Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 13 November 1897

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1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 22 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE. published daily. NEW SERIES.] ESTABLISHED 1833. \PR!CE 20 CENTS. VOL. LV. SATURDAY. 13th NOVEMBER. 1897. No. 259.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 511 1 Oriental Steam 1 yuijration Company. rpHE mail steamers may be expected to arrive out- wards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following ates Outwards. Homewards. Xov. 19 1 Ancona Nov. 25 jfirwf’' 6 Dec. 3 Ganges Dec. 9 fftn-''* 17 Mirzapore „23 3l 1898 Chusan Jan. 6 Jan. It Thames
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    • 1416 1 SBmmna BHITISH INDIA oIEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,—(LTD.). banks. pp a KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Hongkong Shanghai BankrjCEAN STEAM ship company NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. mJ Corporation U EAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. SHIP COMPANY, Ltd. PAtD-cr Capital J 1 oHJI’ Reserve Fund 7,000,0« >0 AND For
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    • 568 1 NEBKKLABDSCHK HANDKL IiATSCBAIU (Netherland Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital 35,783,0’ »0 00 Reserve Funds f 2,404,166.45 Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India.— The Factorij of the Nederlandsch* Handel Maatschappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia* Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalonga». Pasaroean, and Tjilatjap. London
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  • 120 2 Penang, 13th November, 1897. Rates close as follows London, Demand Bank 1/lOjf I 'O. 4 months’ sight Bank... 1/11 Do. 3 Credits 1/11| Lo. 3 Documentary. Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 145$ Do 3 days’ sight Private 149$ Bombay, Demand Bank 145$ Do. 3 days’sight Private 149$ Madras, Demand Bank
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  • 163 2 p»NAri<. 13th November, -*j»7 Tin ‘37 80 sellers. Trang no stock Black Pepper West Coast 21—sellers Acheen 6tt> 22$ do. White Pepper 31.5 do. Cloves (picked) out of season Mace No. 1 lo2—sellers. Mace Pickin. s 90. do. Nutme.s 78. do. No 1 6.90 do Sugar 2
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  • 36 2 Mails close on Monday Ear Per str Tune. Deli ...Langkat 1 p.m. Klang ...M Austin 1 pm. S'poir mid I oiigkong Lightning 2 PM. Moiilur in, Colombo A Bom ba v Colabn 1 PM.
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  • 37 2 b'roni Steamers To arrive Rangoon ]'adal<t to-m<>rrow. Rangoon Java tomorrow. Sing..poie C-Jypso 15 11 97 E.lie Bth 15 11-97 Singapore Sui Sang 15 11-97 Str Z Malacca 16-11-97 London Benrenue 17-11-97 Hamburg Della 17-11-97
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  • 33 2 Thk Crag Hotel Capt. A M rs. (Jl.lall and children. Mr. A Mrs. Schaalj**. Mr .1. W. Schaalje Yom. Miss Do. Mr D. .1 van Ophuij.sur. Dr. and Mrs.
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  • 60 2 London, 12th November. Quiet Condition of Hadendoa. Reuter’s correspondent telegraphs he has reached Suakim from Berber. Reception of the Guildhall speech by the French. The comments of the French Press on Lord Salisbury’s speech at the Lord Mayor’s banquet are very moderate in tone and emphasize a desire
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  • 746 2 The Upper Perak general farm hus been let at an increase of 310 U over the present rent. Readers are reminded that the Cash Clearance Sale at Air. G. Izolphe’s, 1 Beach Street, will close on Munday next. Mr Dykes beat Mr. Ketschker on Monday night, by
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  • 95 2 The Cinematograph, exhibited at the Town Hall last night, was unfortunately a failure, owing, as the manager explained, to an insufficient development of the oxygen gas used in the apparatus. The pictures themselves were good enough, but want of proper light rendered them blurred, though the Railway train
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  • 191 2 A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon to further consider the Budget for 1898, at which, with the exception of Mr. Hogan, all the Commissioners were present. The estimated revenue for next year was put down at $359,417. and the expenditure at 8359,394. No
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  • 243 2 (To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette Sir, I was glad to Hole in the telegraphic news contained in your issue of the 10ih instant, that on the Currency question, the Sub-Committee of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce had recorded a suggestion similar to that
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  • 334 2 (To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.") Sir. —Adverting to the letter above the signature R esident appearing in your issue of the 10th instant, to the frequent correspondence, a.nd to your own leaders, on the subject of the apathetic and unfair treatment meted out to
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  • 296 2 Str *its v. Hon 0K( I VICTORY FORTH S a I [By telegram to 57,.,-, T I before going to p lesSt 1 M, ""iiv,j I Straits Team i. th at luncheon time, q-u j 101, his record in i] )e y si r; I i»g is the full
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  • 414 2 (From our own Correspondent.) I 11th November I It has somehow or other oozed out that t- I lessees of the Wakaf lands, belonging to t I Muhammadan mosque in Taiping, will /1 to comply with the Stamp Regulations, atj I have their leases properly stamped I A
