Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 28 March 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 700 1 (notices. Peninsular Oriental Steam Navigation Company. mail steamers may It J be ex P ecte to r riye >7ss3hS outwards, and leave Penang ho,newards > °n the following dates Outwards. Homewards. dfiZ/ot Ist Apl. Assam 6th Apl. Rosetta 15th Rokilla 20th (tinges 29th Thames 4th May p-'.dlej 13th May.; Mahca
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    • 1437 1 Jioftcee. British India steam navigation company,—(ltd.). banks. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. A g VT Ocean Steam Ship Company. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. Agra Bank Limited HOLT’S WEEKLY LINE. Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. CA (Ont r Million’ Sterling I I "j Head Office: F° r Will sail j Steamer
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    • 496 1 NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL HUTSCHAPPU. (Netherland Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital' f 35,783,000. Reserve Funds f 1,753,427.23$ Special Reserve Fund... /1,000,000. Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India.— The Factorij of the Nederlandsche Handel Maatscliappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches.—Singapore, Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia, Padang, Tegal, Pecalongan. Pasaroeau, and Tjilatjap
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  • 61 2 Mails close To-moilrow. For Per str. Time Pangkor &T. Anson Taw Tong 2 p.m. Europe, via Negapatara. Sirsa 4 p.m. Friday, 30tii. Deli Ho Kwei 3 p.m. The M. M. mail steamer Yarra left Colombo for Singapore at 1 a. m.on the 23rd instant. The P. O. mail
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  • 188 2 Arrivals. To-day. s. s. Rosa from Edie. s. s. Taw Tong from T. Anson. s. s. Ho Kwei from Deli. Departures. To-day. s s. Chan Tai for Asahan. s. 8. Deli for Klang. s. s. Aragyee for Deli. s. s. Petrel for Tongkah. Expected. 29 B. I. s. s.
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  • 186 2 Arrivals. To-day. Per s. s. Ho Kwei from Deli, Mr. Hellerman and M r. P. Topal. Passages hooked for the Straits. Match 2nd.— Per P. AO. s. s. Victoria from London for Penang, Mrs. Evans, four children and nurse, and Miss Simpson. From Brindisi, Mr. E. W. Presgrave.
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  • 81 2 Wbi.xknuav. 28rit General Meeting PenangTurf Club 4 p.m. General Meeting. Penang Rowing Club. Town Band. Esplanade. Football. Esplanade. I’h i i<m>a y, 29th Town Band. Datu Kramat Gardens. Homeward mail closes, ria Ncgapatam. Potter Bellew Co. Town Hall. Free School, Prizes Distribution, 4 n m. I''kii>*v, 30th Outward
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  • 128 2 Penang, 28th March, I8!»4. Hates close as roi.i.ows: London, Demand Bink 2-| dol. Do. -I months' sight Bank 2 -j-2/O-j Do. 3 Credit* 2/1 Do. 3 Dncil IU'HI tI ry Cidcull.a, Demaml B ink 177 Do. 30 days* sii'ht Private Bombay, Domin i Bink 177 Do. 30 days’ sight.
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  • 72 2 Penang, 28th March, 1891. Tin $39.25 I Trang 8.90 Black Pepper < West Coast.. 8.25 I Aelieeii 7.40 White I’epper... 12.90 Cloves (picked) 31.50 Mace No. I 90. Mace No. 2 72. Nutmegs 84. No. I 6 80 Sugars 2... 4.50 firin Basket 4.05 sellerE. Tapioca Flour..
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  • 48 2 A Bye-election. London, 26th March.— Mr. Shaw Lefevre has been re-elected for Hawick, and Mr. R. C. Munro Ferguson for Leith. Obituary. Commander Verney Lovett Cameron, the explorer, ia dead. Whitaker’s Almanack for 1894 gives Mr. Shaw Lefevre as sitting for the central division of Bradford.
