Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 November 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 592 1 Strongest “Soluble” disinfecting fluid is CALVEBT’S CBESOL, It mixes readily with water in any proportion, for disinfecting drains, closets, urinals, stables, &and to kill or keep away insects, Reptiles, &c. An effective wash, for Horses, Dogs and Cattle. In 8 oz., 16 oz., and 32 oz. Bottles, 6d., 1/-, and
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    • 2114 1 SRtnmn/r BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,-(LTD.). banks. Zf” a ....r. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Hongkong Shanghai BankOcean Steam Ship Company. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. ing Corporation. HOLT’S WEEKLY LINE. Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. Paid-up Capital $10,000,000. 1 Reserve Fund $5,500,000. n* t Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000. For
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    • 725 1 For use in Closets, Urinals, Stables, Ac. Tlje only reliable disinfecting powder is CALVERT’S, guaranteed to contain 15% Calvert s No. 5 Carbolic, the strongest Disinfectant known. In 6d., 1/-, and 1 6 Tins at Chemists, Ac. Cheaper in use than other Powders at lower rates, much less being needed.
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  • 117 2 Penang. 23rd November. 1895. Tin 834.25 sellers, f Trang no supply. Black Pepper West Coast 9.70 sellers. (Acheen slt> Boz. 10.25 do. White Pepper 13.10 do. Cloves (picked) out of season. Mace No. 1 84. sellers. Mace Pickings 74. do. Nutmegs 92. do. f No. 1 6
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  • 119 2 Penang, 23rd November. 1895. Rates close as follows: Lontlon. Demand Bank 2/2} dol. Do. 4 months' sight Bank 2/2$ Do. 3 Credit 2/2$ Do. 3 Documentary 2/2-11/16 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 190 Do. 3 days' sight Private 192 Bombay. Demand Bank 190 Do. 3 days' sight Private 192 Madras.
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  • 66 2 Mails close on Monday. For Per str. Time. Calcutta C. Apcar .11 a.m. Pangkor and T. Anson Canton 2 P.M. Singapore and China Namyony .3 P.M. Tuesday. 26th. Edie. T. Semawe, Segli. Olehleh G.G.v. Lansberge 11 A.M. The homeward P. O. steamer Mirzapore left Hongkong at 1 p.
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  • 39 2 From Liverpool -By the s. s. Stentor today. From Singapore -By the s. s. Calypso on Sunday. From Negapatam By the B. I. 8.8. Sirsa on Tuesday. From Calcutta -By the s. s. Lightning on Tuesday.
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  • 291 2 Arrivals. To-day. s. s. Namyong from Amoy. s. s. M. Vajirunhis from Singapore. s. s. C. Apcar from Singapore. s. s. Flying Dragon from Port Weld. s. s. Ho Kicei from Deli. s. s. Betsy from T. Anson. Y EBTERDAY. s. s. 11. K. A f jeh from Hadang.
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  • 23 2 Arrivals. To-day. Pers.s. La ly Weld from P Weld. Mr. Baldwin. Per s. 8. Flying Dragon from P. Weld. Mi;. Murat.
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  • 63 2 Taken at l’i i*mi Hospital Oh»ortstory. 22nd November. 1595. 9 am. 3 p.m. 9 pM. Bar. red. 32 Fah. 921 782 966 Temper.ituiv 79. 84. 78. Wet Bulb Thorniomet*>r 77. 80. 76. Max. Temp, in shade 92. Min. do. do. 72.6 Max. in Sun 149.6 Terr. rad. Then
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  • 159 2 [From our Correspondents.' SING A PORE. 22nd November. The Pengerang Coffee Co.’s report shows a profit for the nine .months of eighteen thousanddoUars and proposes a dividend of twenty per cent. [Time from Singapore, 6 h. 10 min TEL Uli .4 NSON. 21rd November. The shipments to-day are—
    [From our Correspondents.' SING A PORE. 22nd November. The Pengerang Coffee Co.’s report shows a profit for the nine .months of eighteen thousanddoUars and proposes a dividend of twenty per cent. [Time from Singapore, 6 h. 10 min ] TEL Uli .4 NSON. 21rd November. The shipments to-day are— To Penang, 725 pikuls of tin. To Singapore, 4,433 „ of ore. d°- 36 „ of tin. [Time from Teluk Anson 1G min.] KLANG. 23rd November. The shipments on Friday were—To Penang, 558 pikuls of tin. To Singapore, 107 „ „ [ l ime from Klang, 1 h, 10 min.  -  159 words
  • 200 2 Saturday. 23rd Cricket Match. Esplanade. Golf Club Autumn Tournament. Cricket Match, Esplanade. P. C. C. rs. P. R. C. Penang Golf Club Committee Meeting, to select the men to represent the Club at Xmas in Singapore. 6-15 p.m. High water at New Jetty, 4-51 a.m.
