Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 10 October 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 590 1 Closets, Urinals, Stables, Ac fof US® 111 Tlp only reiiabb disinfecting powder is CALVERT’S, te >d to contain 15% Calvert’s No. 5 z, the strongest Disinfectant known. piRBOUC* LUO il- and 1 6 Tins at Chemists, &c. In 6<U 1 j n use than other Powders at lower rates, less
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    • 1354 1 Sftppfar (notices. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY-(LTD.). banks. zVceL steam company KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Shanghai Bank0 EAST S IN E DIAN S a>EAN steam Y NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. mg Corporation. SHIP COMPANY, Ltd. Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. p„ D tF Cafit.l tio.uw.uw AND 1 i i
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    • 585 1 MEOKKLAfiDSIAE HANDEL tiAA'IStiiAfPU (Netherland Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital /35,783,000. Reserve Funds 2,282,814.38| Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India.— The Factorij of the Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia) Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasaroean, and Tjilatjap. London Bankers.—The Union Bank
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  • 116 2 Penang. lUth October. K'”;. Rates close as follows: London, Demand Bank 2/1 Do. 4 months’ sight Bank 2/1 Do. Credit 2'l Do. 3 Documentary 2/l£ Calcutta, Demand Bank R«. 177 Do. 3 days'sight Private 180 Bombay, Demand Bank 177 Do. 3 days’sight Private Madras, Demand Bank 176$ Do. 3
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  • 151 2 Penang, 10th October H’l Tin #31.26 seller-. (Trang out of season. Black Pepper ’West ('oast... (»0 -oilers A< a lioe|) till, 12 50 do. White Pepne: 16. 'io. Cloves (picked) ••nt <> season. Mace No. 1 seller-. Mace Pickings... 65 do Nutmegs 68 00 do No. I
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  • 21 2 Mails close on Monday. For Per »h 'l'iuur. Kiang Deli 1 P.M. Pangkor and Teluk Anson Punton 2 P.M.
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  • 14 2 From Liverpool—-s. k. Ajoj- to-day. From Negapatam—s s Secundra on Monday.
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  • 98 2 LON DON, 9th October, 1896. Zanzibar. The Position Regarded as Serious. The cruiser Gibraltar has been detached from the Mediterranean squadron for Zanzibar, where it is understood the position is regarded as serious, owing to the hostile attitude of Germany. The Liberal Leadership. Sir Wm. Harcourt is generally
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  • 728 2 Thk annual gkni'Ral meeting of the Penang Cii' ket Club will be held on Monday, the 26th instant. Yksterday, at Bukit Mertajam, Mr. Kindersley fined a tavern-keeper 825 for selling liquor outside his premises. Mr. H. H. Hudson arrived yesterday I from England, and will relieve Mr.
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  • 96 2 A meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held at the Town Hall yesterday afternoon. There were present Messrs. J. Y. Kennedy (President), R. A. P. Hogan, Cheali Chen Eok, and G. F. Adamson. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Bills amounting to 810,155.49
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  • 140 2 The case against the Balik Pulau constable named Kassim, charged with (1) making a false charge and (2) instituting criminal proceedings with intent to cause injury to one Youg Cbu Sen knowing that then was no just or lawful ground for such proceedings, was concluded at five yesterday
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  • 450 2 October 3rd. It is now officially declared to be bubonic plague, though not of the severest form. A large number of people are leaving Bombay. The plague has attacked the servant <->f a European, living at Grant Buildings, Bombay October 2nd. The plague is slightly increasing
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  • 84 2 (From our Corr E8Pon1) PIPING. 10th October. Cricket Perak vs Lieut. Leach’s XI Play commenced yesterday aft noon. Perak won the toss and P ed to bat. When however 28 wicket, play had t 0 owing to rain. Voules and p made 14 and 11 re W ti
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  • 128 2 London. September 30 A banquet was given at'Cambridge f K. S. Ranjifsiubji last night, to C e]X his achieving the highest recorded at nii ket. The quests, who numbered 280 included the leading University crieketi-rs A letter was read from Mr. mp, expressing regret at
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  • 359 2 (Via Ceylon.) The Khedive’s Recent visit to Pare London, September 30.—The* statement made by the Times' Cairo correspondent that the Khedive had staved a short timeii Paris when on his tour lately, is true; bm there is ii<« truth in the statement that he saw M. Hanotaux or
    (Via Ceylon.)  -  359 words
  • 91 2 TO-MO RROW’S SERVICES. The following is the order of the sern at St. George's Church to-niom>w, Nineteenth Sunday after Trimtv Morning Service at 8 -Anthem Hymn 274. tiY Evening Service at 6.— Psalm LXI, and Hymns 280 and 230. 7 Ci. Pi-psbytP l^1 Service in connection with tue Church, in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 707 2 tx «i 1 i a New Advertisements. rritcliaru. vO« penang cricket club. NOTICE. riVHE annual general meeting will be held L in the Pavilion on Monday, the 26th October, 1895, at 5 p.m. B usiness: 1. To receive the Annual Report and ir---.T- Balance Sheet with the accounts of the
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    • 72 2 Gosling Co. IRON SAFES NEW AND SECOND HAND. despatcTboxes. TRAVELLING BAGS. HARNESS. SADDLES. GOLF PTENNIS REQUISITES. CRICKET jear. GLASS WARE AT LOWEST PRICES. C I GA R 8 IN PRIME CONDITION. Wholesale and Retail. Largest Stock in the East. “VAFIADIS” Cigarettes. SOLE AGENTS For Straits Settlements. CHOICE Tobaccos IN I
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  • 74 3 sTION FROM THE CHAMBERS OF Suo’jE- Commerce. p nincil of the Associated Chambers e o f Great Britain has forwardl't(’"lU|uelnorandum to Mr. Chamberlain, a ne iidin2 ie Government to appoint. rd the colonies to report on the trade X .pl'S 111 I th-'’ dependencies of the Empire with
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  • 161 3 e al! < riots have taken place in several in India, and the prospects are said b .lious. Hungry mobs attacked the t 0 market at Agra, and at Delhi. At "H- the police were helpless. A detachf the Madras Infantry was called out.