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  • 895 2 There is not a single ocean-going vessel in port to-day. Capt. Anderson, Deputy Colonial Engineer, proceeded to the south of Province Wellesley this morning and is expected back to-morrow. There will be a special meeting of the committee of the Penang Free School at the Town Hall
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  • 73 2 From a private telegram received this morning, we learn that the following is the result of the first day’s races, held at Sungei Ujong on Monday The Jelebo Stakes. 1. Grand Duke 10.9 2. Hard Times 10 1 3. Gloria na 10.1 The Seremban Stakes 1
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  • 206 2 The Kinta Gymkhana Club. The ordinary half-yearly meeting of the Kinta Gymkhana Club was well attended by members at Batu Gajah on the 17tli. The Secretary’s statement of accounts for the half year showed the Club to be in a very flourishing position, with a cash balance of considerably
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  • 266 2 This volume should be read by nil who are interested in the social questions which affect our intercourse with China It deals with such subjects as Opium, Chinese Emigration, Secret Societies, the Social Evil, the Christian Missionary problem, nnd Chinese anti-foreign feeling iu relation
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  • 88 2 At a well attended meeting held yesterday in the Chamber of Commerce Rooms, it was decided that a Ball be given in the Town Hall on Monday, the 23rd proximo, to celebrate St. George’s Day, and a committee was elected to carry out the arrangements. The subscription
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  • 115 2 For ill-treating a goat a Hindu, named Rainsami, was yesterday sentenced by Mr. Haughton to fourteen days rigorous imprisonment. It appears one of his goats got astray and ran into the compound of the Malay Interpreter of the Court of Requests at Chulia Street. He got so
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  • 643 2 Cricket. Played on the 24th and 26th inst. Wi n ning the toss Penang started the baßi n and commenced with Shropshire and Kelly but both of these gentlemen left with the score at 2. Anthony and Lamb raised the runs to 22 when the Penang crack”
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  • 66 2 A BOLT 2 a.m., on the 26th instant, the house of a Chinese goldsmith at Nior Sebatang, Province Wellesley, was entered by a gang of nine or ten Malays and property amounting to $250 was stolen. One of the robbers is well known to
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  • 159 2 The current number of the Chinese Recorder says —lt is proposed to present the Empress Dowager of China with a copy of the New Testament on the occasion of her sixtieth birthday. It has been suggested that it be written on silk
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  • 128 2 Dr. Dawson Burns submits annually the Times the figures of the National Drink Bill. Taking the figures given in the trade and navigation accounts as h’ s guide, Dr. Burns says that the total cost of the liquors consumed last year wa® £140,866,26’2. Upwards of forty-one
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 927 2 JrifrliFirM &Co w A L k RTI se m eN /I Ibbipi U UU,, TOWN HALL, PENANG. 15, BEACH STREET. Thursday,29th March, 1894. Mrs. Potter Mr. Bellew. TAILORING DEPARTMENT. forget me not IN THREE ACTS. DRESS COATINGS— Mohair Coatings, Brown Drabs and Greys. Cast 0F Characters. Tropical Cashmere Suitings. Stephanie
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  • 556 3 Commander Verney Lovett Cameron, C. B I). C. L., whose death is announced in to day’s telegrams, was a son of the Rev. Jonathan Henry Lovett Cameron, a native of Radipole, Weymouth, Dorsetshire, and was educated at Bruton, Somefsetshire. He was appointed Naval Cadet
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  • 371 3 There are, it appears, two schemes under discussion in Manchester, which have for their object the establishment of direct trade by way of the Ship Canal between the new port and India. The first scheme was submitted by the solicitors of the Canal Company at a meeting of
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  • 505 3 Causes of the Present, Distress. The Bombay Presidency Association have addressed a communication to the Government of India in which they differ from the view expressed by Mr. Westland that low exchange. was the sole cause of the .present condition of the treasury. There had
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  • 227 3 —Home Paper. A congregation of 50,000 persons. The Pope celebrated Mass at the Papal altar in St. Peter’s, Rome, on Sunday morning 21st ultimo, the occasion being the conclusion of his Episcopal Jubilee. Borne on the Sedia Gettatoria and preceded by a long cortege
    —Home Paper.  -  227 words
  • 270 3 A London daily newspaper, the Pall Mall Gazette, was for the first time printed by electricity on the 16th ultimo—that is to say, machines were driven by a pair of electric motors. “It is remarkable,” says the Pall Mall, what a change the
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  • 441 3 JAPANESE COMPETITION WITH THE P. O. CO. 1 HE Japan Gazette says;—ln connection with the keen competition which has arisen between the P. O. Company and the N. Y. K. on the Bombay route, the Directors of the latter company held a meeting and decided upon the policy of the
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  • 179 3 A SENSATIONAL trial will shortly take place at Vilna, the St. Petersburg cones pondent of the Standard says, in which the accused are all young men whose parents occupy high positions in Government employ and in society. They are all Russians, and appear to have been engaged for
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  • 375 3 The Manchester Canal, now finished, has cost the lives of 158 men, the permanent injury of 186, and the temporary injury of 1404. There are 28.000 Chinese inhabitants in the chief cities of the United States 24.000 of them in San Francisco, and 200 in New York. An
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1570 3 wxx p re pe,ak DA N D 0 l Photos enlarged,. various sizes up to 3 ft., on bromide paper. VV. JONES, i~ No .c. King Street. Photographer. INDIAN ENGINEERING, TAILOBS An Illustrated Weekly Journal. The' Recognized Organ of the Profession in India With a Guaranteed bona-fide Circulation. jkjsrzo lists
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1451 4 Jnaurance (ilc-Hces* NETHERSOLE Co., MCLARTY COMPANY, mu™ BTREEI The Fcdcra-l Marine Insurance Company. supply all machinery materials, fittings, tools, appliances and stores THE undersigned having been appointed in ugE By Agents for the above Company are SHIPOWNERS, MILL OWNERS, MINERS AND HOUSEBUILDERS. rates 116 accep a ne 18 8 U
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    • 425 4 {Stationery, Jjc., > FOR OFFICE, ESTATE. STORE, or PRIVATE USE, FOR SALE AT THE Pin ang Gazette Office. ACCOUNT BOOKS—various sizes. "AT HOME” CARDS. BA LL PROG R A M M RS— large assort ment, latest designs. BASKERViLLE CABINETS, containing 120 sheets Note Paper and 100 Envelopes. Best quality paper.
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