Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 9 April 1897

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1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 21 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE. PUBLISHED DjS.IL'Z’. NEW SER'ES.] ESTABLISHED 1833. .’5 zisn. VOL. LV. FRIDAY, 9th APRIL. 1897. No. 81.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 525 1 pipping Qtoftce«. .Hi'iikir A Oriental Steam Navigation Company. I’ H L mail steamers mar be expected to arrive out77a r JS and leave Pen an c- h-»mewards. <>n the following datesOutwards. Homewards. Apr •> P i Apr. 15 2 S 9 May M rzapore Mar 13 21 Coro Zu oJun
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    • 1337 1 Sfiwmna fflofteta. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,—(LTD.). banks. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. p n cEAN STEXM ship compant. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. g CorpoSn U EAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steanwrn. wvpwanvn. SHIP COMPANY, Ltd. Pald-ip «'apttal SIO,UUO,OUU. \yp Fob Will sail Stbameb Fkom Expictkd om
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    • 976 1 iDmAmm aARIHIL ■HTSCiiil’I'U (se. h land Trading Society.) Established 1*24. 'aiv-cp Capital 35,783,0*K? 06 itfiEEVK Funds /2,282,814.381 Hbad Offick is Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands Isdia.— The Factor!j of the NederlandschHandel Maatschappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deii), Sam a rang, Sourabaia, Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasaroean. and Tjilatjap.
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  • 124 2 Phinanu. 9ru April, 1597. Rates close as follows: Loudon. Demand Bank 2 0JDo. 4 months'sight Bank... Do. 3 Credits 'll' i Do. 3 Documentary Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. 161 J Do. 3 days'sight Private... I's Bombay, Demand Bank 161 J Do. 3 days’sight Private 165 Madras, Demand Bank 161
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  • 142 2 I‘knano, 9th April. 1897. Tin ...$3420 sellers. (Trang 17.—sellers. Black i'epper I West Coast... I 3 37A Aeheen <>••» 14.50 sellers. Wb ite Pepper... 20.12$ sellers. Cio' in (picked).. 36. do. Mace No. 1 80.— do. Mace Pickings... 75 do. Nutmeg- 79 do. No. 1 6.90 do.
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  • 56 2 Mails close To-morrow For Per eh 7'imr. Klang and Singapore Neera 1• am. Klang Viilar I p.m. Pangkor& Teluk Anson M Austin 2 P.M. Edie. T. Semawe. Segli <k Olehleh GG r Lansberge 3 p.m. Tongkah Petrel 5 p.m. Deli Aragyec 5 P.M. (Deferred Departure Singapore, and Hongkong,
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  • 42 2 From Singapore k. s. Chelydra to-day, s. s. Nainyong to-morrow. and s. s. Colypso and s. Pakshan n Sunday. From Liverpool —h. s. Jason on Sunday. From N egapatam—s s. 'Trym on Monday, and s. s Sirsa on Tuesday.
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  • 60 2 LONDON, Bth April, 1897. Opinion at Athens. The fresh Note from the Powers is regarded as of not much account at Athens; but, nevertheless, the journals there censure the clamour for war. The Insurgents in Crete. The Insurgents are massing at Sitia, where the commander of the French
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  • 17 2 Wilson —At Alandale,” on the Btli of April, the wife of Alan Wilson of a son.
