Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 6 November 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 22 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE. published daily. NEW SERIES.] ESTABLISHED 1833. [PRICE 20 CENTS. VOL. LV. SATURDAY. 6th NOVEMBER. 1897. No. 254.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 535 1 gfippwq (notices. penhwi^ l Oriental Steam Navigation Company. B'ltHE mail steamers may be T expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates Outwards. Homewards. Nov. 5 i Thames Nov. 11 (T‘ n^es n 19 Kaisar-i-hind 25 Ifir-' Dec. 3 Ganges Dec. 9 n xn 17 Rosett
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    • 1415 1 iSß’rrina (Itoftces. BRIT.3H INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY-(LTD.). banks. jgy-ppwa l&wwcw, KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Hongkong Shanghai Bankn cEAN steam s HIP company NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. 8 in/corSion EAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamer». SHIP COMPANY, Ltd. Paid-up Capital Resbrvz Fond 7,U(X),(X»O AND < Fob Will
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    • 531 1 MEDEKLAHDStAB HASDKL UAATSCBA- U (Netherland Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital f 35,783,0<‘(' 09 Reserve Funds f 2,404,166.45 Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India.— The Factorij of the Nederlandsch* Handel Maatschappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia, Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan. Pasaroean, and Tjilatjap.
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  • 126 2 Penang, 6th November, 1897 Rates close as follows London, Demand Bank 140$ o. 4 months’sight Bank... 1/lOjf Do. 3 Credits 1/11 io. 3 Documentary. 1/11 Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. 143 Do 3 days’ sight Private 147 Bombay, Demand Bank 143 Do. 3 days’ sight Private 147 Madras. Demand Bank
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  • 170 2 Pknang. 6th NoVkMBE'L Tin $3B i Trang no stock Black Pepper I West (’oast 21—sellers I Acheen 6tt> 22$ do. White Pepper 31 75 do Cloves (picked) out of season Mace No. I 102 —sellers. Mace Pickin.s 90— do. Nutme s 83. do. INo I 6.90 do
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  • 28 2 From Steamers To arrive Liverpool Port Adelaide to-day. Singapore Gisela do Suez Dorthea Rickmcrs do Colomb T ieste do Singapore Pundua 8-11-97 Negapatam Loodiana 9-li-97
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  • 33 2 The Crag Hotki Capt. A Mrs. Uldall and children Mr. A Mrs Schaalje. Mr J. W Sehaalje Yom. Miss Do Mr D. J. vaii Ophuijsiu Arrival. Dr. and Mrs. Dtinst.
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  • 100 2 London, sth November. The Middleton Election. The Middleton election to replace Fielden (Conservative) deceased has resulted in the return of Duckworth (Liberal) by 5,964 votes against 5,664 for Mitchell (Conservative). West Africa. When the Governor of Lagos learned that the French had occupied Nakki Niki), within the British
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  • 672 2 The B. I. steameks Roma «nd India have brought full cargoes of rice from Rangoon. This morning, Mr. luues fined a Chinaman $4O, for having illicit chaudu in his possession. The Dutch gunboat Flamingo, 6 guns, arrived Deli yesterday morning aud pio-ceedt-d diiect to the Piye Dock.
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  • 97 2 As may be seen from our advertisement columns, Mr. Frank Lincoln, the celebrated American humourist and original monolegist, will give his entertainment, consisting of musical travesties and social satires, at the Town Hall, this evening. The following cuttings should convince the Penang public that those who intend
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  • 145 2 The adjourned meeting of the members ■>f the Tuif Club was held yesterday afternoon at the Chamber of Commerce, at which about twenty members were present. Mr. F J. C. Ross, the President, was iu the chair. The meeting was convened for the purpose of cousidei ing
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  • 223 2 Excellent progress has b> en made with the forthetning entei tainnieiit at the Town Hall, which is advertis'd to take place on VVidnesday and Thutsdiv next. The preparations, which ate on a very elabotate scale, p"int-Jo a seiies ot first-class representations. and it is whispered that s<>me of
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  • 166 2 The drawing f >r the Gt iffins took place yesterday morning at the Race Course. The Griffins ate said to be an extremelv nice lot, giving great satisfaction. The following are the drawings No. 1 Dr. Bn wn 2 Mr. Kh oo Hun Yearn. 3 Liiu Leng Cheak.
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  • 33 2 Arrivals. To-day. Per s. s. C. Apcar from Hongkong Mr. Perryman, and Mrs. Lai Ng. Per s. s. Tambora from Singapore: Mr. Bima. Per s. s. Canton from Teluk Anson Mr. Smith.
