Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 7 March 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 614 1 (Tldticie. Peninsular Oriental Steam Navigation Company. »qiHE mail steamers may be expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang’ homewards, on the following dates:— Outwards; Homewards. Thames TBtli Mar. Rosetta 9th Man Malic i Ist Apl. Ravenna 23rd Rosetta loth Assam 6th Apl. Ganges 29th Rokilla 20th The aboVe dates are
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    • 1468 1 Jslhppincr Qtoficeer. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,—(LTD.). banks. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Tt T Ocean Steam Ship Company. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. Agra Bank L.m.ted HOLT’S WEEKLY LINE. Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamer». i*| Head Office: Fob I t Will sail I Steamer From Expected on Nicholas Lane, Lombard
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    • 783 1 NEDERLANDSCHE HANML EiAATSCHAPPIJ. (Netherland Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital f 35,783,000. Reserve Funds f 1,753,427.23| 1 Special Reserve Fund... /1,000,000. Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India.— The Factorij of the Nedei landsche Handel Maatschappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore, Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia, Padang, Cheribon, Tegal,
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  • 51 2 Mails close To-morrow. For Per str. Time ABahan Sanitwongsee noon Trang Artsadong 1 p.m. Pangkor AT. Anson... Canton 2 p.m. Thursday, Bth. Europe, via Brindisi Rosetta Friday, 9th. Edie T. Semawe Rosa 1 P.M. The homeward P. A O. steamer Rcwetta was expected to leave Singapore at noon
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  • 255 2 Arrivals. To-dat. 8. s. Rosa from Edie. s. a. Canton from T. Anson. s. s. Sanitwongsee from Asahan. Yesterday. s. s. Deli from Klang. s. s. Artsadong from Trang. s. s. Fook Cheng from P. Weld. s. 8. Flying Fish do. Departures. To-dat. b. s. Deli for Klang. s.
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  • 33 2 Departures. To-dat. Per s. a. Secundra for Singapore Mr. A Mrs. Fonseca, Miss Fonseca, Mr. J. W. R. Taylor, Mr. Walter Hose, Mr. A Mrs. Hutton.'Mr’ Merewether and Mr. T. Riach.
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  • 88 2 Wkunrnday, 7th Town Band, Esplanade. H. E. the Governor at Batti Kawsn. ,nwn Tennis Tournament final Tie for Championship, 4.30 p.m. Thursday. Bth Town Band, Datu Kramat Gardena. H. ,E. the Governor returns from B. lainbun to Penang, at 10 a.m. Fhiha t. 9th K t,)e Governor proceeds
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  • 120 2 Penang, 7th March, 1894 Rates close as follows: l.on<lon, Demand Hank2' dol. Do. ■< months’sight Bank 2-j Do. 3 Credits 2 Z -J Do. 3 Documentary Calcutta, Demand Rank Rs 169 Do. 30 days’sight Private Bombay, Demand Bank 169 Do. 30 days’ sight Private Madras, Demand Rank 168 J
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  • 71 2 Penang, 7th March, 1894. Tin $37.80 I Trang 8.75 Black Pepper < West Coast.. 8.10 I Acheen 7.30 White Pepper... 12.90 Cloves (picked) 31.50 Mace No. 1 90. Mace No. 2 72.Nutmegs 84. No. 1 6 80 Sugar < 2... 4.50 firm (Basket 4.05 aellers. Tapioca Flour...
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  • 111 2 The Cabinet. London, 6th March. Sir Wm. Harcourt aa lander of the House of Commons remains Chancellor of the Exchequer. Mr. H. H Fowler has accepted the India Office, Mr. G. J. Shaw-Lefevre succeeding him as President of the Local Government Board. Mr. Tliomas Ellis has been appointed
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  • 283 2 (Communicated.) Part 111. Bimetallists are possessed of a sincere and unlimited faith in the future of silver, because they are prone to believe in the power of legislation, which they think can work impossibilities—convert, for in- stance, two shillings into a five shilling value by its mere
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  • 573 2 A small pox epidemic has broken out in Rangoon. The Sanitary Boarp, Kuala Lumpur, advertises for a town surveyor at n salary of $l,BOO per annum. The dead boot that was found at Pulo Tikes on Sunday last has been discovered to be the remains of a
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  • 791 2 THE "EGERI A SMOKER. Captain Field, tbe Officers and men of 11. M. S. Egeria Imd issued invitations to a Inge number of icsidcnts to a smoking con eci t in the Town Hall last night. The invitations were largely responded to, with the result that the Hall was filled.
