Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 28 April 1897

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1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 22 1 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle published daily. NEW SERIES.] ESTABLISHED 1833. \PR!CE 20 CENTS. VOL. LV. WEDNESDAY, 28th APRIL. 1897. No. 96.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 520 1 pipping Qtofictße Peninsular Oriental Steam Navigation Company. r pHE mail steamers may be expected to arrive out- wards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates Outwards. Homewards. R tifir-I Hint May 7 Thames Apr. 29 Rosetta 21 Mirzapore May 13 Rtoenna June 5 I Coromandel 27 Mirzapore „19 Rohilla
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    • 1531 1 SRMm ftMta BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,-(LTD.). banks. qtOUCtB. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. H onsrkonsr Shanghai Bankzacean steam ship company. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. Hongkong Sbangha. Bank U EAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. quip pnifPANY T tt> 1 Paid-LT (.ApitaL $10,000,000. SHlr COM KAIN I,
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    • 690 1 SDEItLAtiDbCfiK HANDEL IAAISCNAi’I'IJ (Net h?rland Trading Society.) E’staMlshed 1824. Paid-up Capital /35,783,000.00 Reserve Funds f 2,282,814.38 j Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India.— The Factorij of the Nederlandsch* Handel Maatschappij, Batavia. > Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia. Padang, Chcribon, Tegal, Pecalongan. Pasaroean, and Tjilatjap.
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  • 119 2 Penang. 28th April, D 97. Rater close as follows: London, Demand Bank 2>o| Do. 4 months’sight Bank... 2/0| Do. 3 Credits -fy Do. 3 Documentary 2Of Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. 161* Do. 3 days’sight Private L4A Bombay. Demand Bank 1614 Do. 3 days’sight Private... 164 J Madras, Demand Bank
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  • 141 2 Pknanh, 28th April. 1897. Tin ...$34. —sellers. (Trani.' 17. sellers. Black Pepper West (.’oast... 13 374 sellers. (Acheen 6it> 14.75 White Pepper... 20 5’ sellers. Cloves (picked).. 36. do. Mace No. 1 80 do. Mace Pickings... 75 do. Nutmegs 77 do. i No 1 6.1 X) do.
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  • 76 2 Mails close To-moukow Fur Per »lr. 'Ti.ur, Langkat... Per»* ...11 a.m. Tongkah... Petrel Ipm. Deli Langkat 1 P..M. Edie. T Serna we, Segli and Olehleh Pegu 2 P.M. Pangkor and T. Anson l 'anion 2 P.M. Ceylon. Australasia, A c., ria Brindisi for Europe, Ac, Thame* 5 p.m.
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  • 15 2 From Olehleh—s. s. Maha Vajirunhi* tomorrow. From Bombay—s h Poseidon on Saturday.
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  • 119 2 LONDON, 27th April. British Reinforcements for South Africa. Three batteries of artillery have been ordered to proceed to South Africa. Discontent and Disloyalty in Athens. A dangerous amount of discontent has arisen in Athens, where a strong feeling exists that the retreat on Phersala last Friday was premature.
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  • 264 2 Matters are beginning to look rather serious in Greece. The ever-fickle populace of Athens are, of course, the first to make themselves unpleasant, ami are trying to render the difficulties which surround the Government all the more intense. We are told this morning that the position of
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  • 536 2 We have bees asked by Mr. Yeats to express Ins thanks for the kind sympalbv shown by so many of his friends. The Siamese gunboat Coronation arrived here from Sitol this morning. The 8. s. Peree brought. 104 bales of tobacco from Lingkat this morning. So much
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  • 69 2 The other day a lady emerging from the side door at St. James’s Palace found in the courtyard a small stray mongrel. She caught it up and was about to convey it off across the road, when her companion pointed out the errand-boy, to whom it belonged.