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  • 75 2 LONDON, 22nd November, 1895. TurkeyMuster of crews op l guardships at Constantinople. It is intended to muster 1,000 men of the united crews of the guardships of the Powers at Constantinople. More Massacres in Asia Minor. Fresh massacres have occurred at Aintab and Marash. The Sultan Appoints a
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  • 607 2 Bishop Gasnier ANDCapt. Talbot arrived at Singapore on Thursday from Europe by the French mail. Two hundred and ninety-five Chinese passengers arrived this morning from Amoy and Singapore per steamer Nam Yong. The body of a newly born child, much decomposed, was found on the beach in
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  • 145 2 At the Commanding Officer’s Quarters on Thursday night, Mrs. Armstrong gave a most successful fancy dress dance. The house was tastefully decorated, and the supper and all arrangements were of a sumptuous style. The large number of guests entertained thoroughly enjoyed themselves. There were
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  • 150 2 The case against Khoo Yap, charged with (1) house-breaking by night in order to commit theft, (2) theft, and (3) receiving stolen property at Pulau Tikus, was concluded yesterday afternoon, wlmnthe prisoner was found guilty only on the charge of receiving stolen property and sentenced to 18 months’
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  • 79 2 The: Times of Ceylon of the 14th inst. says: —Further particulars by telegraph having been received by the police authorities here from Penang, regarding the defalcations in the Netherlands Trading Society there, another application for a warrant to arrest the cashier of the firm, who is said
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  • 373 2 (From our contemporaries.} Mr. Skinner, Resident Councillor of Penang, is due there on 6th Decemlier. Mr. Trotter will then return to Singapore. Mr. Birch, acting Colonial Treasurer, will then go home on leave. Mr. Justice Leach will then probably occupy the house that is now occupied by Mr.
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  • 49 2 In accordance with the general policy of the Cleveland Administration to restrict as much as possible the coinage of silver, the Secretary of the United States Treasury, Mr. J. G. Carlisle, has given instructions to the Mint to cease coining the silver dollar.
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  • 63 2 A scheme is on foot among a number of London capitalists to form a Chartered Company, on similar lines to the companies which are now exploiting portions of Africa, with the view of acquiring and developing the tropical parts of Australia. It is reported that the Secretary for
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  • 96 2 [From our Correspondents.' SING A PORE. 22nd November. The Pengerang Coffee Co.’s report shows a profit for the nine .months of eighteen thousanddoUars and proposes a dividend of twenty per cent. [Time from Singapore, 6 h. 10 min TEL Uli .4 NSON. 21rd November. The shipments to-day are—
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  • 823 2 At the ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held yesterday afternoon at the Town Hall there were present: —Mr. J Y. Kennedy {President}. Mr. Koh Seanc Tat. Mr. R. A. P. Hogan, Mr. J. Gibson, ami Mr. G. F. Adamson, The minutes of the lasi ordinary meeting
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 302 2 New advertisements. T POWERFUL NEW NOVEL “A RULER OF IND” BY F. Thorold Dickson and Mary L. Pccliell. 310 pages Crown 8 vo. handsome cloth. Price 6/. JUST PUBLISHED. LONDON: DIGBY LONG A Co., Publishers. 18, Bouverie Street, Fleet Street, E. C-, AND SINGAPORE BOOKSELLERS. 628 THE SECOND COMING OF
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    • 33 2 KERB. STUART’S PENANG STEAM TRAMWAYS, Ltd. OFFERS invited for a supply of refuse or crude oil. suitable for burning in steam boilers, 3.000 gallons more or less per month. Own casks supplied. 618
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  • 20 2 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE. DEATH. Anthony.—On the 20th instant, at Sans Souci Villa. Penang, Seth Anthony, Secretary, Penang Club, aged 45 years.
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  • 594 3 (To the Editor of the “Pi nang Gazette.”) Sir, —Knowing that your columns are dwavs open to the ventilation of grievances and abuses, I would ask your publication of the following facts, leaving them to speak for themselves, venturing to think that, the injustice and perhaps
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  • 395 3 The ordinarv general meeting of the Ea>tern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Company was held on 30th Oct. er. Sir J. Pender. M.P.. presiding. The Chairman, in moving the adoption of the report, stated that the gross receipts for the half-year under review, to June
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  • 194 3 Much difference of opinion has been expressed as to the sweetening powers of beet aud cane sugar. The following statement upon this much vexed question has appeared in the columns of a contemporary Beet-sugar is apparently identical in chemical composition with the sugar from the cane,
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  • 236 3 Review’ of Sumatra Tobacco Crop of 1894. Arrived at Amsterdam, 171.594 bales. Arrived at Rotterdam 19.396 bales. Arrived at Bremen. 1.777 bales. Total bales 192,767, average at c. 199, value about f. 35,000,000. The production of some of the principal Joint Stock Tobacco Companies are: Bales. Average.
