Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 1 April 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 540 1 pipping (Notices Peninsular Oriental Steam Navigation Company. T’X THE mail steamers may be expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following .is dates'-—' Outwards. Homewards. C inil Apr. 9 Kaisar-i-hind Apr. 1 Ji i 23 Rosetta 15 Ki ir-I H'A May 7 Thames „29 Rosetta 21 Mirzapore
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    • 1394 1 SBwmna (ItoftetE BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,—(LTD.). banks. pipping iiwCTccß. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. rjCEAN steam ship company. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. in corporation. U EAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM Intended Sailing and expetted Arrival of Steamers. SHIP COMPANY, Ltd. P«u>-cr Capital Jlu.ouo.iwo. w a t* Reserve Fund t>,SOV,OG). AND For Will
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    • 880 1 iBDKKLABDSIfII HAMPEL BAATSCaAPM (Netherl&nd Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital f 35,783,0<>0.0® Reserve Funds /2,282,814.38, Head Orrici in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India.— The Factory of the Nederland ache Handel Maatechappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia, Padang, Cheribon, Tegel, Pecalongao. Pasaroean, and Tjilatjap. London Bankers.
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  • 129 2 Pknaiu. Ist April, 1'97. Hates close as eollows: London. Demand Bank 2 Do. I nioiitliH* sight Ban' 2/0i Do T Credits 1 Do. 3 Documentary 2 o,* Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. 161 Do. 3 days’ sight Private I 5 Bombay. Demand Bank 1->1 Do. 3 days’s git Pri vat.’
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  • 148 2 Pen a no, Ist April. 1897. Tin $33 55 sellers. i Trang 17. sellers. Black Pepper( West ('oast,.. '3 27A (.Acheen <>a> 15. sellers. White Pepper 20 05 do. Cloves (picked).. 36. do. Mace No. 1 85 do. Mace Pickings... 75 do. Nutmegs 82—• do. iNo 1
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  • 55 2 Mails close To-morrow For Per »h Tino. Klang Tate Tong 1 p M Pangkalan Brandon C. Smith. 2 P.M. Port Dickson ami Teluk Anson Lady Well. 4 P.M. (Delerre-.l Departure Langkat Quornt ...11 a.m. Klang and Malacca Tetdonia 1 PM. Saturday. 3rd. Klang Goal I tick... 1 P.M.
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  • 36 2 From Liverpool s. s. /L<n*r/es to-day, and s. Ait tenor to morrow From Singapore s. h Ba ijemutMin tomorrow. From Bombay h h. '/«/i on Saturday. From Edik s. s Both on Monday
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  • 159 2 LONDON, 31st March, 1897. Successes of the retail Insurgents. The Insurgents captured a fort at Spinalonga, after forty-eight hours’ fighting, and sank a Turkish schooner, laden with munitions of war. They, also, attacked Fort Izzedin which dominates Suda Bay. Thereupon the fleets of the Powers bombarded the Insurgents’
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  • 1023 2 As mav be seen from a London telegram to an Indian contemporary, quoted by us to-day, it is reported that Russia has b en urging Turkey to attack Greece. This is certainly a set-off to the report about the alleged polity of Great Britain, to
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  • 76 2 It has been reported Io us that, according to a telegram rei-eived by the Manager of the Penang Branch Establishment of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China from the London Office this morning, at the approaching meeting of shareholders the Directors will recommend a dividend
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  • 80 2 We are informer! that it is the intention of the Telegraph Company to make still further reductions in the rates for telegrams from the Straits to India, Eurojre, and all places westward, from the Ist of Julv next. The immediate effect
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  • 209 2 This morning about thirty persons appeared before Mr. Innes, having been summoned by the Municipality for wasting water. Among the names called was that, of Capitan Cheung Keng Kui, but the gentleman did not appear. He was represented by one of his assistants,
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  • 704 2 H. I. H. Prince Komatsu will represent Japan at the celebration of the Diamond Jubilee. He represented the Mikado at Queen Victoria’s Jubilee in 1887. Two prominent citizens of Bombay, Mr. Arthur Brooks, a broker, and Dr. Hyem died of the plague on 21st inst. The latter
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  • 82 2 It is proposed to have two football matches in Penang if possible during the Easter holidays, Perak meeting Penang and the Detachment. Perak will probably be represented as follows Forward*. Fyson, Dennys, Voules, McKenzie, an I Williams. Halves.— G. F. Curtis, H. P. Curtis, and Dawson. Backs.— Allen, and
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  • 95 2 The Malay Mail savs —Three of tI ;S ringleaders in the recent disturbances ba ve been arrested one of them being ;l vel 7 old resident of the place. It is > umoured that the arrest of these men may
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  • 47 2 A rrivals. To-day. Per s. s. Lady Weld from Teluk An' 11, Messrs. Duberly, Nelson, and f iddle. Per s. s. Ho Kwei from Deli: Vr. and 3 Tate, Messrs. Dunlop, and FindkYYesterday. Pers. 8. Flying Dragon from e<l Meers. McGillivray and J. M. Wix ison
