Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 12 June 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 580 1 (llottcee. Peninsular OrieiSaFsteani Navigation Company. mail steamers may be T*..l expected to arrive outWard8 and leave Penan X homewards, on the following dates:— utwards. Homewards. r’ Be/fcl •rr 2 ik\ J hiU l ,3ti A p-w-e/Mi Zbth July Ravenna 27th Rjhilla 20th I Ine a’rne dates are only approximate ti
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    • 1587 1 SBipmng (notices. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,-(LTD.). banks. 1),....,,.«.... <!• <• KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Ocean Steam Ship Company. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. Corporation. HOLT'S WEEKLY LINE, Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamer». Paid-up capital $10,000,000. Reserve Fund $5,000,000. I Reserve Liability or Proprietors $10,000,000. For Will
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    • 468 1 NEDEKLODSUIE HANDEL EAATSI'HAPPU. (Netherland Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital f 35,783,000. Reserve Funds f 2,086,155.60 j Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India. The Factorij of the Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia, Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, Peealongan, I’asaroean, and Tjilatjap. London
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  • 58 2 M.> ii.s < lose To-mohi ow. b'ur I’erxlr. Time. Pmigkor A, T. Anson Cn-./.n/ I r.M. ('alcuiia f'lo’ly<lro I r.M. S pore <5 Jloutikoiig t' //■>'•/«• Kian.. 1 p.M Deli Ho Keel -2 P.M Singapore A' China Houy l,e >ay 3 r m 'l’llE h< ini-'Wa r<l I’.
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  • 50 2 I-’hom 'S|N(iAi’oitEß\ Ik- s. s. Calypso ami P. A' O. s. s. I'’onnoi<a ti -nv-irow P. O. s. Hohill-t, 11. I JI ild t ami k. s. »<<ho < ii Friday, s. s .1/. lauptekem on Sul iir-hii. Fho.M OlEIII.EII: Bl Ihl s. s |'tu DieillCii 10-HIOI
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  • 296 2 Illi,Hi-ro-1» l I s C llik K ia.u Fi i- in Si ng.-i i re ll,do, Ir .1-- S Houy heouy finlil <|o. s s. F ’hciy Ira fn-in <l" Y i;si ehi>n s. s I.' ly ir II omi I’ >1- W-l I>< pin I m e-. r..
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  • 124 2 Wn-sr-t-ii I2ih T- ii n IJan.l, E-planml- 5-‘.kt v ('.-okc Cir. it”, linck of Supreme Court, I' M ll.ghual.r »1 Neu J..1H.358 i.M. and 1 25 r it l iHhM.u, i:;ni I pli- < hi isl i Ton n Baii.l, Ifalii ( .i-i.-im, L.-l night
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  • 125 2 l‘r s ing, 12i it Jine. I tin sellers. F I tnng no supply, I', k l'- pp- t We-t ('-.a-t K.6'*s.'llers. I trill'. Il .’>lL Koz do W lie peppet II 25 do. Cioiv* ipickvil < lit of season. Mace Xo I so.— Inn ci*”. Mme
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  • 92 2 LONDON, 11th June, 1895. Another Cliiiicse Loan. Five French banks have signed! an agreement to lend China fifteen 1 millions sterling on a Russian guarantee. ('omit Kalnoky’s Policy. M. Goluchomski addressing a Hungarian delegation at ienna stated that he adheres to Count Kahiokv’s policy, especially the peaceful triple
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  • 337 2 As ri i-r<»du<’!:d in another column lhe c-mm-'iits in the Singapore papers have < nsidenible truth in them we all -w, Lut thev <L. n<>t show anything to palliate <n- ex-us the drastic and inexorable nature of th-- punishment to which an alien is lialilf if he
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  • 660 2 Thi: Rave Course is non open for training The homeward 1’ A O. s. s. Rohilla is expected to leave Singapore this afternoon. ’l'll t: results of the second day’s races at Seivmban appear among our local telegra ms. Thi:i.i hundred and sixty Chinese passengers arrived this morning from
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  • 594 2 A sum of s4!’.<mhi was provided for constructing 7 miles of a metalled cart road from the 21th mile Sungei Lui Road to Ginting Peras, a distance uf 7 miles, but after J of the earthwork had been more or less completed it was
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  • 130 2 [From our Correspondents TH LUK ANSON. 12th June. The shipments to-day are— To Penang, 278 piknls of tin. [Time from Teluk Anson. 31 min KLANG. 12th June. The shipments yesterday were— To Penang, 889 pikn] so f tin To Singapore, 39 Do. 3 445 of ore [Time from
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  • 433 2 Arrival of the Griffins. The list of nieinlx-rs who subscribed hr griffins to run at the August meeting h* very large one. The animals, imp >rted bv Messrs. Abrams from Australia, arrived :n Penang on Monday afternoon, and w c re taken to the Race Course and
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  • 937 2 Ilth June, There was very serious delay > u Kinta Valiev Railway traffic yesteu a.' 10th instant" To commence with, tlieiu' ing trains were all one hour lx hit' owing to a landslip which blocked th ting at the Ipoh side of the Kainpar
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 978 2 Co. L oZL Ss^.‘Z T > 8 WHISKY. TO-NIGHT, Wednesday, 12tli. b-a>td j. i>. BOTTLED BY Doors open at 8. Carnages 11.30. JOHN ROBERTSON SON. Thursday, June 13th DUNHEE. POSITIVELY THE LAST NIGHT of COOKE'S CIRCUS. < erlllH-a.l' of Ainljsis. A Magnificent Horse will bs given away. 11 jVnT-.'.s’e /*.95
