Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 22 June 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 566 1 pipping (Rotices. Peninsular Oriental Steam Navigation Company. r HE mail steamers may be </. expected to arrive out- wards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following <; dates Outwards. Homewards. Rosetta 2-» Jtmel R ireaaa 27 June Raisar-i-Hind 5 July Pekin 11 July ]l,liilla 19 IKhelive 25 Riveona 4 Aug
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    • 1669 1 SBtnvtnct (Iloficee. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,-(LTD.). banks. 7 0 7 KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Hongkong shanghai BankOcean Steam Ship Company. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. ing Corporation. HOLT’S WEEKLY LlN£.< Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of SteamerB. Paid-lp Capital $10,000,000 1 ‘7" I Reserve Fund $5,000,000 ■5 "IK, w Reserve Liability
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    • 450 1 NEDEKLAKDSUiE HANDEL KAATSI’HAFHJ. (Netherland Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital .../35,783,000. Reserve Funds f 2,086,155.605 Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India. The Facforij of the NedeilandscLe Handel Maatschappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia, Padang, Cheribon, Tegai, Pcealongan, Pasaroean, and Tjilatjap. London Bankers. —The
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  • 168 2 I’kn ang, 22nd I use, 1835. Hairs close as follows: I .oikloii, Deiflniid Buck 2 I'3 I" l)<> 1 nioml.s' sigl.i 111 .k 2/1« Do. 3 < 'r<<bi 2IJ I )o. 3 I *ocn mem si'».. 2 2 (’ll' <• 111 I si, IL iii;iik| Biijlk It- 103 Do.
    I’kn ang, 22nd I use, 1835.  -  168 words
  • 83 2 Mails close on Monday. Por Per xtr. Time. Lnngkiit... Jin. Ito 1 M Deli Lmijk'il 2 P.M. Singapore and ('liiiui (]he nil/ t 'heio... 4 P.M. The P. A mail steamer l{'>netta left Colombo for Pen mg at noon on I lie 18th Hist. She brings on the
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  • 135 2 From Rangoon: —By the B. I. CKupra to-day. B. I. s. s. on Monday. h'lto.u St\<; a roti k:— By 'lm s. s. I[tbe on Moiidav. B. I s. s ./•qaoion Wednesday. I'’HOM N Eli Al’ xla M B) the B. 1. s. s. .Siciuulra on Tuesday.
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  • 381 2 Arrivals. To-i»x x. r. leiuijkot from I)» li s Jin Un from Liingkat. I'. Alt x. Jnpau from Suez. s s. '!<»<( n/ f.»>m Singapore s. I'hiiuij Ihiiijnii fro’n T. Anson. s. s. Itelni/ do. Y E' I EK II X V S. x. It Unli-fi-iln fr m \-alillU
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  • 118 2 Passages hnoke.l for the SI rails. Jb'.’/, tl lr'l— l <T I’. A s s. I uh Ua from Loudon for Penang. Mr. W Mitchell, Brigade-Surgeon Lieu tena n t-( '<•!< me I N 11. Major; for Singapore, Mr W. 11.-l.’j.-r, Miss Hellier, Mr W. Bentley nnd Mr-
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  • 185 2 Sk i runxx 22ND: Toxvn Bxtid, Golf Cluli,s-30 p.m. Outward mail due. P. A O x. s. Himelta Concert ('onveiit, 9 r m. High waler at. Nexv Jettv, 12 26 A.M. and 12-53 p m. Sn mia v. 23h n 2nd Sunday after Trinity New
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  • 108 2 LONDON, 21kt June, 1895. Defeat of the Government. A crisis believed to i»'e iuim’nent. An amendment proposed by Mr. Broadrick on the Army Estimates, protesting against the inadequacy of the reserves of ammunition, was carried against the Government by a hundred and thirty-two votes to a hundred and
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  • 528 2 Wednesday was the anniversary of the batllc of Waterloo. Eighty years ago! We wonder how many, if any. of thox» 1 who parti< ipated in that memorable field are still living. We have read for vears now and then in the pa]»era of deaths of
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  • 721 2 Three members of the local Bar are laid up with fever. The launch Lily was raised this morning, and is now anchored near her old mooring. A late Hongkong share report says that Puujoms have dropped to $5.75 owing to the poor result of the cyanide process.
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  • 269 2 According to the Siamese reckoning His Majesty King Chulalongkorn has now reigned twenty-seven years, which brings up the length of the reign to that of King Phra Nang Klao, the fourth King, and the longest reigned, of the fourth or present dynasty. Such an event, according
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  • 55 2 From our Correspondents' TELVK ANSON. 22nd Juns. The shipments to-day are— To Penang, 811 |>i!;,il softjl| To Singapore, 4,662 1 »5 or on [Time from Teltik Anson, Ih, 57 m i n i 218 T Junk. The shipments to-day are To Penang, 501 pikulsof tin. [Time from Teluk
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  • 95 2 ARREST OF A RINGLEADER OF THE COFFIN-BREA KING SOCIETY. Yesterday afternoon, acting on j nfonn tion received, Mr. A. H. Capper, Assist Protector of Chinese, accompanied bv Jp G. J. Litton and Inspector Fiddes, went a house in Sek Chuan Lane and arrest 3 man suspected of being one of
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  • 140 2 The Concert at the Convent takes p] a to .ight. The concert has I>een organised xid the good work, ami it is to liehoJ that as many ax possible < f the inusic-ioviZ public will lie present. The programme'; as follows: Part I. I. Tarentelle Duet, 2
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  • 280 2 At the ordinary meeting of the C'ommissinm rs held yesterday at theT». Hall there were present: —Mr. J I. Kwned v President), Mr. Koh Seang Tat. Mr J. Gibson and Mr. G. F. Adamson. The minutes of the last ordinarr meeting held on the 11th instant were
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  • 222 2 The Free Prese hears that the condition® life and property in the small Siamesep 1 vinees of the northern part of the penis® l 4 is far from reassuring. Lekon. Putahi- Senggora, Perlis, Satool. Cheema, N'“Chie aud Pa tana are suffering from lack police. The abolition
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 359 2 pritchhfd Co. Have just received per s. s. GLENELG,” THE NOTED FRENCH CORSETS F. I. L. in all sizes and qualities. ALSO IZOD’S CORSETS Adren Short WaistedMentone Long 1 Waisted, both makes in all sizes. A LAIVtE ASSORTMENT OF PARISIAN COSTUMES in latest designs, and one of eaeh pattern only.
