Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 10 April 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 532 1 pipping Qtofices, Peninsular Oriental Steam Navigation Company. r |MIE mail steamers may be expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following datesOutwards. Homewards. f watii te Apr. 9 Rosetta Apr. 15 Rih ilia 23 Thames „29 Hint May 7 Mirzapore May 13 Rosetta 21 Coromande 27 Rttenna
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    • 1430 1 Mottle BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,—(LTD.). banks. pipping KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS Hongkong Shanghai BankOCEAN STEAM SHIP COMPANY. HtuHrHiMin Line or, j Corporation. EAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. SHIP COMPANY, Ltd. i Paid-up Capital $10,000,000. AND For Will sail Reamer
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    • 976 1 ’iSDEHLAUDSIfIIi HANUKL MAATSCEikfPIJ (Net hu land Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital /35,783,000.00 itesBKVE Funds 2,282,814.38| Head Office in Amsterdam. Hkad Agency in Netherlands India. The Factorij of the Nederlandsch* Handel Maatschappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia, Padang, Chori bon, Tegal, Pecalongan. Pasaroean, and Tjilatjap. London
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  • 123 2 Penang. 10th April, IH>7. H.ATKB CLOSE AS FOLLOWS: Loudon. Demand Bank 2 OJ Do. t months’ sight Bank... Do. (Jreilhs 2' s Do. o Documentary 2 oj/f Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. >6ls Do. 3 days' sight Private .15 Bombay. Demand Bank 161. J Do. 3 days’sight Private 165 Madras,
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  • 120 2 L ATEST M ARKET QUOTATIONS. Pknanh, 10th April. 1897. Tin §34.20 seller*. Trang 17. Black Pepper West Coast... 13 37$ k (Aclieeu 6»> 14.25 sellers. White Pepper... 19 75 sellers. Clov -ked).. 36. do. Ma. I 80— do. Ma >£■••• 75 do. Nut 79 do. I 6.90 do. Suga. 3.85
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  • 14 2 Ma k on Monday. For Per »h Tour, Klang Good Luck 1 P.M.
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  • 41 2 From s. s. .Ya»it/me/ to-day, s s. Cultjj’- Pakshan to-morrow, s. s. Rio <>n M' n s. Palamcotta <>n Wed* neslay. From Lb a. s. Jason to-morrow F rom Ni Trym on Monday, and s. s »Sir -<lay.
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  • 97 2 'I’HE H General Meeting will be I held lumber of Commerce on VVednes 1 Uh inst at 4 30 p.m. I urines*: 1. To i Bdance Sheet and tlie A of the Club for the half y g 31st March, 1897. 2. To the following addition to
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  • 75 2 LONDON, 9th April, 1897. French Navy Bill. The French Minister of Marine has introduced a Bill, providing for the expenditure of eight hundred million francs, to be spread over eight years and to begin this year with eight, mainly on new ships and docks. Greece Calming Down. The
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  • 206 2 The of the building, which Measrs. Ramamitlier and Cathirvaloo submitted for the consideration of the Municipal Commissioners, have been unanimously condemned. We have not heard what steps the partners now intend to take in the matter whether they will modify the plans, apply for another site,
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  • 176 2 Wk are glad to be able to announce that, at the meeting of Englishmen of Penang and Province Wellesley held in the rooms <>f the Chamber of Commerce on Thursday last, it was decided to give a ball on St. George’s Day, the 23rd of April. A
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  • 927 2 The Bishop of Singapore and Sarawak has postponed his visit to Selangor until the 22nd instant. At the expressed desire of the Hon. T. Shelford no public dinner has beAi given to him on his leaving Singapore. There will be an Auction Sale of various valuable plants
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  • 116 2 Monday before Easter. Evensong at 5-30 P.m., Hymn 114. Tuesday before Easter. Evensong at 5-30 P.M., Hymn 109. Wednesday before Easter. Evensong at 5-30 P.M.. Hymn 253. Maundy Thursday. [Holy Communion at 6-30 a.m. Service without music.] Evening at 5-30 p.s»., Hymn 311 (Tune of 4).
