Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 24 October 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 534 1 SMOKERS should use CALVERT’S OENTO-PHENOLENE, Hd 2*- bottleS (English Rates.) s J. drops in water make a delicious A wa<h. which smokers and others will Actual for sweetening the breath, leav®!i fU asa .it taste and coolness in the mouth, 4« a dental preservative. f ALVERT A Co., Manchester, Ens.
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    • 1398 1 SBwmntf (Hoftoa BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,-(LTD.). banks. 5 I KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Hongkong Shanghai BankNEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. ing Corporation. SHIP COMPANY, Ltd. Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. Paid-up Capital fiu.wu.ovo Reserve Fond 6.000.000. nr„, q Rf.serve Liability op Proprietors $10,000.000 NEDERLANDSCHE STOOMVAART FoB Will sail mbamek
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    • 636 1 IWEDKKU.IDSiaii HAKOKL SSAATStiiirFIJ (Netherland Trading Society.) Established 1821. J Paid-up Capital 35,783.0 0. Reserve Funds f 2,282,814.38| Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India. The Factorij of the Nederlandache Handel Maatscbappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Som-abaia, Padang, Chpribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasaroean, and Tjiiatiap. London
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  • 120 2 Ficnang. 24th October. I>!"i Ra tes close as eoli.ows London. Demand Banx lj Do. 4 nmuths’ sight Bank 21 fjy Do. Credit... 2/1 Do. o Documentaiy 2/1 jCalcutta. Demand Bank NominalDo. 3 days’ sight Private do. Bombay, Demand Bank do. Do. 3 days’ sight Private do. Madras, Demand Bank
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  • 145 2 Penang, 21th October. 1896. Tm .832.20 sellers. (Trang out of season. Black Peppei West'Uoast... 960 -eller 6ll. 12 00 do. White Pepp-; 16 O 0 do Cloves (pieked)... 'U o seas > Mace No. 1 72 seller-. Mace Pickings... '3 d<> Nutmegs 70— <!■> rNo I ..-H
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  • 63 2 Mails close on Monday. Aor str Time. Klang Perse Noon. Deli Lanijkat 1 p.m. Pangkor A Teluk Anson Canton 2 p.m. S pore. China an 1 Japan Hector 2 P.M. Lanzkat Jin Ho 3 PM Edie. Telok Seniawe Segli and Olehleh Pegu 4pm The P. A O. mail
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  • 47 2 From Suez. —-.s. I) it;-- Itickm-rs t >-<lay. From Olehleh s. s. G. r. i ansbergc on Monday. From Singapore s s. Java on Monday, and s. s. .Ipc'ir on Wednesday From Negapatam s s Sow on Tuesday. From Calcvtia—s. a. (’helydra on Tuesday.
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  • 135 2 LONDON, 23rd October 1896. Arrest and Imprisonment of a Chinese Doctor at the Chinese Legation, London. A sensation lias been created in London owing to a Chinese doctor named Sanyatyen, who stated that he had been concerned in a conspiracy at Canton to overthrow the dynasty, having been
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  • 23 2 BIRTH. Nicholson.—On 23rd inst., at Yokohama, the wife of J. C. Nicholson, of the Hongkong ami Shanghai Bank, of a sou.
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  • 684 2 Some time ago, in response to a joint request by the members of the Straits Bar, ami in accordance with the general desire of the Uobrny, a communication arrived to ihe effect that a fourth judge would be appointed al once. This caused a feeling of
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  • 317 2 By telegram to-day, as inay be seen in auother column, we understand that the Chinese Embassy in London have faker upon themselves Io inveigle a Chinese doct' i to their house of extra-territorial privilege and there detain him, and so kept detec fives on the qui
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  • 344 2 A money prize of $3OO has been added to the Governor’s Cup to be run to-day. the third day of the Singapore Races. A Chinese woman was this morning fined $75 by Mr. Broadrick for having a quantity of morphia in her possession. A cricket match will be played
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  • 308 2 THE MUNICI PAL MEETING. A meeting of u ie M„ ni stoners was held at the Town'S afternoon. There were >. 4 Kennedy (Pr.sid en fy Ap-SS' I Mr. G. E. Adamson. ’'bsou The minutes of the l,st been rend nn.l eon6nn«d ''"‘b Tbo President rob.„i lledt J“’” Reronue
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  • 441 2 The Willards at the Town Hall list evening gave a capital Concert which» ippreciated by a fair audience. After the opening chorus by the full cunpany, Mr. Schubert beg in proceedings with a fine rendering of Bubbles.” Ms Broughton followed with the serio “Ting* Ling,” and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1215 2 n 1 1 A New advertisements. Pritchard 10. r- AZ-'I-MTC' HDHE Municipal Commissioners of George SOLE AO LN I O i Town, Penang, invite tenders for the J renting of the Noordin Street Ghaut Fish j FOR PENANG AND DISTRICTS Market for the year 1897. Full particulars can be obtained
