Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 October 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 518 1 (Yloftces. Oriental Steam Navigation Company. riiHE mail steamers may be expected to arrive out- wards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates Outwards. Homewards. Oct. 22 Ravenna Oct. 28 Nov. 5 Thames Nov. 11 (P"- 1 19 Kaisar-i-hind 2~> Dec. 3 Ganges Dec. 9 O-'.ih 17 Rosetta 23 31
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    • 1462 1 Sfiwmna fTlofttrs BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,—(LTD.). banks. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. Honff kon Shanghai BankncEAN STEAM SHI p COMPANY NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. K in J Corporation V EAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamer». qorrp COMPANY Tim Pa id-GF Capital $10,000,000. SHIP COML AN Y,
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    • 583 1 NKDKRLAHDSLfIK HANDEL UAATSCBIftU (Net her land Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital f 35,783,01'0.00 Reserve Funds f 2,404,166.45 Head Office in Amsterdam. Hbad Agency in Netherlands India.— The Factorij of the Nederlaudsch* Handel Maatechappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia. Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasaroean, and Tjilatjap.
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  • 120 2 Penang, 16th October, 1897. Rates close as follows London, Demand Bank 1/1 Do. 4 months’sight Bank... J/114 Do. 3 Credits 1/11 Do. 3 Documentary. 2/ Calcutta Demand Bans Rs. 149| Do. 3 days’sight Private 155£ Bombay, Demand Bank 149| Do. 3 days’ sight Private 155. Madras, Demand Bank 149
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  • 174 2 Penang. 16tH OCTOBER. I>J»7. Tin s3s—Bellers. i Trang no stock Black I'epper West 20—sellers. I A'Oippii »>a *J3— do. White Pepper... 32 75 do Cloves (picLnl). out of season Mace No. 1 .102 sellers. Mace Picking». 90 do. Nutmegs 86) do. iNo I <:.90 do. Sugar’ „2..
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  • 63 2 Mails close on Monday. For I'er »lr Time. Vidar 1 p.m. X'.ihan A Bitu Bilira It li d icyn... I p.m. Paiigkafm Blandon I’ontiiuak 2 PM. The B I S N. Co ’s >. s. I'alumcotta with the inalfi from Elir >pe left R HlgoOD at 7
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  • 24 2 From Steamers To arrive Rangoon I'ulamcotta tomorrow Cslcutta Sui Sang do Edie Martsuyc er 18-10-97 Suez Formosa 18-10-97 Hamburg Thekla 20-10-97
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  • 31 2 Thk <’kag Hotel. Capt. X Mrs. Uldall and children. Mr. A Mrs Schaaljc. Mr. .1. W Seha.alje Yom. M iss Do Mr. D. Sandec 11. J. van Ophuijstn.
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  • 60 2 London, 15th October. West Africa Although the French Press discuss the West Africa question with heat, the French Government are moderate and conciliatory. Hopes are entertained that the approaching negotiations will adjust all differences. Nevertheless, there is a strong divergence between the British and French views on certain
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  • 567 2 Sikhs or Pathans The Strait* Times of Wednesday announces that “five Sikh watchmen weie yesterday committed for trial for gangrobbery.” We do not wish to seem in any way to prejudge the case, but we would ask whether our conteinpoiary is sure the men are Sikhs? There are
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  • 81 2 The D’Arc’s Marionettes are now playing at Colombo, after which they will go on to Madras. Two Chinese were this morning fined $25, each, by Mr. Innes, for being in possession of illicit chandu. There was a wet Fire Brigade practice at the Magazine this morning, in
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  • 96 2 Our readers will be pleased to hear that excellent progress has been made in the preparations for the Tableaux Vivants, about which there lias been so much talk lately, and that the Committee have now been able to fix the dates of the representations. These will be given
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  • 87 2 Is there an attempt at an Eastern revival of the truck system r If not, what do the British North Borneo Government mean by the following notice which appears in their last Gazette to hand Several instances having occurred lately of Officers’ oidering ’goods from or doing
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  • 36 2 The advance of the Tirah field force against the Kbaibir tribes was fixed for the 15th or 16th instant, so that news of further fighting on the frontier should soon reach the Straits.
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  • 47 2 The Lord Mayor has stated that the Mansion House Indian Famine Relief Fund was the largest fund ever collected and the cheapest in administration. The cost of the Indian Famine to the Indian Government is estimated by Lord George Hamilton at ten millions sterling.
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  • 33 2 The British trade returns show that the imports for the nine months increased Ly thirteen mil ions and a half, whilst, the xports have decreased by four millions and a half.
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  • 51 2 News from Calcutta states that the ship Glenard with a cargo of kerosene oil, from New York, went agiound on the Saugor Sauds. Every assistance was rendered, but the efforts failed to get her off. and she lias become a total wreck. All hands were
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  • 24 2 Three natives were recently arrested nt Calcutta for forging Rs. 10 currency notes. It is said the counterfeits defv detection.
