Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 1 November 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 508 1 (Yloftces. pJiihtsTiiiU' Oriental Steam Navigation Company. SrpHE mail steamers may be J- expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates Outwards. Homewards. Nov. 5 Thames Nov. 11 19 Kaisar-i-hind 25 'nf in Dec. Ganges Dec. 9 17 Rosett „23 £l2 31 Mirw, P ore Jan 6
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    • 1355 1 £6wmn<r (ftoftces. British india steam navigation company,-(ltd.>. banks. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Hongkong Shanghai' Bank/'acean steam ship company. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. j n g Corporation. U EAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamer». SHIP COMPANY, Ltd. Paui-uf Capital Reserve Fond 8 7,U00,000. AND For Will sail
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    • 635 1 SEOKKLAKDSCSE HAMPEL UAKCBWi U (Netherland Trading Society.) Established 1524. Paid-up Capital f 35,783,000.0© Reserve Funds f 2,404,166.45 Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India.— The Factorij of the Nederlandach* Handel Maatscbappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sonrabaia. Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasaroean, and Tjilatjap. London
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  • 125 2 Penang, Ist November, 1897. Rates close as follows London, Demand Bank l/10f I’o. 4 months’sight Bank... l/10f Do. 3 Credits 1/111 •Do. 3 Documentary. Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 1454 Do 3 days’ sight Private 151 j Bombay, Demand Bank 1454 Do. 3 days’sight Private 1514 Madras, Demand Bank 115
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  • 165 2 Pknanu. Ist November. 1 !»7. Tin $37.85 i Trang no stock Black Pepper! West Coast... 21 sellei’S. I Aobeen 224- do. White Pepper... 324- do Cloves (picked).. out of season Mace No. 1 102 sellers. Mace Pickings... 90— do. Nutmegs 83. do No. 1 ''.9o do. Sugars
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  • 63 2 Mails close To-morrow. For I’er str Time. Port Weld and Teluk Anson Lody Weld... 10 A.M. Pai'gk ihin Ihniidou A Langkut Perse ...11 AM. Siug.ipoie ...Ganymede ...11 a.m. Deli Vidar 1 p.m. Edie. T Sem.iwe. Segli, Olehleh A Padang Muetsuycker.. 3 P.M. Thursday. 4th. Madias, Ac., taking mails
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  • 22 2 h'rom Steamers To arrive Hamburg Bellona to-moi row. Su z Canton 3-11-97 Singapore Linduhi 3 11-97 Singapoie Secundra 4-11-97
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  • 37 2 Thk Crag Hotel. Capt. A Mrs Uldall and children Mr. A Mrs. Schaalje. Mr J. W. Si'haalje Yom. Miss Do. Mr. D. J. van Ophuijstn. Mr. 4 Mrs. Pugh. Lieut. F. A. Hind Kleine.
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  • 122 2 London, 29th October. The Frontier War. Sir William Lockhart has captured the Arhanga Pass, with trifling loss, and is now descending into the Afridi Tirah. The Missing Aeronaut. Norway is despatching a steamer in search of Herr Andree. Kassala. The occupation of Kassala by Egyptian troops has been
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  • 668 2 Ovr attention has been drawn again to the following portion of the speech which the Governor was pleased to deliver on the subject of the withdrawal of the military from Penang:—“l think,” His Excellency is reported to have observed, ‘‘l may say that Penang has the largest
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  • 856 2 Mb. E. L. Talma is appointed a Magistrate in Penang. The 9th of November will be observed as a public holiday. I Deli would seem to be threatened with the cutting-off ot its inflow of South Chinese labour. The 8 s. Jin Ho, Captain Rozario, will proceed
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  • 29 2 The annual general meeting of the Y O n 3s Men s Association will be held at the W ation’s rooms on Thursday. 41 h November
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  • 34 2 The following books were received at tie Penang Library ”mi Saturday last, vi Z Three Partners by Bret Harte. St. Ives by R. L. Stevenson.' In Kedars Tents by H. S. Merriman.
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  • 72 2 Two of the crew <»f the s. s. Ql nwu named Eddy and Tracy, and a third man, Barnett, have been charged with stealing the ship’s liquors and tobacco. Theca» was investigated before tlie Singapore bench who dismissed it, as the evidence was insufficient. Captain Bai wise
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  • 67 2 An explosion took place on board the ss Cheang Hock Kian. Captain Maddox, while in Singapore harbour, on Friday evening. I’lie chief engineer aud a Chinese lighterman were injured. On Saturday morning another explosiou took place in tlie same place, the port coal bunker. Indian coal bad bwi
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  • 79 2 A ’rikisha peon in Singapore has been fined $lOO, with the alternative of six months’ hard labour, for extorting 20 cents from a hack gharri syce. The svee marked the coin and told a Sikb constable. The peon threw away the coin and bolted. Hr was pursued
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  • 95 2 A representative of Messrs. W. Robinson <t Co., of Singapore, will be in Penanj shortly. It is notified that orders for pianoforte tunings and repairs will receive attention. Messrs. Pritchard Co enumerate the various di>counts allowed by them iu the different departments, for Cash payments. In these days
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  • 98 2 The Sikh, who was detained bv the Police in connection with the false $lOO bank-note, and whose case was withdrawn on Friday last, was re-arrested on Saturday. On receipt of the telegram from Singapore, admitting that the note was given by the Bank, the man bad
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  • 95 2 On Saturday last a Chinaman $5 by Mr. Hall, for depositing night-*” 10 Chinn Street. It is surprising to see r the Police do not take more deterrent sures towards putting a stop dangerous and aunoying practice. If_i 11 q constables on duty in Argyle Road, Hu
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1064 2 tx ii i 1 O A New advertisements Pritchard Co. TXT ANTED at once, in Penang, Board and 'V Lodging for a Lady in a private European family. Apply to 558 A. 8.,” c/o Pinang Gazette. CASH Messrs, w! ROBINSON Co. Piano Makers, Tuners, Kepairers, I ftIIBITQ Hongkong, Shanghai, Singapore,
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    • 133 2 TO LET or FOR SALE. A BUNG LOW known as Town View,” and about, 17 acres of land, situated on Aier Itam Hill. Apply to Mas. P. VAZ, 504 7 Arratoon Road. Negri Sembilan Government. WANTED. A BOARDING Officer and Ovt-Door Dispensary Dresser for Port Dickson. S'laiy 8720 per annum.