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  • 33 2 (From our Corr EBPONdent TELUK ANSON. 10th April. There were no shipments on Thu* day and Friday. The shipments to-day are To Penang, 1,033 piknl 8 ofli| To Singapore, 3,523 ofore
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  • 397 2 The following are il ie rPBu tjJ Columbia Cup ~ud Ladie,’ HandiJ will l>e notir.'d that in the form..,-tIJ fi four players were nil in recH|>( Imndicaps. The Handicappers hale “p.Jj them all Considerably in the niah-h being played for the Civil Service Cup? 0 Columbia Cup. Capt. Ferguson
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  • 105 2 Harmston’s Circus Company will commence their season at Penang on Tuesday next. Colonel Hicks has secured an excellent site on the Esplanade. F>r full particulars of this ever popular entertainment our readers are referred to the advertisement which appears in our columns today. The Company are on their
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  • 146 2 The Master of the s. s. Flying Fieh reports that be left. Penang at. 2 20 p m c the Btli instant bound for Teluk An» Everything went well until 4 pi»- the vessel to the south of Pulau Kimow acountered hearv seas
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  • 195 2 A meeting of the Municipal eluU sioners was held at the Town Hall ye dav afternoon. Mr. J. Y. Kennedy, sident), Mr. G. F. Adamson, au R. A. P. Hogan were presentThe minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed. Dl The question of widening certain po' 1
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 219 2 Pritchard Co. Have just received the following goods Gent’s Under Shirts,Merino Gauze Gent’s Half Hose, Cashmere, Merino, and Silk. Linen Collars. Handerchiefs, Linen, Cotton, Silk. Coloured Regatta Shirts. Japanese Crepe Shirts and lies. Li«rht Brown Felt Hats. White Solar Hats. Blue and Brown Waterproofs Regulation Cloaks. Blue and Brown Chesterfield
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    • 534 2 New advertisements. TO LET. ORANGE GROVE, No. 54 Northam Road. Entry from Ist Muy, 1897, or earlier. Apply to 168 MAHOMED ARIFF. PENANG SALES ROOM. AUCTION SALE OF A Valuable Collection of Plants comprising Palms, Maiden Hair Ferns, Draescenas, Begonias, Anthuriums, Lilies, &c, Ac., On Monday, 12 th April, 1897,
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    • 145 2 ricE. tpHE und' -ga to notify that he 1 is «pp ENT for The Sori 1 msterdam L’nderilers, and that nl '-claiinson merchandise or ships it Holland have to lie brought Io e for survey 12 II J M ARTYN. Jr. THE G Town Dispensary, 3.a BEACH STREET, PENANG. Wholesale
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  • 77 3 Immigrant K’i. g coolie of the Per- Pauh branch of Prye Estate, who mly four days before, attempted to on Weduesdav while at work in 5 I>. and swam th a Sungei Durnka. T h- managed to reach the op|»osite alligator seized him But for tie
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  • 133 3 S ’nil of Haji Sa I!eh for the alleged f Layman, which occurred recently K a Lumpur and was dulv reported lumns at the time, came on for .-Dre Hie Judicial Commissioner on t The Legal Adviser appeared 'i i n. and Mr. HewgiU for
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  • 108 3 After recapitulating the votes and the r > preparations for the Queen’s Dia<>lebrati«m in the three Settlements '-aits, the Hongkong Telegraph thus 1.,- f >reg ing facts make it clear that, :ai. the Straits Settlements are far < i t Hongkong. We have, as yet,
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  • 108 3 Thi fa ts f the recent difficulty, which is l settled, I»etween Spain and the United are as follow It R. Lard Ruiz, a naturalized American z-n. was found dead in his cell in <a a -a. Gaol one day in February. 1 little doubt but
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  • 130 3 IHE HE was some discussion in the House mm ns >n the 16th March, says the I .r C Erpre»s, < n a moti<>n for adjourn- <• v Mr. J Wilson. < f Falkirk, secvnd- Mr. Colville, to raise the question of andment of the
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  • 342 3 ‘Hongkong Telegraph.} •N ’he 26th March Mr. W. Machell gave I ’ure to the members of the Odd V ones Society on “The Chinaman as Ler.” There was a good attendance m the Chamber of Commerce room, among <. present being H E. the Governor.
    ‘Hongkong Telegraph.}  -  342 words
  • 715 3 The following excellent story about a leopard is taken from the Evening Mail of the 23rd of March:— Is it sickness, or is it lunacy, that makes I leopards occasionally forget Mr. Kipling’s law <>f the jungle s<» completely as to visit villages in the
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  • 165 3 THE CITY S RIGHTS. It Las been hazarded that the Lord Mayor will head the procession through the City upon the occasion of the Queen’s visit to St. Paul’s. We may be inclined to smile at this suggestion, remarks a London contemporary. but on historic reflection it will be remembered
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  • 168 3 Me. Vernon Harcourt’s report on the Hughli has been publihed. and after all the time and trouble, savs Indian Engineering, which hare been expended over ninetysix foolscap pages, besides notes and appendices, and illustrations of twelve elaborated coloured charts of the
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  • 346 3 —Strait» Time» Singapore asd Pexaxg Compared. SIMGAPORE. The importation of lire animals, food and > drink, and narcotics show most increase (114,060,822 against 512.394.787). Manu- factured articles come next in order of •(increase ($8,181,093 against 57.*****0). 1 Raw materials decreased $12,080,174 against
    —Strait» Time»  -  346 words
  • 476 3 A Reuter wire frojp St. Petersburg states that the King of Siam is expected there at the end >f April on a visit to the Russian Court. The marriage of Mr. All»erto Randegger, the veteran conductor, and Miss Louise Baldwin t«K>k place on 11th March. Mr. and
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  • 42 3 Arrivals. To-day. Per s. s. Banjermaesin from Singapore: Messrs. Anderson. McCarthy and Halland. Yesterday. Per 8. a. Maha Vajirunhie from Singapore: Mr Katz. Messrs. Langan. Siemsgen, Zeman. Grient Dreun. Per 8. a. Neera from Singapore Mr. E. Toft, and Mr. Gray.
