Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 13 April 1897

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1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 22 1 Pinang Gazette And Straits Chronicle PUBLISHED DAn.Y. NEW SERIES.] ESTABLISHED 1833. [PR'"[ ;>0 CUNTS. VOL. LV. TUESDAY, 13th APRIL. 1897. No. 84.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 568 1 pipping (notices, Peninsular Oriental Steam Navigation Company. r PHE mail steamers may be pa expected to arrive out--7 wards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates Outwards. Homewards. J? 7?<i Apr. 23 f Rosetta Apr. 15 jr-Z Hi'i f May 7 Thames ~29 Rwtta >• 21 Mirzapore May 13
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    • 1323 1 aSinmna Mottos BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY—(LTD.). banks. (nonces. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. >u num.ncEAN steam ship company. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. Hon kon g Shanghai BankU EAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. SHIP COMPANY. Ltd. T VIpMS' AND Fob Will sail Steamer Fbom Expected on
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    • 678 1 NBDERLASDSLHK HANPKL IAATSCiIbWw (Net h »rland Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital OO Reserve Funds Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India. The Factorij of the Nederlandpch* Handel Maatscbappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia, Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasaroean, and Tjilatjap. London Bankers.—The Union
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  • 127 2 Penang. 13th April, 1p97. Rates close as follows: Loudon. Demand Bank 2 Do. 4 monthß’sight Bank... 2/01 Do. 3 Credits -I |)r Do. 3 Documentary 2,0| Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. 161 A Do. 3 days’ sight Private... 1 5 Bombay. Demand Bank 1611 Do. 3 days’ sight Private 165
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  • 139 2 Pena no, 13th April. 1H97. Tin 833.90 Tiung 17. —sellers. Black Pepper} West Coast... I 3 37A sellers. (Aeheeu 6n- 14.25 sellers. White Pepper... 19 60 sellers. Cloves (picked).. 36 do. Mace No. 1 80— do. Mace Pickings... 75—■ do. Nutmegs 79 do. No. 1 6.90 do.
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  • 37 2 From Ne<;apata.m— k h. Tnjm and s. s. Sir»a to-day. From Calcutta -s s. >wi Sang to-day. From Singapore—s. s. I’alamcotta to-mor-row, and s s Lightning on Saturday. From—h. s. Ina on Thursday.
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  • 42 2 Mails close To-morkuw E<n' Per »tr. I'm,,. Klang Vidar 1 p.m. Deli I angkat 1 pm. Pngkor A Teluk Anson Taw Tong 2 P.M. The homeward P. A O. steamer t{oAetta is expected to leave Singapore at 6 a.m. to-mor-row.
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  • 81 2 LONDON, 12th April, 1897. Conflicting Accounts. The Porte announces that the invaders have been driven back across the frontier; but, according to the Greek account, they are advancing successfully. A Circular from the Porte. A Circular, issued by the Porte, calls the attention of the Powers to the
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  • 12 2 Coutth.--On 12tli|instant, llie wife of W. S. Coutts of a soil
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  • 400 2 From Reuter’s telegram which we publish to-day it will be seen that a very serious disaster lias <><<-urred in the United States. The miglitv Mississippi has over-flowed its banks, and by Ihe destruction of the year’s cotton crop has inflicted a loss, estimated at £10,000,000, upon the
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  • 236 2 In Australia they have been legislating against the barmaid and have made it a criminal offence to employ a young, or even an old, lady in such a capacity unless she be a very near relative of mine host.” But 111 England the opposite view would seem to be
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  • 582 2 Bishop Hose arbived here from Perak yesterday. The homeward P. O. mail steamer Rosetta will leave Singapore to-morrow morning. Our readers are reminded that Hannston’s Circus Company hold their first entertainment this evening at the Esplanade. Good Friday, 16th of April, Saturday, 17th of April, and Easter
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  • 77 2 We are sorry to learn that the St. George’s Ball Subscription List, is not filling so fast as was expected, only 28 Englishmen having sent in their Subscriptions so far. As the Committee will not feel justified in giving the Ball, unless there are at least 50
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  • 139 2 A correspondent writes —As tenders for the letting of the Opium and Spirit Farms for the next three years are about to be called for very shortly, I would urge upon the Government the advisability of inviting separate tenders, say one for the preparation and sale
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  • 51 2 Arrivals. To-day. Per s. s. Tau' Tong from Teluk Anson: Messrs. Bluntschli, Unger, and Bamfort. Yesterday. Per B. I. s. s. Java from Rangoon: Messrs. Mudge and C. Jauibon, Mr. and Mrs Love, Mr. and Mrs Fredericks, Mr and Mrs Aldean, Mr. and Mrs. Warren, and Mr. and Mi’s.
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  • 19 2 (From our Correspondent) TELVK ANSON. 13th April. The shipments to-day are— To Penang, 625 pikuls of tin.