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  • 185 3 The Queen Renders Homage to the Netherlands India Army and Navy. The opening of the new session of the States-General took place with the usual ceremony on 15th ult. by the Queen Rpoent. Her Majesty delivered the follow'<],eech: —The condition of the country and people give reason for satisfaction
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  • 240 3 The subscriptions for the new Chinese Fire per Cent. Gold Loan were received on loth Sept, but the issue was not covered by rhe public applications, the recent sudden rise in the Bank rate and in the value nf money, and the unsettled
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  • 44 3 PROPOSED A LTERATION IN CRICKET RULES. The committee of the Yorkshire C. C. recommended the abolition of the compulsory rule for the “follow on.” The 'Uiuiittee also recommends that a rule be adopted enabling the batting team to close '“dr innings at any time.
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  • 35 3 Arrivals. Yesterday J 5 1 s. s. Fubtr from Klang Mr. P. H. Kershaw. ,A r P. to. R g Khedive from London: «•and Mrs H. H. Hudson. Mr. Connolly, Mr H. T. Moraes
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  • 117 3 b WVRDAY. 10th Town Band. Golf Club. Sale of Valuable Household Furniture, at Prye Estate, Province Wellesley. High water at New Jetty, 3-05 AM. and 5 3-32 pm. J WXDAY. TH: M Sunday after Trinity. Had) water at New Jetty. 3-58 A.M. and Monday, 12th
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  • 1449 3 September 18th. The Dynamite Conspiracy. The practically simultaneous arrest in Glasgow, Boulogne, and Rotterdam respectively of four alleged ringleaders in a gigantic plot for the perpetration of dynamite outrages in Great Britain created a wave of great excitement. For some time past the officials at Scotland-yard have been
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  • 137 3 The Times of Ceylon writes:—This socalled Club still continues its nefarious work. It is now circulating lists for a Sweep on the Viceroy’s Cup, run about Christmas time. It is to be hoped that our Madras, Straits, and Burmah contemporaries will warn all
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  • 223 3 On 11th Sept., at the invitation of the chairman and directors of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, a distinguished company left Euston to join the new steamer India on her trial trip in the Clyde. The ship ran down to the southern-most point
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  • 75 3 The Rangoon Municipality has experimented with 150 feet of wooden pavement in the busiest part of Merchant Street. The first cost has been heavy—Rs. 6,000 it is said—but the work has been substantially done and is expected to last fifteen years. If it last so long,
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  • 662 3 The Rules relating to the Law for the Encouragement of Navigation and Shipbuilding were issued on 12th September. They include 45 articles referring to lhe Encouragement of Navigation, while Ship-building receives no less than 379 articles subdivided into two chapters. Shipowners desirous of
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  • 203 3 Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners HELD ON THE 25TH SEPTEMBER, 1896. Present. J. Y. Kennedy. Esq.. (President), J. Gibson, Esq., and G. F. Adamson, Esq. Absent. J. H. Callcott, Esq., R. A. P. Hogan. Esq., and Cheah Chen Eok, Esq. 1. The minutes of the last special meeting
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  • 322 3 Arrivals. To-day. s. 8. Vidar from Klang. s. 8. Flying Dragon from Port Weld. s. s. Sui Sang from Calcutta. P. O. s. s. Khedive from London. Depart ures. To-day. s. s. Lightning for Calcutta. s.B Vidar for Klang. s. s. Ho Kicei for Deli. s. s. Sui Sang
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  • 72 3 fL. A C. Express, September 18th.J Shares. Banks. Paid. e 20 Chartered of India. Australia. A China All 22t0 30 281 Hongkong A Shanghai 28| 43 to 45 25 Mercantile Bank of India (Ltd.) “A” Shares 12» 11 to 12 25 Do. “B” do. 12j sto 6 8
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 97 3 Dr. PAUL DUFLOT, m.d.,d.d.5., The French Canadian Healer. Consultation every morning from 10 to 1 o’clock (by ticket) At Sarkies’ Oriental Hotel. N. 8. —1 inform the public that I have given the agencies for my Canadian medicine to Messrs. Thean Siew A Co. for Penang, and any one could
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 2477 4 BUCHANAN WHISKY HHIEBaKI tq TWI7 Tl'K’Q'T (Houses of To be had at Messrs. THEAN CHEE Co. Same as supplied to the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable London Clubs GUAT CHENG BROS. A J goon yen friends. SOLE IMPORTERS EZjSITZ BZtOTHEIt e HIN LEE Co. Mrs. ELLIOTT, PENANG
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    • 251 4 PENANG ICE WORKS VEACH STREET. OPEN un week davs from 7.30 to in and from noon to 5 p 8 Sundays and Holidays from 8 a n n ICE WILL ONLY BE DELIVpR AGAINST CASH OR TICKETS S NOT AGAINST BOOKS OR CHIT? THE PUBLIC ARE REQUESTED vS TO ASK
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