Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 8 November 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 515 1 (Hoftees. Oriental Steam Company. riIHE mail steamers may be -tX A. expected to arrive out- 'wsJS wards, and leave Penang .-tx< 'j homewards, on the following datesOatwards. Homewards. Nov. 5 I Thames Nov. 11 t> 19 Kaisar-i-hind 21 Ij)ec 3 Ganges Dee. 9 17 Rosett „23 31 Mirza pore Jan.
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    • 1475 1 Sftmrina (notices. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY-(LTD.). banks. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Hongkong Shangh'ai'Bankn cEAN STEAM ship COMPANY NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. in/Corporation L EAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamer», SHIP COMPANY, Ltd. Paid-up Capital $19,000,000. Reserve Fond 8 7,000,000 AND For Will sail Steamer From
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    • 532 1 KBDEKLAHDSWB HANDEL HAATSCiiAI U (Nether land Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital f 35.783,000.00 Reserve Funds f 2,404,166.45 Bead Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India. The Factorij of the Nederlandaeh» Handel Maatschappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia. Padang, Cheribon, Togal, Pecalongan, Pasaroean, and Tjilatjap.
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  • 127 2 Penang, Bth November, 1897. Rates close as follows London, Demand Bank 1/10J o. 4 months’sight Bank... 1/I'tjJ Do. 3 Credits 1/11 to. 3 Documentary. 1/11 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 143 A Do 3 days’ sight Private 147 J Bombay, Demand Bank 143$ Do. 3 days’ sight Private 147 4
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  • 169 2 Pen a no. sth November, Tin §3B 20 sellers. Trang no stock. Black Pepper West (’oast 21—sellers 1 Acheen t>tt> 22$ do. White Pepper 31 75 do. Cloves (picked) out of season Mac>- No. 1 102 —sellers. Mace Pickin s 90. do. Nut me. s 83. do.
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  • 46 2 Mails close on Monday. For Per »lr Time. Pangkalati Brandon... Cecil i'. Smith 1 p.m. Deli ...Ho Kwei 2 pm. Singapore and China... (Ilenfallach 2 PM. Teluk A nson Lady Weld... 2 P M. Wednesday, Ioth. Edie, Segli A Olclilrh...G v Lmisberge 3 P.M.
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  • 27 2 b'rom Steamers To arrive Rangoon Hycidla to-day. Su< z Dorthea Rickniers do NegHpataiu Loodiana to-inorrow. Liverpool Achilles 10-11-97 Ol bleb M. Vujirunhis 1 l-li-97
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  • 32 2 The Crag Hotel Capt A Mrs. Uldall ami children. Mr. A Mrs Schaalje. Mr J. W Sch.utlje Yom. Miss Do Mr D. .1 van Ophuijsm. Dr and Mrs. bunst.
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  • 73 2 London, 7th November. Russia and SiamRussia intends soon to establish a diplomatic agency in Bangkok. The Seal Fisheries. Russia, Japan, and the United States have signed a treaty to protect the seal fisheries. Turkey and GreeceThe peace negotiations in Constantinople have shown no progress since the 26th of
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  • 34 2 Atkinson-Haywakd —At St. George’s Church, Penang, on the 6th instant, by the Rev. H. C. Heiibam, Acting Colonial Chaplain, Henry Surtees tkinson to Florence Cecelia, eldest daughter of Thomas Hayward Esq, of Birmingham.