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  • 758 2 Rumour has it that some of our Actor Managers in England are to be knighted. The Siamese Gunboat Coronation arrived here from Tongkah yesterday. The Hansei Zaeehi is a Japanese monthly magazine of 40 pages in a pretty cover. It, is illustrated with numerous collotypes and is
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  • 170 2 Messrs. Rnmanather and Cathirvaloo in December last applied to the Resident Councillor for permission to construct a Kiosk on the New Jetty. The matter was referred to the Municipal Commissioners who, however, expressed their disapproval. Application was then made by (lie partners to the Collector
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  • 170 2 The “house-warming” of the new rooms of the Association (Northam Lodge) took place last night in the form of a concert, ffwhicli proved on unqualified pleasure aud success. There was a large and representative gathering of members and the public. S-ldom has a concert been given,
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  • 253 2 A very interesting event took place at the Masonic Hall on Wednesday evening, when, at the close of the ordinary Masonic meeting of Lodge Royal Prince of Wales, a presentation was made to Wor. Bro. Me F.nlaue. The Worshipful Master (Dr. Barker) said it was with
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  • 190 2 Miss Ada Ward, the well-known actress, has given the representative of the Daily Mail a frank account of her conversion to the ranks of the Salvation Army. For some mouths she had been stopping in Portsmouth, plaving the leading parts in East Lynne
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  • 795 2 On Wednesday afternoon a Vprv wedding took place at St. George’/ Penang. The bride was Miss T< r,fc Jones, daughter of the late Mr at one time Assistant Treasurer at p* and the bridegroom Mr. A R Assistant Protector of Chinese Ti L. Coutier Biggs, m.a.,
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  • 21 2 Arrivals. To-day Per P. O.s. s. Doctor and Mrs. W. C. Brown, am Reeves; and Mr. R. D. Hewett re
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 813 2 tv i inn New Advertisements. Pritchard Co. wanted i CHINESE DRESSER is required to take charge of a small Dispensary and Have just received the Chinese Hospital at Sepang, Selangor. The appointment is not under Governfollowing goods Tbe salary offered is $25 a month. Applications with testimonials as to chaGent’s
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    • 123 2 Gosling Co., |/A (ich <(• Union Streets. Ex. g. s. “ADEN.” ENGLISH HARNESS for Cob Horse. SILVER or BRASS MOUNTS. TENNIS POLES NETS (Ayres). GOLFERS’ REQUISITES. CRICK E T SETS, BATS, STUMPS, BALLS, LEG GUARDS, &c. MARTINI REPEATING RIFLES, Winchester Model, 535. MAUSER MAGAZINE GUNS, $25, with 50 Cartridges. IRON
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  • 345 3 Mr. J- Y. Kennedy lias received from Mr. F. St. G. Caulfield the sum of 8274.80 which lias been subscribed for the Indian Famine Fund by some members of the Perak Public W <»rks Department, of which all the District Engineers, many of
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  • 219 3 Marriage ceremonies have doubtless been performed in many queer places and under many strange auspices, but the interior of a lion’s cage, with the beasts themselves as witnesses, is surely a novel spot. A lion’s den was, however, the place chosen last month bv
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  • 61 3 Five learned judges, says the L. <£• C. Expreu, have unanimously decided that Tattersall’s Ring is a “place” within the meaning of the Betting Act of 1853. This means that ready money betting in public with all and sundry is illegal, and that the business
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  • 155 3 No Wonder the Departure of six Turkish ironclads for the Dardanelles has created g'neral surprise” in England, says the Pioneer of 23rd March. Everybody knew that a Turkish navy existed, but everybody also knew that the vessels had been quietly rotting in the waters of the Golden
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  • 197 3 The Socotra, the latest addition of the cargo-boat type to the Peninsular and Oriental fleet, sailed from London on the sth March for Bombay and China and Japan ports on the first voyage to the Far East. The ‘’Socotra" is the
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  • 644 3 To 19th March. Movements of Turkish troops are reported on the Thessalian frontier. The Mansion House Fund in aid of the Indian Famine amounted yesterday evening to <£435,000. The blockade of the Cretan coast, according to a telegram from Rome, is to commence on 21st March. Lord Justice
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  • 209 3 The Chinese authorities, says the Hongkong Weekly Press, have requested the Government of Macao to withdraw the military guard placed some years ago on the island of Dorn Joao, to the south-west of Macao. Possibly some trouble may arise from this. The island in question
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  • 471 3 (L. C. Express.) Mr. Goschen speaking in the debate on the Navy Estimates in the House of Commons on the 12th of March said the new Naval Works Bill would be a Loans Bill, but he was not at present prepared to state what works would be
    (L. C. Express.)  -  471 words
  • 126 3 The mango season has set in once more, says the Hongkong Telegraph, and a few of the Saigon species are to be obtained in the market. As yet, however, they do not appear to be in the best of condition and are decidedly sour. The Manila mangoes have not
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  • 269 3 The Saturday Review has two amusing notes on two rising Conservative politicians Mr. Brodrick made a speech which narrowly escaped being good—an unusual feat for the Under-Secretary of State for war. He is the eldest son of Lord Midleton and nephew of the Warden of Merton. Mr.