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  • 1275 2 An Ordinary Meoi u lJf ailf Meeting of ihe Municipal Wi were held yesieni.v hl) n»,, there were ’present’ Mr. J v v (President), Mr A H c 1 Giffson, and Mr. G. F. AuamsoT’ J Ordinary Meeting. After the minutes of read and confirmed, the Piesiib.T T
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 607 2 New advertisements. lp| u i i n n EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION I f fit vO. Under the distinguished patronage and presence of the Hon. the Resident Councillor, Mrs. Birch, Capt. Ferguson, and the Officers of the Detachment TOWN HALL. Ferguson’s Breadalbane TO-NIGHT ONLY!!! HIGHLAND WHISKY. FRANK LINCOLN,! THE WORLD-FAMED HUMORIST, SPECIAL
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    • 220 2 Messrs. W. ROBINSON Co. Piano Makers. Tuners, A Repairers, Hongkong, Shanghai, A Singapore, 11/ ISH to notify that their Representative I T will l>v in Penang in the course of a few days, and that any otders for Pianoforte Tuning and R pairs will receive his prompt at ent ion.
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  • 352 3 I froni our own Correspondent of Malakoff Estate proj a Statute Immigrant at Butterworth I'huisdtv for desertion, and thirteen g i a neglect to lab >ur. The fl st- turned was sentenced to seven days isonuieut, aud the others we.e_ fined in «us ranging from 25 cents to
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  • 104 3 >T. George's Church. Two oy.fiixf: Sunday after Trinity. I Service, with Holy onimunion, at Hymne 291 and 315. Evewiii" Service at 6 o clock Psalm XXXVII ('170); Hymns 255, 254, and 437. St Mark’s i hurch, Butterworth. h y Communion Service, at 10 3b a.m. Piti'CH of the
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  • 1214 3 (L. Sp C. Express.) 15th October. Court. The Queen is to reside at Windsor for between four and five weeks before going to Osborne for Christmas. The Prince of Wales will, on Monday, 18th Oct., be the guest of the Earl and Countess of Albemarle, at Quidenham, Norfolk.
    (L. Sp C. Express.)  -  1,214 words
  • 351 3 (Fiom our own Corespondent.) sth November It is now quite decided that Dr. Connolly, the District Surgeon stationed in Krian. will throw up his appointment in the Perak Service, and go back to the Gold Coast, shortly This gentleman is not the only officer who has been deluded
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  • 564 3 A Severe Earthquake. A BKVERE earthquake was felt at Souari and Sibsaugar on 271 h October. It lasted oue minute. No damage is reported. Buried Alive. A wealthy up-country money-lender, living in Bistowoie suburbs, Calcutta, was buried alive by a friend who attended him during an illness. All
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  • 718 3 Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners HELD ON THE 22ND OCTOBER, 1897. Present. J. Y. Kennedy, Esq, (Prtsidentj,\ A. H. Capper, Esq., J. Gibson, Esq., and G. F. Adamson, Esq. Absent. i heah Chen Eok, Esq and R. A. P. Hogan. Esq. 1. The minutes of the last special
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  • 265 3 A rrivals. To-day. s. s. C. Apcar from Hongkong. P. O. s. s. Ganges from Bombay. P. O. s. s Socotra from Yokohama and Singapore. 8. s. R K. Atjeh from Padang. s. s. Tambora from Singapore. 8. s. Canton from Teluk Anson. s. s. Perse from Langkat and
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  • 213 3 (Straits Tinies, 3rd November.) Ra übs (13 10 pd.)... .*22 sellers. £1 fully paid $23 sales. Punjoms (S 4 p i.) 84.25 Jelebus ($5 pd .'■2.35 Pahang Corp. (£1 pd.) 83.75 sellers. Pataling Coffee Co (870 pd.) 875.— sales. Pengerangs (850 pd 837.— sellers. Klang Coffee Cultivation
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 693 3 of January 1898, at §1.99 per lamp per month» using Tank oil and to supply Standard lamps complete at $52 each. Bracket do. $43 Lamps $25 Standards $27 Brackets $lB 12. 18 plans are submitted, of which 13 are approved and passed and 5 returned for amendment. The Commissioners adjourn
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    • 158 3 CARD. H. J. Martyn, Jr., AGENT FOR The Society of Amsterdam Underwriters. 567 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that, the books containing the valuations of and rates imposed on buildings and lands situated within the Municipality of George Town, Penang, for the year, 1898, are open to the inspection
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1790 4 BUCHANAN WHISKY IS THE BEST. To be had at M Z«; t6 R raE i b NCH i EE’fc<,. l Same as supplied to the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable London Clubs. GUAT CHENG BROS. "GOON YEN FRIENDS. SOLE importers— KATZ BROTHERS, LIMITED notice. Snaurance (notices. Chamberlain's
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    • 453 4 PENANG BAND. NOTICE is hereby given that f this date the charges for the sen' 001 of the Band will be as follows ICeB Dances Dinners and Promenades ?0 Garden Parties, At Homes''. ]g Transport, extra. To soWriher, of not I-,, titan Sl2 annum, half the above rates only will
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