Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 9 April 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 547 1 pipping (iloficee. Peninsular Oriental Steam Navigation Company. e’ I HE mail steamers may be expected to arrive outwards and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates:— Outwards. Homewards. Jvu>ir-i- Pekin 18th Apr. HtW 13th Apr. Ganges ‘2nd May /?,/h7Ai 28tli Rosetta 16th Ravenna 12th May. The above dates are only
      547 words
    • 1566 1 pipping (notices. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,—(LTD.). banks. Ocean Steam Ship Company? LINMF 3TEAMERS? PPIX H ngk n^ h S h ai Bankinfr HOLT’S WEEKLY LINE.’ Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. Paid-up Capital slo,ooo,oocr. Reserve Fund $5,000,000. A Tb I Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000. 1 Will sail
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    • 525 1 NEDERLAMSUE HANDEL KAATSCHAFPIJ. (Netherland Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital f 35,783,000, Reserve Funds f 2,086,155.60£ Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India. The Factorij of the Nederlnndsche Handel Maatschappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia, Padang, Cheribon, ’legal, Pecalongan, Pasaroean, and Tjilatjap. London Bankers.—The
      525 words

  • 104 2 Penang. 9tjj April. 1895. l-j,, $34.80 sellers. Trang small supply. Black Pepper < West, C<‘a>l... 8.6 V sellers. Adiwn slhB<>z 9.50 do. While Pepper 13— Cloves (picked) Mace No. I HO.-buyers. Mace Pickings 'J' 1 Nutmeg* 9u. sellets. (No. I Sugar < '2 3.70 d-> Basket 295
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  • 129 2 Penang, 9th April, 1895. ‘Bates close a* eoi.i.ows: London, Demand Bank 2lj hi Do. I nionllis sight Hauk 211 J Do. 3 Credit 2 (),>. 3 Doemnenlai... 2ij Calciitla, D< maud Bank 189 Do. 3'l days' siglit Private 193 ILiinliav, Demand Bank 189 Do. 3t) days'sight Private 193 Madras,
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  • 84 2 Mails close ’L'o-mokrow. For Per str. Time. Edie, T. Serna we, Segli and Oleldeh Hole Canton,..Al *.M. Kin ng Deli N<><>N Pnogkor and 'l'. Anson 1 P.M. Deli Lanykat 2p M. I’nngkor rind T Anson Hetty 2 P.M. Thursday, 11 hi. Europe via Ncgupntmn S'cundra 4 P.M. The
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  • 91 2 From Singapore: —By 'he s. s. Cheang Hye Teng t<imoi row. B 1. s. s. ,8’ cumlra and s. s. M. Utiji ri<nhin on \’liiirs<lay. Time Table of Mails to I.ontlon. Ix:ft Feninas. Due in London. Arrived. Feb. Bth P. AO. Mar. sth Mar. 4th Feb. 15tb
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  • 337 2 Irrirals. T<l-U A 1 s. h. R- »a from T. Arison. s. s. Hetey do. s. 8 .1 rlnoiliiiig I rum Padang. 8. It Haleteya frtoi I’aifnrawan. P. A (I s. 8. ('<ii./on ir«'ii> Bombay. Y ESI EK 11 A I s. I.atly Il’eW fi out I*. Weld. Departure*.
