BETURN TICKETS, available between i 15th December and 15th January next, will be granted at Single Fares for both Ist u
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    • 331 2 NOTICE. IHEREBV give notice that the partnersi ip exi.'ting between Lim Mth Siok, Lim Mali Song, and myself, umh-r the <>r fiim of B'C K> e A Company, at 73 B ach Street, has been <li" lived" by mutual coii'ent as from the 14th November, atd I sh ill solely
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  • 129 3 p C. C. v. 11.M.5. “Grafton.” Run, unfortunately, interfered with the ’match <>n Saturday, when H.M.S. p la l ,e Cricket Club Only one was completed, in which* the jf/eti l- ored 80 runs. Stancomb hit his 22 runs. For the Club, Southam ['\\led six wickets for 43 runs.
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  • 378 3 The L prosv Congress held its final ses,n a t Beilin on the ***** ultimo, and a brief ~,it of the week’s proceedings was read German, English and French. The coiif.r. nee was of opinion that the disease is I<e l bv the bacillus leprae. The manner,
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  • 397 3 (Rangoon Times The Afridis have apparently altered their tactics. I heir original plan was to con centrate their forces in one or two places in order to oppose General Lockhart s advance. They relied on the sangars they constructed and the natural strength of their portion to
    (Rangoon Times )  -  397 words
  • 2872 3 Straits v. Shanghai. An Interesting Day’s Cricket. (China Mail.) The second of the series of Inter-port matches w r as played at the Crnket Ground to-day 10th, the contending sides being the Straits and Shanghai. The Straits team included Neubronner and Mactaggart in place of A.
    (China Mail.)  -  2,872 words
  • 384 3 Hataria Nieutcsblad The following tran-lation appears in the Singapore Free I‘rest! General Lockhart, the in n who is charged with the suppression of the rebellion in British India, and who lias bee i appointed Commander-in-Chief. watched, accomp nied by Captain Palmer of the Indi
    Hataria Nieutcsblad )  -  384 words
  • 138 3 i. Hands across and back et to P A KTNERS and turn Ladies’ chain Half Premenade Half Kight and Left. 11. First gentleman advance and retire twice; Set to CORNERS and turn Each lady to right hand lady’s place Promenade round 111. First lady and opposite gentleman advance
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  • 160 3 Arrivals. To-day. a. 8. Taw Tonq from Teluk Anson. s. s. Quorm from Langkat. s. s. Langkat from Deli. Y esterday. s. 8. Mary Austin from Klang. s. s. Flying Fish from Port Weld. Departures. To-day. h. Petrel for Deli. s. s. Mary Austin for Klang. s s Pegu
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  • 215 3 (Straits Times, 13th November.) Raubs (13 10 jtd.) §23. sales. £‘l fully paid >24 Punjoms ($4 p t.) >4.25 sellers. Jelebus (*5 pd) 2.35 Pahang Corp, (fl pd.) 83.75 s'les s'lers Pataling Coffee Co (870 pd $75 s’les s'lers Pengerangs (850 pd Klang Coffee Cultivation Coy Ltd—(Fully
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 186 3 How to Ward off an Attack of Croup. In speaking of this much dreaded disease. Mr. C. M i ixon, of Pleasant Ridge, Pa., said. I have a little girl who is troubled frequently during the winter months with croupy affections Whenever the first symptoms occur, my wife gives her
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    • 333 3 TO LET. 'I'HE Upper Portion of 1, Farquhar j I Street. Applv to sfo J. BAIRD. Negri Sembilan Government. WANTED. A BOARDING Officer and Out-Door Dispensary Dresser for Port Dickson. S'laiy 8720 per annum. 2. A Dresser to take charge of Jelebu District Hospital. Salary 8600 per annum. Free quarters
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    • 104 3 The Netherlands Fire Insurance Co. Established Ib4 5. 'I' HE undersigned having been appointed 1 Agent for the above Company, is prepared to accept Fire risks at current rates. 571 G. H. SLOT. PENANG AUCTION MART. 4 UCTION SALE of Valuable Household Furniture, Bicycle, Plants, &c., Ac., on Tuesday, 30th
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 2067 4 BUCHANAN WHISK IS THE BEST. To be had at M Z™ K ?HEA S NCH i ETic<> Pß l sW Same as supplied to the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable London Clul»« GVAT CHENG BROS. > > 1 111 ’'O. THEAN SIEW Co. GOON YEN FRIENDS. SOLE
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    • 528 4 IN THE SUPREME i STRAITS SE'ITLMi -Vi o U;E SETTLEMENT 01 I>Lxan g In the Goods of N A HUAI SAU deceased. IN pursuance of section 46 ,f t )e veyancing and Law of p 1()1 ei!v nance, 1886,” notice is her. bv „j Vell ’.i creditors and other p
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