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  • 727 2 So the Governor thinks that in a tropical climate it is inevitable that officers will be occasionally ill or on leave.” We certainly have no wish, and we doubt whether anybody else desires, to deny the truth of this platitude which, together with a sort of
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  • 1010 2 The Post Office will be clo«ed tomorrow nt 2.30 p.iu. In all the law courts, in the Negri Seinbilau, parties way employ counsel. The 88. (dlenfalloch brought 222 deck froiu Amoy and Siug«|»ore, yesterday. The Dutch gunboat Nias arrived li'Te from (.llelileh this morning. Her destination
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  • 87 2 A Very Clever Capture. This morning, a woman named Fong Sam was brought before the Second Magistrate, charged with kidnapping a giilaud taking her to Kedah, in April, 1895, and she was remanded till this day week, bail n §5OO being allowed. Fong Sain
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  • 90 2 A correspondent who signs himself Not a Missionary thus writes with reference to the remarks of a correspondent to the Straits Times, given in the Pinang Gazette ou the 29ih of October“ln your valuable paper a few days ago you stated that the Free School bad in
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  • 93 2 The Programme of the January Meeting of the Penang Turf Club will be found in our advertisement columns. A sale of a miscellaneous assortment of Household Furniture, a valuable collection of Mechanical Tools, &c., will tnke place at the Penang Sabs Room on Wednesday, 10th instant. A splendid
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1536 2 Mct\a/ A n\/fRTIQPW PMTQ 8 THE CONSOLATION HANDICAP. NEW ADVEKTISEMtsN Ib. Value 2 OO.—A handicap for all Horses that have run at the meeting and not won. Distance R. C. Post entries §lO. DCUANPTIIDr PI HD Entries close at noon on Friday, 31st f LIIAiIU J Ufli vLUD< December, and
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    • 174 2 PENANG TURF CLUB. NOTICE. rpHE Couiso will be officially o|w*ned for 1 liaining on ami after W« dnes<lay, 10th November. J F. WKEFORD, 568 For Clerk of the Courte. The Netherlands Fire Insurance Co. Established 1845. r |Hl E undersigned having Ken »ppoinhd I Agent for the above Company, is
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  • 30 3 rpROM OUR CORRESPONDENT. J TEI.UK IN SON. 6th Novembi r. The shipment B to-day are— To Penang, 546 pikuls of tin. To Singap or e, 4,878 of ore.
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  • 52 3 reported that, before entering the nr on Friday last, the s. s. Chelyvas stopped, and a stiict examination uiide of a hatch of coolies recruited in V’ I India. It is reassuring to the coinJ* to fiod tl)at 1,16 Resident Councillor ““'.'L to the necessity for adopting these
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  • 126 3 The Secretary of the Shipping CommisSi U <-apoie Committee desires, on behalf T'the Committee, to thank al! those in p anc who have taken such a keen interest f'ti/.natter. Rewrites:“Penang views <lo not materially differ Singapore views, and in both cases seems to be a sincere
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  • 268 3 Os Saturday afternoon, St. George’s flniich was the scene of a very pretty little redding- Tl )e occasion was the marriage Mt H. 8. Atkinson, of the Education Department, to Miss F. C. Hayward, of Birmingham- The ceremony was meant to be "quirt,” but many of the
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  • 119 3 A cricket match was played at the Lines between the Sepoy Lines Recreation Club and St Xavier’s Recreation Club on Saturday last, and lesulted in the defeat of the latter by 5 wickets and 23 runs. For the S.L. R. C. Perkins was most effective with the ball, securing
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  • 317 3 Thk wreck of the s.s. Poh Hin Guan was su-cessfully blown upon Saturday afternoon. It "ill be remembered that the Poh Hin Guan was run down by the s.s. Neera about 4 year ago in the Perak River, about two ■Niles from Teluk Anson, and that
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  • 95 3 For the meeting of the Legislative Council, on Thursday, the 11th of November, the following are the Orders of the day Pilot Ordinance Amendment Bill—Third Reading. Bill to authorize the Municipal Commissioners of the town of Singapore to acquire free from any trusts the building at Singapore known