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  • 148 3 The Rev. F. W. Galpin, M. A.C vicar of Hatfield, Broad Oak, Ess-x. has made a special study of ancient musical instruments, and bis collection of valuable specimens, says tLe We»tmin»fer Gazette, cannot l>e surpassed in this country. We gather from a little
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  • 205 3 A curious paint arises, says the L I* C. Erpre»». in connection with the brief, but apparently very pleasant, interview l>etween M Faure and Queen Victoria. Was the French President the Queen’s guest on nominally British Her Majesty was. it may be
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  • 102 3 Saturday. I<»th Cricket Match at the Esplanade. Probables r. Shropshire's XI Town Band. Golf Club. spm High-water at New Jetty. 5-35 AM. and H-o 2 P M Sunday. 11th:— Palm Sunday. High-water at New Jetty. 6-24 a m and 7-" l p M. Monday. )2th
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  • 114 3 The following is the order of the services at St. George's Church on Sunday. 11th of April. l>eing Palm Sunday Morning Service, with Holy Communion, at B—Hymns8—Hymns b 1» and 98. Evening Servi<-e at 6—Psalms. LIX (’2S*i. LX 115$>. and I.XI < 1-9) Hymns 99. 112. and 98;
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  • 200 3 t rritaK. To-dav s. s. Banjerma»»>H fn>m Singapore. Y ESTEBDAY. s. s. Vidar from Klang. s. s. Aragyee from Deli. >. Petrel from Tongkah. s s. Thaipemj from Port Weld. s. s. Chelydra from Singapore D-part ure». To-day. 8 s. A eera for Klang and Singapore. < s Ftdar
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 208 3 TO LET. ROOMS, with board in a private family, ou very moderate terms. 158 Apply No. 2 Love Lane FOR SALE or TO LET. House No. n college lane. Puio Tikus. Applj to C. A. HARDOUIN. 140 Rnkit Tambun. Province W elleeley. DENTAL NOTICeT \IK J F. TEUFERT, D-ntal Surgeon,
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    • 401 3 MELLIIJ’S FOOD FOR Wi INFANTS INVALIDS. IB BISCUITS I)l< FS TIVE NOURISHING. EMULSION 5 f OF COD LIVER o'l feo- for ’.c COUGHS COLDS. The l»est tonic for the chest and Innss. Lb TO-GLYCOSE of MILK Fool). This preparation consists or Wellin's Food and CQU m, D < 'hou'.d be
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    • 258 3 TO LET. PREMISES N" 421 Dato Kramat Road. Apply to TUNKU NYA ETAM. No. 6 Chuli'i Street Ghaut. Penang. 23rd March, 1897. 139 Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. THE s. s. Hye Leong” will leave here every Saturday at noon for Klang and Singapore. For freight and passage apply to H.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 514 4 iLI. BUCHANAN WHISKY IQ Tn'ET’C’ m/CTI' (Houses or JLIO JL JLjl JCd X To be had at Messrs. KHEE SAW SONS, Penang Rd. r» ir in s st a 1 v Messrs. THE AN CHEE A Co. Same as supplied to the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable
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    • 1076 4 W 111 Qlf V ev a g- H 1b K T ..-glgK I DEWAR’S SUCCESS LEEMANN GATTY’S patented fast is ent ire] v due to KHAKI r SCHME ERMAJIIUrCO t 11 C ART o f BLENDING. TIVOLI B R H j MARTYN, Jr., JINWHITE GLASS OTTLES Agent PERAK STATE RAILWAYS.
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    • 305 4 GEORGE SOLE AGENTS FOR N. Lazarus’ Spectacles. SIGHT THOROUGHLY TESTED GLASSES SUPPLIED THE DISPENSARY 2 Bishop Street, IS OPEN DAILY from 9am. to 5 p.m.; Saturday to 3 r Sunday hours 11 a.m. to l p Dl pIa Prescriptions accurately dispe nged SPECTACLES to suit every variety of defectivegiak TOILET
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