Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 21 April 1897

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1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 22 1 Pinang Gazette And Straits Chronicle FTTBIaISHED DAIL’S". NEW SERIES.} ESTABLISHED 1833. [TP'?f 20 CINTS. VOL. LV. WEDNESDAY, 21st APRIL. 1897. No. 90.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 531 1 pipping Offices. Peninsular Oriental Steam Navigation Company. r FHE mail steamers may be expected to arrive outwar<^8 aQ( I leave Penang homewards, on the following dates Outwards. Homeward», jpJiiUa, Apr. 23 Thames Apr. 29 jf t ir-I May 7 Minapore May 13 jfretta "21 Coromandel „27 Birenna June 5 Rohilla
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    • 1463 1 &6t»»tna fltoftees BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,-(LTD.). banks. pipping KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. nCEAN steam SH IP company. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. Hong.cong Shanghai BankU EAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. SHIP COMPANY, Ltd. i Paid-up Capirat $10.000,OtM). w„, a T 7, r. Reserve Fund 6,500,000.
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    • 471 1 VEDKRLAA'DSCBE HANPH nAKTSCHAPPU (Netherland Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital 35,783,0' ‘0.00 Reserve Fends 2,282,814.38| Hbad Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India.— The Factorij of the Nederlandsch* Handel Maatschappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia, Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, PecalongSD, Pasaroean, and Tjilatjap. London Bankers.—The Union
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  • 126 2 Penang. 21st April, Rates close as follows: London, Demand Bank 2.04 Do. 4 months’ Bank... Do. 3 Credits 2/ i Do. 3 Documentary Calcutta. Demand Bank Its. 162 Do. 3 days’ sight Private... I 1 5 Bombay, Demand Bank 162 Do. 3 days’sight Private 165 Madras. Demand Bank I<>lJ
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  • 139 2 Penang, 21st April. 1897. Tin $33 85 Trang 1 Black Pepper j West Coast... I 3 37J sellers. (.Acheen tin* 14.25 sellers. White Pepper 19 2 Cloves (picked).. 36. do. Mace No. 1 80— do. Mace Pickings 75 do. Nutmegs 79 do. I No. 1 6.90 do.
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  • 100 2 Mails close To-moi; row. For Per th Time. Pangkalan Bran dan F<»ik Chiug 11 a m Pangkor A Tehik Anson Canton 2 P.M. Edie and Olehleh fl. Canton 3 P.M. Madras, Ac taking mails for Eurofte. Ac, rta Negupatam Sirmt 4 P.M. Registration up to 3 p m.
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  • 18 2 From Singapore—s. s. s. s. Hye 7‘r/)</o-tm<>rr<iw, and s. s. ht neral I'tl on Saturday.
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  • 107 2 LONDON, 20th April. France and Greece. France offers protection to any Greeks who may be in Turkey. Advance of the Greeks. The Crown Prince and Prince Nicolaos of Greece have gone to the front and have joined the Greek forces in Epirus, which are advancing on Janina. The
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  • 45 2 Gompertz.-Biggh—On 19th April (27th auiiiver*ary of the bride’s parents’ marriage) by the L'-nl Bishop <>f Singapore and Sarawak. assist»-»! by the Rev. H. C. Henham, Hexi.y Hhssy Gompertz to Katharine Rohalie Coutier, only daughter of the Colonial Chaplain, the Rev. L. C. Biggs. Penang.
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  • 667 2 Pollard's Lilliputian Company continue Io draw large houses in Singapore. The Mail dispatched from Penang to London ci" Brindisi, on the 19th of March was delivered on the 12th instant. Hudson’s Surprise Party have passed on from Hongkong to Shanghai. They had a most successful time of
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  • 298 2 The first change of programme of this popular entertainment gave great satisfaction to the considerable audience which filled the tent on Monday as well as last night. Harmston’s programmes are always good until the next is seen, but. that which delighted the audience last night must surely be
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  • 289 2 The Fireworks Sub-C»»inmittee of the Penang Literary Association have received from the members of the Association the following further subscriptions, which raise the total of receipts to $2,170: Messrs. Thio Tiauw Siat (Consul-General for China at Singapore), $200; Lim Choo G uan, $2OO Gau Ngoh Be»\ $lOO
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  • 48 2 Arrivals. To-day. Per s. s. Ho Kwei from Deli: Mr. and Mrs. Houveninge, Messrs Vollenhooing, de Vlieger, Hanslourensz, Mrs. Nolte and Miss Ottzen. Yesterday. Per s. s. Quorra from Langkat: Messrs. Swan and Allard, and Miss Mills. Per s. s. Deli from Klang: Messrs. Nutter and Scott.
