Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 14 April 1897

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1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 21 1 Pinang Gazette And Straits Chronicle PUBLISHED D-A-11/ST. NEW SENJES.] ESTABLISHED 1833. :'O CiNn. VOL. LV. WEDNESDAY, 14th APRIL. 1897. No. 85.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 570 1 pipping QToftceeu peninsular Oriental Steam Navigation Company. U'jn f PHE mail steamers may be i 'expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following j/ dates Outwards. Homewards. RJdlh Apr. 23 Rosetta Apr. 15 j( If in I May 7 Thames !w 29 Jttw.l'a »21 Mirzapore May 13
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    • 1520 1 Moffo* BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY-(LTD.). banks. inouccß. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. v NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS Hongkong Shanghai BankOcean steam ship company. NtoHrHiHHi liivl ur oic.Amc.nd. j n «r Corporation. EAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamer». SHIP COMPANY, Ltd. Paid-up Capital $10,000,000. 5 AND For
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    • 453 1 1 -'SDERLAtiDSUiE HANDEL BAATSCilO’i'll (Nethirland Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up. Caimtal 35,783,0» ’0.00 Reserve Funds f Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India. The Factorij of the Nederlandsch» Handel Maatschappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches.—Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia, Padang, Chori bon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasaroean, and Tjilatjap. London Bankers.—The
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  • 130 2 EX CHANGE Penang. 14th April, If 97. Rates close as follows: London, Demand Bank Do. 4 'eAntlm' sight Rsml 2/OA Do. 3 (Jredi.s 2 Do. 3 Documentary 2Of Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. 61 A Do. 3 days’ sight Private I 5 Bombay. Demand Bank 161.4 Do. 3 days’ sight Private
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  • 141 2 Pmnang, 14th April. 1897. Tin .831 Trang 17.—sellers. Black Pepper J West Coast... 13 37A sellers. Acheen 6» 14 23 sellers. White Pepper 1060 sellers. Cloves (picked).. 36 do. Mace No. 1 80— do. Mace Pickings.. 75 do. Nutmegs ..79 do. No. I 6.90 do. Sugar’ 2
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  • 73 2 Mails close 'Po-mokhoiv /*’<>»■ Ver sit. Time. Pangkor and Teluk Anson llefeg 2 p .m Deli Aroggee 5 pm. Klang and Malacca Te tfonia 5 pm Ceylon. Australasia. A< ria Brindisi for Enropi*. &C. /(’■••"> 5 p m Registration up to I p.m. Easter Holidays.—On Goo 1 Friday
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  • 30 2 From Negxpatam —s s. Try»» t<>-day. From Singapore s. k. ('< »//<»„ to-day, s s. ILeagno to-inorrow, and s s Lightning on Saturday. From Olehleh—e. s. I»im Coens to-mor-row
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  • 139 2 LONDON. 13th April, 1897. Declaration by Mr. Delyannis M. Delyannis declares it to be imperative that some decisive step should be taken in the course of the next few days, as Greece will be unable to maintain an army at the frontier for an indefinite period. War Regarded
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  • 297 2 So far, we have not perceived that any nolice has been taken of what appears to us to one of the m<»Bt remarkable features <>f the recent outbreak of the bubonic fever at Bombay. We have noted the desertion of tlx- city by half the native population, the
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  • 253 2 Grand-Duke Friedrich FranzXTTi., whose suicide at Cannes is in to<lay’t .(’, 3b.tB of a inpily which claims to be the oldest so vet HL n house in the Western world. The full le of the Grand-Duke of Mecklenburg r chwerin is Prince of the Wends,
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  • 195 2 The prophet Bailey’s memorandum has been opened al the office of the Straits Times at Singapore. The writing and sealing took place in 1894, and the seal was ordered to remain unbroken and the writing, we presume, unread, till 1897. Roulgeu rays had not been heatd
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  • 602 2 Wi. have been requested to announce that after the wedding of their daughter on Monday next, the Colonial Chaplain .and Mrs. Biggs will receive their guests at the Residency, which has been kindly lent to them for the occasion by the Hon. J. K. and Mrs Birch,