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  • 256 2 Ti'esihy. 9th Full Moon. 8-38 I- m. Penang Golf Club, General Meeting. Town Band, Until Krainnt («iirdeiis, 9 p.M High water ut New Jettv, 11-33 a.m and 12-00 PM. Service at. St George’s Chnrrli. Evening Service nt 5-30 p m.. Hymn 332 WkiiNEstiAi lorn High
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  • 73 2 LONDON, Bth April. 1895. ClHtrai. The Swat was bridged under heavy fire, and the Bengal Lancers dashed across it and pursued the enemy for nine miles. The Pamirs Delimitation Commission. The Times says a joint commission with a small escort will demarcate precisely the Pamir frontier under agreement
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  • 486 2 The Siamese gttnl < at Coronation left for Singapore yesterday evening. The lawn tennis tournament prizes of the Penang Cricket Club will lx? presented at the pavilion to-morrow evening. One Lim Chin Yok was yesterday committed for trial at the next Assizes by Mr. Haughton, on the charge of
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  • 91 2 The Band will play to-night at the Datu Krainat Gardens at 9 o’clock. The following is the programme:— 1 Overture Fra Diavolo Auber. 2 Lancers King of the Revels Williams. 3 Waltz Morning Star Arcedera. 4 Polka El Bazon Prado. 5 Waltz El Paraiso Zacarias. 6 Schottische Tit for
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  • 205 2 Penang vs. Perak. The Penang-Perak Golf match was played at the Sepoy Lines on Thursday, Friday and Saturday last. The result, after a keen contest, was a draw, Penang winning the foursomes by one hole, and Perak the singles by one hole. It was unfortunate for Penang that neither
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  • 343 2 The eleven to represent Penang against Perak on Saturday and Monday next has not yet lx*en finally decided upon, but the s-lection will be from the following:— Messrs. J. F. Lamb (captain), A. S. Anthony, C. G. Garrard, F. H. Hawkins, L. E. P. Wolfenrtau, D. A.
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  • 439 2 In th»- Hongkong Supreme Court ou the 28th ult.. Ix-fore Mr. W. M. Gixxlinan, Ag. Chief Justice, ami Mr. A. G. Wise, Ag. Puisne Judge, in appellate jurisdiction, tin- case of Yau Sam Shi r. Lo Ah Sam and H" Ah Shi was heard. Mr. J. J.
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  • 82 2 iEk«>m ouk Coi<i!r;sroxi>>M S TKLUK ANSON. oth April. The shipments to-day are To Penang, 606 pikuls o f tin [Time from Teluk Anson, 35 niin KLANG. 9th April. The shipments yesterday were— To Penang, 67 pikul s of ti( To Singapore, 558 [Time from Klang, 1 h. 3
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  • 534 2 (Perak Pioneer, April 6th.) It is rumoured that His Highness tk Sultan of Perak contemplates a visit i Europe in the near future. Mr. Duberly, the Acting Commit of Lands, has, it is rumoured, applied f. r long leave. Inspector C. Ephraums of Ipoh hag re signed his
    (Perak Pioneer, April 6th.)  -  534 words
  • 108 2 Rumoured Difficulty over the Bcff £S State Negotiations. (Bangkok Times.) Rumour has it that a misunderstam mhas arisen between the meml»ers of t Commission for delimitating the neu lra zone of the Upper Mekong. A letter recently lx*en received from Mr. J G. dated Feb. 9th, which
    (Bangkok Times.)  -  108 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 159 2 Idling Co. GUINNESS’S EXTRA STOUT, "CHAMPION BRAND" BOTTLED BY Peter Dawson, Glasgow. The best on the market. Trial Solicited. ERLANGER BEER. Guaranteed Pure. AUSTRALIAN BEER. THE "GLEN” WHISKY. Turnbull Wood's. LUSK’S HAMS BACON. CIGARS TOBACCO All kinds kept in stock. GOSLINC CO. Pritchard Co. —< Half-Yearly CASH SALE now on
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    • 400 2 NOTICES. TO LEt. AJO. 3. Westlands Bungalows, front Ist May. Applv to 155 F. O. HALLIFAX. DENTAL NOTICE. i|K. 3' F- TEUFERT, Dental Surgeon, 31 Eastern and Oriental Hotel. Will stay a short time only. 156 FOR SALE. tpHE valuabD- residence known as “Good1 WOOD,” which is at present let
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 74 2 WEATHER RETORT. Taken al I'rlaon Hiispilnl mtnrj. Bth Ar mil. 1895 9 A.M. 3 l-.M 9 r.M. Bur. 11.1 32 Fall 2f» B9i' 29 71'7 2'.»x7t; Ti-mpenif me 84— SM— So Wot Bulb Tliei moun tci 7'-‘— »9.8 77. Max. Temp, in »lindo 91 8 Min. do. do. 75. Mux.
