Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 5 September 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 558 1 typing (notices Peninsular Oriental Stean Navigation Company. BU'HE mail steamers may b expected to arrive out wards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates:— Outwards. Homewards. Rosetta. 13 Sep. i Rohilla 5 s Pn Peshawur 29 Bengal ]g Mrzapore 13 Oct. I Khedive 3 Rohilla, 27 Ravenna 17 Khedive
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    • 1806 1 (ttottces. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,—(LTD.). banks Ocean Steam Ship Company. K NI WEGAPATAIW UNMF STEAMERS*™’ Hongkong Shan K hai Bankholt’s weekly line r iicufirA i uni LINt Ur o I tAMtKo. ing Corporation. Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. P n v —j— Reserve Fund $5,500,000. For Will
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    • 447 1 HEDEItLANDStfiE HANDEL NAATSCHAHFIJ. (Netherland Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital ~./35,783,000. Reserve Funds /2,216,514.01 Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India.— The Factorij of the Nedeilandsche Handel Maatschappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches.—Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia, Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasaroean, and Tjilatjap. London Bankers.—The Union Bank of
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  • 655 2 JANUARY MEETING, 1896. PROPOSED PROGRAMME. FIRST DAT. Tuesday, the 14th January, 1896. First Race. THE MAIDEN PLATE.—VaIue 8200. For Maiden Horses (per Rule XXXII.) Weight per scale (10 st. 7 lbs.). Distance I mile. Entrance 810. Value 8200.—For Roadsters under Rule XXVI. Optional Selling Race. Gentlemen Riders.
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  • 63 2 Mails To-moiihow. For Per str. Time. Kluug and Malacca 'Teutonia noon Edie, 'l'. Semawe, Segli Klang TuwTonr 1 p.m. I’angkor. T. Anso and Port Dickson... Terse 2 PM. and Olehleh Hole Canton 3 P.M. Deli Ho Kwei 3 p.m. Singapore and China. Hong Leong 4 P.M. The
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  • 115 2 (Thom Sinrapokk: —Uy 'he P. A O. s. s. Rohilla, B. I. s s. Nerbiidda. s. s. Cheang Chew and s. h. A. Apcnr to-inorrow. Fkom Calcutta ;—By the B. I. s a. Booldann to-moi row. From Rangoon.- —By the B. I. s. s. Palamcotta on Saturday.
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  • 234 2 Arrivals. To-|l a 1 s. a. Teiilouia from Klang. h. 8. Perse from T. Au-mu. 8 s i’o» Coens from Olehleh. h. 8. Mary Austin from 'l'. Anson. Y KsTKIt no. s. s. Thaipiug from Port Weld. Departures. To-day. m. s. Jin Ito for L oiuknt. s h. R
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  • 84 2 Arrivn's. To-1> ar. per 8. s. Thaipiug from Port Weld, Mr Duberley. Per k. 8. Perse from T. Anson, Mr J. Addis Passages booked for the Strait*. Auqust. Pith.— Per P. A" O. s. a. Rosetta from Ixnidon for Singapore, Mr. N Kendall, Mr and Mrs. Kidd, Second
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  • 118 2 Thuhsda y. stii P. G. C. Tennis Tournament, 5 pm 'I own Band, Datu Kramat Gardens, 9 p.m. Phi hay. 6th Homeward mail closes, via. Brindisi. Meeting Licensing Justices, Court of Requests, 2-30 P.M. Mrs. I rotter s “At Home Residency, P. G. C. Tennis
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  • 80 2 LONDON, 4th September, 1895. Governor of Ma Iras. Sir Arthur Havelock, K. c. m. g., Governor of Ceylon, succeeds Lord Wenlock, G.c. I. E., as Governor of Madras. Congo State; The British Consul at the Congo State has forwarded to Lord Salisbury full papers regarding the hanging of
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  • 21 2 Birth. Mackie.—On the Ist of September, at Hardwick, Penang, the wife of A. Grant Mackie:, Esq., of a daughter.
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  • 418 2 We gather from the Straits Times that 1,500 tons of rails are expected by the Railway Department for the Chumor extension of the Kinta Valley Railway. These rails go to Singapore and are brought thence to Teluk Anson at a cost of §4 |>er
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  • 320 2 The proposed programme of the January meeting of the Penang Turf Club is advertised in another column. A cricket match will be played next Saturday between the Penang Cricket Club and the Penang Recreation Club. The homeward P. A O. steamer Rohilla left Singapore at 6 p.m. yesterday, and
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  • 48 2 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Result of play yesterday Mixed Doubles. Miss P. K. Shaw and Mr. D. A. M. Brown —3O) beat Miss I. Anthony and Mr. P. R. Scott 15) 6-2, 6-5. Programme for to-day (Thursday):— Ladies' Singles. Miss Neubronner 15) vs. Mrs. Kerr is).
