Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 15 April 1897

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1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 19 1 Pinang Gazette And Straits Chronicle PUBLISHED Dj&.ZL>7. NEW ESTABLISHED 1833. [rr-.r VOL. LV. THURSDAY, 15th APRIL. 1897. No. 8().
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 549 1 pipping (Hoftcese Peninsular Oriental Steam Navigation Company. mail steamers may he I expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following f dates Outwards. Homewards. 2? 7? Apr. 23 Jfrwffri Apr. 15 ffia ?Miy 7 Thames „29 -1 Mirzapore May 13 Rirnni June 5 Coromandel 27 Mirzapore 19
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    • 1390 1 SRfamnfr BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,-(LTD.). banks. iliowea. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. h. nnr >-n. ....TYr.TTeax steam sh.p company. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. Hongkong Sangha, bansU EAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. quid PAWPIKY T i n I» i Paid-up apital. $10,000,000. SHIP COMPANY, Ltd. Rkservh
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    • 579 1 IKDEKLAhDStfIK HANDEL MAATSCiiAFPU (NetWland Trading Society.) Established 1824. PAll-c:• Capital f 35,783,0<‘0.00 Reserve Funds Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India. T he Factorij of the Nederlandsch® Handel Maftschappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sonrabaia, Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasaroean, and Tjilatjap. London Bankers.—The Union
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  • 122 2 Pk.mang, 15th April, 1*97. Rates close as follows: London. Demand Bank 2 Oj-J. Do. I months' sight Rank... 2/<)s Do. 3 Credits 2i Do. 3 Documentary 2 Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. i62s j Do. 3 days’sight Private .1 5 f Bombay, Demand Bank 162$ Do. 3 days’sight Private 165
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  • 138 2 Pknang, 15th April. 1897. Tin s3k—t Trang 17.—sellers. Black Pepper j West ('oast,.. 13 37$ sailers. (Aeheen till» 14.2-5 sejers. White Pepper.. 192Cloves (picked).. 36. do. Mace No. 1 So.— do. Mace Pickings... 75 do. Nutmegs 79 do. tNo I 6.90 do. Sugar 2 385 <lo. Basket
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  • 66 2 Mails close on Saturday. /•'or I‘fr.h Tiuit. Klang Deli 1 p.m. Asahan K. Haletcyn. 1 p.m. Tougkah Petrel 1 p.m Pangkor A: Teluk Anson Taw Tong 2 pm. Deli Hu Kwei 2 P M Easter Holidays.—To-morrow Good Friday the Post Office will 1«. dosed On >atur<lay, the 17th
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  • 15 2 From ingapore—s. s. Hieagno to-day, an 1 8 s Lightning on Mondav.
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  • 126 2 LONDON, 14th April, 1897. News from the Frontier. Nothing definite is known as yet as to the results of the invasion. The Greeks, it is maintained, have captured Baltino and Bozovo, and are continuing their victorious advance; though the Porte affirms that they have recrossed the frontier. Parleying
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  • 188 2 MA UNDY THURSDAY. To-day, the Thursday l»efore Easter, is cnlltd Maundy Thursday, and two customs have been associated with it in Christendom from very early times. Ou the one hand, it was customary for pious notabilities, the high-born, the high-plaee-1, ami the wealthy especially, even Queens and Kings, to wash
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  • 127 2 Pknang v. Perak. The following are the teams which will try conclusions at cricket during the Easter Holidays :—Perak —Curtis, Fox. Hughes, lugall, Lucy, Marks, MacKeuzic, Savers, Voules, Walker, and atson (captain). Penang —Hawkins, Brown, Dane, Barker-Carr, Thresher, Power, Wright, Talma, Howdle, Koch, and Broadrick (captain). Play will commence
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  • 986 2 In rdference to our announcement of vesterdav, that after the wedding of their daughter on Monday next the Colonial Chaplain and Mrs. Biggs will receive their guests at the Residency, kindly lent for the occasion by the Hon. J. K and Mrs. Birch, instead of at the
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  • 23 2 SPECIAL TELEG R AM (From our Corre BEONDrnt TELUK ANSON. 15th April. The shipments to-day are— To Penang, 396 pikifis of ti n
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  • 29 2 The Ladies’ Bogey Handicap willbe, t ed on luesday next. Play for the Men’s Foursomes will mence on the same dav. Entries matches fclose on Saturday evenim, ts