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  • 168 3 The fees received at the Singapore abattoirs during the month of February amounted to 53,089. A Bangkok journal finds that 90 Europeans have died there in five years, and it estimates that this gives an annual European death-rate of 36 pier 1,000, an exceptionally high figure. Including native mortality
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  • 165 3 The Salvation Army report for last year shows that operations are being conducted on an enormous scale in all quarters of the world. The officers number 11,335, and they proclaim Christ in twenty-nine languages, and at 4,633 stations or towns.” In Great Britain there are 4,280 officers
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  • 662 3 I.—, Friend of India. We are under the less temptation to dogmatise regarding the propriety of the decision at which the Government of India have arrived, to take up arms for the expulsion of Umra Khan from Chitral, that, whether it is the outcome of sheer wantonness.
    I.—,Friend of India.  -  662 words
  • 1632 3 (Bombay Gazette.) Those who look to bimetallism as the appointed remedy for the superabundant supply of silver have in the eyes of the scoffer a good deal in common with the patient rustic who sat on the bank waiting till the river ran by, so that he might
    (Bombay Gazette.)  -  1,632 words
  • 503 3 WHAT WILL BRITAIN DO (Kobe Chronicle.) It now remains to be seen how Great Britain will regard this latest move on the part of Japan, for England is more concerned than any other Power. The occupation of Formosa by a Power which is likely to develop the resources of the
    (Kobe Chronicle.)  -  503 words
  • 286 3 In China the Emperor claims power not only over his subjects (and, indeed, for that matter, the whole inhabited world), but also over the realms of departed spirits. These he beatifies, canonises, decorates with titles, mentions with approval in the Peking Gazette when they do anything to
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  • 201 3 (Straits Times, 6th AiklL.) Jelebus ($5 p<l.) $4.20 sellers. Kaubs J 3 IOp<l.) $4.50 sales. a£l fully paid $O.BO do. Punjoius (S3J pd.) SSJ buyers. Pahang Corp. (J£ 1 pd.) $3) do. Maynard A Co. (SIOO pd.) $3O sellers. Pengerangs ($5O pd.) *65 offer ex died. Straits
    (Straits Times, 6th AiklL.)  -  201 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 274 3 NOTICE. MY wife, Lim Shee, having left my protection, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her from to-day. (Sgd.) MAH MOOK SUNG. Carpenter, No. 24, Bishop Street. Penang, 3rd April. 1895. 158 SUNGEI UJONG AND JRLEBU GYMKHANA CLUB. fpHE Annual Races will be held at I
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    • 1003 3 municipal motice. CRAWFORD’S WHISKY IVT OTICE is hereby given that the revised CRAWFORD’S WHISKY IN lists of persons entitled to vote at CRAWFORD’S WHISKY Municipal elections and ot persons qualified to be elected as Commissioners have been Finest very old SCOTCH.” forwarded for publication in the Government Q aze tt
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1582 4 (notice.. MCLARTY COMPANY, the latest invention i= CONSULTING ENGINEERS, NAVAL ARCHITECTS. 5 tion, Limited. idwcvarq CnNTRAPTORq (Especially for Travellers, Colonists, and Residents in Iropical Climates). TT7T Annointed SUKVtYUKb 6, UUI>J I I Awards—Gold Medal, Paris Exhibition/1889k Gold Medal,-World’s Fair.” Chicago(lB9B) THE uh eisigne tax ill-. SUPPLY ALL MACHINERY MATERIALS, FITTINGS,
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    • 538 4 Jnsurance (Jloftcee. The Royal InsunuiceUompany l CONSIDEKABIF reduction i„ Life Rates is announced, an d nrof pectuses will be supplied and all information obtained on application to the Agents—--147 Messrs. BOUSTEAD <fc Co MARINE INUSRANCE. The Federal Marine Insurance Ccmjany rpHE undersigned having been appointed 1 Agents for the above
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