Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 18 November 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 534 1 (notice*, [>eiiiiH^ ar Oriental Steam Navigation Company. 'THE mail steamers may be .?'> a expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates Outwards. Homewards. ~,w j re Nov. 19 f Ancona Nov. 25 V' '7 (l Dec. 3 Ganges Dec. 9 r' li Mirzapore „23 Sfo
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    • 1498 1 Sfrmnna (Ylofitt* BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,—(LTD.). banks. IP"™» KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Honvkonr Sh-mrhaißank-zacean steam ship company. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. H 2 U EAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamer», SHIP COMPANY, Ltd. j Rkservk Fcnd 8 7,000,0<»0 AND For Will sail Steamer From Expected
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    • 520 1 «KOKKLABDBIIIE HANDEL HAATSCBAh U (Netherland Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital /35,783,01’0 00 Reserve Funds 2,404,166.45 Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India. The Factorij of the Nederlandsch* Handel Maatscbappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia. Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongaw, Pasaroean, and Tjilatjap. London Bankers.—The
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  • 119 2 Penang, 18th November, 1897. Rates close as follows London. Demand Bank 1/11J 10. 4 months' sight Bank... 1/lljj T'o. 3 Credits 1/11 Do. .‘J Documentary. 1/HfA Calcutta Demand Bank Rs 149 Do 3 days'sight Private 152 Bombay. Demand Bank 149 Do. 3 days' sight Private 152 Madras. Demand Bank
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  • 181 2 I’,. s 18th N'ovkmue Tin '37 50 sellers. Trang no stock Black Pei per West Coast 2! -e'lers Acbeen i lb ’22 do. White Pepper 31 5 do Cloves (picked) out of season Mac- N<>. I 102 sellers. Mace Pickin s 9o do. Nutme h "s.— do.
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  • 64 2 Mails close To-MO :KoW For Per »h Tune. K' ine md M lirtcea Teuf oii t I PM. .1/ Itts/oi I PM !i lb> Kir i 2 p.M. hdm A <>.-11 h Canton 3 PM. i'cllik A I son and Pol I Dickson L oly ll’, hl
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  • 35 2 I roni Steamers To arrire Siigip'-ie Milin Vajuiuihie h -moirow Cd'Utta Kut >aiig do Riiigo,,n Kerbudda <lo Sing. >p re ILbe do Livei po, 1 Telamon do L n.i.m B-nr. uh 21-1197.
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  • 172 2 London, 17th November. The Frontier War. Colonel Kempster’s brigade while returning to Maidan was desperately attacked near the camp. A detachment of the Dorsetshire Regiment was cut off in the darkness. Lieutenants Hales and Brooke, with 9 men, were killed. The Sikhs who were covering the rearguard gallantly
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  • 75 2 Reuti.r in liin telegram to-day would imply ilnit l.ieilt n uils II il- s mid Brooke b.-l 'iig to i lie D- rsetidiiir R' gimeiit, but we have been unable t > Vi-iilv tins C<d>iiiel II A Abliult and Li> U' N A. L warue wvie
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  • 139 2 To iin t the wisln— expressed by many of our readers we give Io d iV a fully detailed mcunt of the <ri. Let match beiweeii the Straits mi I Hongkong, as reported in the Hongkong Daily Preen and Hongkong BVe/,ly Press. < >ur c< utemporaiy
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  • 486 2 Hohami d Hassan. I’. 206, was this morning tiued 85 by Mr lunes, for gambling. Fok b ing in possession of illicit chaiidu, valued at 83 60, a Chiinunau was this morning fimd 850, by Mr. Bryant. The Gi kman barque Fulda arrived here fioin Cardiff to-day,
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  • 164 2 A Great Masonic Celebration. Him Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Grand Masie of Fie--masonry in England, has given permission to hold a great Maso* nic B'o vice iii Si Pml’s Cathedral on Thursday, 2nd D Cemlier, to celebiate the two hun'liedlh anniversary of the
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  • 267 2 The correspondent of the Batavia Nieuirsl>lad in A «been reports, under date 22nd O '<»l'er, that the rainy season has interfe'- .<] with military artiviiy there The euemy k»ep to the mountains and have become m re warv. The armed police have often taken them bv gii'prise there, owing
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  • 285 2 Important Govfrnment Auction. Sir Ralph Thompson, who has just left England for Australia, has, it is stated, been sent out on an important mission bv the Government. His instructions are, it is undeislood, says theP-«/Z Mall Gatette, to prepare arepmt for the War Office on
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  • 98 2 [From ovk Cor, 'W'/Vf,. 18th November. Disuslrous Fire w Four brick shops Under the stairs were fnn i man who had been hanged A woman and a girl Were byjump, n g through the The Malay States Guides and the Fire Brigade did excellent service The property destroyed
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  • 38 2 A telegram bus been received bv the Yokohama Specie Bauk, announcing that the Peruvian House of R inesentaiiies l' ls resolved by a majoiity < f one to adopt the gold standaid of i U'i>-ncv
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  • 292 2 Professor A. S. Chosh, <.f the Cal utta University, a native East Indi >n, sets forth an aiticle entitled “India’s Cause f r Silver,” in the October niimlier of the North American Revietc, lhe reasons for which the p-ople of India desire the reopening of the
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  • 290 2 The following are ihe latest details concerning the revolution now in progress in Guatemala: —The revolu ion broke out on 6th September, and was paitieipat-d in by seven department*, namely, San Mmes, Quezaltenango. Huehatango, Tatonicopan, Mazaakenango Ouchie ami Saloula. The revolt began with an attack upon
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  • 28 2 Arrivals. To-day. Per s. s. Langat from Deli Mr. ailt Miss Breil. Yesterday. Per s. s. Teutonia from Klang Mr. Mrs. Robertson aud two children, aud MtvauSomeren.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 685 2 n »j r i n A New Advertisements. rritcna.rtt to. FOR THE QHRONICLE pIRECTORY Should be sent at once either diiect to the Daily Press Offic Hongkong, or to Letts’s Diaries for 1898. advertisements rwa. Publishers before 20th December. Terms No. 33 Colonial and Indian, Rough tht Age Interleaved Blotting.
