Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 26 March 1897

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1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 20 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE. FTTBUSHED NEW SERIES.} ESTABLISHED 1833. C''.. fO VOL. LV. FRIDAY, 26th MARCH, 1897. No. 69.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 559 1 pipping Peninsular Oriental Steam Navigation Company. r pUE mail steamers mar be expected to arrive out- "‘’vfßMns vvaj< i s > and leave Penang homewards, on the following c <.- T jr dates Outwards. Homewards. 'P rzipore Mar. 27 Kai*ar-i-hind Apr. 1 fv-imiU iel Apr 9 Ro*etta n l5 5
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    • 1268 1 S6wmna (ftotictff. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY—(LTD.). banks. jiwwv». KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. rt— HCEAN STEAM SHIP comp.anT NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. Hongkong Shanghai BankU east INDIAN OCEAN STEAM Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. l2__ UIW SHIP COMPANY, Ltd. Paid-vp Capital SIO.UUU,OOO. and ro« willwl NEDERLANDSCHE STOOMVAART r MAATSCHAPPU
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    • 839 1 HE«S!i!,Ai.USIfIE HAHHKL •iAiStail’HJ Lerland Trading Society.) Established 1824. Capital /35,783.000.00 P.EsEsvg Funds 2,282,814.38| Hkad Omci in Amsterdam. Hiad Agenct in Netherlands India.— 'Fhe Factori] of the Nederlandscbe Handel Maatechappij, Batavia. Agrncie:- nd Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deh), Samarang, Sourabaia, Padang. Cheribon. Tegal, Peealongan. Pasaroe-.u, and Tjriatjap. London Bankers.—'•he Union Bank of
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  • 124 2 Penang, 26th Al arch, U 97. Rates clone as follows: Loudon, Demand Bunk 2 01 Do. months’ sight Bank 2/0/ Do. (Jrediis Do. 3 Documents y 2/1 Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. IR3 Do. 3 days’ sight Private I 6 Bombay, Demand Bank 163 Do. 3 days’sight Private 16 Madras.
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  • 139 2 Penang, 26th Mauch, I>*J7. Tin 8 13.55 Trang 17.25 —37 J Black I’epper West Coast... '3 27) Acheen 6a> 15. sellers White Pepper JisO-50« Cloves (picked).. j o Mme No. i do Mare Picking •j’j j o Nutmegs 83 do G’<> 1 *’!»0 do. Su W 2
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  • 65 2 Mails cloni To-morhow F..r /Vr *ti Klang A Singapore IL Lcomj 11 am. Singapore Alboin Noun. Deli Artiijye.’ 1 p.m. Asahan IL Halewyn 1 P.M. Klang Deft 1 PM. Pangkor A T. Anson M. 2 p.m. Singapore, Hongkong. Swatow and Amoy 'Atm... 2 P’M. The P. A
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  • 40 2 From < TN’GAj oitl -s s tL rd Pel to-mor-row. and s. s. Puu luu on Monday. From H aMBURg—s. h. Cere* t -morrow. From Negapatam < < S< runrfr<i on Tuesday From Su/'.z —s. s Elizabeth lUckmert on Tuesday.
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  • 83 2 LONDOX, 25th March, 1897. Massacre of Armenians. One hundred Armenians have been massacred at Tok at. The Ambassadors have made the strongest representations to the Porte with regard to the matter. [A is a large town in the vilayet of Sivas, Asia Mmol*. It stands on the
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  • 272 2 We commend to the notice of our readers the letter above the signature, “Deli,” published in our columns to-dny, which gives a view of the above subject as it appears to the officials, the cattle-dealers, and general public in Deli. While agreeing with the
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  • 426 2 We do nut think that it has ever before been the pleasing duly of the Pinang. Gazelle or of any other Straits newspajier to chronicle the fact of a Government official having wittingly and of malice prepense proceeded on long leave without claiming for
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  • 601 2 The s. 8. Fook Ching brought 7,794 tins of petroleum from Brandon this morning. Mb. J. A. Swettenham left Singapore by the French mail steamer Oceanien. on Wednesday morning. The Rotterdam Lloyd steamer Utrecht has been lost on the French coast, on her voyage to Acheen and
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  • 225 2 We have, with extreme regret, to record the death of Mr. Alexander Forsyth, of Aur Gading at Sungei Dua, P.W., which occurred somewhat suddenly at the Estate yesterday afternoon, soon after two o’clock. The body was removed to the Butterworth Hospital, where a post
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  • 19 2 (From our Correspondent TELUK ANSON. 26th March. The shipments to-day are— To Penang, 486 pikuls of tin.