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  • 62 2 Wednesday, 21st Town Band. Esplanade, 5 p.m. High-water at New Jetty, 2-29 p.m. and 2- a.m. Thursday, 22nd. Town Band, Datu Kramat Gardens. 5 p.m. High-water at New Jetty, 3-18 p.m. and 3- a.m. Friday, 23rd High-water at New Jetty, 4-07 P.M. and 4- a.m.
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  • 47 2 (Fbom 00» Co« kespobdm TELUK ANSON. SOth Apr/l. The shipments on Saturdav n. To Penang, 737 piku| To Singapore, 4,876 l The shipments on Monday"” l T o P e nang,1,667 pi Ihe shipments to-day are— 1 To Penang, 959 pikuls of t j w
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  • 293 2 (From a CorrespondenL) In Penaga fo»,t and mouth K broken out, while some caseB of j have been discovered at Bukit Teugal) Cattle disease is very bad in TehA Tawar aud adjacent districts n is said to be still worse, and t| Police have stopped ail cattle frontier.
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  • 137 2 The following circular, in connection wl the Straits Settlements Association, hasbea issued by the Chairman, Mr. W. Aiasou 1, Whittington Avenue. Leadenhall Street. EC. 24tA March. 1897. Dear Sir, —A Conversazione will bebdi on Friday the 7th May, at the Galleriesd the Royal Institute of Painters in
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  • 297 2 With reference to our famine fuudW published to-d iy, it may be convenient 1,1 note, says the Strai/« Time», that Piuang Gazette has also received some ther subscriptions, which we do not as? 1 include in our total. The amount > a* 3 be acknowledged from
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 646 2 »i 1 1 o fl New advertisements. Pritchard Co. ONE HORSE and Victoria in good order. Apply to 187 E. G. BROADRICK. 15, Beach Street. WIRE MATTRESSES. AN Y size or strength which may be required. Made in Penang. Inspection invited at Hin Lee Co., or 145 Acheen Street. 185
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    • 103 2 Gosling Co., Beach <(• Union Streets. Ex. s. S. ADEN.” ENGLISH HARNESS for Cob Horse. SILVER or BRASS MOUNTS. TENNIS POLES NETS (Ayres). GOLFERS’ REQU ISITES. MARTINI REPEATING RIFLES, Winchester Model, $35. MAUSER MAGAZINE GUNS, $25, with 50 Cartridges. IRON SASES DEED BOXES. HAND BAGS. Large Assortment of Glassware. St.
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  • 603 3 Lord George Hamilton is now among the infl’i nzi patients. Mr Gladstone has had a mild attack of iutloeuza, but is now well again. The Chinese Minister, who has been ill for some months, was able on 24th March t<> l»e out of doors iu a bath-chair.
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  • 156 3 (L. <£ C. Express.) A case of great importance to tbe commercial world was decided at Leeds Assizes on 20th March, when Mr. J. W. Pennington, wool merchant, of Bradford, sued Messrs. J. Crossley and Sons, carpet manufacturers, of Halifax, for .£509 for wool sold. It appeared
    (L. <£ C. Express.)  -  156 words
  • 140 3 There is a strike amongst actors at present in Peking which, according to the native correspondent of tbe A. C. Herald of 2nd of April, has caused much inconvenience to pleasure seekers in the capital. Tbe other dav several hundred actors, with josssticks in their hands, knelt
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  • 245 3 Vs Supposed Value. (From a Correspondent to the Strait» Times). It is not generally known to those unacquainted with Chinese matters, that the post of Chinese Consul-General in Singapore is a subject of much interest in Mandarin circles, and its acquisition is keenly sought for. «It is
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  • 661 3 In his report of his visits of inspection recently paid to various parts of Negri Sembilan, Mr. E. W. Birch writes:— (13tt March). "At Telok Kemang we got ou to tbe cart toad and rode ou to Pa sir Puteh, reaching Mr.
