Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 18 September 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 577 1 NO DENTIFRICE EQUALS CALVERT’S CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER 6d., Is., Is. fid., and ss. Tins, or CARBOLIC TOOTH PASTE, 6d., Is., and Is. fid. Pots. For PRESERVING the TEETH and STRENGTHENING the GUMS. Eich is prepared with Culvert’s purest Carbolic—the 1, -t dent d preservative. They sweeten the breath, and prevent
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    • 1862 1 Qtoficeer. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,—(LTD.). banks. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Hongkong Shanghai BankOeean Steam Ship Company. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. ing Corporation. HOLT’S WEEKLY LINE Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. Paid-up Capital ..7“7 $10,000,000. -qy Reserve Fond ?5,500’000. o Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000. -..31» F0r Will sail
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    • 479 1 BEST FOR WARM CLIMATES CALVERT'S CARBOLIC SOAPS. The Original aud Only Reliable Brand. TOILET SOAP, Each 6d. Tablets. containing PRICKLY-HEAT SOAP Carbolic, fid. and Is. Bars. (UsedLy lE. R. lE. the Prince of, under eminent medical adcice, mhen in India.) Pleasantly perfumed for Bath or Toilet. Very serviceable as
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  • 122 2 I’enang. IBih September, 1895. Kaie» CI.OSK a*>*: London, Detnnnd Bank 2 I|dol. Do. I months' sight Bunk -/2k D<>. 3 t’redii- 2/2§ D<>. 3 Dociiiiieiiiat 4 2 2-7/16 Calclll In, D< iiiihkl Bunk •<- 192 Do. 3 dnys’siglil. ITivnH- 194 Bonilmy, Detnniiil Bank 192 Do. 3 days’sight I’rivnH-
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  • 112 2 Penang, 18tii September, Ikms. Tin $34 60 (Ti nng no supply. Black Pepper Wes! 9.7" sellers. Acheeii Mil MoZ 10.25 do. While Pepper 14.->O do. Cloves (picked) mil of season Mace No. I 84. sellers. Mace Pickings 74. do. Nutmegs 87. do. (No. 1... 66 do. 2...
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  • 65 2 M<III<S CLOSE Tu-nokkow. For Per str. Time. Tongkah Peirel 1 P.M. I’nngkor and T. Anson R. Halewgn... 2 P.M. Eie.Telok Smnawe, Segli and Olehleli G. G. r. Lausberge. 3 P.M. Deli Arugyee .><.,3pMEdie, Teluk Serna we, it Segli Ros i 3 P.M. Ceylon. Aust ralusia. India. Aden, Mauritius.
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  • 36 2 From Pa ang By the s. s. M. Vujirunhis to-day. Fiiom Singapore:—By die s. s. Lightning, and I*, it. O. s. s. Rengnl, to-morrow. From Liverpool:—By (lies. s. Laertes on Sat n rday.
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  • 61 2 Left •'ennng. Pae in London. July. 26th P. At O. Aug. 21st 19th Aug. July 31st B. I. Aug 28th Aug. 9th I’ <t Sept 4th 4th Sept. Auk». I4ih B. I. Sept. Ith Aug 23rd I’. <t O. Sept. 18. h Aug. 28th
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  • 209 2 Arrival*. r<i-i> > s. k Fook Ching from Langknt. 8. 8. Jia 11" from Laugkat. s. s. Fh/ing Fish from Port Weld 8. s. Hsi<(/ Sang from Calcutta. V fsTKKDA Y. s. 8 Petrel from Tongknli. Departure*. To-n iv. s. 8. Quorra for Lmigknt. s. a. R in ll’/<<»(
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  • 17 2 Arrhn's. To-da v. Per s. s Fhnnq Fish from Port We'd, Mr. H. C. Hill.
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  • 131 2 Wednesday. 18th Town Bund, Esplanade, 5 P M. High water at New, 11 "2 a.m. and 11- p.m Thursday. 19rtl Town Band. Dntn Kranmt Gardens, 5 P.M New moon, 50.7 a m. High water at New Jetty, 11 33 a.m. and 12- p.m. Fkiuav.
