Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 2 April 1897

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1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 21 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE. PUBLISHED NEW SERIES.] ESTABLISHED 1833. p/?/C£ .?o CINTS. VOL. LV. FRIDAY, 2nd APRIL, 1897. No. 75.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 536 1 Shipping QToftceSe peninsular Oriental Steam Navigation Company. r IGIE mail steamers may be > expected to arrive outwards, and leavs Penang homewards,’ on the following J/ dates Outwards. Homewards. p, jzttt'i hd Apr. 9 Kaisar i-hind Apr. 1 R -:r t 23 Rosetta 15 a (--I Hull May 7 Thames
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    • 1334 1 SRwmner (ttoftcea. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,-(LTD.). banks. 5 (nonce». kONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIi NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS Hongkong Shanghai bankOCEAN STEAM SHIP COMPANY. IHCUHFHIAffI LIHC Ur OltAMtnd. j n Comoration EAST niDIAN OCEAN STEAM Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. SHIP COMPANY, Ltd. 1 Paid-cp Capital $10,000,000. x, Wtt,
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    • 993 1 IEDBKLAIiI>SUiB HAIiOKL EAAI'SCBAi’HJ (Kc hsrland Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital /35,783,000.00 Reserve Funds f 2,282, Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India. The Factorij of the Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia, Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasaroean, and Tjilatjap. London Bankers.—
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  • 129 2 Pkong. 2nd April, 1-97. Rates close as follows: London. Demand Bank 2 0} Do. 4 mouth»’sight Bank... 2/0 -]r Do. 3 Credits 2/' Do. 3 Documentary 2/Oj- Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. >6l i Do. 3 days’ sight Private... I's Bombay, Demand Bank 161 J j Do. 3 days’sight Private
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  • 139 2 Penang, 2nd April. 1897. Tin $33.55 Trang 17. sellers. Black Pepper West Coast... 13 27$ Acheen 6U- 15. sellers. White Pepper.. 20 25 sellers. Cloves (jm’ked).. 36. do. Mace No. 1 85— do. Mace Pickings... 75 do. Nutmegs 82— do. (No 1 6.90 do. Sugar, 2 .3
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  • 55 2 Mails close. To-moukow Eor Per str Klang Good l uck... 1 p.m. Deli Ho Kirei 2 p.m. Pangkor and T. Anson M A'lntin 2 P.M. Edie and Olehleh... 11. Canton... 4 P.M. The mail despatched from Peneng to London, ria Brindisi, on the 4th ultimo should have l>een
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  • 29 2 From Singapore k. k Calyp*o to-mor-row, and s. s. I'eiitukota on Monday. From Edie —s. h Both on Monday From Calcutta—» h. C. Apcar on Tuesday.
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  • 100 2 LONDON, Ist April, 1897. Decision of the Powers. The Powers have decided it is imperative that they should terminate the aggression of Greece, and all have agreed to blockade the Greek coast at an early date. Reinforcements from France and Great Britain. France is sending to Crete 600
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  • 220 2 On the 13tli of March we drew attention to the fact that on the 11th of March Mr. Hallifax, then stationed at NibongTebal, bad appeared in Court at half-past two in the afternoon instead of at ten o'clock, that he had kept the Court
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  • 947 2 The s. 8. Fook Ching brought 7,904 tins of petroleum from Brandon this morning. Telkiraphic communication between Alexandria and Malta has been restored. Six of the members of the M’Kinley Cabinet, in the United States, are millionaires. Sahat, Pknohulu of Utan Malinfang, Lower Perak, has been arrested
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  • 120 2 From press reports on the new prospecting boring *ool, invented and patented by Mr. F. M. McLarty of Penang, there would appear to be no doubt, says the Singapore Free Press, that this mechanical device is to solve the problem of speedy exploratory boring, with facilities
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  • 84 2 Arrivals. To-day. Per s. s. Fook Ching from Brandon Mr. Chill. Per s. s. Mari/ Austin from Teluk Anson* Messi s. Hardouin and Davis. Per s. s. Langkat from Deli; Capt. Bower. Y esterday. Per P. O. s. s. Kaisar-I-Hind from Singapore Mr. J. B. Elcum, Dr. and Mrs.
