Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 20 November 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 532 1 (Notices. peninsular Oriental Steam Navigation Company. riIHE mail steamers may be J” expected to arrive outJ wards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates Oatwards. Homewards. g :s M 23 1898 Chusan Jan. 6 Jan 14 Thames 20 g£«* p", n Feb 3 5Z Mar. 11 MTERMEDIATE direct SERVICE,
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    • 472 1 pipping (Hoftces. OCEAN STEAM SHIP COMPANY EAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM SHIP COMPANY, Ltd. AND NEDERLANDSCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ OCEAAN. rpHE Company’s steamers are despatched fron L Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan, and from Japan homewards foi London every ten days. The Company’s steamers on the Java Lint are
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    • 675 1 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,—(LTD.). KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. Fob Will sail Steamer From Expected on N egap at am, Karrical, lbu Dec. I Porto Novo, Cuddalore, L at 5 p.m. Lalpoora. Singapore. 11m 2nd Dec ■u Pondicherry, and Madras.
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    • 341 1 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Paid-i;p Capital JIU.UUO.OOU Reserve Fond 7,u00,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Uhief Masager. Hongkong Thomas Jackson, Esq. Manager. Shangliai—J. P. Wade Gard’ner, Esq. London Bankers —London County Bank. PENANG. Interest Allowed. On Current Accounts, at the rate of 1% per annum on the daily balances.
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    • 533 1 NKDEKLAfiDSUIE HANDEL MAATSCBAt* U (Netherland Trading Society.) Established 1524. Paid-up Capital 35,783,000 00 Reserve Funds J 2,404,166.45 Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India. The Factorij of the Nederlandach* Handel Maatschanpij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia. Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasaroean, and Tjilatjap. London
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  • 129 2 Penang, 20th November, 1897 Rates close as follows: Loudon. Demand Bank I I I 10. 4 months'sight Bank... 1/11]T'o. 3 Credits 111 A Do. 3 Documentary. 1/11/5 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs 148 Do 3 days'sight Private 151 Bombay. Demand Bank 148 Do. 3 days'sight Private 151 Madras. Demand Bank
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  • 174 2 Pxnan.. 2 »th November. '‘97. Tin >376‘> i Trang no stock Black Pe| per West <'oast 21—sellers 1 Acheen Oil» 22) do. White Pepper 3" 5 do. Cloves (picked) out of season Mac»' No. I 102 —sellers. Mace Pick in s 90 do. Nutme s 7>.— do.
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  • 31 2 Mails close on Monday For Per k(i I'mte. Laugkat ...Jin Ho 1 PM. Pali_kalan lballd"li J •'(/'.> in Z/l 1 F.M. Laugkat A Pangkai.iii Biatsdi'ii Poitf io,, i\i 3 PM.
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  • 30 2 t'loni St'iinttrn 'l'" arrive LlV»‘lpo<4 Telilinml l<> daV Sing pore ]'odol > 23 11 97 N gll at m Lo loora 21- 11 97 Singapoi .1 Ajicor 24-11-97
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  • 112 2 London, 19th November. The Germans intend to Stay. The Berlin I’ost, a semi-official newspaper, says that, whatever China’s reply may be, the German force will remain at Kiaochau for a considerable period. As the time of year happens to be winter, barracks will have to be built for
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  • 678 2 The Sultan of Paliaug has at last returned home. The death of Mr. Armugam Pillai at Jaffna is reported. The s. s Betsy came out of dock this im ruing. She will resume her usual run. The s. s Fitzpatrick has not yet sailed for Rangoon. She
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  • 37 2 By the kind permission of Captain E. Pitcairn Jones, r. n., and the Officers of H. M. S. Grafton, the Band will perform at the Golf Club on next Tuesday afternoon at half-past four o’clock.
