Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 27 April 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 642 1 pipping (notices. p.nhijiihir Oriental Steam Navigation Company. xHZX rpllß mail steamers may J- be expected to arrive 5 out'vards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates Oitwards. .Homewards. re 2^h M y rll th June Oriental 3rd June. The above dates are only approximate ..iv-is -nd departures may be
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    • 1396 1 jSßiwincr (Motions. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,—(LTD.). banks. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Ocean Steam Ship Company. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. HOLT’S WEEKLY LINE. Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers, Capital£l,ooo,ooo. -a (One Million Sterling.) For Will sail Steamer From Expected on Head Office: s sCurwacra F Nickolas Lane, Lombard Str.,
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    • 592 1 KEDERLAHDS CBBBAIfDKL lUTS7HAPPU. (Netherland Trading Society.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital f 35,783,000. Reserve Funds f 1,561,354.71 Special Reserve Fund... /1,000,000. Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India.— The Factorij of the Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches.—Singapore, Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia, Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan. Pasaroean, and
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  • 83 2 Expected. Pats Names Fbom Destination. Consionees. April. 28 GWaHorfc London Singapore 4 China Boustead 4Co 28 Palanu-otta Singapore I Rangoon 4 Calcutta ...j Huttenbach, Liebert 4 Co. 29 P. &O. Canton Do. ..Marseilles London Gilfillan, M ood Co. May 1 Thisbe Trieste I S’pore, China 4 Japan. S. Kustermann
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  • 51 2 Till'usd \y, 27rH Town Band, Doth Kramat Gardens. Homeward mail closes, rid Negapatam. Fkiuay. 28th Municipal Commissioners’ Meeting. Town Band. P. R. Club-house, 9 p.m. Saturday, 29th Town Band, Golf Club. Sunday, :’>th 4th Sunday after Easter. Monday, Ist: Town Band, Esplanade. Tuesday, 2nd: Wednesday, 3rd:— Town Band,
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  • 60 2 Mails close To-morrow. For Per utr. Time. Klang Malacca Teutonia ...10 a.m. Langkat Quorra noon Deli Langkat 1 p.m. Pangkor <t T. Anson Kwang Tung... 2 P.M. Saturday, 29th. Deli Ho Kwei 1 pm. Rangoon Nam Kiang 3 p.m. The mail for Penang er French steamer Oceanien left
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  • 134 2 Penang, 27th April, 1893. Rates close as follows: London, Demand Bank 2 >4 •]<»!. Do. 4 months’ sight Bank 2 9'Do. 3 Credits 2/9| Do. 3 Documentary 2/9 Calcutta. Demand Bink R« 224 Do. 30 days’sight Private 225 Bombay, Demand Bank 221 Do. 30 days’sight Private 225 Madras, Dem
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  • 82 2 Penang. 27th April. 1893 I’u. $38.20 l‘>— -”ers. B:«.L reppet 1 West C..a-t. 9 do |vi. 925 do White Pepper 12 80 do ’loves (pieke I) small stock Mace No. 1 82.- sellers. Mare No. 2 79 do Xiitmega 7». INo I. 7 sellers Sugar 2. 4.
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  • 180 2 (Straps Times, 2Hn April.) Je!el«u Mining To. nil U.I. (13 1" p l »»•> XI fn v po d Punjcm Mining «H»pO Maynsrd *V ».<«!•■»« d Peng»-ning llm Ung stra.U Inonra re P h »12 *•>«'». Strait-Fire insurance »t»i«I) Singapore In-*irance »r> i Hongk< inr Bonk
    (Straps Times, 2Hn April.)  -  180 words
  • 48 2 The Budget. London, 2oth April. Sir Win. Harcourt’s budget proposes to meet the deficit by a penny on the income tax and to raise the stamp on contract notes to a shilling. If this latter is adopted the taxon foreign and colonial securities will be remitted.
