Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 11 November 1897

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1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 22 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE. published daily. NEW SERIES.] ESTABLISHED 1833. \PR!CE 20 CENTS. VOL. LV. THURSDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. 1897. 'No. 257.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 517 1 pipping Qtoticeg. Steam 1 Navigation Company. riiHE mail steamers may be expected to arrive out1’ war s leave Penang homewards, on the following Ujig dates Outwards. Homewards. Nov. 19 I Ancona Nov. 25 JfiW‘ e Oec. 3 Ganges Dec. 9 Chii“ vl 17 Mirzapore „23 fWf 31 1898 1898 Chusan
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    • 1457 1 £6wmna (Hofteec. BRITISH INDIA 6IEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,—(LTD.). BANKS. Riy FF> a KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Hongkong iThangh'ai BankQCEAN steam s HI P company NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. inf Corporation V’ EAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. SHIP COMPANY, Ltd. Paid-up Capital $10,000,000 Reserve Fund 8 7,000,0*
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    • 534 1 tfEDEKLABDXtfIK HANDKL BAATSCiiAI U (Netherland Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital f 35,783,000.00 Reserve Funds f 2,404,166.45 Bead Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India.— The Factorij of the Nederlandach* Handel Maatschappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabai». Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan. Pasaroean, and Tjilatjap. London
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  • 122 2 Penang, 11th November, 1897 Rates close as follows London, Demand Bank l/10jf 10. 4 months’ sight Bank... 1/11 Do. 3 Credits 1/IIJ 10. 3 Documentary. Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. 145 Do 3 days’ sight Private 149 Bombay, Demand Bank 145 Do. 3 days’ sight Private 149 Madras, Demand Bank
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  • 171 2 Pknanu, 11th November, '-'97 Tin F 37 80 sellers. I Trang no stock Black Pepper West (’oast 21—sellers I Aeheen 01b 22$ do. White Pepper 31 75 do. Cloves (picked) out of season Mac» No. I 102—sellers. Mace Pickings 90— do. Nutme s 83. do. j No
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  • 54 2 Mails close To mgruow Eor Per »lr Tune. Perlon. Australasia, Ac., via Brindisi lor Europe, Ac. ...Thames... 10-30 am. Registi hi ion up i<> 9-30 p.m. Klang and Malacca ...Teutonia 1 PM. Deli Vidar 1 P.M. Tongk di Petrel 1 p.m. Tebik Aus oi and P<»i I Dickson
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  • 33 2 h'ruin Steamer» To arrive Suez Dorothea Rickmer» to-day. Liverpool Achille» do. Singapore Roma 13 11-97 Cal uda Liijhtniny 13 11-97 Singap. r<* (ranynude 13 11-97 Singapore Sui Sony 15 11-97
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  • 32 2 Thk Crag Hotel Cnpt. A Mis. Uldall and children. Mr. A Mrs. Schaalje. Mr J. W Schaalje Yom. Miss Do Mr. D. J van Ophuijsin. Dr. and Mrs. bunst.
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  • 224 2 London, 10th November. Indian FinanceTenders for Council Bills are suspended for a further minimum period of four weeks. Cricket. Victoria v. Stoddart’s XI. Victoria made only 247 in their second innings, and the, visitors won the match by two wickets. Africa. Lord Salisbury, speaking at the Lord Mayor’s
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  • 200 2 Mr. W. L. Aeria bagged 25 couple of of biiipe iu tbe Province ou Tuesday lust. The b. s. Deli was towed into Piye River Dock by the steam launch Dandee yesterday. Nasvri Popus was yesterday fined 820, with costs, for using ciituiual loice to KaZa Barook.
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  • 92 2 Mr. Goh Boon Keng, manager of Mr. Leng Cheak’s rice mills here, will proceed to Colombo by the next mail steamer, in older to make arrangements to export Straits rice to that port. It appears that a few years ago rice used by the Klings was imported from
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  • 162 2 Difficulties have arisen between the Rajah of Perlak and tbe Resident of Edie. Some raiding recently took place within Edie territory, and the Resident charged the Rajah of Perlak with having been connected with the disturbances. The Rajah denied the truth of the charge aud has
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  • 1001 2 A large and enthusiastic audience assembled last ninbt at tbe Town Hall to witness the Tableaux Vivants, which have been so carefully planned by several of the leading ladies and gentlemen of Penang, in aid of the Jubilee Permanent Memorial in St. George’s
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  • 384 2 (From our own Correspondent) The Senior District Officer p consisting of Messrs. Bland and Inne 11 the theft of nutmegs. He was convicted 2 being an old offender, was sentenced year s rigorous imprisonment I Last Sunday morning, a young (,hina ffiatt ■of Kampong J3oy..h, put out m
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  • 93 2 It is a st range, a wondeiful coiucidenee, that to tbe year 1740 England is ludebted for lhe first appearance in public of tiiree of her must popular and must uatiotia. songs 1 bese aie trod ou e tbelvi g, iHenry Carey, lhe Roast Beet vl
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  • 49 2 Owing to the purchase of gold biilli'm br Russia, the exodus of gold from London iu llie week ending 9tii October atnouiroi «£900,000. Il is believed that tbe Bai it 1 England will aher the discount onbilsiu order to check the ouifl->w of gold.
