Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 7 October 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 515 1 pipping (tlofices. Oriental Steam Navigation Company. rpHE mail steamers may be expected to arrive outf wards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates Outwards. Homewards. fluid Oct. 8 Mirzapore Oct. 14 22 Ravenna 28 R l Nov. 5 Thames Nov. 11 19 Kaisar-i-hind 2'> Dec 3 G an g
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    • 1431 1 a&nmnn (Ytatieee BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY—(LTD.). banks. ipww», KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Honirkonr Shanghai Bankn cEAN steam ship company. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. H g infcorpo’Xn U EAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. qtttp POWPANV Tty» Paid-up Capital $10,000,000. SHIP COMPANY, Ltd. Reserve Fund 8
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    • 630 1 NKOKItLANDSUfIK HANDEL SAATSCHAt U (Nether land Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital f 35,783,000 0# Reserve Funds f 2,404,166.45 Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India.— The Factorij of the Nederlandsch* Handel Maatschappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sonrabaia. Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan. Pasaroean, and
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  • 127 2 Penang, 7th October, 1897. Rates close as follows London, Demand Bank 1/10$ I'o. 4 months’sight Bank... 1/10$ Do. 3 Credits 1/10$ Do. 3 Documentary. 1/11 Calcutta Demand Bans Rs. 143 Do 3 days’ sight Private 149 Bombay, Demand Bank 143 Do. 3 days’sight Private 149 Madras, Demand Bank 142
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  • 174 2 Pknanu, 7th October. >»97. Tin #38.70 Trang no stock Black Pepper West ('uawt... 20 —sellers. Aelieen »>'•• 23 do. White Pepper.. 32 25 do Cloves (picked).. out of season Mace Xo. 1 102. sellers. Mace I’ickiiißs... 90— do. Nutmegs 86) do. i No I do. Sugars 2
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  • 69 2 Mails close T-morrow. For I'er str Time. Calcutta .4 Apcar ...11 AM. Klang and Malacca ..T- utoui i 1 pm. Tongk di Petrel I p.m. Deli FTifcir 1 p.m. A'.than A Bill» Bthta R Hal uyn... 1 P.M Teluk Anson and Port Dickson L 'dif Weld.. 4 P.M.
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  • 22 2 Erom Steamers To arrive Calcutta C Apc-ir fo-morrow Sing .pore Genera tl Pel 9-10 97 Singapore Sophie Richiners 12-10-97
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  • 30 2 Thk Crag Hotel. Capt. A Mr- Uldall and children. Dr. Ton Isiaile* Spawn. Mr- and .Mi«s Kerr an l children. Mr. A Mrs. Burnside and child. Bonzie.
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  • 115 2 London, 6th October. Bimetallism. The “Money Article” in the Daily News says it is reported that the Government, in their reply to the Bimetallic Delegates, accord the holding of one-fifth of the Bank of England’s reserve in silver, the raising of the amount of silver as legal tender
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  • 947 2 We publish elsewhere a most important advertisement. Dr. W. C. Brown announces that a Public Meeting will be held in the Town Hall on Monday next, ut half-past four in the afternoon, to protest against the proposed substitution of Sikh Police for the Detachment of European Troops,
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  • 63 2 Early this morning, Messrs. Capper and Clavton raiiled a number of houses in CampMi Street, Chui i a Street, and Market Street, in search of Waiseng materials, but 1? is understood that they were unsuccessful. Waisengs are >aid to be in full swing agaiti, but gaining skill and
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  • 62 2 The Austrian cruiser Albatross, which arrived yesterday from Singapore, carries 105 men and 6 guns. She will leave about the beginning of next month for Pola. The French despatch boat Bengali, which, also, arrived yesterday from Lorient, is bound for Saigon, and will leave on
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  • 90 2 The body of the unfortunate fisherman who fell into the sea on Tuesday off Butterworth was seen by a police constable, floating at the water’s edge, opposite the Butterworib police station. The body was taken to the hospital for the usual postmortem. Nothing was found
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  • 115 2 Thursday, 7th At Home at the Residency, at 5 p.m. Mail for Europe vid Negapatam leaves. Young Men’s Association, Debate, at 8.15 p.m. High-water at New Jetty, 9-54 p.m. and 10-21 a.m. Friday, Bth Mail from Europe via Colombo arrives. Special and Ordinary Meeting of
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  • 21 2 [From our Corresponds,i TELUK ANSON. 7t h October. The shipments to-day are To Penang, 279 pikuls o f tin.
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  • 300 2 The anticipated riot on the 4th o f n,, ber in Singapore came to llo thina It is supposed that a few pie really attempted to raise a riot l, u ed to enlist the sympathv or to ex.-iLj minds of the masses. 0,; Sunday all
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  • 103 2 (To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette* Sib, —I h ave to n quest that you vfl contradict the statements made in vour article headed Sowing Sedition,” puhliibd in your paper of 28t h September, as fam they refer to the Malay States Guides. Th men indignantly deny
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  • 32 2 As the prospects in India are now favourable, Lord George Hamilton has written:t the Lord Major of London, suggestingts closing of the Mansion House Famine Be lief Fund
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  • 33 2 The King of Siam celebrated his bit> day on 21st Sept, at Taplow Court, and’ceived congratulatory messages from Queen, the French President, aud the Express of Russia.