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  • 137 2 (19th November) Rasit, the Malay, who had been convicted of using a forged bank-note of 850, was sentenced this morning to two years’ rigorous imprisonment. Letchman Singh, the Skh who was charged with voluntarily causing grievous hurt to a Kling syce in Macalister Road, was found “guilty by
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  • 467 2 A mee:ttng of the Municipal Commissioners was held at the Town Hall yesterday aftem<»ou. Mr. J. Y. Kennedy (President), Mr. G. F. Adamson, Mr. A. H. Capper, and Mr. Cheah Chen Eok were present. At the request of one of the Commissioners, the President explained the reason whv
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  • 115 2 st. George’s Church. Twenty-Third Sunday after Trinity. Morning Service, with Holy Communion, at 8 o'clock.—Hymns 178 (Part I) and 248. Evening Service at 6 o’clock Psalm CVI vv. 1-16 (259), t?i’. 17-42 (260), and w. 43-end (259 Hymns .’03,289, and 27. St Mark’s Church, Butterworth. Evening Service at
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  • 79 2 f i e th- 1?? of the Rifle !rigilde W( Singapore on New Year’s T fr "i I present Deia» l>meh t P a V t 1 on the 3rd of January. iL’? 1 6 the information Was n the Hme news is to the eff. ct that\|.e
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  • 90 2 The plans or designs tor th e nprin memorial of the celebration „f tb P p Diamond Jubilee in p enftl Cheah Chen Eok is a^.’ f present to the Town, are n<>w to k the public i„ the I*".'.™» 'ill the end '!I‘I exhibitors
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  • 754 2 REUTER'S TEL EGRAMS TO INDIAN PAPERS. m tt X t 9t h—Uth November The Upper Nile and British ax? French Policies. The Times, discussing the policy o f hast ening the advance on Khartum in ii ew the French advance on the Upper Nile s it has been dearly intimated
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 703 2 n *1 1 1 n fi New advertisements Pritchard Co. [HEREBY give notice that the partnership existing between Lim Mali Siok, Lim Mali Seong, and myself, under the stvle or firm of Bee K<e A Company, at 73 Beach Street, has been dissolved by T ii i T\ i n
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    • 61 2 Gosling&Co., Are now showing ERY CHOICE CHRISTMAS -A.ZST2D NEW YEAR GARDS. Local Subjects and Japanese Hand Painted. ALSO Illustrated Fairy Tales FOR CHILDREN. Handsomely Printed in Colors on Rice Paper. EXCHANGE TABLES. Dollars and Sterling'. From 1 9 to 3 I. New Shipment of Hams, Bacon, Cheddar Cheese, &c. Price
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  • 36 3 His Majesty the King of Siam will not All uiadhapnra, being pressed for time,' will call at Colombo in his yachl the Vu/c Chakri on the 30th instant, in the* early luo'ning-
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  • 34 3 I' h e '’ha? an<i Military Gazette (Lahore) v that it is rumoured that the permanent '.■.upaiion of the Tirah is under the con- Ration of ’he Government.
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  • 44 3 [XCKEASING IN POONA AND BOMBAY. The Plague, according to advices dated !ie Bth instant, is increasing both in Poona and Bombay. Raging at Sholapur. There were 124 cases and 102 deaths t|1111) plague at Sholapur last week (ending 6th November).
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  • 53 3 Calcutta, 10th November. The Famine relief statistics in Bengal e now slit unk practically to zero. Durthe past week relief was given from the j ti s i x tv-fuur boys and sixty-five girls Chumpariin to 143 persons in Bhagaland to 189 pet sous in
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  • 649 3 Simla, 9th November. The Third Brigade, under General ji mi ster, with a number of No. 8 M. 8.. R. A pioc-. ded vesterday with a foraging party (v -t of the camp and brought 180 maunds f -lain. The enemy billowed the retirellir?it killing two men
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  • 127 3 (lo the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.") Sib. —The, New Year is nearing fast, and the different Departments in Penang will begin 4 to show their zeal in collecting all revenues due to them. Would it be asking too much of the Harbour Department,
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  • 121 3 (To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.”) Sir, —Two or three Shipowners of Penang are still reluctant lo grant their Masters the increase which has been conceded by other Shipowners. I am glad to be able to say that one Master has resigned on this account within the
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  • 135 3 On the 16th of October, at the Church of St. Matthias, Earl’s Court, by the vicar (the Rev. J. P. Davidson), Sir Edwin Arnold was married to Miss O. Tama Dare, a Japanese lady, who has been educated in England. She wore her travelling
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  • 548 3 GaLtee More at Sandown Park. The winner of this year's Derby was allowed a canter at Sandown Park at the Autumn Meeting the other day. The following is a report of the proceedings Sandown Foal Stakes of 2,0u0 sovs. (1.500 sovs. for the owner and 250 for the