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  • 105 2 St. Ge mige's Church. Twenty-Second Sunday after Trinity Morning Service, with Holy ('ommunion, it 8 o'clock. —Hymns 6 and 301. Evening Service at 6 o’clock -Psaiiui LXXIII. (6) and LXXIV. (5). with Doxo'.o.-y (6); Hymns 233,-81, and 530. Church of the Assumption. Ist Mass at 6 A m
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  • 73 2 Saturday, 18th: Sale of Plants, at Hiighenden, Rond, at 7-30 a. mTown Band. Golf Club. 5 p m The Cinematograph, at the lown a 1 at 9 p m. High -water at New Jetty, 4-J* and 5 01 p.m. Sunday, 14th Mails from Europe arrive.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 825 2 Tk «i i 1 O A New advertisements Pritchard Co. *5“ GENTLEMAN’S Bicycle. 1897 Dayton. Splendid running wheel. Extra tire with same. Can be seen at Sea View Hofei. Ferguson’s Breadalbane T WN HAL L--IW&UUVHO THE WONDER OF THE CENTURY I For Three Nights Only I HIGHLAND WHISKY. I Commencing
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    • 128 2 TO LET. AliN\ ILLE, Anson Road. Immediate entiy. .Apply to 591 Robert YEATS. PENANG SALES ROOM. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell by Public Auction On Friday Saturday, 19th 20th Nov,, At, Edelweiss Cottage,” 10 L’lovk Hall Road, commencing at 11.80 a m., All Ihe Valuable European A Country, made
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  • 142 3 Early u tl,e "im ning of the sth inst., 01l Birch Road inhabited by three «•""li |-s as attacked by an armed lt r ol Rehs with blackened faces and red jy ,»f the coolies, says the Malay Mail. re tie<l U P an, i third who
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  • 282 3 Jy the session of the Netherlands Parliament ot -'dh September, an important state,,^ut "as made concerning the policy of the lV Miuistiy with regard to Acheen. In course of the debate on the address of ~;j m the Queen’s opening speech, one of m inbers
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  • 95 3 Bravery Rewarded. The Directors of the P. 0 Company hive pie-ented Captain De Berry, Commander of the R 1. M. steamer Mayo, and Lieutenants H. Dobbin and A Goldsmith eadi with a gold watch bearing a suitable i ript "ii, in recognition of the gallantry
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  • 503 3 The following extraordinary letter appear» iu the Bombay Gazette'. Sir, —You seem to have In en convinced about the guilt of "tiie Chapekar. I know that be has c ufes'ed the guilt, or rather has attributed the credit of the fani >us murder to himself. But I
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  • 48 3 The total value of the trade of Calcutta with the Straits Settlements fell off in the past year by three per cent., the decrease occurring in the importation of tin, lac, and sugar, and in the exportation of opium and jute manufactures.
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  • 29 3 The Hungarian Government have purchased Mr. J. Gubbin’s colt, Galtee More, winner of the last Derby, for stud purposes, the price given being <£20,000.
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  • 43 3 It is a matter of common remark at the Front, says a contemporary, how many officers of those who have been recalled from leave have been killed. Captain Jones was one of the recent instances, and Captain Judge the latest.
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  • 45 3 On the 12th Oct. the White Star liner Cymric, a steamer of 23,01)0 tons burden, was launched from the yards of Messrs Harland and Wolff, Belfast, principally for the conveyance of cargo and cattle. The Cymric is the largest cargo steamer afloat.
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  • 45 3 The Advocate of India reminds its readers that the Dorsetshire Regiment, which lost heavily at the storming of the Dargai, bears the motto Primus in Indis, being the first British regiment to land in that country, one hundred and forty-three years ago.
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  • 54 3 Regarding the opinion of the Government of India that it will succeed in the near future in establishing a stable exchange at sixteeupence, one of the most important Banks in Bombay has indented for a larger quantity of English sovereigns, iu the anticipation that exchange will rise to
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  • 42 3 According to advices from Bombay, dated 3rd November, the plague still increases at Poona, Sholapur, and other places in the interior of India. Two European ladies have been attacked with the plague at Sholapur.
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  • 53 3 The Melbourne Cup, run on 2nd inst. at Flemington, has resulted as follows: Gaulus 1 Grafter 2 Aurum 3 In the betting on the Caulfield Cup the other day Gaulus stood at 100 to 6; while in the betting on the Melbourne Cup. Aurum was quoted at.
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  • 96 3 Off British North Borneo. The earthquake on the North Borneo Coast, on the 21st September, lias resulted in the rising of another islet, says the Straits Times. The sea off the north coast of Banguey island was seen to be in violent commotion, and a squall arose.
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  • 92 3 A telegram has been received from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, conveying his decision in the case of Mr. C. Osmund, late first clerk in the RegistrarGeneral’s office, who was called upon to resign iu August last. The Secretary of State, to whom the
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  • 245 3 Detailed accounts from the Tirah Force show what a grand fight that at Dargai was. Never has the British army acquitted itself more nobly. In the first rush of the Gurkhas gallantly headed by Lieutenant Tillard nearly all fell, and no advantage had
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  • 24 3 A mild earthquake occurred at Lahore on the Ist instant. No damage was done. The shock was distinctly felt throughout the station.
