Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 November 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 527 1 Qtofwes, Oriental Steam Navigation Company. 'THE mail steamers may be UA expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang 'i'f'f! homewards, on the following r< /y dates Outwards. Homewards. Nov. 19 I Ancona Nov. 25 De 3. 3 Ganges Dec. 9 17 Mirzapore „23 31 1898 1898 Chusan Jan. 6 Jan.
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    • 1438 1 SB'emna SKIIIsH INDIA «lEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,—(LTD.). banks. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. onp-& Shansi BanknCE AN Z; company. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. hO, ”’T| CorpoXn. vJ EAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamer a. SHIP COMPANY, Ltd. Paid-i;, Cantu $10,000,000 Reserve Fund 5 7,000,000 AND For Will sail
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    • 491 1 rtEDEKLAHDSCfiE HANDEL MAATSCHAIr. U (Netherland Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital 35,783,000 00 Reserve Funds 2,404,166-45 Head Office in Amsterdam. Hkad Agency in Netherlands India. The Factorij of the Nederlandsch* Handel Maatschappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia. Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalonga». Pasaroean, and Tjilatjap. London Bankers.—The
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  • 125 2 Penang, 16th November, 1897. Rates close as follows Lond o n, Demand Bank 1/1 00. 4 mouths’ sight Bank... Do. 3 Credits 1/1 Do. 3 Documentary. 1/11$ Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 149 A Do 3 days’ sight Private 152$ Bombay, Demand Bank 149 J Do. 3 days' sight Private
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  • 169 2 Phnas.. 16th Novembe r 1 97 Tin >37 60 sellers. t Trang no stock Black Pepper West Coast 21 —sellers Aclieen 61b 22| do. White Pepper 31.5 do. Cloves (picked) out of season Maci- No. I 102 —sellers. Mace Pickin.s 90. do. Nutnie s 78. do. ,No
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  • 60 2 Mails close To-MOkrow. For Per Time. Lnngk it Jin Ho a M. Rmg «>n Java I P.M. D Ii Vidar I p.M. Singapore Oranje Prince 1 P.M. Pangkor A T AnS 'ii ...2’atc 7V»h</ 2 p m. Thursday, 18ih Madras, Ac., taking mails for Europe, fiu N
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  • 30 2 I’rum Steamer» To arrive Su 7. Malacca to-day. L >ml< n Uenvenue to-m«>irow. Hamburg Della do Smgapoie t'entakota I 8 1 1 97 Singapore Loudiana 18-11 97
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  • 33 2 Thk Crag Hotel Capt A Mr- Uldall and children. Mr. A Mrs. Schaalje. Mr. J. W. Schaafje Yotn. Miss Do Mr D. J. van Ophuijsiu. lir. and M rs. Luinst
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  • 102 2 London, 15th November. The Race to Khartum The Daily News's correspondent in Paris says that Prince Henry of Orleans- is busy making preparations for an expedition, and that these include the formation of a corps of Hausa veterans from West Africa. The object of the expedition is to
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  • 12 2 Robert Richard Reutknh of Burmah Road, Penang at 1.30 p.m., to-day.