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  • 124 2 The Seaforth Highlanders seem to have created quite a sensation among the natives in Crete. “If the men dress like this, how are the women clothed asked an astonished denizen of Caudia. The question carries one back to Balaclava. After that battle, Lipraudi. the Russian General, asked
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  • 121 2 In his monthly report to the ResidentGeneral of the F. M. States Mr. Hugh Clifford, Biitish Resident, Pahang, thus writes:— I was glad to note a considerable advance iu tbe apparent prosperity of Ulu Pahang since my last visit, and, after passing through the country, I am of opinion
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  • 131 2 On the 30th ultimo all the Wai-San lottery houses, at. Canton, says a Chinese contemporary, were destroyed by the people, oecause they tailed to refund* the money paid in, when they were not allowed to open on account of their being unable to meet the demands of tbe
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  • 154 2 Mr. Meller was buried, says tbe Siam Free Press, without either parson, book, or Consular representative. This is not creditable. It is just as much the business of a Consul to see that British strangers who die in Bangkok are decently interred as it is to clear
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  • 22 2 SPECIAL TELEGR A M (From cur Correspondent) TELUK ANSON. 28th April. The shipments to-day are— To Penang, 146 pikuls of ti n
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  • 648 2 Last evening the funeral of the l ate Robert Yeats took place at the New C eill in the presence of a large number of V peans and Asiatics, either fri en d 8 of deceased lady and of her husband, or J
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  • 120 2 Dr. Paul Gibier, a high scientific authority, says If this habit of expectorating iu public could be stopped, lam sure that in time tuberculosis would die out altogether. This seems a very sweeping statement, but it is not an ill-considered one. There is do question
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  • 114 2 The Westminister Budget iniderstaD' 1 that Cardinal Vaughan and the Eou-au Catholic Bishops intend issuing a joint-rep. to the Archbishops’ answer to the pronouncement on tbe subject of the van of Anglican Orders. The form which 1 reply will take is now under COlls and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 663 2 Pritchard Co. FINE Comfortable House, No. 207 Burma!) Road. Rent $35 per month. Apply to Elias A. MANASSEH, 196 No. 17 Market Street. Have Just Received cheap envelopes. pREAM LAID SECURE, 1,000, $l.BO. b SMALL BROWN, 1,000, $l.BO. Special Guinea Billiard Cues. the npjHANG GAZETTE” PRESS. Plain Billiard Cues. D.
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    • 113 2 Gosling Co., Beach <t Union Streets. JUST ARRIVED. Cheddar Cheese, Streaky Bacon, AND Hams. Ex. 8. 8. ADEN.” ENGLISH HARNESS for Cob Horst l SILVER or BRASS MOUNTS. TENNIS POLES NETS (Ayres). GOLFERS’ REQUISITES. OR 10 KET S ETS, BATS, STUM PS, BALLS, LEG GUARDS, &c. MARTINI REPEATING RIFLES, Winchester
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  • 72 3 F RENCH IN SIAMESE SERVICE It is worth noting, si.ys the Siam Free p res s, that the Siamese are not averse to engaging Frenchmen, or inure correctly speak]ir f /'»’<<s </<'£• Among the many nationalities einploved by the Siamese Government— Euelish. Germans, Danes, Belgians Ac.—we find one lonely Cambodian
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  • 94 3 (Siam Free Press.) In Singapore the local papers comment upon the internal management and affairs „t the Club—in this case, the Golf Club. At Penang this public discussion is resented by members. In Bangkok the same idea prevails among members that Club affairs are sacredly private. Thus each port
    (Siam Free Press.)  -  94 words
  • 156 3 The most expensive book ever published iu the world, says the Rangoon Times, is said to be the official history of the War of Rebellion, which is now being issued by the government of the United (States at a cost u p to date of about =£477,000.