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  • 216 2 TH E QUEEN'S DIAMOND JUBILEE CELEBRATION GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING. A general meeting of t] lp n appointed to ceb brale the Queen’s n" nilt,ee Jubilee was held at the Town Hnli day afternoon, the Hon. J. K Birch r the chair. h The minutes of (he last meeting were,, j
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  • 637 2 (Perak Government Gazette, 9th APkjl Appointments. Mr. R. G. Watson, Acting Secretary f, Government, Perak, to act temporarily, i s addition to his own duties, as Assistant Protector of Chinese and Warden of Mino North. Mr. C. Wray, District Magistrate, Kriu. to l»e Acting Senior Magistrate, Perak. Mr.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 657 2 n '1 1 IDA* New advertisements. Pritchard Co. PORTABLE DARK ROOM, 7' x 7' x complete with Fittings, Bottles, and Jiave JUSI received me Accessories One plate Camera on Tripod with 3 following &OOdS double slides and instantaneous shutter complete in Bag. On view at 176 GRAHAM Co. Gent’s Under
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    • 120 2 Gosling Co., Brach <(• Union Streets. Ex. 8 S. ADEN.” ENGLISH Cob Horse. SILVER or BRASS MOUNTS. TENNIS POLES NETS (Ayres). GOLFERS’ REQI ISITES. CRICKET SETS, B ATS, STUM PS, BALLS, LEG GUARDS, &e. MARTINI REPEATING RIFLES, Winchester Model, $35. MAUSER MAGAZINE GUNS, $25, with 50 Cartridges. IRON SAFES cfe’nEED
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  • 84 3 Applications from Federal Officers for the use of Government steamers must be made through the Resident-General’s Office, unless the officers who apply propose to pay for the use of the steamers themselves. In cases of urgency, when the Resident-Gener-al is
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  • 42 3 Ix June last the Government of India directed that the area of poppy cultivation should be so fixed as to produce 54,00(1 chests of provision opium annually, in addition to 7,000 or 8,000 maunds of 90° consistence of excise opium.
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  • 47 3 The London, betting on the Derby is verv peculiar. Vesuvian at 6to 1 and an outsider Kenn at 50 to 1 are the only bets which have been quoted. Kenn is a brown colt by Donovan, out of Kenegie, ;ind is owned by Lord Alington.
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  • 66 3 A farmer whose premises are adjacent to the shooting range of the Axminster Company of Volunteers recently lost a valuable cow" On opening the animal it was found to have died from blood poisoning, caused bv swallowing several lead bullets while crazing. The same farmer lost
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  • 64 3 There is a Company in Berne, Switzerland, organized for the production of unfermented, non-alcoholic wines. It announces that a large wine manufactory at Moscow has now decided to establish a factorv in the Crimea for the production of non-alcoholic wine on the Berne system, and it is expected
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  • 108 3 The efforts of the English illustrated papers to give graphic presentments of the horrors of the plague in Bombay have at least, says the Globe, done some good in raising a smile upon many faces in that distressed city. Bombay papers make merry, for instance, over a
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  • 158 3 THE RIKISHA IN RANGOON. The Municipality, says the Rangoon Times, have now determined to compel the owners of the ’rikishas in the town to take out licenses. It has been met with much opposition, for it is declared by the Chinamen to be not only hard upon them, but unjust
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  • 169 3 The delegates of the Clarendon Press have arranged for the publications, at short intervals, of a series of five books on Musical History, to be issued, says the Rangoon 'limes, under the general editorship of Mr. W. H, Hadow. The first volume, by Professor H. E. Wooldridge, will
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  • 100 3 Tuesday, 13th Harmston Circus Esplanade. 9 P.M. High-water at New Jetty, 8-02 AM. and r-29 P.M Wednesday, 14th Harmston Circus Esplanade, 9 P.M. Town Band. Esplanade, 9 P.M. High-water at New Jetty, 8-51 A.M. and 9- p.m. Thursday, 15th. Harmston Circus Esplanade, 9 P.M. Town
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  • 124 3 At a meeting of the Cardiff Town Council a letter was read from the Marquess of Bute, offering to place in the hands of the Council a sum of .£l,OOO yearly, the income of which shall be given to some girl or girls of the poorer
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  • 117 3 Replying to the Dundee correspondent, who wrote to him respecting language which he was reported to have used respecting the Cretans, Prince Bismarck is stated to have said I must thank you for your kind letter, which I have received, and also for the good opinion
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  • 97 3 According to a special telegram sent to the Asian 18 horses started for the The Lincolnshire Handicap. It was a grand race throughout and Winkfield's Pride won by a head from Funny Boat after a most exciting finish, and heads again divided the latter from Bridegroom. Also
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  • 96 3 The total subscriptions to the Indian Famine Fund received up to the 30th of March were .---General Fund.—Subscriptions in India, Rs. 5,42,730-8-3 Great Britain, Rs. 87,18,367-8-11; Canada, Rs. 4,00,000; China, Rs. 1,14,109; Straits Settlement, Rs. 63,580 Australia, Rs. 53,591-2-7 Japan, Rs. 29 500; Italy, Rs. 190;
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  • 169 3 Philanthropists and millionaires are continually devising new schemes for the solution of social evils, so that the expenditure of some hundreds of thousands of pounds hardly creates more than a passing remark, while even a children’s tribute for the Queen’s Jubilee Nurses amounts to £30,000 before it
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  • 314 3 (Capital.} In the last paragraph of the summary to Sir James Westland’s statement in connection with the Budget, he says that “the Government of India are for the time in serious financial difficulties caused by the famine;” yet, though he confesses that there is a very serious
    (Capital.}  -  314 words
  • 103 3 Ammunition and arms are reported, says a contemporary, as being conveyed into the Transvaal by trainloads over the Delagoa Bay Railway. Men from Germany are coming by every steamer in crowds. Pretoria is overcrowded with young Germans waiting the raising of the curtain, which cannot long
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  • 118 3 A very amusing collection of mixed metaphors by well-known French authors has been brought together by the Revue des Revues. The following are a few specimens Francisque Sarcey You recognize her mother's hand in Mdlle. Marguerite Ugalde’s voice.” P. de Saint-Victor Ezechiel transcribes and comments on sacred verse.