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  • 287 3 As our readers are aware, the payment of the first instalment of,ooo,<mm) under the terms of peace between China and Japan was due tobepaid<>n or before Nov. 8. The monev to discharge the liability has been forthcoming out of the proceeds of the Russo-Chinese loan. The
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  • 189 3 The Lunacy Commission have released from an asylum Miss Lanchester, aged 24. whose parents seized her and confined her in the asvlum because she desired to live with a Socialist agitator without first going through a marriage ceremony. Particulars of the treaty between France and Madagascar have been
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  • 126 3 The Japan correspondent of the Temps, in the course of a letter on the results of the recent war, says that no doubt China for some time tt come will remain in a state of stagnation with an appearance of solidity and
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  • 279 3 The curtain rose on the final scene of the great Balfour drama at the Royal Courts of Justice, London, on 25th Oct., and public interest in the case seemed as intense as at any previous period of the case. Mr. “Jabez” seemed perfectly at ease
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  • 596 3 THE JA VA BUDGET FOR 1896. A Deficit of 20 Million Guilders. Amsterdam. Oct 30. In the Second Chamber of the States General the debate on the Java budget for 1896 was continued. The Minister for the Colonies replied in a long speech to the various remarks made by the
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  • 106 3 In regard to what can be done through the agency of improved scientific waterboring apparatus, we note that Professor Baumgartner states that the Woonsocket well in the United States runs 775 feet deep, with a diameter of 77 inches, and sends up 5,000 gallons per minute, with a
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  • 129 3 It would seem that the policy of the Russian Government to acquire a considerable holding in the Suez Canal Company is being quietly but steadily carried out, says the Manchester Guardian. It is stated that when he was recently in France M. de Witt,
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  • 179 3 Emperor William is said to persist in his determination to have a soldier as British Ambassador at Berlin and it is said the new Ambassador Sir Frank Lascelles, is far too easy-going a gentleman, too little in touch with the Kaiser’s tastes and ways, to continue popular
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 313 3 NETHERLAND TRADING SOCIETY. PENANGmN and after the Ist December next. j J (one-quarter per cent.) discount will be charged on the Society’s Medan Notes presented for payment at this office. A F MARMELSTEIN. Acting Suh-Agent. 21st November, 1895. 626 The Penang Khean Guan Insurance Company. Limited. X’GTICE is hereby given
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    • 909 3 mouses of Parliament.) a b e bad Same as supplied to He HOUSE OF LORDS, .S < e< at tl|e HOUSE OF COMMONS, The Spirit Farm. and all tije leading ./Messrs. Thean Chee Co. CLUBS iq London. Gu T Cheng Bbos If Thean Siew Co. Coon Yen Friends. Hin Lee
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  • 693 4 PROGRAMME OF ANNUAL MEETING TO BE HELD AT On 16th and 18th February, 1896. FIRST DAY. Ist Race. Kinta Grand Annual. —Value $250. A Hurdle Race for all Galloways 14 hands and under, pony scale of weight and penalties. Distance 1 mile over 5 flights of hurdles.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 49 4 FOR SALE or TO LET. A YONDALE,” on the sea, at Butterworth, six Bed-rooms, Drawing and Dining Rooms and large front Verandah. Gordon House,” also at Butterworth, two large Bed-rooms, Dining and Drawing rooms and front and side Verandahs. Apply to E. A. P. HOGAN sth Nov., 1895, 599
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    • 1756 4 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Vftonty Medicine of the kind awarded a Certificate at the CalcuttaExtdbition,lBB3-84, open to allCountrtu PERAK GOVERNMENT NOTIF Registered T Trade Mark. IWANTEO. XT OTIC E is hereby given that in terms A K A VACCINATOR for the Medical Dell of section 20 of “The Municipal Or- W W
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    • 530 4 Jnsumce (Rottces. Hamburg»Bremen Fire lnsur= ance Co. of Hamburg. Established 18S4. rpH E undersigned have been appointed 1 Agents of the above Company, and are ready to accept tire risks at current rates. 223 KATZ BROTHERS. The Royal Insurance Co. A CONSIDERABLE reduction in local Life Rates is announced, and
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