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  • 68 3 The Saturday lieview in its issue on 9th October contains a letter from Mr. H. B. T. Strangways, urging a full inquiry and analyzing and questioning the physicians’ evidence, the conclusion drawn being that there is no satisfactory evidence that a murder has been committed. It
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  • 87 3 A love tragedy was enacted on 3rd inst. in Turnbull’s lane, Calcutta. A young Eurasian, named Harcourt, in the Preventive Sei vice, shot Mrs. Phillips, a young widow, with a revolver. It is alleged she rejected his proposals of marriage. Harcourt afterwards committed Suicide, first trying to
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  • 197 3 Mr. Edward Langtry. The death is announced of Mr. Edward Langtry, husband of Mrs. Lily Langtry, the well-known society actress, I lie deceased was recently placed in the Lunatic Asylum at Chester, where he died. The Hinterland Expedition. From Lagos it is reported, that Major Lugard and the
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  • 469 3 >imla. Ist November. On the night of the 31st October a baud of about 30 Zakka Kinds entered a bhoosa contractor’s godown, half-a-mileeast, of Bira Camp, tied up all the coolies, and carried off the chowkidar and his Snider rifle. Ou the thieves’ passing the border police
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  • 477 3 Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners HELD ON THE STH NOVEMBER, 1897. Present. J. Y. Kennedy, Esq, (President), A. H. Capper. Esq., J. Gibson, Esq., and G. F. Adamson, Esq. Absent.— i'beah Chen Eok, Esq., and R. A. P. Hogan, Esq. 1. The minutes of the last meeting are
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  • 240 3 Arrivals. To-day. s. s. It K. Atjeh from Singapore. h. s. Canton from Teluk Anson. s. s. Lightning from Calcutta. Yesterday. s. s. C. C. Smith from Brandon. s. s. Betsy from Klang. s. s. Flying Fish from Port Weld, s. s. Ganymede from Deli. French man-of-war Surprise from
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  • 212 3 (Straits Times, 10th November.) Rauhs (13/10 pd.)... $2 t. 25 byrs. £1 fully paid 524 buyers. Punjonis (S 4 p<t.) -54.25 sellers. Jelebns (*5 pd >2.35 Pahang Corp. (£T pd.) 83.75 seller». Pataling Coffee Co. (870 p<l 875. do Pengerangs (850 pd) «37. do Klang Coffee Cultivation
    (Straits Times, 10th November.)  -  212 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 347 3 Sore Throat Quickly Cured N T long ago in speaking of sore throat and the difficulty frequently experienced in curing it. Mr J. E. Thomas, of Uniondale, l a., told how he had often cured it in his family. We I give it in his own words: I have frequently
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    • 416 3 HOTICE, THE EXCELSIOR AERATED WATERWORKS Co. (With which has lately been incorporated THE A. P. K. DERATED WATER FACTORY.) HUSH CLASS CRATED AND MINERAL WATERS. The Best Quality only ManufacturedOrders taken at —Factory... 1 CANTONMENT ROAD Office 1 FARQUHAR STREET or if left with Mr. G. WALKER, The Dispensary y
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    • 79 3 TO LET. Front Ist November. WELBECK, Pangkor Road. Apply io Dr. BROWN. PENANG AUCTION MART. AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Furniture, Bicycle, Plants, Ac., &c„ at at an early day in November, at 188 Burmah Road, on behalf of‘the concerned. Catalogues will be issued shortly. 570 A. E S. COHEN
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  • 895 4 PROGRAMME. First Day, nth January. THE MAIDEN PLATE. Value $2OO. —A race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale (lust. 91b). An allowance of 14 lbs. to all Penang ex Griffins and Penang ex-Roa listers. Entrance $lO. Distance one mile. 2. THE FIRST GRIFFIN RACE. Value $2OO
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  • 848 4 PROSPECTUS OF Annual Race Meeting, 1898. FIRST DAY. F rsl Face—2-45 p.m. Value $l5O and $5O to second horse. A handican .or al' gallowaysand ponies 13 3 and uinn r luat were originally imported into tn liaits Settlements or Native States as spiffing. 1 istauce 3 furlongs.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1115 4 BUCHANAN WHISKY IS THE BEST. To be had at Messrs. THEAN CHEE Co p OT an g m g ame as supplied to the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable London Clubs G¥AT CHENG BROS. 11 > GOON YEN FRIENDS. SOLE importers— KATZ BROTHERS, LIMITED Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera
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    • 205 4 CARD. Air. James R. T. Logan, SURGEON-DENTIST, Temporary address, No. 1. Transfer Road. MR. LOGAN lias returned to Penang aud may be consulted daily as advertised. TAIK CHEE Co., 28 34 CHURCH ST., PENANG, Ship Chandlers Wholesale Dealers in European Goods. A REPORT ON Patent Concentrated and Improved Sanitary Fluid
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