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  • 178 2 Trial of Chapekar. Chapekar, before Mr. Bonus, the D r d Magisi rale and acting Collector of Poona, was charged on 3rd November with the mHder of Mr. Rand and abetment in the Hin der of Lieut. Ayerst. Lieut. Rand s coiichnniu and other witnesses were examined.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 675 2 t\ »11 1 o A New Advertisements Pntchard&Co. House No. 5, clove hall road. Apply to E. O. MATHIEU, 586 5 Arratoon Road. NOTICE. Ferguson s Breuduloane captain <>f the filing ship Evie j. I Ray, now in Peuang Harbour, notifies that neither he nor the Consignee will bold UIOUI
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    • 182 2 CARD. H. J. Martyn, Jr., AGENT FOR The Society of Amsterdam Underwriters. 567 PENANG SALES ROOM. Auction Sale of Plants. The undersigned will sell at Hiighenden,” Anson Road, bv Public Auciion On Saturday, 13th November, 1897, Commencing at 7.30 a.m. pnnetimllv, A Valuable and Splendid Collection of Ornamental and Foliage
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  • 150 3 [From our Correspondents.] BATU GA J All. (10th November.') -.t KINTA GYMKHANA CLUB. Sky Meeting. H 1110 St successful meeting was held flll Tuesday, T'he weather was very fine, and the races resulted in splendid finishe> The following were the winners I,— The Kampar Cup. j lr f
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  • 617 3 Probible New Trial in En land. The re seems a possibility that the Yokohama poisoning case, which result-d in a Somersetshire lady's being sentenced to death for the minder of her husband, will be re-opened in this country, Mrs. Carew being now on her wav to
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  • 225 3 General regret is expressed that our troops on the Indian frontier do not possess the presence of Colonel Warburton. The Pal/ Mall Gazette voices the opinions of most army men at home when it says: “Flie sooner the Indian Government realists the services of Colonel Robert sVarbmton,
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  • 947 3 Sir Wilfrid Laurier as Historian. Sir Wilfrid Laurier has undertaken to Write a history of the Hudson Bay Company from the archives, which have been preserved for 250 years. Smallpox in Cyprus. The epidemic of smallpox in Cyprus is spreading, says Reuter’s Larnaca correspondent. Famagusta is now infected,
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  • 1031 3 Simla, 30th October. A company of Scots Fusileers arrived there from Sultan. A reconnaissance to the summit of Khug Sir was made on 29th October by 600 rifles of the 12t.1i Kapurthala Kurratn Militia under Major Twigg. A Survey party accompanied the reconnaissance and mapped out a
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  • 204 3 A cricket match was played at the Esplanade on Tuesday between the Detachment of the Rifle Brigade and the P. C. C., in which the former were defeated by 52 runs. The following are the scores P. C. C. Lamb b Lysley 0 Shropshire b do. 0 Brown 1.b.w.,
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  • 103 3 Thursday. 11th High-water at New Jetty, 2 56 a m. and 3-23 p.m. Tableaux Vivauts, at the Town Hall, at 9 p.m. Friday, 12th Special Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners. High-water at New Jetty, 345 a.m. and 4-12 p.m. Saturday, 13th Sale of Plants, at
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  • 180 3 Arrivals. To-day. s. s. Lady Weld from Teluk Anson. s. s. Pegu from Olehleh. s. s. Co aba from Rangoon. s. s. M. Vajirunhis from Padang. Yesterday. s. s R. Halewyn from Asahan. 8. s. Petrel from Tongkah. s. s. Teutonia from Malacca. s. s. Flying Fish from Port
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 239 3 How to Ward off an Attack of Croup. In speaking of this much dreaded disease. Mr. C. M. Hixon, of Pleasant Ridge. Pa., said. I have a little girl who is troubled frequently during the winter months with eroupy affections Whenever the first symptoms occur, my wife gives her Chamberlain’s
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    • 413 3 TO LET. From Ist November. WELBECK, Pangkor Road. Apply to Dr. BROWN. PENANG FLOWER SHOW. I}RIZE LISTS for the Flower Show to be I held on 28ih and 29th January, 1898, are now ready, and can be had on application to C. CURTIS, Esq., Waterfall Gardens, or Geo. F. A
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    • 346 3 NOTICE. tpENDERS are invited for the exclusive I right to use the Government Stables and Stalls at Jalau Bahru for the year 1898. Further particulars and information can be obtained at the District Office, Butterworth. Tendeis should be s nt in to the Senior District Officer at Butterworth not later
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 549 4 BUCHANAN WHISKY IS THE BEST. To be had at M 7 8 k mEAN A cH' t ßET<i>. I 1 sEd Same as supplied to the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable London Clubs GUAT CHENG BROS. 1 1 ™oxyex E a'™ex Bs sole importers—KAiTZ BROTHERS I IMITrn
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    • 615 4 MELLIN’S FOOD The WRECK of the s.s. “ADEN.” < AXTE have received the following interesting letter from a Steward of the s.s. “India”: “‘VALETTA,’ Faknrorq, Hants, “Julg D)th ,1897. “G. MELLIN, Esq., Dear Sir, —Being a Steward on the P. 0. s.s. India,’ which brought the survivors of the wreck
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    • 861 4 PROVERBS XXXI Verses 6 7 and try at once Dewar’s WRisky The drink of the PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE GENERATION. H. J. MARTYN, Jr., Agent. PERAK STATE RAILWAYS. Time Tables from sth July, 1897, until further notice. KINTA VALLEY LINE. STATIONS. week-days. 12'34 3 6 7 S Don Train». Sufgei
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    • 260 4 BAGNALL HILLEs Electrical Engineers and Contractor» importers of uors Electrical and Steam App SUatus Offices:— 22 Yokohama, Japan. IB Cortlandt St, New York BOa Raffles Place, Singapore PENANG BAND. IVOTICE is hereby given that as g this date 'he charges for the smi of the Band will be as follows
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