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  • 24 2 (From our Corre K p ONI)| Xi TELUK ANSON. 14th April. The shipments to-day are— To Penan 571 pikuls of ti n
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  • 187 2 Thk following is the restth of the r Service Cup and we congratulate t Captain on his win. The Rifl. Bri/1 done well all ihn.ugh the T.urnaiuetor n.,ult (.ring to tho it must be conf.-sed that this kind give scratch men n f However, tlmv serve the p r|>
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  • 452 2 Harmston s Circus Company grave the'owning performance last evening Lf„ rrl large and appreciative audience, p without saying that they were an.rdd s very warm reception, for who in P e i iai has not heard of Harmstou’s. Th-C l pany have recently be-n strengthened I, tbe acquisition
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  • 148 2 The Evening Mail is still open to suctions for celebrating the Diamond Jn '> Her Majesty’s reign, but until soim n original proposition is put forward u temporary has no hesitation in .''in. prize to a student of the Calcutta l lin “Loyalty”
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 686 2 t\ »i i 10A New Advertisements. Pritchard Co. faster holidays. 'I'HE undermentioned Banks will be closed Wavn inat rpnpivpd thp 011 Friday, Saturday, and Monday, nave jusl receive» tne the 16tlj> 17fh> an<l 19th Apri| 1897 the same being Public Holidays. following gdbds For the Chartered Bank of India, Australia,
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    • 114 2 Gosling Co., Ih it ch <[• rii ion St reefs. Ex. s s. ADEN.” ENGLISH HARNESS for (’ob Horse. SILVER or BRASS MOUNTS. TENNIS POLES A NETS(Avres). GOLFERS’ REQUISITES. CRICKET SETS, BATS.STUMPS, BALLS, LEG GUARDS, &r. MARTINI REPEATING RIELES, Winchester Model, .>35. MAUSER MAGAZINE GUNS, §25, with 50 ('art ridges.
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  • 14 2 1)1 A TH. COVTTB. On 13lli instant, the infant son <>f W S Coutts.
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  • 165 3 Tiru sc ind il of S >uth Kensington, savs a L ,ntoiii|>orary, is. indeed, becoming almost intol-r.ib’e. As the aff iit S of the pl, ice are :lt pi, s it conducted, it is merely a machine f,„ l isting money in ways that are abso]u-,
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  • 225 3 By the advice of Dr. Hoyle, (he Municipal authorities, says the Rangoon Times, are turning the Government to pass an act by which the thousands of coolies that visit us eli h year may be vaccinated on disembarking at the wharf. Dr. Hoyle on studying last year’s statistics
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  • 237 3 A naval officer with the British naval squadron at Canea, says a contemporary, wrote home an account of the recent shelling of place by British and other warships. ami of the narrow escape of her Majesty’s torpedo-boat destroyer Bruiser from being run
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  • 467 3 The latest American idea is now on trial at Syracuse, .United States, the great bicycle manufacturing town. A septuplet bicycle, aooording to the Friend of India, has been fitted with masts and sails, so that its seven riders may fly along the track at the rate of
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  • 566 3 A correspondent sends the following to The Times respecting the currency in the Straits Settlements:— The currency in use in the Straits Settlements and the Protect' d Malay States consists at present of silver dollars, supplemented by notes issued by the Chartered Bank of India, Australia,
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  • 203 3 Old Madame Oliveros, who died, the other day, in Paris, leaving her large fortune to numerous charities, was, says a London contemporary, a well-known personality in the French capital, for she used to dress like a beggar, and at the same time drive in a very sumptuous
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  • 230 3 Probably few people are aware of what may strictly be described as the resident population of a big mail steamer and in these days of 8,000 and 10,000 ton liners the census of one of these floating townships reveals some curious figures. For example, says