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  • 144 2 Easing Off” at a finish to be Stopped in Melbourne. In Australia a certain section of the B|>orting world are opposed to the system of “easing off” a hoi se towards the finish of a iace, when either a place is to be avoided or pursuit.
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  • 203 2 Confession of the Murderer of M r. Rand. The man who bus been arrested for the Poona murders is Damoder Chapekar, 28. He has had a most remarkable career, and confesses to having daubed the Queen’s statue at Bombay a year ago. Concerning the Poona liagedy
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  • 367 2 St. George’s Church. Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. Morning Service, with Holy Communion, at 8 o’clock. —Hymns 37 and 316. Evening Service at 6 o’clock—Psalm LXXXIN vr. 1 —36 (248) and w, 37—end (249), with Doxology (245); Hymns 232 (7- 2) 434, and 20. Church of the Assumption. Ist
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  • 225 2 With feelings of the deepest sympailt for Dr. Robert Dane, the widower, and t? various members of the deceased’sfaoiilt we have recorded the death of Luev Harriet Adelaide Dane who died of heart dimas, at the eaily age of 39, on the night
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  • 263 2 At half-past i iizht “’clock this morning Chan Heang Thoy. Clerk to Mr. J F. Preford, reported to Inspector Thornet tin: he bad heard a child’s cries in the premia at 2 Argus Line. The Imeis a ttirniiist' of Love Lane, at the ia>k
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  • 38 2 A rrivals. To-day. Per s. s. Vidar from Ddi: Mr. <i |R Vetters, and family. Per s. s. Canton from Teluk Ansen. and Mrs. A. E. Jansen, and familyYesterday. Per s. s. Hebe from Singaporeand Mrs, Miller.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1063 2 Pritchard Co. A STAMP VENDOR in the Penang Post Office. Salary $420 per annum. Se- curity required. Apply to the Actino Assistant Postmaster General. Tailoring Department. notices. This will be found complete with WANTED, one of the best and most varied stocks in the East. Selected from A IAMIL Store-Keeper
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    • 223 2 James L. Woodford HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING NEW GOODS. White Shetland ami Andalusian Wool. Izod’s and Thonq son’s White Corset*. Ladies' AVliite Silk Hose. Ladies' White Kid A Patent Leather Shoes Ladies’ Black White Trimmed “traw Hats Ladies' White Silk Gloves. BRIDAL VEILS. WREATHS. FANS, SHOES, AND FLOWERS. Boys’
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  • 315 3 150 Lives Lost. Kailway accident on a flightful scale vu-nrred in Mysore, on the Southern IlciS DC' U Alabratta Railway line, as the mail train, bicb Ut V sta^ou Bangalore en u(e f >r Mysore approached a point l.’.ffeen Cbeunap dam and Mudigen, and •[jeu
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  • 402 3 The Advance against the Afridis. Bombay, 2nd October. The individuals and units composing the Tirah Field Force are already beginning to at that centre, and in a week or so we m.iv expect to bear that the large expedition against the Afridis is well
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  • 86 3 l6th Town Band,Golf Club, 5 p.m. High-water at New Jetty, 5-15 a.m. and 5-42 p.m. Sunday, 17th Mail from Europe via Rangoon. 18th Sunday after Trinity. Mails from Europe, via Rangoon, due. High-water at New Jetty, 6-04 a.m. and 6-31 p.m. Monday, 18th P. 0.
