Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 19 December 1891

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1374 1 (jlotices. pipping (notices. British India Steam Navigation Company, Ltd. Peninsular Oriental Steam Ocean Steam Ship Company, Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Navigation Company. .holts weekly line. Negapatam Line of Steamers. rnHP J V— -?y\ Intended Sailing and Expected Arrival of Steamers. rpHE mail steamers may i i be expected to arrive For.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1323 2 I insurance QXo€tc££>* ISLE OF SKYE WHISKY. TIVOLI BEER! Singapore Insurance Company, J. DUKKERS ZOON S SPECIALITIES, TIVOLI BEER MEDOC, AFTER DINNER CLARET, PORT. TIYOLI BEER !!i Head Office, Singapore. The undersigned have been appointed ssAC7 AT TO IST VINICOLE DE BORDEAUX'S WINES AND LIQUEURS, Agents for the above Company,and
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  • 106 3 Expected. p ce Namis. From. Destination. Consignees. 19 Wing Sang Calcutta Singapore China ...Boustead &Co 1» Patroclus Liverpool Singapore Java Mansfield, Bogaardt JCo 21 Bisagno Singapore Bombay Italian ports Behn, Meyer &Co 21 Canton Antwerp Singapore China Gilfillan, Wood A Co. 21 N,obe Hamburg Singapore S. Kustermann A Co.
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  • 789 3 An unusual spectacle was witnessed in Singapore on Friday afternoon of last week, the Commissioners going in a body, accompanied by their Acting Secretary, and their legal adviser, Mr. Drew, to personally retake possession of Ellenborough Market and turn out the late farmer's representatives.
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  • 1149 3 A large amount of correspondence and comment has been going on for some time in the Indian papers—those of Calcutta and Madras especially—on what they call “the Anglo-Indian problem.” The following, from the Eastern Guardian, will be of interest here too: The history of Eurasians, could
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  • 913 3 The well known correspondent “R. writes to the L. C. Express as follows: Sir, —That unfortunate colony, yclept the Straits Settlements, not only groans under the weight of an excessive claim for military contribution, but is threatened with the infliction of a third and more
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 531 3 New Advertisements. Notices in this column will be charged full rates. NOTICE. r pHE Exchange Banks will be closed for I business on Thursday 24th, Friday 25th, and Saturday 26th instant; and ou Friday Ist January and Saturday 2nd January, Public Holidays. 481 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. THE next ordinary meeting of
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  • 127 4 Penang, 18th December, 1891. Rates close as follows: London, Demand Bank 3/0| dollar. Do. 4 months’sight Bank... 3/1 j Do. 6 Credits 3/2 JDo. 6 Documentary 3/2f Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 222 Do. 30 days’ sight Private 224 Bombay, Demand Bank 222 Do. 30 days’ sight Private 224 Madras,
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  • 77 4 Penang, 18th December. Tin 33.80 sellers C Trang no supply Black Pepper < West Coast, no supply (.Acheen no supply White Pepper 16.25 sellers Cloves (picked) 142. do Mace No. 1 small supplies Mace No. 2 do Nutmegs 89. sellers No. 1. 5. (Chinese) Sugar < 2.