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  • 830 3 The Eton and Harrow cricket match is fixed for 9th and 10th of July. The Meteorological Society have opened an exhibit ion, of Sixty Years’ Progress in I London. A Victoria Home or Hospital will probably be the permanent memorial of the Jubilee in Paris. Grave rumours concerning
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  • 91 3 The Lord High Chancellor of England has lately paid a visit to Ireland. This event, we believe, is unprecedented in the history of the actual holders of the Great Seal. Who, may we ask, was custodian of the Great Seal during the absence of Lord Hal pry
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  • 111 3 There is nothing figurative in the application of the term of a Soldier of the Cross to Papa Malekos, the priest of the Greek Church, who is leading the insurgents in Crete. He enjoyed immense influence among the Cretans, and for several years was known
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  • 103 3 IBSEN’S VIEWS ON CHRISTIANIA A ND FEMALE MORALITY Christiania is the most immoral town in Europe, and there is no town in Europe where a student of social life can find better subjects. Marriage, for instance, is practically non-existent here, and that due first to the abolition l>v the police
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  • 272 3 The Stewards of the Calcutta Turf Club have put forward a very good programme for next season’s racing. According to the news to hand, the added money has been increased by Rs. 17,500, and at. the same time the entrance fees have been lowered. This should please
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  • 46 3 A r rivals. To-day. Per s s. Thaipeng from Port Weld Messrs. Aylesbury and Mackie. Y EBTERD AY. Per B I. s. s. Palamcotta from Singapore: Mr. and Mrs. Dibl»ets, Mr. and Mrs. Echhart Dr. Frent, Mr. A. J. Wegman and Mr. Thio Tiau Seat.
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  • 94 3 Wednesday, 14th Harmston's Circus Esplanade, 9 P.M. Town Band. Esplanade, 5 P.M. High-water at New Jetty, 8-51 A.M. and 9- P.M. Thursday. 15th. Harmston’s Circus Esplanade, 9 p.m. Town Band. Data Kraniat Gardens, 9 p.m. High-water at New Jetty, 9-40 am. and 10- P.M. Friday.
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  • 206 3 Arrivals. To-day B I. s s Sirsa from Madras. Y ESTKRDAY. s. s. .S'mi Sang from Calcutta. s. s Benlide from London. B. 1. s. s Palamcotta from Singapore. s. s. Perse from Langkat. s. s. Cecil C. Smith from Brandon. s. 8. Vitlar from Klang. S. s. Thaipeng
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1008 3 MELLIN’S FOOD FOR -r o INFANTS INVALIDS. BISCUITS i>im«Tivß no u rishi ng. emulsion OF COD LIVER OIL ’X —COUGHS COLDS. i,- j..-'' l'* ,e tonic for the chest and lungs. IACTIMiLYCOSE of MILK FOOD. Ji L'nis preparation which consists '-i <>f e!{ n s Food and co r mi,
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    • 261 3 TO LET. I )REMISES No. 421 Dato Kramat Road. I Apply to TUNKU NYA ETAM, No. 6 Ch alia Street Ghaut. Penang, 23rd March, 1897. 139 NOTICE. I E have authorized Messrs. Max Heussy I V and Otto Schule to sign our firm jointly pei procuration from this date. KATZ
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 497 4 WHISKY IS THE BEST. To be had at Messrs. THEAN CHEE Co. Same as supplied to the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable London Chibs GUAT CHENG BROS. 1 J X THEAN SIEW Co. a GOON YEN FRIENDS. SOLE IMPORTERS TT A ft HIN LEE Co. Insurance (lloficee.
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    • 1494 4 of Japan WHISKY. Mp toilet water nniiAnir Appreciated for its delicate perfume and the feeling of comfort I 1 L 1A ffl ant| freshness which it imparts to the skin V w av Kan an ga Extract a delicious exotic perfume for the handkerchief At once original, grateful and persistently
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    • 300 4 GEORGE TOWN DISFENSARJ SOLE AGENTS For N. Lazarus’ Spectacles. SIGHT THOROUGHLY TESTED GLASSES SUPPLIED "the; dispensary 2 Bishop Street, IS OPEN DAILY from 9am. to 5 p.m.; Saturday to Q Sunday hours 11 a.m. to I'p.m. Prescriptions accurately dispensed SPECTACLES to suit every varietv of defectivesiokt TOILET REQUISITES. g Specialities—
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