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    • 575 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION SALE. i splendid assort iii'-nt of Handsome and Vai liable JAPANESE CURIOS, just imported from Japan, w ill be sold by auction On Monday and Tuesday, 24th 25th inst., commencing at 11.30 a.m. AT No. 35, Beach Stre t. the godowns Intelv occupied bv Brown A Co.
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  • 801 3 Action against Proprietor of Cooke’s Circus. Mb. Sal nders, formerly manager of Cooke’s Circus, sued Mr. Cooke for dismissal without giving proper notice. He claimed a month s notice, whereas he had only had a week’s notice. He also claimed salary at the rate of <£l a week
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  • 230 3 The Japanese Home Secretary, A iscount Nomura, in the course of a recent interview, gave some explanation of the present stringent treatment by the Government of the Japanese Press. It was necessary, he said, that the Press should be carefully watched, to prevent the newspapers from bringing
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  • 305 3 (From our contemporaries.) Juno 19th. According to the latest news to hand the fore compartments and the engine room of the .S 7. Pancras, the steamer which was stranded on the Samarang liank off Labuan are full of water. There would therefore appear to be little prospect of
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  • 184 3 A Sungei Ujong correspondent writes to a contemporary Mr. Lumsden has now started work on his 2,000 acre block at the 10th mile of the railway. He intends planting up no -less than 300 acres next May, 300 acres in October and November, and 300 acres
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  • 178 3 The Neue Musikzeitung has an interesting article on musical notation, in which it states that, although, according to Fetis, the great musical historian, the Indian musical notation is oldest of all, yet the Chinese is not much younger. The Chinese scale has seven notes, and the names of
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  • 398 3 A portentous mission is about to visit London. It seems that the World’s Women’s Christian Temjierance Union has for some years past been organizing a gigantic polvglot petition in fifty different languages, which has now over two million actual signatures, and with the attestations of certain
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  • 715 3 Meetings. Ordinary meetings of the Council were held on the 10th and 23rd of the month. There were no special meetings. Revenue and Expenditure. The total amount of revenue collected during the month was $18,311.40: the expenditure was 823,938.40. The balance brought from April
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  • 942 3 To the disciple of Old Isaac Walton the State of Selangor offers but few chances of obtaining that noble sport which, in the opinion of all true anglers, yields to none. I The inhabitant of Kuala Lumpur, however, may obtain at the Lake a
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  • 510 3 AUGUST MEETING. PROPOSED PRODRAMME. FIRST DAY. Thursday, the Ist Augnist, 1895. Tst Race. Value $2OO. For Maidens. All Horses that have never won a race on any Course—Griffin, Jump and Roadster Races excepted. Weight per scale. Distance 1 mile. Entrance $lO. 2nd Race. Value .8150.—For Ponies 13.2
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 89 3 FOR SALE. FOUR Multitubular Boilers 12' x 7’. Working pressure 60, 50, 50, and 45 lbs., also a few smaller boilers, boiler shells, and several steam receivers. One three roller cane mill 28 7 x 5 with engine and gearing complete. Apply to-THE ENGINEER, 286 Caledonia Estate. NOTICE. Mahomed sahat
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    • 181 3 TO LET. U 1 J OGEELA,” No. 188, Burmah Road. For particulars applv to YEOH BUN CHEANG, 296 173, Beach Street. TO LET. PREMISES No. 12, Clove Hall Road, now occupied by Mr. Gottlieb. Entrv from Ist July, 1895. Applv to HYE KEE CHAN, 278 No. 31, Beach Street. NOTICE.
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    • 450 3 G. IZOLPHE, HAIR DRESSING SALOON, have just received from Paris a laage assortment of PERFUMERIES Essences, Soaps, Eau dentifrice, Eau de Colagne, Tooth Paste, Sponges, Hair Brushes &c. NEW SCENTS, Triple, Quadruple. Violette, Violette de Nice, Violette de Bois, Violette de Panne, Au Kadsura. Lilas de Perse, Peau d’Esoange, Heliotrope
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 2010 4 Insurance (hofitt®. W. ROBINSON Co. oil C Registered Jj UaK [Established 1875.] The Royal Insurance Co. VW4 I VBIP HONGKONG AKC SINGAPORE. &C. BB B W Bvß pectuses will be supplied B 8888 l Bl 888 BB B B B j 47>’'A C„ I MMwvlvM llWlw A PIANOS, for Hire,
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    • 533 4 Jnguronce (notice. New York Life Heavy Reduction in r ATe 0 “New plan’’ life policies on Fn,-„ lives in Penang. P €a n MANSFIELD, BOGAARDT 4 c 0 Fire Queen Insurance Company Royal Fire Insurance Company 'PHE undersigned have been a DDn i‘, I» fur the .bove C0,,,,,X'" are
      533 words