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  • 205 2 'This popular show had another house last night, which evident. <] ii S;t 1 tion of the good things set More it i^ 11 stinted applaus The programs same as that on the opening "Batoutte Leaping” by the vaulting r(l led by the Champion Mr. GilL-rf f was
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  • 150 2 The half-yearly general meeting <f above Club, called for yesterday afteru took place at the Chamber of Coinm-r, Members were pie-ent in first snfii t® number to form a quorum. Mr. F. J. C. Ross occupied the chair The minules of the last meeting were rail ami
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  • 128 2 (From a Correspondent.) Mb Bla».d, Mr. F. G. Penuey’s succestf at Butterworth assumed charge ou M i a the 12th instant. He proceeded to hold» Court at I’enaga yesterday. Two Sinkehs in the employ of Le Al CbeoW, were fined 810 each with the alternative of 14 davs’
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  • 48 2 Penang. Temperature Maximum 94.5 Fall. Minimum 72 5 Rainfall— Fort Cornwallis s,»iBins. Central'Prison U Government Hill Balik Pulau 8.45 Dindings. Lumut 964 Province Wellesley. Rainfall Mean 7.36 ins., as follows: Butterworth 4 7/ L Bertam (J Bukit Mertajam H Sungei Bakup Pulau Jerejak b
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  • 101 2 Thursday, 15th. Harmston's Circus Esplanade, 1 5 Town Band, Datu Kramat Gardens. High-water at New Jetty. 9-4° A iO-t'7 P.M. Friday. 16th TT Good Friday. Public and Bank High-water at New Jetty 10-29 A.«10- p.m Saturday, 17th Harmston’s Circus at 4-30 and t t Public
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 544 2 n 1 J 0 A New advertisements. Pritcnard to. rpHE Municipal Commissioners of George I Town, Penang, invite tenders for the construction of Drains throughout both sides of Church Street. Ig, Beach Street. Full particulars can be obtained at the Municipal Engineer’s Office. Tenders, which will be endorsed Tender for
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    • 120 2 Gosling&Co., Htach <(• I nion Streets. Ex. s s. ADEN.” ENGLISH HARNESS for Gob Horse. SILVER or BRASS MOUNTS. TENNIS POLES A NETS (Ayres). GOLFERS’ REQUISITES. C RIC KET S ETS, BATS, ST I’ M PS, BALLS, LEG GUARDS, *&c. MARTINI REPEATING RIFLES, Winchester Model, $35. MAUSER MAGAZINE GUNS, .s‘2s,
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  • 232 3 (Special Telegrams to the Hongkong 'Telegraph.) Shanghai, 2nd April, 5 p.m. About 2,000 wheelbarrow coolies struck wik. owing to the Municipal Council’s raising the license fees for this class of vehicles. \n European constable was mobbed on lhe Bun I «t his afternoon, and riotous conduct is
    (Special Telegrams to the Hongkong 'Telegraph.)  -  232 words
  • 106 3 The Batavia correspondent of the Singay o- Free Press writes A few- weeks ago two Englishmen, Messrs. Seabright and Carew obtained permission t> travel through Java, On this journey through the Preanger Air. Edgar Egbert?] Sebright took suddenly ill and died at S .ckaboemie.
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  • 321 3 (China Mail.) Private advices from Manila state that the Spanish Government lias suddenly changed thEir severe policy of repression, and adopted a very conciliatory mode of treatment towards the natives. On the morning of the 29th March they set at libertv Luis K. Yangeo, otherwise
    (China Mail.)  -  321 words
  • 178 3 (St. George’s Church.) Maundy Thursday. [Holy Communion at 6-30 a.m. Service without music.j Evening Service at 5-39 p.m., Hymn 311 (Tune of 4). Confirmation Service at 6 P.M., Hymns 271 and 280 (First Tune). Good Friday. Morning Service at 8 A.M. I’-ilms (not sung) XX., XL.,
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  • 108 3 A rather awkward accident happened at the Sepoy Lines Golf Club vesterday afternoon, says the Singapore Free Press, that might easily have turned out worse than it did. Mr. Thompson, H.M.S. Iphigenia, drove a hall which unluckily struck Lieut. Stephens, of the same ship, on the edge
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  • 369 3 (Straits Times of 12th April.) The Sealed Letter opened at the Straits Times Office. THE PROPHECY. To-day, there was brought to the Straifs Times Office a letter from the Government of S laugor to Mr. W. W. Bailey. The letter is as follows GovernmentjSecretary’s Office, Kuala Lumpur,
    (Straits Times of 12th April.)  -  369 words