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  • 71 2 Leave to appeal in the Ong Chin Nec tt Yap Kuan Seng and others, administratil case, was heard before the Judicial Cmissioner on Thursday morning in y 1 bers, says the Malay Mail of the I;| |L After bearing the argument of counsel f appellant and respondents he
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  • 100 2 The market has gone from bad to ”o'' A drop of about Rs. 100 per hundred 'a’» has taken place within little more t o month, and for severity and rapid'ty Rangoon Gazette thinks that the i eu |ce almost unprecedented in the an,,i the Rangoon market. Indian
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  • 129 2 Between midnight aud I a.m- 0 30th (yesterday), says the irol j gang of Chinese with fire and o ie and torches descended on a 11 Arapong Village, in which resl e Bengali carters, and one of these r outright by fracturing his skull, an u
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1109 2 t\ i i inn new advertisement. Pritchard Co. A PUBLIC MEETING will be held in the Town Hall on Tailoring Department. ,kpay > 1 Ith ,nst at 430 r to f u r protest against the proposal ot This will be found complete with Government to substitute Sikh one of
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    • 273 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. tpHE Muniiipal Commi"ion< rs of George 1 Town, Penang, invite separate tenders for the following for one year from the Ist January n xt 1 Bricks and Lime. 2. Firewood. 3. Various Materials. 4. The Lighting of the Town For the Lighting of the Town the Municipal Comuiis.Mtoiiers
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  • 342 3 (To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette."). the'present time, we hear of on all sides in the Straits, and 8111 ve <>f the proceedings are especially s m^ st ing to the inhabitants of Penang. n te 'undertaking suggests another, and it is Une surprising
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  • 1226 3 21st to 27th September. The English Coiton Trade. An industrial war is threatened in Lancashire, Cheshire, and other Cotton districts, the employers contemplating a reduction in wages of ten per cent., as well as short time. The European Sovereigns. Most of the European Sovereigns have
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  • 74 3 Arrivals. To-day. Per s. s. A. Apcar from Singapore: Mrs. Lim Oy, Mrs. Tang Oy and sister, and Mr. Tein Sing. Per B. I. s. 8. Secundra from Singapore Messrs. Hiittenbach, W. Lunberg, P. Gordon, E. Bacon and J. Warwich, and Lieut. F. Hendley. Yesterday. Per 8. 8. Perse
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  • 1541 3 The Government and the Banks. The following correspondence regarding the Government Note Issue Scheme was laid on the Council Table on Thursday last:— (From the Managers, Chartered Bank of India, Australia., and China, and Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, to the Acting Colonial Secretary.) Singapore, 15th September
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  • 1014 3 Attack on a British Farm in Turkey. A farm belonging to an Englishman, situated at Pergamos, near Smyrna, has been pillaged by Mussulmans, and the Mussulman caretaker killed. The robbers are protected by the Caimakan of Pergamos. Sir Philip Currie at once informed the Porte of the occurrence,
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  • 176 3 Arrivals. To-day. 8. s. Lady Weld from Teluk Anson. s s. A. Apcar from Singapore B. I. s. s. Secundra from Singapore. Yesterday. s. s. Albatros from Singapore. 8. s. Petrel from Tongkali. s. s. Perse from Brandon. s. s. Teutonia from Malacca. 8. 8. Quorra from Langkat. s.
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  • 208 3 (Nlniiti 7’iiii'-f. sth October.; Raiil.s (13 to p. 1.)... -23.50 .61 fully paid »24.50 PlllljolHH ($4 p<J.) -5.50 pd. i «2. Pahang Corp. I pd '4 75 sellers. Pataling Coffee Co. (170 pd.) $77 sales. Pengeraiigb 40 sellers. Klang Coffee Cultivation Coy. Ltd. (Fully paid S2U) $2O.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 197 3 It is surprising to many that foot-ball players and other athletes regard a sprain or bruise of so little consequence. One reason of this is. they know how to treat such injuries so as to recover from them in a few days, while others would be laid up for two
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    • 302 3 NOTICE. TXT ILL be sold by Public Auction at V V 12 noon on Friday, the Bth October, 1897, al the Central Police Station, Penang: (1) An old Fire Engine. (2) A Police Van (lately used for the conveyance of prisoners). (3) Lead (8 pikuls and 36 catties). Can be
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1645 4 BUCHANAN WHISKY tyjfTiiniwswsi: ’v r' --?;;Ts::i:aß;SuEar3«--!rjH t’£* ldf< ll*- A£ tq 'T'LI'IT io a jtucj x To be had at m mZ m k thea s n cHEITco p a sEd Same as supplied to the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable London Clubs GUAT CHENG BROS. 11
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    • 345 4 BAGNALL HILLES, Electrical Engineers and Contractors 1 IMPORTERS OF Electrical and Steam Apparatus. Offices:— 22 Yokohama, Japan. IB Cortlandt St., New York 3Oa Raffles Place, Singapore MunicipalityoFGeorge Town Penang. rp H E Municipal Commissioners i nv i te A architects to submit competitive design, for a Memorial Clock Tower and
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