Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 19 June 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 558 1 (Roticeg. Peninsular Oriental Steam Navigation Company. mail steamers may ’so k e ex pected to arrive i oa^war ds, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates Outwards. Homewards. Clyde 24-th June I Sutlej 29th June Rosetta, Bth July Rohilla 13th July Surat 22nd Ravenna 27th J I The above
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    • 1373 1 (Hotices. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,—(LTD.). banks. 27 KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. -TrTTT" Ocean Steam Ship Company. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS, g s corpo“tto a s HOLT’S WEEKLY LINE. Sailing and ejected Arrival of Steamer*. Reserve Fund $4,200,000. -LX For Will sail Steamer From Expected on Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000.
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    • 529 1 NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL BAmCHAPPIJ. (Netherland. Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital f 35,783,000. Reserve Funds f 1,753,427.23| Fpecial Reserve Fund... /1,000,000. Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency ijj Netherlands India.— The Factorij of the Nederlandache Handel Maatschappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore, Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia, Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalohgan. Pasaroean,
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  • 81 2 Mails close To-morrow. For Per str. I'ime. Singapore Bangkok... Byculla ...11 a.m. Tongkah Petrel 1 p.m. Edie, Segli and Telok Semawe Z?. A'. Atjeh 2 p.m. Singapore Purnea 3 P.M. Thursday, 21st. Deli Avagyee 2 p.m. Saturday, 23rd. Europe, via Negapatam. Sirsa 4 p.m. The M. M. mail
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  • 146 2 Arrivals. To-day. s. s. Canton from Teluk Anson. Y ESTERDAY. s. s. Avaqyee from Deli. s. s. Petrel from-Tongkah. s. s. Artsadoug from Trang. s. s. Thaipeng from Port Weld. Departures. To-day. s. s. Qtmrra for Langkat. s. s Hye Leong for Klang Malacca. s. s. Sanihrongsee for Asnlian.
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  • 136 2 Arrivals. To-day. Per s. s Canton from T. Anson, Mr. R D. Hewett, Mr. F. W. Talbot and Mr. W. E. Siddon. Yesterday. Per s. s. Aragyec from Deli, Mrs- Mac M illan. Passages booked for the Straits May 2nth.— Per P. A s s. Ocemia from Lomlon
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  • 58 2 Wkhnkhi.av, 20tii Town Band. Esplanade. Tni’i<si> a r. 2Lstt lown Band, Datu Kramat Gardens 9pm Friday 22ni>:— Outward mail due, P. A O. Clyde. Municipal Commissioners’ Meeting. Saii'kh»». 23rd Town Band. Golf Club. Homeward mail doses, t-ia Negapatam. Nkwkav, 24th sth Sunday after Trinity. Moniia t, 25i ii
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  • 137 2 Pknanh, 19m June, l<Air.s CLOSE as EOt.t.OWs: London, Demand Bank 2 1 dot. Do. I mnnllis* .sight. Bank !Il Do. 3 Credits 2/1 j Do. 3 Doc.nim-n' ny I 'ahmf la, Deinau i Bink 'I» 194 Do. 30 d:ivs* sight Privi'e Bombay, Demaii l B ink 194 Do. 50
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  • 81 2 I‘enang, 19m June, 1894. Tin $38.45 Trang no supply. West Coast.. small supply. Acheen ...61b. 9.30 sellers. While Pepper... 12 30 do. Cloves (picked) no supply. Mace No. I 78. sellers. Mace Pickings 63. do. Nutmegs 83. do. I No. 1 7.60 do. Sugar < 2... 4.40
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  • 22 2 London, 18th June. The British ironclads will not go direct to Tetuan, but have been ordered to cruise off Gibraltar.
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  • 732 2 The Penang Free School re opened yesterday, after their midsummer holidays. The Band will play on Thursday night at 9 o’clock at the Datu Kramat Gudens. The P. 0. steamer Shanghai, win h arrived here yesteiday, reporfs that she passed a three-masted ship off Acheen Head on
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  • 138 2 The proclamation of cattle diseise at Nibong Tebal has been withdrawn. Four Malays were arrested by the Police for being in fraudulent possession of stolen property, to wit two buffaloes, and for not reporting the same Aviiilst suffering from foot-and-mouth disease. The case will be heard by Mr.