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  • 71 3 The market appears to be almost entirely governed by speculators in Gold, Silver, and Exchange, aud the very astute gentlemen who constitute the ring seem to act with confidence on the declining market, says the Times of India of the 2nd inst. It is, therefore, on their
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  • 54 3 The Prince Edward Handicap of 2,000 One mile. Mr. H. T. Barclay’s Ashburn, ...Chandley 1 Duke of Devonshire's Minstrel, ...Madden(?)2 Lord Stanley’s Birchrod, Madden(?)3 Betting 11 to 2 against Ashburn, 7 to 1 Minstrel, 20 to 1 Birchrod. Won by a length three lengths between second
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  • 57 3 According to the statistics just issued, the population of Ceylon at the close of last year was estimated at 3,359,009. In twentysix years the population has increased by nearly 40 per cent., and the value of the imports and exports has more than doubled
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  • 109 3 Medals for Officers and Seamen of the Valetta.” With regard to the rescue by the P. O. Company’s s.s. Valetta of the passengers and crew from the steamer Sultan in the Indian Ocean, last June, the Royal Humane Society of Australia
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  • 254 3 Plague Mortality in the Bombay Presidency. Deaths from plague number sixty this week, aud from cholera twenty-nine, says the Bombay Gazette of the 2nd inst. While the latter disease is disappearing, there is every reason to fear that plague is coming back, though we hope, at
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  • 380 3 General Elies reached the mouth of the gorge after effectively punishing the villages in the Jarobi ghn for their share in the rising, and on 25th ultimo advanced up the gorge. The Hadda Mullah’s home was not reached without hard fighting. It is a mosque, situated
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  • 514 3 Fire in Manila. A huge fire took place on 28th September in the walled city of Manila, nineteen houses being reduced to ruins and eight damaged by fire and water. Wreck of the “Namoa” The Douglas Steamship Co.’s st earner Namoa was wrecked on the
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  • 94 3 The Amrita Bazaar Pat riba writes “The Chief Justice of Bombay has refused Mr. Tilak’s petition for leave to appeal to the Privy Council. The result was anticipated and it will not, therefore, surprise anybody. The Pi ivy Council will now have to be moved for special
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  • 118 3 A phenomenon arrived in Rangoon recently by rail in the shape of two truckloads of early padi, about 500 baskets in all, says the Siam Observer The crop was grown near Paungde and Gyobingauk, on high land which has been hitherto noted for the poverty of its crops
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  • 124 3 (Siam Free Press.) The Straits Times is an enterprizing paper, and loses no opportunity of making merit before the Singapoie public. Its latest venture has been to issue a supplement of three sheets of coloured pho'ographs illustrating Singapore commercial life, lhe views are vety creditably printed from photographs
    (Siam Free Press.)  -  124 words
  • 60 3 The following advertisement appears in a Bombay paper Wanted. A few capable travelling agents to canvass for subscribers and advertisers, and collect money for a Weekly Journal. Must be able to advance a decent amount aud pick up news. Pay and allowances according to qualifications.
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  • 268 3 The Commissioner of Police, F. M. S., reports: The men are fairly smart in appearance, but do not know anything about drill; they must be taught, and I have ordered a Sikh non-commissioned officer from Sereinban to be sent here for this purpose. The police
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  • 74 3 A Ceylon correppond,ent writes to Indian Engineering —A continental friend of mine, whose knowledge of English is non-existent, is wroth because the natives of Ceylon chaff him for being unable to speak his own language—“ You white man, you European man, you not speakee English
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  • 93 3 MILD SUGGESTION TO THE P. O. CO. Mr. Prestage of Simla makes an extraordinary communication to the Ceylon Piess, says Indian Engineering He encloses a letter to the P. and O. Company, London, asking them to change their port of call from Colombo to Trincomalee, and insinuating that the giaving
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  • 92 3 With regard to vaccination, says the Sarawak Gazette, it will be obseived that the Hon’ble the Resident complained of the difficulty of carrying out vaccination, not because Of the crass stupidity of the persons to be vaccinated, but on account of the inertness of the lymph. The
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  • 109 3 Some prominent men in the t'ity are interesting themselves in an appeal for funds l>.r the repair of the tomb of a former Lord Mavor. About five hundred years ago Henrv Barton, a son of Suffolk peasants, found his way to London and rose to be a
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  • 300 3 One half the world does not know how the other half lives, nor what interests the other half. Not many of our leaders, for example, can be familiar with those extraoidinary cat notes of the Ladies' Kennel Journal. Here are a few extracts I have
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  • 178 3 Arrivals. To-day. s. s. Vidar from Deli. h. s. Canton from Teluk Anson. s. 8. Fitzpatrick from Rangoon. Yesterday. s. s. Mary Austin from Teluk Anson. s. s. Betsy from Port Weld. 8. 8. Pontianak from Langkat. s. s. R. K. Atjeh from Singapore. Departures. To-day. s. s. Langkat
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  • 201 3 (Straits Tillies 13th OCTOBER.) Itiml'H (1310 p<l.) 23. XI fully i'ni'l .*24. UunjuiiiM ($4 pd.) 5.50 .Julr>i>un (>•> pd.) *2.50 PaliHiig < *oi p. (XI ft 4 75 Bellers. Pat.vling Coflee Co. ($7O pd.) >77 sales. Peiixorangb (>so AO sellers. Klang Coflee Cultivation Coy. Ltd. (Fully paid
    (Straits Tillies 13th OCTOBER.)  -  201 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 513 3 The Best for Children. i I believe Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is the best for children I ever used. For croup it is unequalled. It is a splendid seller with us. T. M Ecklks. Ph. G.. Manager Wampum Pharmacy, Wampum, Pa.” When used as soon as the first symptoms appear, that
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1993 4 BUCHANAN WHISKY tq 'R'R'CL’T Xi 3 X X To be had at m >i s e “s; is r thean v ciibe 0 4c„ p Same as supplied to the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable London Cluhs GUAT CHENG BROS. 11 THEAN SIEW Co. hin n lef
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    • 359 4 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF TRi STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENT OF PENANG In the Goods of Walte r MIL! F P IN pursuance of section 46 of the ancing and Law of Property 1886, all creditors and other persons any claims whatsoever against the eB a the abovemen tinned deceased, ivlin,];./
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