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  • 1008 2 The Chartered Bank. As will be seen elsewhere, the shareholders i of the Chartered Bank held their extraordinary general meeting and unanimously agreed to the payment of an interim dividend of 8 percent, per annum, free of income tax, on and after the 27th ult. We heat lily
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  • 306 2 Thk depatdrr of the s. s. Betsy is indefini’ely defened, and that of the a. Oranje Prince t<> t> -monow. Thk s s. Bcrandan which arrived from Brandon this morning brought 3,000 cases and 13,600 tins <>f kerosene oil. A meeting in B>tavia is announced for December,
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  • 100 2 Beh Ah Se:k, was brought up and charged I with stealing his master’s property. This case was postponed to the 19th inst., as the defendant is to be further charged with kidnapping his mastei’s daughter. The girl was produced in Court, She appears to be
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  • 50 2 The last Assizes <>f ihp Law. The jurors were di v t Ju ”iee into two sets, and the seo-ud 1 M t° att e nd on Monday Wevk Ma Iwo Chinese ]urors, n an pd Tuan and Teo Chong Be Itg each for non-attendance fa ed *2O
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  • 89 2 H.M.S. GRAFTON." By permission of Cantab n Jones, R. N, and the Offi E f Crafton, the hand w ffi H -M. S. Esplanade on Wednesday H L../"" at 'be past four o’clock. The f n u at Llf. sGedion of mumc whi. h will' b',] is tl,e the occasion
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  • 72 2 GAZETTE" NOTIFICATIONS. Thk short and apparently ordinance under which the Resident ft UB of the F. M. S. becomea a c eUM ..I .be I».» of lhr Cot,"”" M«. H. Marti,... al ,d M r are appointed Depot, Colleel™. „f K Revenue, Malacca. b A be n,eB temporarily Acting Collector
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  • 277 2 COURT UNIFORMS AT MESSRS. PRITCHARD CO.’S Those who may be labouring under any doubt as to what Penang can .io in t e of designing, eutiing out, making up au j decorating uniforms should nay a viLit «>■«•'» 4 C,.;.' before next Friday ami inspect the v fV handsome diplomatic
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  • 293 2 (From our own Correspondent.) 15th November. At Butterworth Court, on Fiiday last, a statute immigrant Kling coolie, of Malakoff Estate, was prosecuted by the Manager for desertion. The defendant was Sentenced to 21 days’ rigorous imp.isoumeut. On Monday, before Messis. Bland and Wilkinson, the Clerk (Simon), referred torn
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  • 28 2 Arrivals. To-day. Per s. s. Taw Tong from Teluk Anso > Mr. T. A. Scully. Y” kstkrday. Per s. 8. Cornelia from Rangoon > Cap tains Menzell aud Reid,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 864 2 t\ j 1 lOfl New Advertisements. Pritchard to. notice. r PHE attention of the occupiers of comI pound houses is called to the fact tiiat to deposit garden refuse and other rubbish on the roadsides by the entrance to the compounds is a punishable offence and T 11 1 TV
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    • 228 2 TO LET. House n«>. 5, clove Hall r<»ad. Apply to E. O MATHIEU, 586 Arraloon Food. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. IHIE Mu i.i< ipal Commissioners of George rwn, Penang, invile tenders for the const 1 uelion of a Drain on the south-east side of Anson Road to MacAlist r Roa l. Full
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  • 72 3 [From our Correspondents.] SINGAPORE. 16th November. Cricket. Stra its v Hongkong and Shanghai. Grand Victory for the Straits. y] ie Straits eleven have beaten t he combined Hongkong and Shang* /a i teams by an innings and 231 runsMr. Mckenzie, during the cricket festival, has taken altogether 22
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  • 1386 3 yjoney Market Review of 23 rd October. 1897. extraordinary general meeting of the O );n eholders of this company, for the pui-pose of declaring an d terim dividend for the halfvear. was on Wednesday, at the < 'annonhreet Hotel; Mr. John Howard
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  • 629 3 El Comercio contains a detailed account of the devastations wrought by the typhoon of the 12th October in the province of Leyte. The stonn proved to be one of the most terrific and disastrous ever recorded Thousands of lives were lost, whole towns and villages
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  • 79 3 Tuesday, 16th The Cinematograph, at the Town Hall, at 9 p m. High-water at New Jetty, 7-01 a.m. and 7-28 P.M. Wednesday, 17th Band, H. M. S. Grafton,” Esplanade, 4.30 p. m. The Cinematograph, at the Town Hall, at 9 p.m. Last Quarter, 8.57 P.M.
