Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 6 March 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 550 1 DENTIFRICE EQUALS CALVERT’S CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER 6d., Is., Is. 6d., and 1£ S S Tins or CARBOLIC TOOTH PASTE, 6d., Is., and Is. fid. Pots. For PRESERVING the TEETH and STRENGTHENING the GUMS. Each is prepared with Culvert’s purest Carbolic—the best dental preservative. They sweeten the breath, and revent infection
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    • 1524 1 agwmnu (notices BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,—(LTD.). banks. upping iiiOTicgß. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. g R fkCEAN STEAM SHIP COMPANY. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. Hongkong Shanghai BankEAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. SHIP COMPANY, Ltd. Paid-up Capital $10,000,000. AKm nr a nt. RESERVE FUND 6.50V.0<10. AZSD
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    • 575 1 HANDEL rland Trading Society.) Established 1824. Pau- Cai ital 35,783,0'*0 00 Fsekvs Funds f 2,282,814.38| Hbad Office in Amsterdam. Hkad Agency in Netherlands India. lie l’a<*torij of the Nederlandache Hande 1 M i 't«chappij, Batavia. Agencies m 1 Branches.—Singapore Medan <Deh), San.arang, Sourabaisp Padang, < ’iieribon. Tcgal, Pccalongan, Pasaroeau, and
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  • 117 2 Penang, 6th March, lt-97. Rates close as follows: London. Demand Bank 2 0| Do. 4-months’sight Bank... 2/1 Do. 3 Credits Do. 3 Documentary 2/1 j Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. 164$ Do. 3 days’sight Private... 171 Bombay, Demand Bank 164$ Do. 3 days’sight Private... 171 Madras, Demand Bank 164 Do.
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  • 147 2 Penang, 6th March 1897. Tin 53.70 i Trang l”. 50 sellers. Black Pepper West Coast... <3— do. (Acheen 6i*> 15.60 do. White Pepper 21 50 Cloves (picked).. 29.00 do. Mace No. 1 85 do. Mace Pickings... 75 do. Nutmegs 76. do. i No. 1 6.90 do. Sugar
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  • 78 2 Mails close on Monday. For Perth'. Tim'. Klang Vidor 1 P’M. Edie Telok Senia we, Segli and Olehb-h G. G. r. Laiuberge 1 P-M. E<lie. Telok Scmuwe. Segli and Olehleh H. Canton 2 P.M. Rangoon C. Bye Teng 3 pm. Singapore Stentor 5 p m. The B I
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  • 55 2 From Hamburg—s h Erato to-day. From Rangoon s. h. Jan> to-morrow, and s. s. It io on Tuesday. From Edie —e. s Both on Monday. From Calcutta —s. s. adala on Monday. From ixgapoke —s 8. Bydatpe» on Monday. and s s. PaUtana on Wednesday. From Colombo
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  • 150 2 LONDON, sth March, 1897. President McKinley’s Inaugural Address. President McKinley’s inaugural address advocates sound money; international bimetallism a protective tariff, with terms of reciprocity, similar to that passed in 1890; and strongly approves of the Arbitration Treaty with Great Britain. No allusion is made to Cuba. A summons
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  • 742 2 There is no longer huv rinderpest at Bangkok, says the Siam Observer. H. A. M. S Panther has left Singapvte and sailed fui liter Eastward. Rain has closed the Singapore racecourse from Wednesday last till Monday next. We hear that legal proceedings are likelv to be instituted
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  • 53 2 In the Profession Pairs yesterday. Merchants I (A. S. Anthony and F. O. Halifax) beat Bankers (J. Williamson Jones and W. H. Bell) by 2 sets to love. The latter pair played up exceedingly well in the second set, and nearly succeeded in winning it from
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  • 104 2 (From a Correspondent.) Of the six Chinamen referred to in our report of 22nd February, who were charged with assaulting a police constable, five were acquitted. One of the party was fined §l5, which be paid. A Cliiuaman was convicted of the theft of coconuts from Bertam Estate,
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  • 185 2 Hudson’s Surprise Company brought to a close a most successful season at Calcutta on Saturday, the 26th February, the night of Mr. Hudson’s benefit. The Theatre Royal was crowded, the whole performance went with a swing from start to finish, and the curtain fell amidst enthusiastic cheering.
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  • 36 2 Arrivals. To-day. Per s. s. Hebe from Singapore: Messrs. Sproule, Vane, and Line. Y ESTERO AY. Per s. s. Avayyee from Deli: Mr. W. A. Williamson. Per s. s. Deli from Klang: Rev Father Rivet.
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  • 124 2 The following is the order of the services at St. George's Church on (’unday. 7th March, being Quadragesima. First Sunday in Lent (S. Perpetua. Martyr.) Morning Service, with Holy Communion, at 8 —Hymns 92 and 94. Evening Service at 6.—Psalm XXXVII (170); Anthem, “O Saviour of the World.,’
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  • 106 2 (From our Correspondents.) KUALA LUMPUR. sth March. The strike continues, anc] visions are unobtainable, mob attacks any shopkeepers wh may be found selling their good Several arrests have been made. 6th March. The strike continues. Not one of the Chinese workmen on Govern ment, private, and railway is working.