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  • 83 2 M iRRIAGE. MacA rthu :-McC’l<>sk y. -A t St. George’s Church, Penang, on the 25th instant, by the Rev. Louis Coiltier Biggs, M. A., Colonial Chaplain,assisted by the Rev. IL C. Henham, Chaplain, Province Wellesley, William Harvey MacArthur, m. r. c. v. s., Government Veterinary Surgeon, i’ti.Ang, second
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  • 1122 2 There wij:e only seventeen petty cases before the agist rates to-day*. The Inspe ior GenepaloF Police nspected the marine police tins morning The Pev'»' Rowing Club has applied to Government for exemption from regis tration under the So ’;eties Ordinance 1889. A young rhinoceros brought over
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  • 476 2 [By Critic.] The Athemvum members presented a genuine compliment to Mr. W. Hargreaves and ‘lmperial Federation’ last night bv lining up in strong force, about thirtv being present. The speaker was profuse in h's apologies for the disparaging relationship between the subject and his capacity. He succeeded
    [By Critic.]  -  476 words
  • 886 2 PETROLEUM OIL IN B ULK. Yesterday afternoon, at the invite Messrs. Boustead 4 Co, the local large number of Europeans an^Cl^’ went across to Butterworth, to wit! operation of pumping the oil f lon to the tank on shore. The whole proceeded by steam launch f loni Jetty at half
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  • 164 2 M O NACO. The financial year of the Gnmbrng House Company, who call themselves. lhe Society of the Sea Baths and Club of Strangers of Monaco,” ended on the March, and, according to the Ihibj C- r graph, the receipts from the tables wered |e largest on record. The total
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 173 2 PRITCHARD CO., Tailors, Outfitters and General Drapers, Have just opened out BEDFORD CORDS and WHIP CORDS for riding breeches. TROPICAL SUITINGS, latest Novelties. Striped and Checked FLANNELS, Prettily assorted, for Lounge Coats, Suitings, 4c. Fancj TENNIS FLANNELS, HEAVY TWEEDS for Ulsters and Suitings. Flexible FeItHATS, black 4 colours. Single and
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    • 339 2 New Advertisements. Mrs. CLIFFORD, DIPLOMAED MIDWIFE, 67, McAlister road. MISQUITH CO., MUSIC WAREHOUSEMEN. Head Office MADRAS. Branches SINGAPORE, RANGOON, MANDALAY, BANGALORE. OOTY. Have established an agency in Penang and have on view at the Godowns of Mr. J. L. WOODFORD, Ao. 2, Beach Sheet, A STOCK OF PIANOS Specially constructed
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    • 85 2 FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION AT CALCUTTA. On or about Thursday, Ist June, “A —V. fPHE screw str. “Japan.” 1 Built in 1572, by C. M itch ell 4 Son, Low Walker on Tv no. Newcastle. Engines by Mandslay Son 4 Field, London. New Boilers were given in 1880. Gross
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  • 519 3 (i our London Correspondent.) s pects of the forthcoming season I |,E I c very favourable, the more so are to visit us as ,K The champion county will t<> its laurels, as Lohmann, the a e t 0 "'of the eleven, has—as is well ''jeveloped
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  • 858 3 (Straiti Times.) Mrs. Pafi. ti e wife of the Resid» nt *>f Sungeil’png. has arriv- I ar Singapore and is shortly b :rg f >r Europa. Mr. Paul is expected iL.wti here it the beginning of next month win l i he proceed- to Europe on vacation leave.
    (Straiti Times.)  -  858 words
  • 550 3 (Free Press.) The follow ing telegram has been received this morning, by the Local Secretary of the Kaub Australian Gold Mining Company, 1 Ltd., from Mr. W. Kil by, Mine Manager at Rauh:— Rough cleaning-up of Battery yielded 1,100 ounces of amalgam. Estimated quantity of stone crushed far
    (Free Press.)  -  550 words
  • 551 3 (Overland China Mail.) China. —Before leavi-ig Peking, H. E. Herr von Brandt was receive I in farewell audience by the Emperor. The audience is said to l ave taken place in the Clieng Kuang Tien, the! Hall in which the Austrian and 1 riti-h Mil esters
    (Overland China Mail.)  -  551 words
  • 1202 3 A very pretty wedding took place at St. George’s Church on Tuesday afternoon, at 4o’clock, when William Harvey MacArhur, Esquire, M.RC.V s second son of Capt. G. W. MacArthur, late 42nd Highlanders, was married to Miss Gertrude Beatrice McClosky, elder daughter of Dr. J.
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  • 468 3 Twenty-six Hours. Lhe longest speech on record is believe I to hate been that made by Mr. De Cosmos, in the Legislature of British Columbia, when a measure was pending the passage of which would take from a great many settlers t ieir land-'. De
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  • 651 3 (Rangoon Gazette.) —lndiin Engineering. DIMSTROVS EARTHQI AKE AT ZANTE. Athens, April 17.—A renewed terrible earthquake has taken place in the island ot Zante which has completed the ruin of the capital there. So far as is yet known twenty have b■ <‘ii kill» and many injured. It is
    (Rangoon Gazette.); —lndiin Engineering.  -  651 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 901 3 DANDO Co. TAILORS GENERAL OUTFITTERS. Xo. I, Beach Street I nion Street, PENANG. AMERICAN DENTISTRY. INDIA RUBBER STAMPS “Dr RAPT an d rass Sea,! Manufactory. |)L BBER Stamps and Brass Seals of is now at the 1V every description executed in the ESPLANADE HOTEL 24 ,o r attcl rMeipt For
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1285 4 Qw.« s TIL C MCLARTY COMPANY. DO mlwi -m t l a ,:T y c '„S,“~ g consulting arch.tects, A. B. C.,, 4th edition and General Manager. THE undersigned having been appointed AND onM-rn a -F* M. MCLARTY, M.I.M.E. Agents for the above Corporation are PRIVATE CODES. UUN I
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    • 692 4 Wr- DRZXTK -wnT~ TZEZE Singapore 4 Straits AERATED WATER Co.’g Aerated Waters, FOR PURITY and GENERAI EXCELLENCE, THEY STAND Unrt VALUED IN THE EAST. Office and Factory.— 100, BOBIHSON ROAD, SINGAPORE. SOLE AGENTS FOE PENANG Messrs. MAYNARD Co., Ld N. B— Each Bottle bears a stran-lab-1 affixed over its mouth
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