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  • 73 3 Friday. 9th Ordinary Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners, Town Hall, 3 P.M. High-water at New Jetty. 4-4 > a m. and 5- p.m. Saturday, 10th Town Band, Golf Club. 5 p.m. High-water at New Jetty. 5-35 AM. and 6- p.m. Sunday. 11th Palm Sunday. High-water
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  • 161 3 The ready manner in which the Japanese make themselves acquainted with Western methods is known, and a Lotion daily calls attention to the fact as follows:—A Japanese manufacturer recently visited Germany for the purpose of inspecting some needle factories, but he was much disappointed to find that
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  • 292 3 The Rangoon Tinies records a sad case of a revival of the evil that is known as the “Madras Slave Trade.” A prosecution has been instituted at Rangoon against four persons under sorry circumstances. The complainant, who is represented by an English lawyer, is a young
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  • 197 3 irriuil.. To-day. P. .fc O. s. s 1 oromandel from London. s. s. Maha Vajirunhis from Singapore. y esterday. s. s. Glenfalloch from Singapore. Depart 11l es. To-day. 8. a. Dell for Klang. s. 8. Teutonia for Klang and Malacca. s. s. Langkat for Deli. s. s Jin Ho
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  • 73 3 (L <£• C. Express. 19th March.) Shares. Banks. Paid. 7>rice8 R t£ 20 Chartered of India. Australia. A China All ‘26£ to 27| 281 Hongkong A- Shanghai 28J- 38f t0.39j 25 Mercantile Bank of India (Ltd.) “A” Shares 12| 11 to 12 25 Do. "B” do. 124 sto
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  • 199 3 (Straits Tinies, sth April.) JeleLus (s."> pd.) $2.35 Rauhs (13/10 pd.) $13.50 421 fully paid $15.25 Punjoms ($4 pd.) $7.50 Pahang Corp. (XI pd.) ?4J. Pataling Coffee Co. ($45 pd.) $52 buyers. Pengerangs ($5O pd.) J4B sellers. Straits Insurance (S2C pd.) $22 sales. Straits Pires ($2O pd.)
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 202 3 LUBRICATING OIL. Lubricating, shafting, and ENGINE OIL to be had at PENANG FOUND I.’Y Co. KHYE HO FOUNDRY Co, FIRST QUALITY. PRICES MODERATE Perak Government Notice. 1 V ANTED at once for the Central School, Taiping, a Chinese or Eurasian Master to take charge of the Fourth Standard. Salary 850
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    • 462 3 ■cfc,. Ik Mfe" IS PREPARED TO SUPPLY TIFFIN’S or at short notice. TERMS MODERATE. PORT, SHERRY, MADEIRA, M ARSALA, TOKAYAR, GRAVES, MALAGA. These are the finest wines in the market and defy competition as regards prices. SEND FOR A PRICE LIST. BODEGA BEER STOUT. Try these: you will be pleased.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1668 4 BUCHANAN WHISKY IS THE BEST. To be had-at Messrs. THEAN CHEE <t Co. Same as supplied to the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable London Clubs. GUAT CHENG BROS. 11 e SOLE IMPORTERS— KATZ BROTHERS HIN LEE A Co. Insurance (Rotaes. W U I S K Y The
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    • 312 4 GEORGE TOWN DISPENSAR). SOLE AGENTS FOR N. Lazarus’ Spectacles. SIGHT THOROUGHLY TESTED AND GLASSES SUPPLIED -<* o ,j6 THE DISPENSARY 2 Bishop Street, IS OPEN DAILY from 9am. to 5 p.m.; Saturday to 3 Sunday hours 11 a.m. to l'p. ni m Prescriptions accurately dispensed SPECTACLES to suit every varietv
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