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  • 72 2 Good news from Bombay. Calcutta, 25th February The Bombay plague mortality now shows a large reduction. On Tuesday there were only ninety-one deaths, and yesterdav seventy-nine deaths. The general mortalit’v has also greatly decreased. The Plague at Karachi, Poona, asd other Places. The average number of cases aud
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  • 257 2 TEL EGRAPH EXCHANGES. (Vid Ceylon.) A Week’s Armistice Arranged at Selinos. London, 23rd February.—The Mussulmans at Selinos have accepted the proposal of the Consuls for a week’s armistice. Benin City Captured. The punitive expedition under Admiral Raws««n has captured Benin citv, afterei?bt hours’ running fight and a stubborn resistance. Four
    (Vid Ceylon.)  -  257 words
  • 104 2 Th er e is a general consensus of opinion in military circles, according to the Z. H. Express, that the time has arrived when some decided steps.must absolutely be taken by the Government to stay the truly alarming increase of contagious diseases which n re rampant in
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  • 107 2 Saturday, 6th.Town Band. Golf Club. 5 P.w. High water at New Jetty, 11-45 P 34. 12-02 a m Sunday. 7th Quadr.-gesima, Ist Sundav. > High water at New Jetty, 12-29 PM. a n 12-56 a.m. Monday. Bth P. C. C. Tennis Tournament. Town Band, Esplanade,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 756 2 «••I i 1 n fl New advertisements. Pritchard Co. SUPERFINE Commercial Note Paper, > Ruled, $l.lO per packet of 5 quires. Cream Wove Note Paper unruled, Have just opened out a choice and 60 cts. per 5 quire packet. t J XX TNDIANA Mill Foreign Note Paper, varied assortment Extra
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    • 50 2 POSADA WINE COMPANY. The Largest Wine Shippers in the East. Champagnes. Ports. i Sherries.. Clarets. Madeira. Marsala. Malaga. Hocks. Chateau Wines. Liqueurs. Connossieurs pronounce our Wines immeasurably superior i alike as regards quality and prices. 1 COMPARISON INVITED. Cigars and Cigarettes. A SPECIALITY. Telegraphic Address GOSLING, PENANG. Beach Union Streets.
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  • 387 3 Wi: are compelWd to insert iu the Fund List to-day the ba a nee of 854 of the contribution from Llwer Perak, notified in our columns on th< 4th inst., without giving the names of the contributors, as no further list has been forwai-ded to
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  • 100 3 Edward J. Ivory, alias Bell, who was recently acquitted at the Central Criminal Court upon a charge of being concerned in an alleged dynamite plot, embarked at Queenstown on 28th Jan. on board the White Star mail steamer Majestic for New York. Ivory was accompanied by Mr. James
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  • 705 3 Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Selangor Planters’ Association, held jin the Selangor Club, on Saturday, 20th I February. Present. —Messrs. E V. Carey (Chairman), C. Meikie, Lake, Dougal, Walker, (Members of Committee), Hurth, M. Stonor, Lutyens, Dysart, C. Glassford, J. Glassford, R. Kindersley, D.
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  • 65 3 Our own yule is that the courts of a foreign countity have no jurisdiction to dissolve the marriage of parties not domiciled in such foreigyi country at the commencement of the proceedings for divorce. Possibly our courts wou'ld recognize a divorce granted bv
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  • 141 3 Paul the juggler, is by birth a Pole, and ran away from school to become a gymnast. H£* performed on the flying trapeze on the Continent, where nets were unknown, andwh'cm he was nineteen bad the ill-luck to fall 75 feyt during a performance. He was eight
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  • 1077 3 (Australian Papers.) Mr. Chamberlain’s Invitation. Auckland, sth February.— lt is considered probable that Mr. Seddon will accept Mr. Chamberlain’s invitation to visit England, in which case Parliament will be convened for a short session at the end of March. This would give the Premier time to visit
    (Australian Papers.)  -  1,077 words
  • 441 3 According to the latest arrangements the new Census in Russia was to be taken on the 9th February. A barrel organ and a phonograph are among the impedimen/a of Prince Henry of Orleans on his present visit to Abyssinia. It has been discovered by the Italian Railway
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  • 327 3 A rriuil.s. To-day. s. s. Hebe from Singapore s. 8. C. Hye 1 eng from Singapore. s. s. Hong Leong from Singapore. t. s. Cheng Chew from Singapore. Y esterday. .s s. Avagyee from Deli. s. s Mary Austin from Teluk Anson s. s. Hok Canton from Olehleh. s.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 182 3 NOTICE. \I R. M. M. Noordin is leaving for I'l Europe early in April next, and during his absence Mr C. B. Eranee will continue signing his Firm per «procuration. NOTICE. APPLICATIONS will be received by the Hon’ble Colonial Engineer at Singapore up Io Bth March, 1897, for the appointment
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    • 447 3 Always drink the Besi and preserve youii Health. This you 3 d> ij drinking Ferguson's Special Cream Breadalbane. SCOTCH WHISKY. THE VERY BEST PEG jVHISKY IN THE MARKET. VERY OLD. WELL MATURED IN SHERRY CASKS. Per Case of 1 doz. bottles, duty paid, §11.50. For export §8.50. SOLE AGENTS: PRITCHARD
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    • 183 3 TO LET. /YLIFTON,” Northam Road, furnishV ed, from sth April next, for ten months. For particulars apply to 77 M. M. NOORDIN. FOOLSCAP PAPER FOR SALE AT THE “Pinang Gazette” Press. Per Keam of 480 sheets. Cheap quality, plain, 7 lbs. $1.25. Medium do. 10 lbs. 2.25. Fine ruled 14
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1789 4 BUCHANAN WHISKEY IS THE ELEST* 1 To be had at c sM Same as supplied to the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable London Clubs. GUAT CHENG BROS. 1 ooonylnT s SOLE IMPORTERS— ELA.TZ BROTHERS. HIN LEE Co. ay him*- noiwcp t m Anirurpipc itd. PERAK STATE RAILWAYS.
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    • 379 4 crushed food. Try it and You will be S*T !gr k T R. BELT LI OS begs to inform the pni I 1. lie that since inferior Crushed FrJ I is offered for sale in the Penang at low prices, he desires to draw tion to his certificated Crushed 1
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