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  • 141 3 A very strange state of affairs has come to light at the Magistracy, says the Hongkong Te'egraph, where after a case, brought by Inspector MacDonald, against several owners of inalsheds in Hunghoin, had been heard an old man came forward and explained his “woe” to the Magistrate
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  • 159 3 A Shanghai man having recently bought some property in Sanlindong, Pootung, had occasion the other day to erect some outhouses upon it. While the workmen were digging the foundations, says the N. C. Herald, they came across a couple of jars buried three feet below the surface, the
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  • 332 3 It cannot be said (writes the Paris correspondent of the Telegraph) that official efforts to allay the apprehension that Drevfus the French officer, of Jewish persuasion, imprisoned for selling State secrets, may succeed in getting clear away one of these fine days from the Iles
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  • 263 3 Bulgaria and Turkey. PROPOSED ALLIANCE WITH TURKEY. It is reported that Bulgaria proposes an offensive and defensive alliance with Turkey. A condition of great unrest prevails in the Balkan States. London Boilermakers. STRIKE PAY REFUSED. One thousand boilermakers in London on 171 h October s'ruck work, adhering
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  • 131 3 THE DIAMOND JUBILEE PERMANENT MEMORIAL S IN HONGKONG. Lengthy correspondence is published in the Hongkong Gazette with reference to the permanent memorials of I he Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. It slates that the Victoria Hospital will contain 43 beds—34 for women ami 9 for children. The Nursing Institute is to be
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  • 265 3 The birth of a son and heir to the young Duke of Marlborough is without doubt an event of great interest and importance, but it has been greeted with even greater acclamation in America than in England. American writers have been repeating the various titles to which
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  • 518 3 OFFICI A L MINU TES. Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners HELD ON THE STH NOVEMBER. 1897. Present.— J. Y. Kennedy Esq, (President j, A. H Capper Esq.. J. Gibson Esq., ami G. F. Adamson Esq. Absent. heah Chen Eok Esq., and R. A. P. Hogan Esq. 1. The President moves
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  • 222 3 Arrivals. To-day. s. s. Taiv Tong from Te4uk Anson. Y ESri'.KDAY. s 8. Letinibro from Singapore. s. s. Sri Bangka fiom Pad mg. s. s. Flying Dragon from port Weld. s. s. Cornelia from Rangoon. Departures. To-day. s s. Sni Song L r Calcuttn. s. R Haleu'yn for Abakan
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 25 3 AU BON MARCHE, 58 BEACH STREET. GREAT CASH SALE. From ist November. FOR ONE MONTH ONLY. LADIES’ GENTLEMEN’S REQUISITES. Offered at less than Cost Price.
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    • 408 3 BTOTIOE, THE EXCELSIOR AERATED WATERWORKS Co. (With which has lately been incorporated THE A. P. K. AERATED WATER FACTORY.) HIGH CLASS AERATED AND MINERAL WATERS. The Best Quality only Manufactured Orders taken at— Factory 1 CANTONMbNT ROAD Office 1 FARQUHAR STREET or if left with Mr. G.*WALKER, The Dispensary, Penang,
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    • 180 3 TO LET. 'I'HE Upper P rinm < f 1, Farquhar I Street. Apply to SSO J. BAIRD. TO LET. ARNVILLE, Anson li >ad. Immedia'e entiy. Apply to 591 Robert YEATS. TO LET. From Ist November. X WELBECK, Paiigkor Road. iV Apply lo Dr BROWN. FOR SALE. Coloured Cement Flooring Tiles.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1541 4 BUCHANAN WHISKY IS THE BEST. To be had at M =^?^L^Tc<. p na gKd Same as supplied to the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable London Club. GUAT CHENG BROS. sole IMPORTERS-&A.TZ brothers limits HIN LEE A Co. card. R E K D! R E K D! Mr.
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    • 330 4 VEGETABLES r f v vife. W ‘Jj -> \w'f y/ g 2 registered trade mark’ Is competing with every brand in the market in QUALITY AND PRICE. fICKERMAN-IifIURENCE’S DRY-ROYAL. BRUT-ROYAL Price $2O) n 99 $2 Dutv. 99 J WHOLESALE PRK E ON APPLICATION DRY ROYRL is universally recoiniisetl aone of
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