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  • 55 2 Papers were seen on board the Shanghai, which arrived yesterday from Colombo, a week later in date of publication than those which came by last P. A O mail. It will be the end of this week before these same papers are delivered here by the Post Office
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  • 120 2 We aie glad to learn that the Legal Profession in Penang arc taking steps to protect their rights against unlieensed Con veyaneci s. In a gtii tarn action re cenilv commenced against one of these persons, for drawing up for reward a document
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  • 356 2 The. Law Times of 28th April has the following notice of Kyslie’s Chronological Table and Index of the Acts and Ordi nances in foice in the Straits Settlements” This work is a hibulnrised index of the laws of the Colony of the Stiaits, based upon the arrangement of
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  • 66 2 The Japanese Diet has been summarily dissolved, on account of a motion being carried by the Anti Foreign section against the Government policy of preserving cordial and friendly relations with foreigners Before breaking up, the Parliament abro gated the expoit duty on yarns, with the express
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  • 76 2 Il IS stated that if the rupee continues to depieciate it. is likely that a Council meeting will, as last year, sit. during the Simla season Io discuss what policy to adopt, or that if the cotton duties are not re-imposed additional taxation must be
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  • 108 2 Bombay, 9th June. —Yesterday the mail steamer took thirty-three lakhs of gold to London. Last, week tho Carthage cat l ied fourteen lakhs, and it is estimated that the total of gold shipments for the current month will come to very near a crore
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  • 284 2 (From our Correspondent.) Singapore, 18th June, 5-10 r. m. Renewed Disturbances in Pahang. Attack on the Tembeling Station. Arms and Ammunition Captured. Nine Sikhs Killed. Rahman Bahman), the Ex-Orang Kava of Semantan, with a number of followers attacked (he Tembeling Station and killed nine Sikhs, captured all
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  • 170 2 One <>f the latest annexations for which Great Biitain is responsible on the High Seas is a gron > called the Gilbert Islands in the Pacific Ocean, lying south of the Marshall Islands, which are in the possession of Germany Captain Davis, of her Majesty’s screw cruiser
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  • 199 2 (Calcutta Englishman, June 6th.) For the past week the opium market has been in a state of continual agitation. Prices went up from Rs. 1,195 to Rs I 259 per chest, and then came down to Rs 1,230 The market has been somewhat settled since the last auction
    (Calcutta Englishman, June 6th.)  -  199 words
  • 157 2 JFdsZiington, June 6.—The Senate lias finally adopted a duty of forty percent ad valorem on raw and refined sugar; the payment of bounties ceases on the Ist January next. Proceedings in Parliament. London, June 6. —Mr. Fowler, in reply to a question in the Commons, said he regretted
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 839 2 New advertisements. Qg JJ SALE. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. A SPECIAL MEETING of the Municipal Commissioners will be held at the Town Hau,, at 2.30 r. m., On Friday, the 22nd Instant. Business: PRITCHARD CO. To consider certain by-laws for the prevention and mitigation of dangerous infectious diseases. To be followed by
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  • 2136 3 As THE plague is now only held nt armslength at the Quarantine Station in Singapore, it is well to be posted up as.much as possible with what is going on in Hongkong, and to consider the opinions of the Press as to the duties of the
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  • 168 3 Dome, June s.—The Italian Chamber, after an exciting debate, has adopted by a narrow majority the motion of Signor Crispi to appoint a Committee of eighteen to consider and report upon the Bill to effect economies in the Budget. Later— Owing to the narrow majority over
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  • 548 3 Gang Robbery. A hol t three o’clock t his morning (15th) a gang robbery took place at the 4th milestone on the Holland Road, a gang of six Malays attacking' a Chinese shop and wounding two of the occupants, one of them seriously. 'The third man made his
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  • 322 3 In a very learned paper read at the International Medical Congress on “The Ground Substance of Protoplasm and its Modifications by Life,” Dr. Danilewski, of St. Petersburg, made a decidedly novel statement which demands to be pondered by all round abstaineis from alcohol. Said Dr.
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  • 85 3 New York, June 9. —Upwards of six million dollars worth of gold have been exported this week, and the gold reserve in the American treasury is now reduced to seventy millions. France apd Siam. London, June 11—-It is rumoured that the French man of-war at
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  • 1123 3 A very accurate idea of the importance of the Siberian system of railroads now in course of construction may be gathered from the detaiied description of the work, which appears in one of the huge tomes describing the “industries of Russia” published by the Russian Government.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 924 3 DANDO Co. TAILORS -A-HSTZD GENERAL OUTFITTERS. O— No 1, Beach Street Union Street, 261 FE3ffA.ITG-. AUCTION SALE. I NOTICE. fIIHE undersigned will sell by auction at ,e Bistrict Court of Kinta, holden at I fheia ‘sale rooms' o'n Thursday, the Batu Gajah. 12th July, at 2.30 p. m., the British
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1546 4 Jnaurance (Itcficee. the straits INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. iA A Royal Exchange Assurance Corpora- w tion, Limited. established issa. established isse. THE undersigned having been appointed Capital 'fully Subscribed > Capital fully Subscribed Agents tor the above Company are twflt prepared to accept Fire Insurance Rieke «3,000,000=£500,000.
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    • 393 4 TIVOLI BEER! TIVOLI BEER!! < TIVOLI BEER!!! Non Plus Ultra “EAGLE BRANIf IN WHITE GLASS BOTTLES, Light, Sparkling and Wholesome. PRONOUNCED TO BE THE best beee YET IMPORTED IN THE COUNTRY. Reg'ular fortnightly shipments to hand. Can be obtained from ALL PRINCIPAL: STORES. HALLIFAX Co., PENANG SOLE IMPORTERS. *ti94k.ACH Su,‘
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