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  • 36 2 Play for the Civil Service Cup wi][ mence on Tuesday next, the 6th in,i and entries will c l ose at 5 p m st day. The Handicaps will l>e posted Pavilion on Monday. le
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  • 120 2 (To the Editor of fhe Pinang Gazette"} Sir,—Would you permit me to drw n attention of the Municipality to the ed condition of Arratoom Road and T ct imperfect drainage. 0 1,8 The sweepinn of Ibe road and U, e ing of the side drams were o m
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  • 204 2 (Malay Mail.) Further particulars to hand shew that Dr. Wellford was out elephant shooting with Mr. Charter and when going alone al. )D a narrow track, through some verv hioh came upon the elephant round a corner. Hfired, ami the animal charged. He fiU again, as
    (Malay Mail.)  -  204 words
  • 396 2 (Perak Pioneer.) Messrs. Hulbert and G. Maxwell hare lieon out for somo days past, after the maneater at Passir Hitam. They were unable to get a shot at it, and bad at last to resort to poison, which fortunately proved successful. The beast turned
    (Perak Pioneer.)  -  396 words
  • 166 2 On the 2nd of March, the steamer, V te.videa arrived at Saigon with 2?0 coolies returning from Madagascar. men, on landing, says the Siam ree e J presented a disgusting and loathsome Thirty of them were so ill that tney cou hardly stand. One of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 799 2 tx j i 1 O fl New Advertisements. Pritchard Go. dehtal notice., MR. J. F. TEUFERT, Dental Surgeon, wiU shortlv visit PenaUg 154 TO LET. following goods— NO. 5 Clove Hall Road. Applv to L SURAWONGSI. ueiiL svuucr ouiibSjXTxvAiiiv <v p euangt 2nd April, 1897. 153 Gent’s Half Hose, MUNICIPAL
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    • 52 2 POSADA WINE COMPANY. The Lir<rest Wine Shippers in the East. Champagnes. Ports. Sherries. Clarets. Madeira. Marsala. Malaga. Hocks. Chateau Wines. Liqueurs. Connossietirs pronounce our Wines immeasurably superior alike as regards quality and prices. COMPARISON INVITED. Cigars and Cigarettes. A SPECIALITY. Telegraphic Address GOSLING, PENANG. Gosling Co. Beach Union Streets. The
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  • 807 3 (5 ydney T<legraph.) London, 6th March. The Jameson Raid. yg. Cecil Rhodes was again under exirll.alien- He said that lie sold shares in I in,. Ihilish South Africa Company in order' t finance the first Matabele war, aid to £94.000 for the construction of a>
    (5ydney T<legraph.)  -  807 words
  • 508 3 There were 3,590 Chinese in Yokohama before the war there are now 12,289. The Japanese Currency Bill was carried in the House of Representatives by 151 to 96. It is reported that each of the Japanese Ministers &lt;rf State has subscribed 100 yen towards the
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  • 152 3 An outline of the constitution of the Imperial Chinese Bank of International Commerce has been published. The Throne has been asked to sanction the deposit of the funds of the Imperial Exchequer in the Bank, and to allow it to transmit the taxes from the Provinces
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  • 219 3 A story was recently published, on the authority of the Cycling Commissioners of Travel concerning the detention of two English gills in a harem in Teheran. The same correspondents have now sent further details of the affair, which, thanks to the intervention of our Minister
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  • 773 3 A bicycle corps has been formed, which consists entirely of Primrose League Dames. They hope to be useful at election times they will, certainly, always be ornamental. Miss Ellen Terry has been suffering from an attack of a kind of ophthalmia, and while she was playing in “Olivia”
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  • 247 3 The spinning industry was, says the Jij in a most prosperous condition last spring The price of yarns was then about ven 100 per bale, but this price invited the import of Bombay cotton so that 30,000 bales were sold out. at an average price of
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  • 49 3 Mlle. Diane de Fontenoy, the newest living picture, who has made her first appearance at the Alhambra, Brighton, is a handsome and beautifully formed girl of eighteen. She has had a musical education, and plays the harp like a true artist. Diane is a Parisienne.