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  • 17 3 [From our Correspondent.] Ist November. The shipments to-day are— To Penang, 923 pikuls of tin.
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  • 1757 3 (Straits Times.) Thursday, 28th October. Present. it r The Governor, Sir Charles Bullen Hugh Mitchell, g.c.m.g. ■o, i Lieut.-Colonel Bogle, r.e., Officer Com-’' 801 ujaudiug the Troops. u,u C. W. Sueyd-Kynuersley, Acting Colonial Secretary. jj,, u 1' de M. Braddell, Acting AttorneyGeneral. fl.,u F C Penney, Acting Colonial
    (Straits Times.)  -  1,757 words
  • 46 3 Arrivals. To-day. Pr s. s. Calypso from Singapore: Mrs: Wilson, and Messrs. H. Dennis aud Taylor. Yesterday. Per s. 8. Lady Weld from Teluk Anson The two Misses Rodyke and Mr. van Someren. Per s. s. Flying Fish from Port Weld Messrs. Izolphe and Velpy.
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  • 68 3 Monday, Ist All Saints’ Day. First Quarter, 9-32 P.M. Town Band, Esplanade, 5 p.m. High-water at New Jetty, 6-46 P.M. and 7-13 a.m. Tuesday, 2nd All Souls’ Day. Town Band,Golf Club, 5 P.M. New Moon, 6-23 a. m. High-water at New Jetty, 7-35 p.m. and
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  • 898 3 19th-26th October. Our Frontier Policy. Mr. Morley, in a letter to The Times, replying to Lord Northbrook, maintains the charge of breach of faith of the Indian Government regarding Chitral, and declares the tribes are obliged to acquiesce in the permanent right of way. The
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  • 268 3 In a leader, the Straits Times thus touches upon what was said on the above subject a short time ago by the Pinang Gazette: Mr. Turner, who is the chief manager of very considerable sugar estates in Province Wellesley, proposes to form a cavalry force—“ Turner’s Horse,” as
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  • 228 3 Arrivals. To-day. s. s. Mae! suycker from Olehleh. s. s. Calypso from Singapore. s. s. Jin Ho from Langkat. Yesterday. s. 8. Namyong from .Singapore. s. s. Lady Weld from Teluk Anson, s s. Deli from Klang. s. s. Vidar from Deli. 8. a. Perse from Brandon. 8. s.
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  • 211 3 (Straits Times 30tr OCTOB'B.) Raubs (<3 10 pd.)... S22J sellers. £1 fully paid *23 sales. Pun joins ($4 pi.) $4.50 Jelebns ($5 pd) 2.40 Pahang Corp. (£1 pd.) $4. sellers. Pataling Coffee Co. ($7O pd.) $77 sales. Pengerangs ($5O pd 38 sellers. Klang Coffee Cultivation Coy Ltd
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 559 3 I had chronic diarrhoea for ten years says L. W. Kichlein, a Justice of the Peace at South Easton. Pa. “No temedy afforded me real relief until I was induced by Chas. T. Kilian, the druggist, to try Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It cured me and for a
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    • 148 3 HIGH CLASS JEWELRY AT MODERATE PRICES W FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. Messrs. Ismail Raheem, DIAMOND MERCHANTS AND JEWELLERS, Are showing a Splendid Stock of Watches, Bra elets, Bangles, Rings, Brooches, Pendants, Studs, Scarf Pins, Sleeve Links, Necklaces, &c. SET IN Diamonds, Pearls, Rubies, Sapphires, Cat’s Eye, Opal Fancy Stones. ON
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    • 324 3 NOTICE. WANTED at once two fully qualified Surveyors and two Draughtsmen for Railway work. Apply, slating experience and salaries required, io W. SMITH, c.e., 550 Batu Gajah, Perak. Selangor Government Railway. r pHE Government of Selangor is prepared to receive tenders for the Loading aud Unloading of Goods, Merchandize, and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1541 4 BUCHANAN WHISKY IS THE BEST. To be had at “ZL k ?IL s nchelTco. p b Same as supplied to the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable London Clubs GW AT CHENG BROS. 1 J T" "goon yen friends. SOLE IMPORTERS— BROTliultSj LIMITED lisnls for LEA S PERRIIS'
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    • 297 4 GEORGE SOLE AGENTS FOR N. Lazarus’ Spectacles. SIGHT THOROUGHLY TESTED ANJ GLASSES SUPPLIED. 556 THE 2 Bishop Street, IS OPEN DAILY from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday to 3 r >m Sunday hours 11 a m to I‘p.m Pm Prescriptions accurately dispensed SPECTACLES to suit every variety of defective
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