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 223 2 Pritchard Co. Have just received the following goods Gent’s Under Shirts,Merino Gauze Gent’s Half Hose, Cashmere, Merino, and Silk. Linen Collars. Handerchiefs, Linen, Cotton, Silk. Coloured Regatta Shirts. Japanese Crepe Shirts and 1 ies. Light Brown Felt Hats. White Solar Hats. Blue and Brown Waterproofs Regulation Cloaks. Blue and Brown
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    • 548 2 NOTICES. TOWN HALL, PENANG. Thursday Ist April AND Saturday 3rd April. The performance on Thursday night will be under the Patronage of the Hgu. J K. Birch, Acting Resident Councillor of Penang. CONCERT bv Chevalier de KOITTSKI. Court Pianist to the Emperor of Germany. The only living Pupil of Beethoven.
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    • 46 2 POSADA WINE COMPANY. Ike Lirircst Wine Siiippers in th’* Ea>t. Champagnes. Ports. Sherries. Clarets. Madeira. Marsala. Malaga. Hocks. Chateau Wines. Liqueurs. Connossieurs pronounce our Wines immeasurably superior alike as regards quality and prices. COMPARISON INVITED. Cigars and Cigarettes. A SPECIALITY. Telegraphic Address GOSLING, PENANG. Gosling Co.
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  • 192 3 rial of ArtiiUi Napoieou Templeton lin an acquittal. He was ohargBombay Criminal Sessions, with the 28th November, 1896, being an British subject in Haidarabad, .nt to cause the miscarriage of a h < hild., Mrs. Malian V,'.:! taker, given her medicine to 111"- r e and
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  • 280 3 r, Pioneer, 31st March v Vetis, the tea-planter from India, to acquire 5,000 acres of land for purposes in Perak. VCe ear that it has been practically Mr. Butler is to lie our new r\ to Government. We congratu- gentleman on his promotion. e Maxwell baoL.d a
    r, Pioneer, 31st March )  -  280 words
  • 178 3 AxoThek attempt is to be made to stir enthusiasm concerning the proposed n ,f India and Ceylon by rail. Mt. J .n Ferguson, a Colombo colonist, has gone in. savs the Bombay Gazette, and is Hv tJ read a paper before the associated hers of Commerce
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  • 118 3 Thursday, Ist. r alier A. de Kontskis Concert. Town Hall, at 9 P.M. T wn Band. Datu Kramat Gardens. 5 P.M. High-water at New Jetty. 9-45 p.m. and 10- AM. Friday. 2nd New Moon 11.19 A.M. At Home" at the Residency, at 4.4-j P.M. Higr-water
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  • 89 3 (Special for the "Indian Daily Neics.”) A Ccrious Development. London, 21st March. The Cretan imbroglio has now reached a curious stage. It is generally reported that Russia has been, and is now, urging Turkev to attack Greece. Failure of Autonomy Predicted. The Foreign Consuls in Crete are
    (Special for the "Indian Daily Neics.”)  -  89 words
  • 692 3 A good deal of excitement, says a correspondent to the >hepton Mallet Journal, a copv of which has been sent to us from Eng- i land, was manifested in Kingsbridge on Saturday when it became known that a well-known and prominent townsman was 1 possessed of certain
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  • 240 3 The Peninsular and Oriental Company have determined to extend their jetties at Calcutta thirty feet into deep water, says an contemporary, so that they can land and embark their passengers (as formerly) at any state of the tide in comfort. Their property
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  • 61 3 The Admiralty have decided to lay down a new type of cruiser during the ensuing financial year, to be known as the improved Pearl type. The new cruiser is to steam twenty knots per hour and will be constructed at Sheerness Dockyard, her engines and
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  • 70 3 In the Greek Chamber, on Ist March, the Premier, in an eloquent speech, denounced the bombardment as a savage, impious, and unjust act. “We are convinced,” said the Premier, that the Admirals acted without instructions. We are a small nation, and cannot prevent such
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  • 83 3 The Indian opium crop this season promises to be a bumper one, says the Statesman, unless injured by hail storms later on. Many cultivators will thus be enabled to tide over the trying time due to the partial failure of the food crops. The Government stocks of
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  • 102 3 The Baluchistan Herald reports a case of double murder at Ruk. It appears that a Peshawari Mohammedan with bis wife was travelling by train. On arrival at Ruk be was ordered to bring his wife out of the carnage for examination to ascertain that she was not suffering from
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  • 78 3 The Jiji says it was given out by a government delegate at the meeting of the Committee on the Coinage Bill that the total amount of the Chinese indemnity received up to date is yen 202,790,000. Of this amount yen 48.270,000 will be deposited with
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  • 152 3 The Committee appointed by the bankers I of Tokio and Yokohama met on 4th March, says the Japan Advertiser, to discuss the I proposer! new coinage law and decided to petition for the adoption of the following:— 1. That the words “25 sen be added to Art. 3.