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    • 237 2 the Willard o. era company. FOR A SHORT SEASON To-night, Saturday 24th, Under the patronage and in the presence of Major 1111 Hon. C Lambton, and Dili •••rsof the fi. iaehmcnt, sth Fusiliers, THE EVERGREEN NAUTICAL OPERA “11. )1. S. Pinafore.” one night only by special request MONDAY, 26th OCTODEK,
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  • 1100 3 «at mining suit came off before Tu lii ial Commissioner at Batu Gajah gy laVi and the appeal was dismissed. t i;<.id Commissioner travelled to ■ri ie Judicial H iK'iiallv to inquire into this suit, B sum ot money amounting to nearwas Hiv<| taed
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  • 201 3 The case against the tw r o Chinese of Batu Kawan Estate, charged with (1) causing disappearance of evidence of the commission of the offence of murder, and (2) causing disappearance of evidence of the commission of the offence of a rash act, was concluded on Thursday afternoon
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  • 75 3 Penang. Temperature Maximum 92.2 Fah. Minimum 71.6 Rainfall— Fort Cornwallis 13.63 Central Prison 19.86 Government Hill 23.46 Balik Pulau 16.60 Bindings. Lumut 8.40 The greatest fall of rain in 24 hours was on the 10th, when 6.82 in. was recorded at the Central Prison. Province Wellesley.
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  • 97 3 The following is the order of the service» at St. George’s Church to-morrow, being Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity Morning Service at B.—Anthem 447 and Hymn 270. Evening Service at 6.—Psalm CXIX and Hymns 446 and 24. Service in connection with the Presbyterian Church, in the Masonic Hall, at
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  • 96 3 Saturday, 24th Willard Opera C >.. 9 p.m., Town Band, Golf Club. High water at New Jetty, 3-05 A.M. and 3- p.m. Sunday. 25th 21st Sunday after Trinity. High water at New Jetty, 3-58 A.M. and 4- p.m. Monday, 26th Town Band, Esplanade, 5 pm.
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  • 827 3 Meetings. An ordinary meeting was held on the 25th of the month, whilst another meeting, which was called for the 11th, w r as not held owing to there not being a quorum of i members of the Council present. There was no special
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  • 1068 3 (Continued from yesterday's issue.) The Promising Condition of the Chinese I at Hongkong and in the Straits. Hitherto I have spoken of the causes of British success in colonization, and happened to mention the Chinese as the labouring population of two of the most important
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  • 109 3 Meeting ofthe Municipal Commissioners held on the 9th October, 1896. Present. J. Y. Kennedy. Esq., (President), R A. P. Hogan. Esq., J Gibson. Esq., G. F. Adamson. Esq., and Cbeah Chen Eok. Esq. Absent.— J. H. Callcott. Esq. 1. The minutes of the last meeting are read and
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  • 145 3 Arrivals. To-day. s. s. Hong Leong from Singapore. s. s Hector from Liverpool. 8. s. Taw Tong from Klang. s. s. Langkat from Deli. s. s. Jin Ho from Langkat. T ESTERDAY. 8. s Deli from Klang. s s. Flying Dragon from Port Weld. Departure*. To-day. 8. s. Taic
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 38 3 Sir Henry Thompson describes natural aperient waters as vastly superior to artificial solutions, however skilfully prepared and Hunyadi Janos” as “the most concentrated of the saline group.” Annual sale six million bottles. Signature, Andreas op label secure» genuineness.
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    • 199 3 TO LET FURNISHED. TITHELHURST,” 8, Aratoon Road. Fj Apply to Mrs. LANGFORD. TO LET. House No. 3, clove hall Road. Apply to L. SUREWONGSEE. WANTED. AKRANI. A thorough knowledge of English required. 578 Apply to “A. B.” Pinang Gazette. FOR SALE. i GREY Australian Pony, “Twilight,” A. 13.3. Price $250.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 2219 4 s BUCHANAN WHISKY IS THE EIEST* To be had at Messrs. THE AN CHEE Co. Same as supplied to the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable London Clubs GUAT CHENG BEOS. X J SOLE IMPORTERS-KATZ BROTHEfifi HIN LEE A Co. Native States Agency. PENANG BAND. GEORGE TOWN DISPENSARY.
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    • 260 4 PENANG ’•EACH STREET. OPEN bn week days f rom 7 30 u and from noon to 5 > Sundays and Holidays from 8a ni 5 ICE WILL ONLY BE AGAINST CASH OR TICKETS ?J b NOT AGAINST BOOKS OR CHIS THE PUBLIC ARE REOUE STF n H TO ASK US
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