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  • 197 2 (Straits Times, 16th September Jelebua (|5 pd.) J 3.40 buyers. Rauhs 13/10 pd.) $4.00 .£1 fully paid s7} Punjoms (S3J pd.) J4J Pahang Corp. (JEI pd.) J 6 sales. Maynard A Co. ($lOO pd.) $3O Pengerangs ($5O pd.) S72J do. Straits Insurance ($2O pd.) S22J do. Straits
    (Straits Times, 16th September )  -  197 words
  • 70 2 LONDON, 17th September. 1895. The Liaotung Peninsula. Germany has decided to support the Russo-French measures for hastening the evacuation of the Liaotung Peninsula. Uganda. A letter from Uganda states that Captain Lothair shot r hundred of Mr. Stokes’ followers because they refused to join him. Turkey and the
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  • 59 2 It would appear from the few cases of cholera which we have reported during the last few days as if the authorities in SingajM)re were somewhat premature in declaring their Port free of cholera. Fortunately however cholera dies out in Penang, and we are not likely to bear
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  • 562 2 Mr. F. J. C. Ross has, we are glad to note, recovered from his recent illness. Some correspondence is crowded out of this issue and will appear in our next. We hear that 85 couples of snipe were bagged last Sunday by two Province sportsmen at Nibong Tebal. A
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  • 199 2 [From our Correspondents.] SING A LORE. 18th September. Major Claude R. Conder, ile., of Palestine Exploration fame, relieves Lieut.-Col. J. R. M. Chard, Commanding Royal Engineers, Singapore. [Major Conder served in Egypt and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir. He also served in Bechuanaland with Sir I
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  • 70 2 The Chinaman who was removed from Cbulia Street yesterday is dead. The man came from Singapore in the Calypto (not the Ban Hin Guan) which was not quarantined. He came from the same de|x>t in Singapore whence the first two cases came two mouths ago, had signed bis
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  • 310 2 Voluntarily Causing Grievous Hurt. A Chinese goldsmith named Ng Ah Holi was charged with voluntarily causing grievous hurt by means of a pair of heated tongs to his cooly at Telok Ayer Ta war. The prosecutor deposed that he was a sinkeh ■mployed by the prisoner. For some
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  • 204 2 Writing in the Quarterly Review regarding the victors in the famous sea fight between the English and the Spaniards, Professor Laughton says There is scarcely a principle of naval warfare, as interpreted by centuries of subsequent experience, which these men did not implicitly recognise and explicitly illustrate.
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  • 524 2 (To the Editor of the Pinang Sib,—l notice in your paper o f tl instant a paragraph headed The V r Department in Perak,” which refers t accident that occurred to Mr. H T 1 Osborne, at. Tapah. K That pa digraph contains some mis*
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  • 841 2 To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.'') Sir, —The issue of the Perak 2-eent yell»» stamps seems to have resulted in a good deal of speculation in Perak and some commotion in Penang, to judge from the letters and remarks appearing in the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 123 2 pritchard Co. PENANG. ■> NEW NOVELS! NEW NOVELS!! SWETT EN HAM’S “Malay Sketches,” $3 Nett Cash. BICYCLES. The NEW LIGHT POPULAR ROVER. A high class machine at moderate price. Pneumatic Tires $l5O net; weight 30 lbs. The Swift, $175 net, usual price $225. Manilla Cigars Tobaccos. Londres, Regalia Chicas, High
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    • 331 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PENANG SALES ROOM. AUCTION SAI.E. The undersigned will sell by public auction On Friday, 27th, Saturday, 28th instant, commencing at 11.30 a.m. each day, All the Valuable Household Furniture comprising i English Iron Bedsteads, Teak Almirahs, Wash-handstands, Tables, Bentwood Furniture, Crockery, Glassware, Ac., At the Asst. Superintendent of
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 69 2 WEATHER REPORT. Taken nt Prison Hospital Observatory. 16th September. 189.5 9 i.m. 3 r.w 9r n. Bar. red 32 F»h 932 826 916 Tempera! lire 83 87.5 Ko Wet Bulb I'liei Inomel i-i 79 8" ,8 Max. Temp, in shade 91.8 Min. do. do 72 6 Max. in Suu. 157
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  • 775 3 (Ta the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.”) Sir. —All who have l»een sufferers like myself by reason of sitting on many juries must agree with you in bewailing their hard fate. You point out the hardship, but suggest no remedy. Alas! I fear there is none. Europeans
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  • 576 3 (Perak Pioneer, September 14th.) It is proposed to construct an iron bridge I over the Kinta river at Tanjong Rambutan for wheeled traffic. Mr. A. L. Ingall, the Chief Assistant Magistrate, Kinta, is appointed to act as District Magistrate, Matang. In Golf, Mr. A. B. Stephens beat Mr.