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    • 50 2 TH£i PINANG GAZETTE DAILY EDITION. TEUMS OI- SIIBSCHII’I'ION. Fltlll'j price of the Pttiatiy (lazelte delivered 1 free is as follow s: To < lor. ru no il I<) fices a,nd Jh irhaill»’ HodolViif iii Penally.— Per milium... $24 payable m advance. Hy Post.— Per annum... $27 do. Single copy 20
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 68 2 n i iirrimi. laki-n at P| i-u:i fliispilal <t!>.i laloii 1 Itii Junk. IKh5 b I I 27 »<• ;••> >|s \V< I Itlllli l l.i lim.m. t- 76 >» 77. 7ti Max I'emp n. -I, I- *»o S Mm .Io .hi 71 M.X m Snn I I-'2 Terr l».l
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  • 254 3 (To the Editor of the Pinanq Gazette.") Sir.—l see no valid objection to the registration of grown up dogs, except that the charge should be a little less. But what is the necessity of registering pups hardly out of their cradles. These poor innocent creatures are destroved
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  • 704 3 Opinions of the Singapore Press. Ihe Tree Press takes exception to the objections raised by us (in our issue of the 4th instant) to the Banishment Ordinance. It says The objections are practically built upon the assumption that the communitv is of such a character that the
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  • 285 3 The object for which the manufactory was started has Ixen accomplished and the influence on the market made apparent. The manufacture started inNovember, 1892, when ordinary Chinese small bricks could not be got for less than 856 the rate for a short time actually touched $7O.
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  • 175 3 I (Selangor Government Gazette, June 7th.) Appointments. Mr. H. M. Hatchell, Second Assistant District Officer, Kuala Kubu, to act as Assistant Superintendent of Police from Ist June.—Mr. J. H. Cope, Assistant District Officer, Kuala Selangor, to act as Assistant District Officer, Ulu Selangor, from Ist June.—Mr. W. W.
    I (Selangor Government Gazette, June 7th.)  -  175 words
  • 770 3 (Morning Post.) Although there is little that is new in the petition which the British subjects in the Straits Settlements have presented to the House of Commons, the question is so important that it is to l>e hoped the facts will receive careful attention from Her Majesty’s
    (Morning Post.)  -  770 words
  • 200 3 Li Chin-fong and Me. Foster left Shanghai on May 30th by the steamer Knng-yi bound for Formosa, to formally hand over the island to the Japanese in accordance with the terms of the Treaty of Peace. It is said that Mr. Hayashi, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, the newly appointee!
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  • 431 3 JAP A NESE AND KOREAN AFFAIRS. DISCONTENT. Tok io May 21st. The Authorities are much concerned as to the attitude of the people at the restoration of peace. Local Governors, who were lately request»*»! by the Minister of the Imperial Household to report on the public’s attitude have been telegraphically
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  • 136 3 I’ i nan«, 12tii June. 1895. Hates close as follows; London, Demand Bank 21J Do. I inoiil hs’ sight Bank 2 2 Do. 3 ('r»;dit 2 Do. 3 Docnmeiitai 22} Calcutta, D. iiiaiul Bank IU 193 Do. 3o da Vs' sight I’lival** 196 Bomba», Demand Bank 193 Do. 3t)
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 130 3 FOR SALE. tpHE valuable residence known as “Good--1 wood,” which is at present let for two years at a monthly rental of .«75. 164 Apply to J. Y. KENNEDY. ENGINEER. Open to Engagement HAS had considerable ex]>erience in designing am! erecting and managing Saw Mills, Rice Mills and other such
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    • 568 3 NOTICE. \T the rc<|uest of several of our customers we the undersigned Butchers beg to inform tin* public that from and after the Ist day of July, 1895, we will sell the best mutton by the pound instead of by the joint, as has been the practice in the Straits.
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    • 599 3 NOTICE. THE undersigned having lxx*n appointed 1 from to-day Manager of the Crag I Hotel vice Mr. M. Anthony resigned, all claims against or correspondence regarding this Hotel have to l>e sent in at once to him. •Messrs. Hin Lee A Co., appointed Agents in Penang, will furnish all information,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1483 4 Jngwance Qtatceg. KANMNGA of Japan MCLARTY COMPANY. NĔWYORK. MT TOILET WATER CONSUL ™ur V tif. Insurance Company. JHg| Appreciated for its delicate perfume and the feeling of comfort I SU R E S Fund5 ”£23,681,886 and freshness which it imparts to the skin supply all machinery materials, fittings, tools, appliances
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    • 513 4 Jngwrance THf tpHE undersigned having been 3 1 Agents for the above now prepared to accept MAR]\'p Rr( FIRE risks at current rates. 4 hallifax t c Penang, Ist September, 1891 33) Hamburg-Bremen Fire Insurant i Company of Hamburg. Established ISH4_ 'I’HE underaigned have beer ar> Doin i, I Agents
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