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  • 83 2 The only wise called yesterday a against Mat Esope, a Malav, ci; ait ,’J (1) attempt (..murder, (2)/l.u.S ing grievous hurt, and (3) voluntarik ing hurt at Permatang P ilw y Jr u dUs appeared for the defence. Theiurv r ga the accused “not guilty” uua U i
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  • 221 2 What might have been a very tenihl affair occurred yesterday e Weetern R.»d Mr. aud Mr,. Sa.kie, driving to the Gardens and, when close t ZAy* errfxi'A'A'e tie cemeteru, they ie a the sound of an approaching tranienX The horse at once began to show
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  • 358 2 Entries for the Ladies’ Handicap closed last night. The draw and the handicap will be posted at the pavilion this evening. Members are reminded that the Monthly Medal takes place to-day and to-morrow (Saturday), and that entries for the Columbia Cup close to-morrow. The Championships of the Penang Club
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  • 44 2 Arrivals. To-day. Per s. s. Calypso from Singapore: MrsWilliamson, and Messrs. E. Bacon Olivero. Yesterday. Per 8. s. Jin Ho from Langkat: Fritz Williams. C. M. Croes, Max Muller. I Solberg, Dr. H. H. Austen. Mrs. Kleye ana children and Mrs. J. McMillam.
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  • 83 2 Friday, 26th i High-water at New Jetty, 4-00 f M 3 4- a m. Saturday, 27th n Cricket at thfe Esplanade. First 1 next 18, of the P. C. Town Band. Golf Club. 5 p m. High-water at New Jetty, 4-49 P- M 5- A.M.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 760 2 Pritchard Co. n tice WE have authorized Messrs. Max Henssy and Otto Schule to sign our firm ELftVC JUSt receivea tn. 6 jointly per procuration from this date. KATZ BROTHERS. following goods Penang, 25th March, 1897.142 Diamond Jubilee Celebration. Gent’s Under Shirts,Merino Gauze rpHERE will be a Meeting of the
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    • 50 2 POSADA WINE COMPANY. The Linzest Wine Shippers in the Ea>t. Champagnes. Ports. Sherries. Clarets. Madeira. Marsala. Malaga. Hocks. Chateau Wines. Liqueurs, Connossieurs pronounce our Wines immeasurably superior alike as regards quality and prices. COMPARISON IN VITED. Cigars and Cigarettes. A SPECIALITY. Telegraphic Address GOSLING, PENANG. Gosling Co. Beach Union Streets,
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  • 249 3 Editor of the Pinang Gazette.’’) p. vb Sir, —-V gfewt deal has been writf late iu your paper alxjut the cattle- with Deli, and about the inconvenience an?ed to some Penang cattie- .bv the temporary closure of Deli _.g< ust cattle from the Straits on f
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  • 377 3 T trie E Utar of the Pinang Gazette”) —A recent announcement in your f a Chinese ship-owner's intention to -w launches? for the Butterworth wed by the intimation in your issue 24 a insr. f the Straits Cattle Trading i ,avi:.g entered the lists in opposition red übtable
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  • 182 3 Ezliable information in regard to the xu. ns of the Spanish troops in the P— rpines is difficult to obtain. There a -uperabundance of highly coloured t- r appearing in the censorized Spanish but the information furnished by the ndent of the China Mail in the P
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  • 83 3 The N.ppon Yusen Kaisha, taking advan--ze f the profits accruing from the late na War, savs the Japan Mail, opened to America, Australia, and Europe. -t the expenditures during the past year amounted to yen 3,400,000. There no prospect of the business paying, tnpany recentlv petitioned
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  • 120 3 His Excellency Loh Feng Luh, the new Chinese Ambassador to Loudon, passed through Singapore by the mail. He was received at the wharf in the customarv wav, says the Straif* Timee, and then proceeded to call upion the Governor, the Chinese Consulate, and
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  • 84 3 Public gambling is doomed, the Perak Pioneer Lears, after this year has closed. What will that mean Reduced revenue for the different States, of course, and increased expenditure on a Gambling Suppression Department, of course too. Immense improvement of public morals—ahem problematical. We do not
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  • 51 3 Work on the Local railway at Hangchow will be commenced in the first week of April. The construction of the Woosung line was Commenced on 26th February. The Hangchow railway officials expect to have the railway ready for traffic in six months from the time of
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  • 54 3 For the last ten years the foreign advisers of China have been urging the fortification of Kiaochao on the southern coast of Shantung, and the establishment of a naval yard there, with dry docks suitable for the largest vessels. The local authorities have now decide»!