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    • 238 2 PIANO FOR SALE. Good Sig o: d-hnnd Instrument. G. izolphe. .Vi. i, i:i!A< n xti{i:i:t. PENANG SALES ROOM. Al I TION NIL!. The tllld> I signed Will sell li\ Publie Auction On Friday Saturday, 19th 20th ,\ov„ At Edi lwi.iss CottaGi'.” 10 Clw Hall Road. commencing at 11 3 I
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  • 4380 3 Stkaits v. Hongkong. -r IIE first <>t 'he seiies of the matches in c n,ket festival in Hongkong was comtie .1 on 'be Sih, and continued and 'beJ 011 November. The are the scores made bv the Straits toil"" 1 j Honing: A Straits. Glassford.
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  • 145 3 >nd Trading Society.) Hands across and back et to Pa KTNERS and t urn ?*d 1824. Ladies’ chain f 35,783,0<K Half Prcmenade f 2,404,161 Half Kight and Left. I irst gentlemm advance and retire twice Set to < 'ORNERS and turn Each lady to right hand lady’s place Promenade
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  • 212 3 Arrivals. To-day. s. s. Lipfy We’d from T< Ink Anson. s. s. Langkat from Deli. B. I. s. s. Loodiana from Singapore. B I. s. s. Pentakota. front Singapore. Barque Fulda from Cardiff. Y KBTKRDAY. s. s. Hok Canton from Olehleh. 8. s. Teutonia from Malacca. s. s. Flying
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  • 220 3 (Straits Times, 131 H November.) Rauba (> 3 10 pd.) 823. sales. £9 fully paid 524 Punjoms (84 pa.) J 4.25 sellers. Jelebns (s 5 pd) 2.35 Pahang Corp, (fl pd.) S '.“5 s'les A slers Pataling Cotfee Co (870 pd i 5 s ics A slers
    (Straits Times, 131 H November.)  -  220 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 305 3 How to Ward off an Attack of Croup. In speaking of this much dreaded disease. Mr. C M ixon. of Pleasant Ridge, I’a said, I have a little girl who is troubled frequently during the winter months with croupy affections Whenever the first symptoms occur, my wife gives her Chamlierlain's
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    • 319 3 j TO LET. Il ROM Ist De eeniber, for four months. A furnished commodious house, near town, sea frontage, four bedrooms with dressing rooms, billiard (able, tenuis court. Rent 895 monthly, including gardener. Rates extra. Apply by letter 59a “X. X.Z Pinang Gazette. NOTICE. 'f I HE Civil and Military
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    • 132 3 TO LET. ARNVILLE, Anson Road. Immediate entry. Apply to 591 Robert YEATS. TO UW. From Ist November. WELBEUK, Pangkor Road. Apply io Dr. BROWN. PENANG AUCTION MART. AUCTION SALE of aluable Household Furniture, Bicycle, Plants, Ac., Ac., on Tuesday, 30th November, at 11.45 a.m., at 188 Burmah Road, on behalf
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  • 795 4 PROSPECTUS OF Annual Race Meeting, 1898. FIRST DAY. F.rst Race— 2-45 p.m. Value $l5O and $5O to second horse. A handicap lor al 1 galloways and ponies 13.3 and under tnat were originally imported into thi Hraits Settlements or Native States as Eniffins. Distance 3 furlongs. Entrance
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1499 4 BUCHANAN WHISKY IS THE BEST. To be had at Meskhs. THEAN CHEE Co P sKd Same as supplied to the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable London Clubs G¥AT CHENG BROS. 1 SOLE importers-KATZ BROTHERS, I imited CRAG HOTEL penang hill. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy EleB<2(iO Is the best
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    • 357 4 GEORGE TOWN DISPENSARY? I SOLE AGENTS FOR I N. Lazarus’ Spectacles. I SIGHT THOROUGHLY TESTED AND I GLASSES SUPPLIED. 556 I PENANG BAND. I l\| OTICE is hereby given that c I JN this date the charges for theXrvi l of the Band will be as follows: 8 I Dances
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