Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 3 October 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 599 1 XOTHING EQUALS CALVETT’S carbolic soft soap remedy for Mange, Sores, Greasy A' x j Ol Mud Fever and as a destroyer H pel ’"U on animals. It prevents skin i-f T a Vnd keeps the Coat in good eondiIrritation i tio ~-n r< HER MAJESTY’S KENNELS. nb and 2 lb.
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    • 1356 1 Sftmrinff BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,-(LTD.). banks. KONINKLI JKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Hongkong Shanghai Bank0 C NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. ing Corporation. SHIP COMPANY, Ltd. Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamer*. Paid up Capital $10,000,010. <vn 1 11 Reserve Fond 8 6,u00,000. tit a c Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,060,000.
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    • 545 1 NEDERLAbLSI/iE HAMEL rAATSUiAPFU (Nothcrland Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital 35,78.4,090. Reserve Funds f Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India. The Factorij of the Noderlandsch® Handel Maatschanpij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia, Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasaioean, and Tjiiatjap. London Bankers. —The Union
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  • 123 2 Penang, 3rd October. Rates close as follows: London. Demand Bank 2 Do. 4 months’ sight Bank 2 1 fjr Do. f. Credit... 2/11 Do. 3 Documentary... 2/l|f Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 178 Do. 3 days' sight Private 181 w Bombay, Demand Bank 178 Do. 3 days’sight Private 181 Madras,
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  • 146 2 Pknang, 3rd October, is»; Tin $31.80 sellers. (Trang out of season. Black Pepper West Coast... !’6O sellers. Aeheen Oil. 12 50 do. White Peppe: 16. do Cloves (picked)... «>ut o season. Mace No. 1 ho.—<■ seller-. Mace Pickings... 65 d«> Nutmegs 68. do No. I 650 d
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  • 28 2 Mails close on Monday. h'or Per str. Time. Deli Ho Kicei 2 P.M Pangkor and T. Anson Canton 2 p.m. Singapore and China Propontis 11 A.M
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  • 15 2 From Colombo—s. s. Pindohona to-day. From Suez —s. s. Japan on Tuesday.
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  • 50 2 LON BON, 2nd October, 1896. The Political Campaign. The autumn political campaign opened with speeches from Mr. Asquith and Mr. Bryce, both urging the deposition of the Sultan. By so doing they believe that beneficial action will result to Great Britain, and possibly without imperilling the European peace.
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  • 1320 2 The duiil capicity of the hufiiau being to carry on two separate vocations with satisfaction, or to be found in two places at one and the same time, is admittedly one of those works of supererogation which the most sensible people will admit is both
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  • 545 2 Bubonic plague is reported to have broken out in Bombay. Interesting news ahead of the next mail will be found in another column. The annual general meeting of the Penang Turf Club is advertised to be held on Friday, the 16th instant. Seven hundred and fifty immigrants
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  • 206 2 The first case heard yesterday was against a Sikh named Nanda Singh, charged with attempting to murder on board the British ship Argus. The prisoner, who was un. defended, on being charged pleaded not guilty. This ease unfortunately could n>t go further owing to the want of a
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  • 191 2 September 24th. At a meeting of the Bombay Corporation yesterday, Dr Viegas drew attention to cases of bubonic plague on the Port Trust Estate. Another Commissioner declared that since the outbreak three hundred deaths bare occurred, mostly among children. September 25th. The press is full of
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  • 60 2 Arrivals. To-day. Per s. s. Ho Kwei from Deli: Messrs. M. Schwartz and J. Fleron. Mr. and Mrs. G MO. Sim, Mrs. Bars, and Revd. W. Murray. Yesterday. Pers. s. Quarra from Langkat. Mr. SandelPer s. s. Thaipeng from Port Weld; Messrs P. Moss, A. Fox. and Capt. Ah
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  • 108 2 The following is the order of the at St. George's Church to-morrow, in Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity i Morning Service at 8. —Anthem 1S- an Hymn 546. j Evening Service at 6. —Psalm XXU XXIII and Hymns 282 and 287. Service in connection with the Presbyterian Church, in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 753 2 n ij i 1 a New Advertisements. Pritchard Co. NOTICE is hereby given that Cheah Chong Hock ceased to act for me from -XU-LN x—a August, 1896. I shall not be responsible for anything done by him on mv behalf. (Sgd.) CHEAH SOH QUEE MEOH, Administrator of Khoo Kim Toon,
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    • 202 2 NOTICE. A ’I/’IEWS of Penang. Singapore. Perak, V Selangor ami Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3 ft. on bromide >aper. W. JONES, No. 10, King Street. Photorapher. CARD. Mr. James R. T. Lo#an, > URG EON- DENTIST, Temporary address, No. 1. Transfer Road. r, u- i (9 a.m.—
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  • 55 3 FroM our Correspondents.) teluk anson. 3rd October. fhe sliip ments to-< la .V are 'l’) Penang» 953 pikuls of tin. Tq Sntgaporc, 3,540 of oie. KLAfiG. 3rd October. Tbe shipments on Thursday were— Penang, 414 pikuls of tin. To Singapore, 490 The shipments yesterday were— To Penang, 127
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  • 68 3 World’s Congratulations. London, Septemlver 23rd. The Queen to-day exceeded the longest ~f auv former British Sovereign, and 1 congratulations from all parts of Calcutta, September 25th. V the supper at a fancy dress ball given the Viceregal Lodge, Simla, the Viceroy ‘posed the health of Her Majesty
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  • 324 3 (Uni Australia.) To September 10. The Shipbuilding Trade Dispute. The strike on the Clyde lias been finally settled. Dk. Nansen s Return. y’ansen. the Arctic explorer, has received a national welcome at Christiana. Twelve thousand citizens formed a guard of honour. Gold. The export of gold to
    (Uni Australia.)  -  324 words
  • 256 3 —Australian paper». London. Sept. 7. Staubury won the toss and selected the Surrey side. Great difficulty was experienced in getting the men awav, no less than Id false starts being made. Gaudaur took Banbury’s water opposite Harold’s Wharf, aD 'l Staubury put. up his hand and claimed
    —Australian paper».  -  256 words
  • 412 3 (Fid Ceylon.) British Initiative in Armenia. London, September 23.—Lord George Hamilton, replying to a resolution urging a British initiative in Armenia, strongly deprecated isolated action. Demands for Tynan’s Extradition Abandoned. In view of the certainty of a refusal, I Great Britain has abandoned her demands for the extradition
    (Fid Ceylon.)  -  412 words
  • 50 3 Advices received by the mail state that the number of Armenians killed at Equin by the Kurds on the 15th and 16th instant amounts to upwards of one thousand. It is reported that one hundred Armenians have been killed at Divrig, in the same district.