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  • 214 3 The funeral of the late Mrs. Cheah Chow Pan, the mother of Messrs. Cheah Tek, Soon, Cheah Tek Lee, and Cheah Tek Tye, was celebrated yesterday morning. The procession which was on a very grand scale started from the family’s town
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  • 336 3 1. The Regiment of the Malay States Guides was enrolled on the Ist September, 1896, and consequently my report embraces the period from that date to the end of the year. Strength. 2. On the last day of the
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  • 87 3 Brigandage, says the Siam Free Press, is reported to be increasing iu the province of Chantaboon. The centre of the mischief is an outlying district where a sort of native Robin Hood levies blackmail on the district and makes incursions into the neighbouring villages. The band is
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  • 169 3 Mr. James Dalling, of Juta and Co., a well-known bookselling firm, was asked what class of book was mostly read on the Rand, and he replied “Oh, novels, of course. Marie Corelli is greatly in request, and has been for a long time, as is Rudyard Kipling, both
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  • 177 3 What has become known as the Pondicherry Assault Case has terminated in the con victimi of Mrs. Wilson who it appears brutally attacked Miss F«nklaud, a missionary lady, and nearly killed her. The Madras papers state that Mrs. Wilson is about 26, handsome, of a fine
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  • 539 3 (British Medical Journal.) It has been reported that the Dowager Empress of Russia has come forward to rescue one of the greatest of practical philanthropists from an old age of dependence if not actual want. This is a striking proof of the fact that
    (British Medical Journal.)  -  539 words
  • 57 3 The Jiji has a despatch from Kobe Stating that the native and foreign merchants in that port who are concerned in the American trade have begun to be greatly alarmed at, and advocate strenuous opposition to, the proposed levying by the U. S. Government, of increased import
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  • 223 3 The Catholic Orphan Home, Rawul Pindi town, was the scene of unwonted excitement the other day, says the Punjab Times. There were several Hindu aud Mussulman boys under the care of the missionary in charge of the Asylum. Every effort was made to baptize them, but
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  • 717 3 (Bombay Gazette.) Disciples of the Temperance Party will find much to interest them in the report of the Liquor Licensing Laws Commission an immense Blue-Book of five hundred pages which has just been issued at home. A moderale amount of alcohol has been strongly recommended as a
    (Bombay Gazette.)  -  717 words
  • 152 3 We take the following account of recent trouble in Honolulu from the Japan Mail:— “When the Japanese steamer Shinshu Maru arrived at Honolulu on the Bth of March, a considerable amount of excitement was caused owing to .Port Surveyor St ratemeyer’s recommending that 534 of the
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  • 282 3 The following is the account of the famous meeting between the illustrious nobleman, Lord George Bentiuck, and Squire,” Osbaldeston, as quoted by Mr. William Day in his Reminiscence of the Turf.” The well-known trainer does not appear to have been too slavish in his admiration for Lord
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  • 41 3 Arrivals. To-day. Per s. s. Perse from Langkat: Messrs. Martyn Jr. and Satoorkan. Per s. s.’Banjermassin from Singapore Miss Jones. Y esterday. Per s. s. Thaiycng from Port Weld Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Hill, and Mr. Curtis.
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  • 74 3 Wednesday, 28th Town Band, Esplanade, 5 P.M. High-water at New Jetty, 8-12 p.m. aud 8- A M Thursday. 29th Town Band. Datu Kraniat Gardens, 5 P.M. High-water at New Jetty, 9-01 p.m. and 9- a.m. Friday, 30th High-water at New Jetty, 9-’3 PM. and 10-
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  • 223 3 A rri nils. To-day. s. s. Canton from Teiuk Anson. s. s. Perse from Langkat. s. s. Banjermassin from Singapore. Y esterday. e. s. Langkat from Deli. s. s. Petrel from Tongkah. s s Thaipeng from Port Weld. Depart ii res. To-dav s. s. Bunjermassin for Deli. s. s.
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  • 203 3 (Strait» Times, 22nd April.) JelnbiiM ($5 pd.) #2.30 ftaubs()3 to pd.)... $10.25 buyers. Jll fully paid $17.75 Punjonis ($4 pd.) $5. Pahang Corp. (jBI pd.) $4. Pataiing Coffee Co. ($45 pd.) $52 buyers. Pengerangs ($5O |>d.) $4O sellers. Straits Insurance ($2O pd.) $2O Straits Fires ($2O pd.)
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 241 3 ALKALIES IN SOAP. The great disadvantage of most soaps is their excessive alkalinity and the want of proper care and use of impure ingredients iu l their preparation. “Lanoline” soap is made I of the purest materials and is superfatted with Lanoline,” which is the natural fat of the skin,
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    • 541 3 FERGUSON’S SUCCESS is entirely due to giving the very best WHiSKIES. TBY THEIB is =3 H J 5 s JHL de AND ALSO MIBBI Zs eS t-FERgusoNS -JI LU -S hiffMW AND CONVINCE YOURSELF. SOLE AGENTS PRITCHARD Co., /aa tv« TO LET. NO. 5 Clove Hall Road. Apply to L.
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    • 15 3 THE A. P.K. Aerated Waters ARE OF THE BEST QUALITY. O“outstation orders promptly attended to.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1452 4 _i I -y- A„._, BUCHANAN WHISKY IS THE REST. To be had at Messrs. THE AN CHEE Co P sM g ame as supplied to the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable London Clubs GUAT CHENG BROS. 11 x TTTFAN STFW Co GOON YEN FRIENDS. SOLE IMPORTERS— K*
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