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  • 128 3 Not only have the officers of the Indian Contingent received no pecuniary compensation for the extra expenditure imposed on them by their service at Suakin, says Truth, but in certain cases they actually suffered a reduction of pay on account of these services. How this amazing state
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  • 581 3 President McKinley’s Administration. The following is a complete list of the Secretaries in the new Administration which, as pointed out by the Rangoon Times and Daily Mail, may in all justice be described as a Cabinet of Millionaires Senator John Sherman Secretary of State. Mr. Lyman
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  • 56 3 According to official advices, states The Times’ Vienna correspondent, notwithstanding the reform in the postal service of China projected by the Government and its intention to enter the Postal Union, the Russian Government had decided to open its own post office at Shanghai, Hankow, Chefoo, Tientsin, Peking, Urga,
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  • 311 3 Mr. Sutherland Macdonald is a professor in London of a queer industry—that of tattooing. He is a Scotsman, young, of considerable education, and most fascinating manner. At one time, writes a London correspondent to the Friend of India, he was in the Royal Engineers, and it was
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  • 247 3 rri vats. To-day. s. s. Taw Tong from Teluk Anson. Y ESTERDAY. B. I. s. s. Java from Rangoon. s. s. Bio from Singapore s. s. Queen Margaret fioni Glasgow. I><*l>art tires. To-day. s. s. Quorra for Langkat. s. 8. K. Ihdeicgn for Asahan. s. 8. Deli for Klang.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 254 3 DENTAL NOTICE. A |R. J. F. TEUFERT, Dental Surgeon, 111 has arrived and may be consulted at the Sea View Hotel. Office hours: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Will stay a short time only. LUBRICATING OIL. Lubricating, shafting, and ENGINE OIL to be had
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    • 432 3 FERGUSON’S SUCCESS is entirely due to giving the very best WH’SKIES. TRY TZHYEIT?, OB J m r M. Irflß AXll ALSO 2 £aß 3 ccB L Tract J I** Z 7 Special lirfUCUvA S—< a PQ Scotch whiSKY CJ-2. ■K' bcm OBmESM V fl -i I j£IJTD convince youhself. SOLE
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    • 249 3 TO LET. T)REMISES No. 421 Dato Kramat Road. 1 Apply to TUNKU NYA ETAM, No. 6 Ch alia Street Ghaut. Penang, 23rd March, 1897. 139 NOTICE. \\LE have authorized Messrs. Max Heussy VV and Otto Schule to sign our firm jointlv per procuration from this date. KATZ BROTHEL’S. Penang, 25th
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1343 4 BUCHANAN WHISKY IS THE BEST. To be had at Messrs. THEAN CHEE Co. Same as supplied to the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable London Clubs. GUAT CHENG BROS. 1 J I SOLE IMPORTERS-EtA.TZ BROTHERS HIN LEE Co. GOLD if ED ALSU OiOgflß, AITIS tBida.m» Bi’USSB.S, 1118 Birmingham,
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    • 308 4 GEORGE TOWN DISPENSARY. SOLE AGENTS FOR N. Lazarus’ Spectacles. SIGHT THOROUGHLY TESTED AND GLASSES SUPPLIED. THE* DISP EN SA RY, 2 Bishop Street, is OPEN DAILY from 9am. to 5 p.m.; Saturday to 3n n Sunday hours 11 a.m. to l‘p. m Prescriptions accurately dispensed SPECTACLES to suit every variety
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