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  • 73 3 The electric company of Hangchow promises to be a profitab'e undertaking, orders for over 4,000 incandescent lamps having been secured in the city before the building of the premises was commenced. The charge for one lamp per night is 25 copper cash, and the company intends
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  • 92 3 Os the 15th inst. part of the crew and the two passengers of the wrecked steamer Glamorganshire arrive»! in Hongkong bv the Den ma. lhey report the vessel struck a r ck which was not marked on the British Admiralty chart about five o’clock on the afternoon
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  • 90 3 According to a Russian military writer. General Plioutsinski, the bicycle is the ideal mount for mounted infantry, as the rapidity and continuity of its movements are not interfered with by the necessity of providing forage and water. It is, however, obvious that the experiment, to be conclusive,
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  • 290 3 The London correspondent writes to the Time* of Ceylon A very excellent fertilizing fibre, which after having met with much success privateIv and upm a smaller scale, has now been brought out as a limited Companv with a capital of £*50,000 to develop it, and particularly
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  • 36 3 A private meeting of the shareholders of the Punjom Mining Co., held on the 16th inst., decided to increase the capital of the company by the issue of 20,000 shares of 54 each.
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  • 152 3 In this year 1897, writes Mr. A. W. Hutton to the New Century Review, there is to be a kind of General Council of the Anglican Bishops, partly by way of commemorating a very inapt commemoration under the circumstances the landing of the Italian mission of .St.
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  • 286 3 Writing of the Panama Canal Works, the Yomiuri says the Canal Company find that no satisfactory progress has been made during the past two or three years, and it is now proposed by some Frenchmen nected with the works to dispense altogether with the
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  • 146 3 Si.vm is a comparatively re<-ent source from which supplies of teak have been obtained for European markets, but little more than the most tentative shipments having been made until about sixteen years ago. The Siam supplies have (f rtunately f >r consumers) augmented those from the Moulmem
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  • 236 3 The official superiors of Mr. Li-hang. Attache of the Chinese Legati n in Paris, certainly ought to promote him in rec gnition of his eff rts to understand the manners and customs of the country in which he is located. According to the N’. C.
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  • 986 3 It may be regarded as an axiom that events are happ»ening in this land every day, says, the Lunchingchou-Sbantung correspkindent to the N. C. Herald, which could by no possibility occur m any other, as witness the following. A few months ago the village of ChienChuang, fifteen
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  • 318 3 Irma»'. To-day. s. s. Foolt Ching from Brandon. s. s. f'. Hock aian from Sin_apore. s. s. Hye Leon from Sing»pore. 8 8. Calypeo from Singapore. T ESTEEDAY. s. s .7'» IL> from Langkat. s a. Good Luck from Klang. s. s. Flying Dr > on from Port Weld.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 45 3 FOR SALE. Commercial Note Paper, 0 Ruled. 51.10 per packet of 5 quires. Cream Wove Note Paper unruled, 60 eta. pier 5 quire packet. INDIANA Mill Foreign Note Paper, Extra Strong Cream Wove, 70 cts pier*s quire packet. JOURNALS. LEDGERS. CASH BOOKS. Pinang Gazette Press.
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    • 231 3 FOR SALE. C oloured Cement Flooring Tiles. 'I’HE prettiest, best, and cheapest flooring 1 for Halls. Dining Rooms, Bathrooms, Stables. Ac. Cement Drain Pipes. Stronger an»! beaper than Burned Pipes. 115 HUTTENBACH BROS. A Co. FRED, de LAIR~ Photographic Artist. 20 Leith Street. TI’HERE you ran have y< ur Photo
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1743 4 BUCHANAN WHISKY IS THE BEST. To be had at g < Messrs. THEAN CHEE &Co Pe sKd g ame as supplied ta the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable London Clubs. GUAT CHENG BROS. 1 J goonylnT ™bs DS sole importers— KATZ BROTHER» HIN LEE Co. Insurance (notices.
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    • 265 4 CARD. Mr. James R. T. Logan SURGEON-DENTIST, Temporary address, No. 1. Trans fer Roij Consulting hours a m- P m s (2p.m._5 p.m.j H Saturday 9 a.m.—l p. m THE 2 Bishop Street, IS OPEN DAILY from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday to 3 r m Sunday hours 11
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