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  • 117 3 A native paper states, says the N. C. Herald, that when H. E. Li Hung-cbang was in Europe he bought forty cavalry sabres of tbe best steel, which upon arrival at Tientsin were sent to the Eastern arsenal to be refitted a la Chinoise with basket hilts,
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  • 1245 3 (Straits Timet Thursday, 15th April. Present :—H. E. The Governor, Sir Charles Bullen Hugh Mitchell, g.c.m.g. Hons. C. W. Sneyd-Kynnersley, Acting Colonial Secretary; W. R. Collyer, Attorney-General; F. G. Penney, Acting Colonial Treasurer; Major Andersou, r.e., Acting Colonial Engineer G. S. Murray, W. J. Napier, and T. C.
    (Straits Timet )  -  1,245 words
  • 131 3 (L A- C. Express,) Mr. Hogan, in the House of Commons on the 22nd of March, asked tbe Secretary for tbe Colonies whether he was aware that Sir William M Gregor. Administrator of British New Guinea, had issued a proclamation forbidding Chinese to liter on any
    (L A- C. Express,)  -  131 words
  • 212 3 t rri i a.x. To-day. s. s. Ho Kwei from Deli. s. s. Gerda from Hamburg. i esterday. s. s. Quorra from Langkat. s s. Deli from Klang? s. s. R. Haltacgu from Asahan s. s. H. Canton from Olehleh. s. s. Fool; Ching from Brandon. s. s. Flying
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  • 76 3 (L a- C Express. 26th March.) Shares Banks. Paid. ClosiDjr prices. &lt;- 2(i Chartered of India. Australia. A China All 27 to 28 2?*l Hongkong A Shanghai 281 38j to 39| 25 Mercantile Bank of India (Ltd.) “A" Shares 121 11 to 12 25 Do. "B” do. 121
    (L a- C Express. 26th March.)  -  76 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 243 3 TO LET. AJO. 5 Clove Hall Rokd. jX Apply to L SURAWONGSI. Penang, 2nd April, 1897. 153 CHEAP ENVELOPES. CREAM LAID SECURE. 1,000, §l.BO. SMALL BROWN. 1,000, &gt;l.BO. to be had at THE PINA NG GA ZE TTE" PRESS. TO LET. ORANGE GROVE, No. 54 Northam Road. Entry from Ist
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    • 389 3 FERGUSOK’S SUCCESS is entirely due to giving the very best WH'SKIES. TKY THEIR OB IS A A -S Ss M. IraH =AX I) ALSO KS® a ►EpMES] SO Scotch whiSKXi c z 2 nBHTjIHIPCia AND CONVINCE YOURSELF. SOLE AGENTS: PRITCHARD Co., pevito. FOR SALE. Coloured Cement Flooring Tiles. rpHE prettiest,
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    • 218 3 NOTICE. IDE have authorized Messrs. Max Heussy t V and Otto Schule to sign our firm jointlv per procuration from this date. KATZ BROTHERS. Penang, 25th March, 1897. 142 LUBRICATING LUBRICATING, SHAFTING, and ENGINE OIL to be had at PENANG FOUNDRY Co. KHYE Ho FOUNDRY Co. FIRS T QUALITY. PRICES
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1400 4 j r BUCHANAN WHISKY IS THE BEST* To be had at "ZJS?coSame as supplied to the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable London Clubs. GUAT CHENG BROS. 1 J g“x E ™nds. sole importers-XATZ BROTHERS HIN LEE Co. UJHILLi J WHISKY. 6 n C\A/ A D’ Q ■^nrgyjr|pTrfl/^^^^^
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