Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 2 October 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 557 1 (Hottces.. Peninsular Oriental Steam Navigation Company. arpHE mail steamers may be expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates:— Outwards. Homewards. Jfraapore 13 Oct. I Khedive 3 Oct. Rohilla 27 Ravenna n Khedive 8 Nov. Peshawur 31 The above dates are only approximate the arrivals and
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    • 1710 1 pipping Qtofices. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,-(LTD.). banks. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Hongkong Shanghai BankOcean Steam Ship Company. NEGAPATAM LINE OF BTEAMERB. ing Corporation. HOLTS WEEKLY LINE Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. Capital $10,000,000. -p" 1 1 1 I.- Reserve Fond 85,500,000. Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000. I
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    • 509 1 KEDERLANDSIRE HANDEL MAATSCHAPPIJ. (Net her land Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital f 35,783,000. Reserve Funds /2,216,514.01 Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India. The Factorij of the Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia, Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasaroean, and Tjilatjap. London
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  • 145 2 I’e x a ng. 2nd October, 1895. Kai Li.osx a> rm.uiu x: London, Demand Bunk 2 2-J- <l<>l. Do montlis Sltllil Baid- 2/2'4 (fit -—5 Do. 3 (Jredii 2/2| 0 2/2-11/16 Do. 3 I Vicii instil :i i 2 2'| Calcnl in, D> nnmd Bunk •<- 192) Do. 3
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  • 117 2 Penang, 2nd October, I Tin $34 45 sellers. (Trang no supply. Black Peppvi We.-i Const... 9.70 sellers. (Aelmen 511. Boz 10 25 do. While Peppei ll.nO do. Oloves (picked; out of season Mace No. I *4.— sellers Mace Pickings <4. do. Nutmegs 87. do. No. 1... 6.
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  • 82 2 MAILS f I.O* K To-MOIIHOW. For I’er s/r. 7'iw»e. Tongkab, Kopali, Reining, Mergui, and Tuvoy Cornelia 10 a.m. Langkat Quorm H a M. Pangkor &T. Anson H. llatewyn 2 pm. Pangkor fl nil T. Anson Canton 2 P.M. Ceylon. Australasia. At. via Brindisi for Europe. Ac. Khctliie 5
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  • 50 2 From Rangoon: By the s. s. Li nd ala today and the s. s Chupra to-morrow. From Liverpool:—By the s. s. J-mon today. From Calcutta: —By Hies Chelydra, today. I'lioM s ing a ron k. :—Bv Hie 8. s. Knlsaug and the s. s. llel e to-morrow.
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  • 244 2 Arrivals. r« 1» v i s. s. plying Pish from Port Weld s. s. Canton from T Anson. s. s. Arayyee from Deli. Yesterday s. s. M. Hacqnehem from Trieste. Depart iires. To-ihv s 8. Tate Tong for Klang. s. s. I,au< k'>l tor De i s. s. Retsg
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  • 168 2 Ari ii a x. Yf -1 ra!■ 11 Per s. x. M Bacuurlinn from Trieste, Mr. Bake and Mr. K. W. Meer Vaio. Depart lire. V EM EimvY Per It. I s. s. Sirs' lor Sinszaporo. Mrs Macfnriune. Mi-- M.tcfarlnne and Maxter Macfarlane, Mr. and Mrs Wright and
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  • 127 2 Wednesday. 2nd Golf Club Autumn Tournament. Town Band, Esplanade, 9 p.M. High water at New Jettv. 11-02 a.m. and 11-29 P..M. Til II list) y. 3rd Golt Club Autumn Tournament. Town Bund, Daln Krninat, Gardens 9 P.M. High water at New Jet tv, 11-12 a
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  • 73 2 LONDON, Ist October, 1895. The British llevenfieThe revenue for the past half year shows an increase of four millions sterling as compared with 1894. Vladivostock. Russia continues sending quantities of guns, ammunition, and war material to Vladivostock. Japanese in Australia. The Premier of Adelaide has invited the colonies
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  • 482 2 On looking over the estimates of expenditure for the year 1896, we have again to remark on the waste of public funds in keeping up a private yacht for the use of the Governor. It is estimated to cost in 1896 827.947. We don't know what
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  • 423 2 I he letter from “Interested” which we publish to-day might have been more explicit. He wants the beer trade put on its former and proper footing.” Now there is a great deal of difference of opinion as to what the proper footing of the beer trade is,
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  • 370 2 One hundred and one Chinese passengers arrived this morning per steamer Canton from Teluk Anson. The homeward P. O. mail steamer Khedive, having left Singapore at 10 a.m. to-day, may be exj>e;.ted to arrive here to-morrow evening. The following passengers arrived yesterday from Trieste and Colombo per steamer Sf.