  • 503 3 (L. C. Express.) Alany of our readers will be interested to hear that the mechanism for a new system of boring has been designed and patented by Air. F. AL Al’Larty, m.i.m.e., of Greenock. By this system, which he has termed the “Unique,” the
    (L. & C. Express.)  -  503 words
  • 213 3 (Singapore Free Press.) We read that the Archbishop of Canterbury has authorized the Anglican clergy to pray to the Almighty to give the Cretans liberty and justice.” This is superfluous, because the Powers have already defined their intention of raising Crete into a privileged autonomous
    (Singapore Free Press.)  -  213 words
  • 215 3 (To the Editor of the L. C. Express.) Sir, —In a late' issue of your paper you dwell complacently upon the approaching visit of his Majesty the King of Siam to England, which, I am sure, will be gratifying to both nations. But how is this? Here
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  • 575 3 Whilst the Russian man-of-war Sissoi Veliky was engaged in gun practice between Retimo and Suda Bay, off Cauea. on 15th ult., a disastrous accident occurred. The last shot was about to be fired at two o’clock when the projectile exploded. The top of the
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  • 137 3 Ladies who are in some doubt about the genuineness of their diamonds can settle the matter by trying them under the X rays. According to the Nt James's Gazette, by their aid one can readily determine whether diamonds are real or false, for the rays
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  • 135 3 The mobilization of the British Navy will be on a very grand scale this year and the Queen will hold a review off Portsmouth of all the ships, engaged in the manoeuvres, on one of which the Duke of York will hoist the Admiral’s flag. Shiel Barry,
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  • 59 3 Arrivals. To-day. Per h; s. Lady Weld from Teluk Anson Capt. J. Mills. Y ESTERDAY. Per s. s. Betsy from Teluk Anson Air. Bapti-t. t'ers s. Teutonia from Malacca Alajor G. Tranchell. and Mr. and Miss Van Someren. Per s. s. Avagyee from Deli Alessrs. W. Speck. H Lange,
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  • 820 3 To-day, as I pen these lines, one picture from the long-vanished past rises in my memory as clearly as though it hung on a wall before my very eyes. It is of a l>oy about fourteen years old, prop]M*d up in a great arm-chair with pillows
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  • 170 3 11 rivals. o-DAY. 8. s. Van Goen* n Padan s. s. Hebe from gapore 8.8 Lady Weld in Teluk \n "ii. f terday. P. O. Extra s Ceylon ft e- > apore. s. s. Patroclus ft Singap< > s. 8. Trym from dras and i f rorts. s. 8.
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  • 167 3 (Strait, sth lelwblls ($5 p<l.) J 2 U.lllbs (13 IO ]><l.) fully 1 11.. I’mijoiiiM ($4 pd.) |7 Pahang Corp. (XI $4 Pataling Coffee Co ...($45 '!»ers. Pengertiiigs ($5O s.| Straits Insurance pd.) $gStraits Fires ($2O r Jo b’ers. Singapore Insuraii Hongkong Bank C p'l-) 165 National
    (Strait, , ■«, sth  -  167 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 34 3 Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. rpHE s. s. “Hye Leong” will leave here 1 every Saturday at uoon for Klang and Singa pore. For freight and passage apply to H. J. MARTYN. J» 149 Agent,
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    • 640 3 NOTION. A MEETING of the Goar f Licensing ustices will be held in the Conti of liequests at 2.30 p.m., o Frei y, the 23rd istant, for the p pose of onsid.-ring the undermentioned applica >n tm-*<■< ti-m 32 f Tim Liquors < finance XI "I H 94”: No. Nome
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    • 179 3 TO LET nREMISESN 21 Dat< i Ro\d 1 Apply t UNKU f\ < I’AM, 6 ChtU .f Ghaut. Penang, 23rd M 1897. 139 L ?ICE yVTE hliveauth ed Mes- \i Heussy IV and Ott« hule t< n ur firm jointly per proci on fron i l ite. KATZ i' >
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1917 4 BUCHANAN WHISKY IS THE To be had at Messrs. THEAN CHEE &Co pen.ngK.l g ame as supplied to the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable London Clubs GUAT CHENG BROS. 11 GOON YEN FRIE nds. SOLE IMPORTERS— KATZ HIN LEE Co. Insurance (notices. WHISKY New York Life Insurance
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    • 720 4 GEORGE TOWN DISPENSARY, SOLE AGENTS FOR N. Lazarus’ Spectacles. SIGHT THOROUGHLY TESTED a NI GLASSES SUPPLIED M notice. W E T ,e '7'7 si S-! S 1 0 C,,M k.<« I V Lan, <»f No. 30 Market Sheet Sj n pore, and Chop Choo Po Lan of X< L .59
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