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  • 120 3 Since bis return from Africa a few months ago, Maik Twain has been living in very modest lodgings in London, going nowhere and seeing but one or two friends, working all day and every day at a history of his trip around the world. With the pnxeeds of
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  • 274 3 The Bombay Gazette is sorry to find that Mr. Duuu, the only surviving passenger of the lost steamer, City of Agra, brings a serious charge against the Lascars who formed the crew. The instant the ship struck, the Lascars ran for the boats, jumped
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  • 91 3 At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Indian Famine Charitable Relief Fund, held at the Honorary Secretary’s Office. Royal Exchange Buildings, Calcutta, uii Tuesday, the 16th ult., the question of accepting the offer of a hundred cases of Mellin’s Food offered by the Mellin’s Food Company,
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  • 94 3 A despatch from the City of Mexico states that President Diaz has signed a contract with representatives of the Japanese Government for the establishment of a colony of 5,000 Japanese, who will come to Mexico direct from Japan. The colony will be located on the agricultural
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  • 139 3 Mr. Hooley has been telling a contributor to To-day How co become a Millionaire’: •There’s nothing very wonderful about the way I've made money, he calmly assured his interviewer. It’s not a question of luck it’s a matter of extremeIv hard work. My income in
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  • 133 3 Lady Colin Campbell has confided to an interviewer, savs a London contemporary, that she had no difficulty iu making a start in journalism. The first article she ever wrote was for one of Messrs. Cassell s publications. It was about a ladies’ lurkish bath
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  • 149 3 1 rrival*. To-day. a. a. Maha Vajirunhit from Padang. 8. 8. Nerite from Singapore. s. s Stentor from Singapore s. 8. Sri Bangka from t adang. 8 s. Isidy Weld from Teluk Anson. 8. 8. Artsadong from Padang. 8. s. Ho Ktcei from Deli. s. s. I 'ecil C.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 207 3 FOR SALE. IyICYCLE, Pneumatic Tire (Granville), J nearlv new, *l2O. Apply to H SMITH. 147 Colour Sergeant, Sepoy Lines. NOTICE. 1 1 E have aul horized Messrs Max HenssY I V and Otto Svhule to sign our firm jointly per procuration from this date. KATZ BROTHERS. Penang, 25th March, 189/.
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    • 532 3 '""•a. A i IS PREPARED TO SUPPLY TIFPIHS or DINIT-aBS at short notice. TERMS MODERATE. PORT, SHERRY, MADEIRA, M ARSALA, TOKAYAR, GRAVES, MALAGA. These are the finest wines in the market and defy competition as regards prices. SEND FOR A PRICE LIST. BODEGA BEER STOUT. Try these: you will be
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1347 4 -fl Pinang uazeus BUfiHAtAN WHISKY BliMsS p j THE BEST. (Houses of Parliament.) Pf JF w mTLjheelaw^sons. jwwngM. g ame as sup[" I Lords Commons and all the respectable London Clubs B^B GUAT CHENG BROS. nlied tO tllC HOUSCS W —A thean siew Co. piivu VM I SOLE IMPORTERS— KLATZ
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    • 293 4 GEORGE TOWN DISPENSMf SOLE AGENTS FOR N. SIGHT THOROUGHLY TESTED GLASSES SUPPLIER THE DISPENSARY 2 Bishop Street, IS OPEN DAILY from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday tot Sunday hours 11 a.m. to M Prescriptions accurately SPECTACLES to suit every variety of defective TOILET REQUISITES W Specialities— Milk of Roses,
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