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  • 156 3 London, September 5. Details of the recent atrocities perpetrated by the Moslems upon the Armenians in Constantinople, received from privatesources, disclose an appalling condition of affairs. Seven hundred Armenians took refuge in the Custom-house, and the mob threatened to burn them alive with the
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  • 169 3 Objections to their Release. London, September 7. Gallagher, one of tbe Irish dynamiters recently released from prison by the British authorities, has been confined in a lunatic asylum in New York as insane. Whitehead, the dynamitard, disappeared immediately he was released. He was found at Cork trying
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  • 241 3 Some Remarkable Experiences of the Nansen Expedition. Some stories of Nansen’s expedition are reported. Dr. Nansen and Johansen, while passing along a narrow path, were suddenly attacked by a bear. Johansen, a man of great strength, caught the animal by the throat in a grip of iron
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  • 169 3 The Press on the Tour. The Times says that the tour has been successful beyoml precedent. In every respect it lias been a remarkable tour. The paper commends the team for their steadiness and unity of action. Each individual played brilliantly in some department of
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  • 651 3 Lord Hawke has abandoned the idea of taking out a team of cricketers to India this winter. His lordship, however, has received an invitation to play in the West Indies, which he has accepted. The man of the hour in France is unquestionably the Abbe Lemire, who
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  • 492 3 A correspondent of the Daily Telegraph at the Hague, writing about the young Queen of Holland (who has just entered upon her seventeenth year), says At the dose of her sixteenth year Queen Wilhelmina is a robust broad-chested girl, of medium stature, symmetrical figure, and
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  • 96 3 Saturday. 3rd; Panorama Exhibition, under the patronage of tbe Hon. the Resident Councillor. Town Baud. G<»lf Club. T 1 igh water at New Jetty. 7-30 a.m. and 7- rm. Sunday. 4th 18th Sunday after Trinity. High water at New Jetty, 8-23 a. m. and 8-
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  • 247 3 A rrivais. To-day. s. s. Ceres from Hamburg. B. I s. s. Putiala from Negapatain. s. 8. ITo Kicei from Deli. Yesterday s. s Quorra from Langkat. 8. s. Thaipeng from Port Weld. s. 8. Deli from Klang, s s. R. Halewyn from Asahan. Pepa rtures. To-day. s. s.
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  • 189 3 (Straits Times, 30th September.) Jelebus ($5 pd.) $3.00 Raubs 13 lopd.) .*5.90 buyers. fully paid 8.75 do. Punjoins ($4 pd.) Jill Paliant'Corp. (XI pd.) $5 sales. Pataling Coffee Coy. Ltd. ($45 pd.) $45 -aZt-s L’eniXeiaiiijs ($5O pd.) ?671 sales. Straits Insurance ($2O pd.) $261 sales. Straits Fires
    (Straits Times, 30th September.)  -  189 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 194 3 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. i PPLICATIONS for the appointment of j Assistant Bailiff in the Municipal Secretary's Office, at a salary of $45 a month, will be received by the undersigned up to 4 p.m., on Thursday, the Bth October, 1896. Applications should be endorsed Application for appointment of Assistant Bailiff.” Canvassing
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    • 511 3 NOTICE. IT is hereby notified that a.meeting of the Board of Licensing Justices will be held in the Court of Requests at 2.30 p.m., on Friday, the 9th O tober, 1896, for the purpose of considering the undermentioned applications under The Liquors Ordinance No. XI of 1894” No. Name of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1735 4 i-L. BUCHANAN WHISKY IS THE BEST* To be had at Messrs. THEAN CHEE Co. Same as supplied to the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable London Clubs. GUAT CHENG BROS. J ™ox yen Y pbibnds. sole importers-KA.TZ BROTHERS HIN LEE Co. jjftsuvditcc f■ 1 H raLf Lf V
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    • 275 4 PENANG ICE WORKS. VEACH STREET. OPEN on week days from 7.30 to 10 a ni and trom noon to 5 p m o n Sundays and Holidays from 8 a m tonrr ICE WILL ONLY BE DELIVERED AGAINST CASH OR TICKETS AVn NOT AGAINST BOOKS OR CHITS THE PUBLIC ARE
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