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  • 196 3 (sth November.) The following appointments are announced —Mr. E. C. H. Hill to be AuditorGeneral; Mr. W. Egerton, First Magistrate. Commissioner of the Court of Requests, and Su|ieriiiieudent of Prisons, Penaug, as well as to act as Municipal President at Singapore Mr. J. O. AulhonibZ, Official Assignee, Straits
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  • 341 3 Further particulars to hand of the Cbangra Kotal action show that the fighttug was of a desperate character. The enemy were well posted behind rocks and sangars. Some ot these latter were four aud a half feet thick aud made of stone. It is
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  • 122 3 Tuesday, 9th November. The following is the full list of Entries for the Sky Meeting I.— The Kampir Cup. Nizam, Tim, Tangachi and Lady Mary. 2. Thb Ipoh Cup. Truda, Rohilla, Banjo, Eve, Lassie, Phyllis, Sylvia and Flo. 3. The Gopkng Cup. Persimmon, Bacha, Taipeng Decision
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  • 41 3 Arrivals. To-day. Pr s. s. Calypso from Singapore: Mr: H. Veen. Per B. I. s. 8. Pundua from Singapore: Messrs. Huttenbach, Gosling, Adams, Nassim, and Mr. Mrs. Davies. Yesterday. Per s. s. C. Apcar from Singapore Mr. F. W, Perigman,
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  • 783 3 25th October. 'I he Commissioner at'Kohat reports a raid on 2 ekkahs near Muhamadzai. One driver was killed the other driver and passenger were wounded; both horses were stolen. Supplies continue to be collected from the villages in the vicinity of the camp at Karappa. All the
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  • 895 3 (The Standard of l3iA October J The display of .Jubilee Addresses which forms part of the forthcoming Exhibition at the Imperial Institute will give the public some idea of the number and variety of the congratulations that reached the Queen from all parts o-
    (The “ Standard ” of l3iA October J  -  895 words
  • 262 3 Arrivals. To-day. a. s. Calypso from Singap -re. B. I. 8. s Pundua l'r<>m Singapore, s s. Port Adelaide from Liverpool, s. s. Hok Canton from Olelileh. s. s. u. C. Smith for Pangkalan Brandon. s. s. Langkat from Deli. Y KBTERDAY. s. a. Gisela from Singapore. s. s.
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  • 207 3 (Straits Times, 3rd November.) Rauba (13 10 pd §22 sellers. I fully paid 523 sales. Punjoma (34 p-i.) 34.25 Jelebus pd) -2.35 Pahang Corp, (fl pd.) 33.75 sellers. Pataling Coffee Co (s7' >pd.) 375 sales. Pengerangs (350 pd #37.— sellers. Klang Coffee Cultivation Coy Ltd—(Fully paid •'2O)
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 229 3 Mrs. F. Bernstein, DIPLOMAED PRACTICAL MIDWIFE. 68 Bishop Street, Penang. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF PENANG. In the Goods of NAHUM SAUL ISAAC, deceased IN pursuance of section 46 of the “Conveyancing and Law of Property Ordinance, 1886,” notice is hereby given that all creditors
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    • 356 3 NOTICE. rpENDERS are invited for the exclusive 1 right t<> use the Government Stables and Stalls at Jalan Bahru for the year 1898. Further pariiciilars aud information can be obtained at the District Office, Butterworth. Tenders should be s-nt in to the Senior Distiict Offi cr at Butterworth not, later
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    • 137 3 TO LET. From Ist November. WELBECK, Pangknr Road. Apply to Dr BROWN. CARD.“ H. J. Martyn, Jr., AGENT FOR The Society of Amsterdam Underwriters. 567 The A. P. K. Aerated Water Factory. 'I’HE interest and iespon>il>ilitv of Mr. 1 J.Y. Kennedy in the above Factory ceased as and from this
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  • 834 4 PROSPECTUS OF Annual Race Meeting, 1898. FIRST DAY. F rst Race 2-45 p.m. Value §l5O and §5O to second horse.— A handicap lor al’ gallowaysand ponies 13.8 and under tnat w< re originally imported into tin t-traits Set t leinents or Native Slates as griffins. Distance 3
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1272 4 BUCHANAN WHISKY IS THE BEST. To be had at M 7L K ?IEAN A cHßE°f oo p n nsKd Same as supplied to the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable London Clubs GUAT CHENG BROS. THE AN STEW Co. goon yen friends. SOLE importers —TT A-TSS BROTKEXtS LIMITED
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    • 424 4 PENANG |V OTICE is herebv given that Q t this date the charges for the ‘ery l 001 of the Band will be as follows lceB Dances Dinners and Promenades 90 Garden Parties, At Homes'.. ]g Transport, extra. To subscribers of not less than |l2 r half the above rat
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