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  • 269 2 In the Goods of Chye Ah Kew This matter came liefore Mr. Justice Law on Tuesday. The facts are shortly as follows Chye Ah Kew, a Roman Catholic died iu August 1881 intestate, leaving a widow, three sons and one daughter, the children’s ages being about 8,6, 5,
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  • 426 2 (To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.”) Sir, —M ill you allow me to make one or two remarks with reference to a case which was before Mr. Justice Law on Tuesday. I refer to the matter of the estate of Chye Ah Kew. It seems to me
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  • 62 2 [From our Correspondent.] SINGAPORE. sth Septrmbkr. At the Legislative Council meeting yesterday, Mr. Hiittenbacli withdrew his motion, after discussion. The Government spoke in favour of it but stated that, f or official reasons, they were prevented from giving their votes. Mr. Hiittenbacli voted for the neutral amendment proposed
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  • 280 2 (To the. Editor of the Pinang Gazette.") Sir, —“A Young Baba” is no doubt quite right in saying that he and his friends know as much about the management of horses as about driving. They could not know less I never supposed they ran over people intentionally, but
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  • 541 2 A slight shock of earthquake was felt at Rangoon on August 25th. The emigration of Japanese to Mexico is greatly appreciated by the latter, aud all facilities and convenience in the sale of land ind other matters are given bv the authorities. To MEET the convenience of the public,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 205 2 New Advertisements. FOR SALE. A GOOD PIANO, iron frame. Apply to J. G. J., Netherland Hotel, 465 King street, Penang. WANTED. WANTED IMMEDIATELY for s. s. Glenfruin,” due at Penang tomorrow (Friday) morning, a European Stewardess. Apply to BOUSTEAD Co., 462 Agents, Glen Line of Steamers. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. THE next
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    • 169 2 NOTICES. TO LET. rp H E Retreat,” Butterworth. FurI nished or unfurnished. Apply to J. N. SYMONS, Prye Estate. Penang, 4th Sept., 1895. 461 FOR SALE. ONE Billiard Table by Cox and Leman, London. One set of billiard balls and one dozen cues. Apply to Honorary Secretary, Krian Club, Parit
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    • 27 2 NOTICE. VIEWS of Penang, Singapore, Perak, Selangor and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes np to 3 ft, on brom’de paper. W. JONES, No. lc. King Street. Photographer.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 67 2 WEATHER REPORT. Taken at Prison Hospital Observatory. 4th Septemhkk, 189.*, 9 a.m. 3 r.M. 9i- m. Bar. red 32 K.. 1. 848 794 896 Temperature 83.6 87 5 78 Wet Bulb Tliermomelei 78. 81.— 77. Max. Temp, in shade 90 Min. do. do. 73. Max. in Sun. 1 48 4
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  • 1377 3 (Indian Engineering.') It is held that populations increase in (metrical proportions the dictum is equally true of science. The moment a new theorv is worked out,” it is expanded and multiplied at the hands of new observers. Bacteriology more especially would seem, like the bacilli of which it
    (Indian Engineering.')  -  1,377 words
  • 1467 3 Miss Codrington’s Statement. (Hongkong Telegraph, August 23rd.) Miss Codrington (English) was among the number of helpless ladies who were attacked and savagely assaulted by armed desperadoes at Hawa Sang, a suburb of Kucheng, on the Ist August under, circumstances already described in these columns. She was fearfully
    (Hongkong Telegraph, August 23rd.)  -  1,467 words
  • 197 3 It is announced with the usual flourish, of trumpets preliminary to the launching of inventions as commercial enterprises,” says The Engineering Magazine, that a Kentuckian, whose name is lor the present withheld, has discovered a way whereby the bottoms of seagoing vessels may be kept
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  • 164 3 The export value of sharks’ fins from Ceylon to India, the Straits and China, last year amounted to Rs. 25,319, while the export of Beche-de-mer, a large slug of the species Holothuria, brought in a revenue of Rs. 21,275. This slug is said to be of
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  • 606 3 Colonel Cockerill, the New York Herald's representative, appears to have had a very interesting chat with the Japanese Premier. The following is extracted from tile published account of the interview Referring to China, Count Ito said that he was not at all surprised that the
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  • 168 3 Meeting, or the Mi nicieal Commissioners imiHix the 16th Avgust, 1895. Present—s. Y'. 'Kennedy. E-q (President}, J. Gibson, Esq., and G. F. Adamson. Esq. Xssent.—Onptain Anderson, it E., Koh Seang Tat, Esq., and R. A. P. Hogan. Esq. 1. The minutes of the last Meeting are read and
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  • 111 3 Penang, sth September, 1895. lit. 134.42 J (Trang no supply. Black Pepper > West Coast... 9.7<'sellers. Acheen stt> Boz 10.25 do. White 1 Pepper 14.50 do. Cloves (picked) out of season Mace No. 1 84,—sellers. Mace Pickings <4. do. Nutmegs 93. d<>. t No. 1 0.6 do.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 35 3 NOTICE. SNIPE SHOOTING. SPORTSMEN are requested not to shoot over the Glugor Estate before the 15th September; or without a permit which may be had on application to P. D. STEPHENS, 453 Manager, Glugor Estate,
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    • 1250 3 NOTIQS. 4 MEETING of the Board of Licensing Justices will be held in the Court of Requests I nt 2.30, on Friday, the 6th September, 1895, for the purpose of considering the undermentioned applications, under Ordinance No. XI of 1894: L ~—————————jj No. Name of Applicant. Locality. X Name
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1162 4 KHYE HO FOUNDRY COMPANY, The WELD QUAY. rpHE undersigned, having been appointed 1 Agents for the above Company, are REGISTERED ’®HEjggSsC£ TRADE MARK r risks prepared to accept Marine Insurance now on the most favorable terms. v ENGINEERS sandilands, buttery Co. Penang, 13th October. 1891. 368 r,vi ...t ■,i .-j
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    • 519 4 Insurance Qtoftcee. Marine Insurance. Mannheim Insurance Company. fpHE undersigned have been appointed 1 Agents for the above Company and are open to accept Marine Risks at current rates. KATZ BROTHERS New York Life Insurance Co. Fund5 £23,681,886 Heavy Reduction in Rates. New plan” life policies on European lives in Penang.
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    • 360 4 {Stationery, 1 FOR j 1 OFFICE, ESTATE, STORE or PRIVATE USE, FOR BALE AT THE PinangGazetteOffice. Account books -various s i zes BA LL PROGRAMMES— large assortment latest designs. Baskerville cabinets, contai nil] 120 sheets Note Paper and 100 Eii B lopes. Best quality paper. I ri j demand. $2.50
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