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  • 83 3 The Sesame Club in London has started a Ladies’ Parliament, in which there is a. Speaker to preserve order, ladies have to stand up to “orate,” and are not. allowed to burst in and interrupt each other, and not more than one cay speak at once. Many
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  • 87 3 A more rapid pace is to be adopted in the publication of that monumental work, the Oxlord English Dictionary. The issue, which has been at the rate of four or five sections a year, will be increased by about another half. This will be secured by
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  • 97 3 moment Prime Henry of Orleans is bent on another expedition his recent hook of travels is being translated into English. It will be is-u d by Messrs. Methuen, under the title From Tonking to India,” but as to the date nothing is certain. The young Prince went
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  • 150 3 WheN our aneest ress, Marie Antoinette, knitted the Dauphin’s stockings in the Temple, she in nowise derog ited from her majesty in tin- eyes of the w. rid. Our own father also laboured with his own hands, and no one conceived that his dignity was thereby impaired.
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  • 84 3 Friday. 2nd: New Moon 11.1!* am. At Home" at the Residency, at 4.45 I- M. High-water at New. Jetty, l' -4'&gt; p.m. ami 11-20 A M. Saturday. 3rd Chevalier A de Kontski’s Concert. Town Hall, at P.M. Town Band. Golf Chib. 5 p m. Sale
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  • 193 3 l rri mix. '!■&lt;&gt;-*&gt; A v. s. s. Laertes from Liverpool. 8. 8. Fool; Ching from Brandon. 8. s. Mary Austin from Teluk Anson. s. 8. Langkat from Deli. s. s. (,'isela from Bombay. s. s. Anfenor from Liverpool. 8. s. Banjerntassin from Singapore. s. s. Hye Leong from
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 122 3 FOR SALE or TO LET. HOUSE No. Il College Lane, Pulo Tikus. Apjdv to C. A. HARDOUIN, 140 Unlit Tambun, I rormce II elleslt y. Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. rpHE 8.8. “Hye Leong” will leave here every Saturday at noon for Klang and Singapore. For freight and passage applv to
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    • 287 3 FERGmK’3 SUCCESS is eiHireiy chic to giving the very best TKY WITEIKz Ss ex: AND ALSO i rr-S L F 1 Scotch whisk/ Hp W mF i „"A"° "I |j^!P2 AL SOLE AGENTS: PRITCHARD Co., /•/« FRED, de LAIR, Photographic Artist, 20 Leith Street. 11 THERE yai can have your
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    • 194 3 TO LET. O ILV ERDA LE." No. 1 Larut Road. Entrt from Ist April next. Apply to A. A. ANTHONY A Co. Penang, 4th March, 1897. 98 LUBRICATING OIET r U BRIC A TING, SHAFTING, and JLi ENGINE OIL to be had at PENANG FOUNDRY Co. KHYE HO FOUNDRY Co.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1668 4 BUCHANAN WHISKY IS THE BEST. To be had at Messrs. THEAN CHEE Co. Same as supplied to the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable London Clubs GUAT CHENG BROS. 1 J GOON YEN FRIENDS. SOLE IMPORTERS BROTF e HIN LEE Co. Insurance Qtoficee. Hl ft K I M.Hn.
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    • 460 4 GEORGE TOWt, DISPENSARY I SOLE AGENTS FOR N. Lazarus’ Spectacles. SIGHT THOROUGHLY TES'IED AND I GLASSES SUPPLIED I *’-)b K THE DISPENSARY 2 Bishop Street, I IS OPEN DAILY I from 9am. to 5 p.m.; Saturday to 3 n K Sunday hours 11 a.m. to I’p.m. I Prescriptions accurately dispensed
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