    (Perak Pioneer, September 14th.)  -  576 words
  • 249 3 Free Press.) Further information has reached us which would, if authentic, go to imply that Capt. Larssens of the Siamese Navy who made the statements as to the supposed capture of two Pahang rebels may not have been fully informed. From the account given by a Chinese
    ( Free Press.)  -  249 words
  • 114 3 (Siam Observer.) This province is full of promise of achieving great things. The earthworks of the long-talked-of-railway are making headway along the different sections. The brick anil tile industry is growing apace,, .and. it is a fine sight for a traveller along the coast to see the brick-built
    (Siam Observer.)  -  114 words
  • 119 3 The trade statistics for the past four months show a decline in the import trade i in consequence of a remarkable falling off in the imports of cotton goods. The export trade also shows a most unsatisfactory decline, due chiefly to a great decrease in oil-seeds. In
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  • 453 3 (Extracts from a paper in the Idler by Mrs. Humphrey.) The cycling mania has taken even deeper hold, as may be made manifest to any one who shall visit Battersea Park about halfpast ten in the morning. Hundreds of gently nurtured girls are there to be seen
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  • 310 3 What would Ceylon do without its Indian cooly labour! During the second quarter of 189«5 no fewer than 38,469 Indian coolies went across to the neat little island. The next International Telegraph Conference will be held at Buda Pesth in 1896, when important questions regarding rates all over the
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  • 208 3 Commenting on the appointment of Sir Arthur Havelock to succeed Lord Wenlock as .Governor of Madras, the Madras Mail expresses surprise but not disappointment, and says The successful Governor of an Indian Presidency is more likely to be found in' an official like Sir Arthur Havelock,
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  • 174 3 Says the Review of Reviews :—Mr. E. A. Fitzgerald writes (in the Contemporary Review) a very interesting paper describing his experience in mountaineering in New Zealand. It is a paper full of vivid description and mountaineering incident. On one occasion Mr. Fitzgerald was within a
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  • 191 3 There are nearly four million living cinchona plants at the Government plantations in Sikkim and Nimbong. The outturn of the cinchona factory during 1894-95 was 8,318 lbs. of sulphate of quinine, the produce of 393.150 lbs. of yellow bark, and 4,032 lbs. of cinchona febrifuge, the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 232 3 TO LET FURNISHED. 4 HOUSE in Anson Road. iX. Applv to X.,” Pinang Gazette. 440 NOTICE. are invited for the sole right i I of removal of sand from the Sungei Kechil River in the Southern District, Province Wellesley, for the remainder of the current year. Tenders should be addressed
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    • 1074 3 Fred. METTERS’ > PATENT IMPROVED OVENS. THE SIMPLEST, CHEAPEST, AND MOST ECONOMICAL COOKING STOVE IN USE. Only the ONE FIRE on TOP, to ROAST, BAKE, and BOIL. No Brickwork required. And can be used outside, as well as inside the Ho. The W. A. Cooking Appliance. No. Burns. Long. Deep.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1338 4 THE DISPENSARY, Insurance QtoficecL notice. of tJ&Dsm No. 2, Bishop Street, tNDIA Rubber Stamp and Brass Seal l\rtpn| Vfl Wi IS OPEN DAILY Marine Insurance. I (for impressing wax) Manufacturer. fOJLET W-A TKI "R from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, 3 p.m. t ~T„ m ComD T A W,ww
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    • 487 4 Jnerurance (Itoftces. The Union Insurance Society of Canton, Limited. y rpHE undersigned, having been appointed 1 Agents for the above Company arp risks prepared to accept Marine Insuranp 9 now on the most favorable terms \NDTLANDS, BUTTERY 4 r Penang, 1 ’>rh October. 1891. Hamburg-Bremen Fire auce Co. of Hamburg.
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