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  • 215 2 His Excxllenct the Governor paid a visit to the Penang Golf Club yesterday afternoon, nnd was engaged in a foursome match, the Captain of the Club being hie partner, against Dr. O’Sullivan and Mr. W. N. Dow. The Governor and his partner accomplished the round io 47 strokes,
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  • 137 2 Deputation to the Governor. A-deputation of local shipmasters trading to the ports of Pangkor and Teluk Anson waited upon His Excellency the Governor yesterday, to further their petition for a lighthouse to lie erected on Tanjong Hantu, at the entrance of the Pangkor Channel. The depntatation set forth
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  • 84 2 We understand the following are the entries for the Sungei Ujong races, -first day, 26ih instant:— 1. —The Jelebu Stakes. Grand Duke 10.9, Hard Tinies 10 I, Gloriana 2. —The Skramban Stakes.— Alagappa 10.12, Moonstone 10.5, Richard 10.0, Parmesan, 9.10, Grand Duke,9.9, First Dawn 9.7. 3.
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  • 244 2 Championship.-?- Final. G -Er.Cole vs. W. Gibson (holder.) The final for the Championship was commemed yesteidrty evening, when G. E. Cole met W. Gibson (holder). Both dry weather and wet weather operated against good tennis. The protracted period of dry weather had taken away evsery vestige
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  • 52 2 Tn a recent issue we stated that the Sikh police which formed the guard-of-honor to receive Bis Excellency the Governor on his arrival at the Jetty was composed of picked men. We are now informed that the statement is incorrect, as there was no picking or selection for
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  • 196 2 A Hongkong contemporary says that there have been several big. failures in Cholon, a number of Chinese piecegoodsdeniers running away, ns is usual there, when they make bad business, and a very large sum is thereby Tost by importers. Formerly piecegoods were paid for in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1027 2 TS pritcgwd Co, LOST or Stolen between the 14th and 17th February, Bunting Flags, color- 75 BEACH STREET. ed, io m number, belonging to H. M. S. Egeria,” between Sepoy Lines and Fort Cornwallis. Any person giving information n tTJX?p* ap,>,y S peri TAILORING DEPARTMENT. DRESS COATINGS— Town Surveyor Wanted,
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    • 21 2 TO SELL OR LET, THAT desirable residence Alandale,” No. 382, Burmah Road. For particulars apply to Alan WILSON, 87 Logan's Buildings.
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  • 76 3 The Bangkok Times of the 21st ultimo notes that another consignment of tin, from the Rat buri Mine, had been shipped to Singapore by the Ban Seng Guan. The shipment consists of 43 bags, containing 31 pikuls of ore. The principal impediment to the successful working of the
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  • 318 3 (Vid Madras) Anarchists in London. London, February 24.—The Police are now watching 200 Anarchists in London. At he last moment the proposed demonstration at the funeral of the Anarchist Bourdin was for bidden by the authorities. A. large force of Police was stationed along the route to the
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  • 1827 3 -5 v Half-YeaHy Meeting. The fifty-seventh ordinary half-yearly meeting of shareholders in this Company was held in the City Hall at Hongkong on Saturday, tjiel7th February. Mr. H. Hoppius presided. lhe Chief Manager read the notice of meeting. The Chairfiian read the report of the
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  • 710 3 A West Indian writes to the Daily Graphic on the subject of the general grievances of the West-Indian group of Crown Colonics, and-although the •circnrqslances and matters of complaint are not identical, yet there is in the'posit ion of the tropical Crown Colonies so much in common
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  • 736 3 THE FREE PRESS” WEEKLY TOPICIST. Pvbi.lC opinion is amazed at the liberality of the Government in allowing an unofficial majority* in the Retrenchment Commission. Our amazement is that a single official is put on it. When Mr. and Mrs. De Some-thing-or other Tomkins decide that domestic retrenchment is necessary, owing
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 795 3 THREE FORTUNATE WOMEN. Wt Will introduce you to the oldest one first. Her name is Mrs. Jessie Russell, and she lives neat tKA city of New York, in America. She was j born ?n London ;n 1787, and iatherefore 105 years old. She remembers many incidents of her child-hood,-and still
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    • 1001 3 DANDO Co. -'iirtCJTln TA ILORS A-ISTZD' GENEKAL OUTEITTEIIS. No 1, Beach Street Union Street, 261 FEIT.A.ITG-. L. BOZZO, NOTICE. I No. 4400, Chulia Street, Silver and Gold Plating Guaranteed. i/e the Estate of the lute Douglas Gordon REPAIRING Perak 8 la p,ng SEWING MACHINES, BICYCLES, MUSICAL t THE undersigned, having
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 399 4 {Stationery, Jjc,, FOR !r V X < OFFICE, ESTATE, STORE, or PRIVATE USE, FOR SALE AT THE Pinang Gazette Office. Account books- —various sizes. “AT HOME” CARDS. BALL PROGRAMMES —large assortment, latest designs. BASKERVILLE CABINETS, .containing 120 sheets Note Paper and 100 Envelopes. Best quality paper. In great demand. each.,
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