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  • 55 2 The griffins for the next January races left Sydney in the s. s. Bucephalus on the 25th September, and may be expected to arrive about the 23rd of this month. Thev are a batch of forty galloways between 14 and 14.2 hands, specially selected, and high expectations have
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  • 161 2 Fixed at three-fortieths of the Revenue. The Governor of Ceylon hits received a telegraphic despatch from the Secretary of State lor the Colonies informing him that Her Majesty’s Government propose to fix the Military Contribution of that Colonv for the currrent and ensuing years at threefortieths
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  • 153 2 [From our Correspondents' TELUK ANSON. 2nd October. The shipments to-day are—To Penang, 520 piknls of tin. (Time from Teluk Anson, 1 h. 59 lnill Ist October The shipments to-day are— To Penang, 759 piknls of tin. The steamer Haleinju is overdue She has not arrived yet, 3 p.
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  • 179 2 —Times of Ceylon, 2Ath St yt. Guggisberg—Way. A military wedding was solemnised bv the Rev. F. E. Cameron, at St. John’s. Trichinopoly, South India, on the 20th inst the contracting parties being Fredrick Gordon Guggisberg, Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, Singapore, and son of the late Fredrick Guggisberg, of
    .—Times of Ceylon, 2Ath St yt.  -  179 words
  • 256 2 To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.") Sir, —I have been looking through the bill to amend The Liquors Ordinance,” in the hojie that I should find therein clauses for the amendment of those sections that have ruined the beer trade here. There are none. The bill
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  • 201 2 (Fid Ceylon.) the united states government and ITS FINANCES. New York. September 23.—The Government Bond Syndicate has been dissolved, leaving the Treasury to its own resources. the spread of disorder in china. London, September 24. —The whole of the province of Shekiang, especially the Citv of Kinhua, has
    (Fid Ceylon.)  -  201 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 506 2 pritchapd Co. HALF-YEARLY CLEARANCE SALE FOR CASH ONLY. From ist October to Ist November, 1895. IgTThe wholethe stock iq Ladies’ Department, Upstairs, has been reduced to prices that must effect a speedy clearance. DRESS MATERIALS. Prints, Cambrics, Sateens, Pongees, Delaines, Creponnes, Art Crepes, Nuns Cloth, Satin Cloth. Cheviot and French
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    • 354 2 New Advertisements. PENANG SALES ROOM AUCTION SALE The undersigned will sell by übhc auction On Saturday, sth October, At Scotland House,” Scotland Road at 7.30 a.m. punctually, All the Valuable* Collection of Plants, comprising Palms, Wellingtonias, Ferns,Orchids, Roses, Begonias. Ac., Ac. The property of W. T. MARTIN, Esq. Term*. Cash
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 62 2 WEATHER REPORT. Taken nt Prison Hospital Observatory. Ist Octobe.h. 189.5 9a.m. 3 r.m Dem. Bar. red 32 Fnh 30J 76 839 918 Temperature 82. 85. 80 Wet Bulb Tlierinmnetei 79. 80. 78 Max. Temp, in shade 92. Min. do. do. 72 Max. in Sun. 155 Terr. rad. Ther. 71 Rainfall
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  • 440 3 Reuter’s telegram on Saturday, to the effect that a fresh expedition has left Mombassa against the chief Mubaruka, who has remassed his forces, is the fourth expedition necessitated by the rebellion caused by a relative of Mubaruka being chosen Governor o f Tokaungu, when by hereditary