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  • 715 3 (L. 0. Express.) 29th October. The Prince of Wales, on behalf of the Queen, on 23rd iust. laid at Stammersham, near Horsham, the foundation-stone of the new schools of Christ’s Hospital. The site has been very much criticized, but the function went off in complete harmony. Lord Rostnead,
    (L. !)' 0. Express.)  -  715 words
  • 64 3 Lord Charles Beresford has Written to Mr. H. Wyckhatn, the most active advocate in Toronto of a Toronto branch of the Naval League, expressing approval of the proposals of the Toronto organizations, which are mainly to the effect that naval training ■hips should be established
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  • 48 3 Arrivals. To-day. Per s. s. Pegu from Olehleh: Captain Kerr. Per s. s. Vid ir from Deli Miss Hacht, Miss Ophuijsm, Messrs. Stuefsand, J. Boail •Hal, and P. J. Rice. Per B. I. s. s. Nerbudda, from Rangoon Mr. and Mrs. Kaufmann, and Mr. and Miss Hom,
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  • 688 3 Fortune-Hunters’ Experiences. A report, received from the New York Herald expedition to the Klondyke region, affords some trustworthy information as to the situation there. Dawson City is on the verge of starvation, but the worst feature of the position lies in the fact that the people in
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  • 70 3 Saturday, 20th Sale of Furniture, Ac at Edelweiss Cottage. High-water at New Jetty, 10-17 am. and 10-44 P. m. Sunday. 21st 23rd Sunday after Trinity High-water at. New Jetty, 11-06 a.m. and 11-33 p.m. Monday, 22nd:— High-water at New Jetty, 1155 am. and 12-22 a
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  • 582 3 Special Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners HELD ON FkIDAY, THE 12th November, 1897. Present. J. Y. Kennedy, Esq., (President), A. H. Capper, Esq., J Gibson. Esq G.F. Adamson. Esq and Chenh Chen Eok, Esq. Absent R. A. P. Hogan, Esq. 1. The Minutes of the last Ordinary Meetin
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  • 32 3 The Crag Hotel Capt A Mrs. Uldall and children. Mr. A Mrs. Schaalje. Mr. J. W. Schaalje Yom. Miss Do. Mr. D. J. van Ophuijsm. Dr. and Mrs. Dunst.
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  • 133 3 Hands across and back >et to PARTNERS and turn Ladies’ chain Half Promenade Half Kight and Left. IL First gentleman advance and retire twice Set to CORNERS and turn Each lady to right hand lady’s place; Promenade round 111. First lady and opposite gentleman advance and retire twice;
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  • 182 3 Arrivals. To-day. s. s. Ganymede from Singapore. s. s. I‘ontianak from Brandon. s. s. Pegu from Olehleh. s. s. Canton from Teluk Anson. s. 8. Vidor from Deli. s. s. Jin Ho from L ingkat. s s. Benvenve from London. Yesterday. s. s. Flying Fish from Port Weld. 8.
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  • 210 3 (Straits Times, 13th November.) Raubs (13 10 pd.).. $23. sales. £1 fully paid $24 Punjoms ($4 p t.) $4.25 sellers. Jelebus ($5 pd '2.35 Pahang Corp. (£1 pd.) $3.75 sles s’lers Pataling Coffee Co ($7O pd.) 75 sles slers Pengerangs ($5O pd Klang Coffee Cultivation Coy Ltd—(Fully
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 271 3 How to Ward off an Attack of Croup. In speaking of this much dreaded disease. Mr. C. M 1 ixon. of Pleasant Ridge, Pa., said. I have a little girl who is troubled fr quently during the winter months with croupy affections Whenever the first symptoms occur, my wife gives
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    • 170 3 Negri Sembilan Government. WANTED. A BOARDING Officer and Out-Door Dispensary Dresser for Port Dickson. S tlary s72t) per annum. 2. A Dresser to take charge of Jelebu District Hospital. Salary $690 per annum. Free quarters in each case. Duties to commence on January Ist, 1898. Applications with copies of recent
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  • 905 4 PROGRAMME. First Day, nth January. THE MAIDEN PLATE. Value $2OO. —A nice for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale (lOst. 91b). Au allowance of 14 lbs. to all Peuaug ex Griffins and Penang ex-Roadsters. Entrance $lO. Distance one mile. 2. THE FIRST GRIFFIN RACE Value $2OO and
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  • 849 4 PROSPECTUS OF Annual Race Meeting, 1898. FIhST DAY. F ist i Lie —2-45 p.m. Value SlsOaud $5O to second horse.— A handicap .or at 1 galloway sand ponies 13 3 and umiei luat were originally imported into i n ti ait s Settlements or Native Stales as
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1469 4 BUCHANAN WHISKY IS THE BEST. To be had at Same as supplied to the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable London Clubs GtfAT CHENG BROS. > goonyen" friends. SOLE IMPORTERS— KATZ BROTHERS, l IMITEO The Bradley Boiler Works, CRADLE Y HEATH, I K. BELILIOS begs to inform the
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    • 389 4 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF tup STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENT OF PENANG, In the Goode of NAHUM SAUL Isaac deceased AAC > I N pursuance of section 46 of the "f 1 veyancing and Law of Piopertv (W n h nee, 1886,” notice is hereby given creditors and other person? ban,
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