Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 17 November 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 634 1 ggipptna; (Rottceu. Oriental Steam vivigation Company. ~T r 'IIHE mail steamers may be «L expected to arrive out- wards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates Outwards. Homewards. Nov. 19 Ancona Nov. 25 Del 3 ft.»,™ Dee. 9 17 Mirzapore „23 31 1898 )h 1898 I Ohusan Jan. 6
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    • 1464 1 BHITI3H INDIA ofEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,—(LTD.), i banks. ggg.ppns inwew. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. H OII --kon- Shanghai BanknCE A.v STEAM SHIP compFn? NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. 2 ing CoXXn U EAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM gtito nnuDivv’ t For Will sail i Steamer From Expected on Paid-lp Capital $1(1,000,000. SHIP COMIANI, Ltd.
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    • 595 1 NEDEKLANDSCfIE HANDKL BAATSCfiKt* U (Nethcrland Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital 35.783.0''0 00 Reserve Funds f 2,404,166.45 Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India. The Factorij of the Nederlandsch* Handel Maatschappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia. Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongaa. Pasaroean, and Tjilatjap. London
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  • 125 2 Penang, 17th November, 1897 Rates close as follows London, Demand Bank 1/111 Do. 4 months’ sight Bank... 1/114 Do. 3 Credits 1/11 Do. 3 Documentary. 1/llyfr Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 150 Do 3 days’ sight Private 153 Bombay, Demand Bank 150 Do. 3 days’ sight Private 153 Madras. Demand
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  • 168 2 Pknan... 17th November, “-J'7 Tin .'•37 35 sellers. i Trang no stock Black Pepper West ('oast 21—sellers Acheen 6it> 22A do. White Pepper 31.5 do. Cloves (picked) out of season Mace No. I 102—sellers. Mace Pick in. s 90. do. Nutme 8 78.—• do. INo I 6.90
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  • 67 2 Mails close To-mokrow. For Per sti Time. E lie, S j.’|i A OlehLh... G.v Lin >h 'rye 3 I’M. Madras, taking mails for Europe, Ac ,rm N' gapat im. Loodiana 4 pm. Registration up to 3 P.M. Raugoon Fifspatrick 4 P.M Friday. 19th Klang ami Malacca ...Teutonia 1
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  • 26 2 From Steamers To arrive London Henvenue to-day. Siugapote I'entikota to-morrow. Singapore Loodiana do Singapore Mah t Vajimnhis 19-11 97 Calcutta Kiit Sany do
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  • 146 2 London, 16th November. Austria threatens Turkey. In consequence of the arbitrary expulsion of M. Brazzapoli, the Austrian Lloyds agent at Mersina, who has been accused of connivance with local Armenians, Austria has demanded satisfaction from the Porte. The Austrians threaten to bombard Mersina, unless satisfaction be given before
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  • 147 2 Gracious Thanks from Hir Majesty. As has been already stated, the first two copies of the finauy Gazettes" jJiamoud Juodee j amphlet despatched to Europe were sent to Her Majesty the Queen and were posted m the middle oj September. The Jolluwmy yructous acknowled
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  • 137 2 Gracious Messagk from Her Majesty The fo lowing letter from the Acting Colonia Secret iry has been received by the Acting Resident Councillor Colonial Secretary’s Office, Singapore, 11 th November, 1897. Sir, I am directed by the Governor to request that
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  • 1001 2 Secure and satisfactory federation of colonies and possessions with a mothercountry, on absolutely equal terms, has been one of those interesting and alluring problems that have ever baffled the ingenuity and vainly taxed the energy of the shrewdest of politicians, but in no case has its solution
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  • 63 2 The Type OF the letter from 11l wllid. is published to-day H huted at oace, tllill Pamphlet may obtau, copies pwilw the books „1,101, they ba.e seat t„ friends or retamed for themselves J IUI way, each copy of le s tnanent memorial of the celebration ()f uj Majesty’s
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  • 311 2 T B. IS. N. Co.’s Loodiana will t4- e the mails to be s- ut to Europe via Neva patatn to-morrow. s Eight Chinamen and O ne woni in have been arrested in coimeetiou with gang-robbery at Passir Ri s lu Singapore. A Chinaman was yesteiday fined
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  • 25 2 A meeting of the Literary Debating Society, iu connection with the above Association, will be held to-morrow evening at quarter-past eight o’clock.