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  • 109 3 Perhaps some inkling of the reasons why the French do not make successful colonists < r rulers of native races may be found in •:i>‘ following extract from a young officer's letter from Tonkin, quoted by M. Hamon in his new book on Professional Soldiers. The officer wrote
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  • 254 3 The Berlin correspondent of the Standard telegraphs:—The Allgemeine Zeitung, of Miiui h, one of the organs of the German C donial Chauvinists, is advocating the acquisi‘ion of a Chinese port in Germany. It reproduces a passage from, a letter it has received from Shanghai, which runs as
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  • 200 3 of/lidia, Sir Joseph West Ridgeway, who has been appointed to succeed Sir Arthur Havelock in the Government of Ceylon, was a few months ago confidently spoken of as Lord M «dock's successor at Madras in the event "t tue Lnionists coming into power. He was
    of/lidia,  -  200 words
  • 1538 3 (Bombay Gazette.) It is very evident that the full import of the remarkable display of military and manufacturing enterprise in Japan of late years is not yet generally realised either in India or in Europe. In Holland and in 1 Germany however the real bearing of
    (Bombay Gazette.)  -  1,538 words
  • 512 3 Anent a recent telegram with reference to the military revolt at Goa and the despatch thence of three Portuguese? men-of-war, Indian papers to hand yesterday give details of the event. It seems that two companies of the battalion stationed at Pangim were to be sent
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  • 121 3 The resuscitation of a man, named Grant Wilson, who was hanged for murder at Vicksburg, is attracting attention in American scientific circles. Wilson has completely recovered except that he is dumb. It was found that his life was saved because a throat
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  • 143 3 The discussion in the Daily Telejraph on Sunday clothes reveals evidence of a revolt of the clergy against their attire. A Hertfordshire vicar asks from whose brain was it evolved Who was the first fashioner or prescriber of the M. B. waistcoat, the monstrous wide-awake,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 410 3 TO LET. til H E Retreat,” Butterworth. FurI nished or unfurnished. Apply to T. N. SYMONS, Prye Estate. Penang, 4th Sept., 1895. 461 FOR SALE. 4 TURNOUT consisting of a Deli Pony, English Phaeton, Harness, Ac., complete. Apply to A. GRAND. Proprietor, London Bar, 517 Campbell Street. THE ZERATED WATER
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    • 1110 3 NOTICE. NOTICE. jVOTICE is hereby given that the partner- PENANG I'LKF (’LI Bi ship business carried on by Eng Joo A rpHE Annual General Meeting of the Club Co. of 47, Beach Street. Penang, and Eng will be held at the Chamber of ComHong A Co. of Rangoon ami Calcutta,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1767 4 «KTHERLANO HOTEL (lUto. Of JaOat, I I ‘u /‘"VIT'; T"'"!’ a The Union Insurance Society J, T wiT R Marine nsurance T H 5n Of Canton, Limited. T TOILET WATER Mannheta x»™. Company Town recommends itself to visitors from Appreciated for its delicate perfume and the feeling rpHE undersigned have
      1,767 words
    • 364 4 {Stationery, FOR OFFICF, ESTATE. STQR E or PRIVATE USE, FOR SALE AT THE BOOKS—various sizes. BALL PROGRAMMES-large a 8 latest designs. 1 BASKERVILLE CABINETS, eont»i 120 sheets Note Paper and 100 Ei'? lopes. Best quality paper t 3,c demand. $2.50 each. BLOTFJNG PAPER, white A- t!li( k BIRTH CARDS,6cts. Mc(
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