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  • 120 2 Chiningchou still leads, as it has d ui J for several years, in tlie number of ho<pru patients which numbered over six bumbei including 126 opium-cure patients, writes* correspondent to the N C. Herald. I total attendance of out-patients amounted to nearly seventeen thousand calls io
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  • 137 2 The following is an extract from a c of an agent of the British and foreign Bil ,e Society who has gone to Kirin to esbil H> anew central depot for the Society» in the far north, in that city. It indication of the rapid development "t•
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 780 2 t\ 1 inn New Advertisements. Pritchard Co. MR. J. F. TEUFERT, Surgeon Dentist, wifi shortly re-visit Penang. 604 NOTICE. I fittc’c nifIFIOQ fftP 42QQ rpHE Civil and Military Governor of JJvLLm U 1/1 (LI luM lul IvvUi I Acheen and Dependencies gives notice that his decree of the sth May,
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    • 230 2 TO LET. 4 RNVILLE. A nson Road. Immediate I enti v. Apply to 591 BobkVi YEATS TO LET. From Ist November. I\’ELBE< K. Pungk..i Road. V Apply to Da BROWN. CARD. H. J. Martyn, Jr., AGENT FOR The Society of Amsterdam Under* writers. 567 PENANG AUCTION MART. AUCTION SALE of
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  • 39 3 rpßi M our Cor espondent.] M.Vfr'I TORE. 7th November. •drain 1 Company ■r- Straits trading Company lt :lared a dividend of §loand ilDll < of §2.50. The sum of i,m(i has been placed to the rp»t i iitnd.
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  • 370 3 sth—Bth November. ickc-'-Gkeek Situation. 1 -S- Paus correspondent states France, and Russia are in■..iiabiee a Greek l<>au. Ihl British Army. id Hicks-Beach, speaking at be thought that diastic leu e Army administration were r increase in the Armv, ensur- JUT e lei urns tor bare
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  • 646 3 Bim’a, sth November. The 1 Brigade made a reconnaissance 3 d instant to Tseri Kandoo, four t-r f Maidan Camp. lhe enemy lhe troops advanced, but followed n ur retirement. They were however itiv-n off. Our casualties weie 3 men ie I 2 Ghmkhas, and <>ne man
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  • 34 3 According to the modified Burmo-Chinese Frontier Convention, British Consulates will be established at Ssumao and at Momein Mr. Teat man, the present Consul at Chungking, will first hold the new post.
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  • 176 3 Japanese cotton crepe, remarks the Toiiu Xhimbun, has hitherto been chiefly exported through Chinese merchants to the northern territories of China and to various islands in the Pacific. This important trade, how ver, has almost come to a standstill in con sequence of the rise in the cost
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  • 368 3 The report of General Elies on the action at Shabkadr in the Motnand country, which has been published in the last Gazette of India, is very concise and interesting, and -hows up very effectively the mistaken poli< v of placing the military operations on the frontier under
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  • 1832 3 The Coloured Supplement to the Pinang Gazette or, as Air. Vv ellesley Parker has been pleased to call it, Picturesque Penang,” is issued to-day and consists of two large sheets, on which are depicted the principal public buildings, hotels, clubs, and houses of business in the town, the
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  • 187 3 The spread of English in China within the past vear or two has l>een very marked, and according to a correspondent to a norfhen contemporary, an English-speaking society has just been formed at Peking bj ab uit twenty young Chinamen. The rumour is again resuscitated
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  • 154 3 (Japanese Opinion on Great Britain's Refusal to join the Conference.) Concerning Great Britain’s refusal to be represented at the Fur Seal Protection Conference, the Nichi Nichi says that the authorities of our Government are to be blamed for sending the representatives so hastily, without even ascertaining
    (Japanese Opinion on Great Britain's Refusal to join the Conference.)  -  154 words
  • 1389 3 Mr. R. L Stevenson’s Widow. Mrs. Stevenson, the widow id’ Robert Louis Stevenson lias arrived at San Francisco and will reside in the United Stales hereafter. Wreck of a Mail Stkamer The rtcamer Clan Gordon h is grounded- < ff rhe Zululand coast *ix hours after leaving Durban
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  • 222 3 Arrivals. To-day. s. s. Ho Kwei from Deli. s. s. Canton from Teluk Anson. s. s. Della from Hamburg. s. s. Fitzpatrick from Rangoon. s. s. Malacca from London. s s. Glenartney from Singapore. Y E STKRDAY. s. s. C. C Smith from Brandon. s. s. Betsy from Klang.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 168 3 Sore Throat Quickly Cared N t long ago in speaking of sore throat and the difficulty frequently experienced iu curing it. Mr J. E. Thoma*, of Uniondale. Fa., told how he had often cured it in his family. We give it in his own words: I have frequently used Chamberlain’s
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 2448 4 BUCHANAN WHISK Tbhdt IS THE BEST. m ‘Z’ BB k V*“" w Same as supplied to the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable London Clubs THEAN SIEW Co. GOON YEN FRIENDS. SOLE IMPORTERS— BROTHER I IMIT I HIN LEE Co. l IIHiTEn MUNICIPAL NOTICE. BAGNALL HILLES, ir- 1
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    • 454 4 .Insurance (Uoftces. Hamburgance Co. of Hamburo- >. Established 1854. g 'IIHE undersigned have been 1 Agents of the above Campa 1 i"”'' are ready to accept tire risks rates. u ”vnt KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation, Ltd. d t rrtHE oudersigned baring been p|Bi w 1 Agents tor
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