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  • 285 4 (Straits Times, 15th December.) Beutong “Straits Tin’’ (£1 pd) 25 cents hsm/hu/. Siam Goldfield# (£1 (h!) 90 cents Inniris Mines Ld -I£l pd) $10«//er«. Jelebu Mining Co- ($5 pd) $5 Ketcbau Pahang (£1 pd> s>) Malay Inspecting Co. SIO jhl) So «i/e«. Pahang Corporation tsl pd) $1
    (Straits Times, 15th December.)  -  285 words
  • 81 4 The Distress in Russia. London, \Qth Decmber.— Small-pox and typhus fever are (decimating ten of the famine-stricken provinces of Russia. France and Bulgaria. Franco has broken off relations with Bulgaria, owing to the latter refusing to permit the recall of an expelled French journalist. A Russian Parliament. London,
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  • 556 4 “New brooms,” says the proverb, “do uot always sweep clean.” That may be, but they help to clean up a bit, in nine cases out of ten. Human affairs, like men in general, are smitten with a law of death, and there is ever a tendency to run
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  • 1670 4 (Vid Rangoon.) THE GHURKHAS IN KASHMIR. Calcutta, December 9.—The troops lent to the Kashmir State to strengthen the outer frontier at Gilghit, viz., the sth Ghurkhas and Mountain battery, have suffered severely from cold over the Burzil Pass; fifty men arc badly frostbitten. Captain Barrett, late Jrljutant Calcutta
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 368 4 THE AGRA BANK LIMITED. Capital £1,000,000. (One Million Sterling.) Head Office Nicholas Lane, Lombard Str., London, E.C. BRANCHES AND AGENCIES IN INDIA AND CHINA. Calcutta Kurrachee Hongkong Bombay Agra Bushire Madras Lahore Bussoraii Rangoon Shanghai Singapore 184 BOUSTEAD Co., Agents, Penang. g 8 S S g .bC oo 5 CQ
      368 words
    • 122 4 Printing Stationery Letter Press A o f evcr y description Copperplate. Book-Binding Nott Pafek, W&ĕSS]' 1.-txxPArxs, lu best English Envelop», Izrather. CxaDb, Ac. IN STOCK RULED and PLAIN FOOLSCAP, LETTER and NOTE PAPER, also ENVELOPES. All sizes and qualities. COPYING BOOKS, OILED PAPER, JAPANESE COPYING PAPER STEPHEN'S WRITING and COPYING
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  • 104 5 Saturday,l9th Promenade Concert, Town Hall, 9 p. M. Auction sale of Household Furniture, No. 207, Burmah Road. Auction sale of Household Furniture, No. 5, Logan Road. Sunday, 20th Fourth Sunday in Advent. Monday, 21st Cheap sale of M ines, Spirits, Gosling Co. Auction sale steamer Fook Cheng, 11
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  • 4277 5 Notice. We have the pleasure to inform our readers that, with the New Year, the Pinang Gazette" will be published daily at 3 p. m. henceforward, commencing with the issue of Monday, the 4th proximo. The size of the paper will also be enlarged, and, except on
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  • 399 6 Ar the recent prize distribution at the Anglo-Chinese School in Singapore, H. E. the Governor made the following remarks, which will be interesting here, as well for the reference to the school which has recently been opened in Carnarvon Street by the Rev. D. D.
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  • 342 6 The writer of Topics of the week” in the Singapore Free Press has the following on this vexed question The Daily Graphic is the dupe of some optimists who would have the English public believe that the Chinese Secret Societies in the Straits
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  • 123 6 Rules for the regulation of the Port of the Bindings under the Harbour Ordinance.— Regulations concerning engagements in the Police Force and the general conditions on which pensions, gratuities &c., will be granted.—Public holidays are declared for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the 24th, 25th, and 26th
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    • 191 6 (To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.”) Sir, Knowing that, a new bridge is being erected in Perak Road, I went to have a look at the work of rivetting the girders together. I found the men at work with a forge, which was antediluvian enough
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  • 856 6 (To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.”) Sir, —I think that it is unnecessary for me to indulge in vague guesses as to what your correspondent Beta may be, as I apprehend that whether I am nr am not a lawyer has
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 39 6 It is distinctly to be borne in mind that we do not by inserting letters convey any opinion favorable to their contents. No notice whatever will be taken of anonymous letters, nor can ice return those that are rejected.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1468 7 I? fi Q C P RK A M FOR SALE WANTED. LJ xxC J-Z X-J XA. X 1 T OMOND BUNGALOW, Penang Hill. TIOR the Chinese Protectorate, Taiping, Jj Apply to F an Inspector, salary $1,200 per annum 3d E. W. PRESGRAVE. an( l Horse Allowance knowledge of Chinese preferred.
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  • 659 8 19th, 21st, and 23rd of January. FIRST DAY. First Racf THE MAIDEN PLATE.—VaIue 1150. For all Horses which have never won a race on any Course (Roadsters, Griffin and Jump Races excepted.) Weight per scale. Distance 1 mile. Entrance $7. Second Race. THE
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1823 8 ANNOUNCEMENT. BRANDY. ANNOUNCEMENT. A PROMENADE CONCERT •os*?*» irTooTHfUTT s /3 TOWK ’wTtt RouYER, GUILLET CIE. MeSSR MIS Q UITH C TOW HALL, COGNAC FRANCE SINGAPORE, On Saturday, 19th December, at 9 p.m. have the pleasure to announce that their 1 wi^7e”“n XXV’ PR <” RS 0F 22 cilleries. European Piano
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1682 9 teleoraphicaddress MCLARTY .CO M PAN Y. HtAoo™* MCLARTY, PENANG” CONSULTING ENGINEERS, NAVAL ARCHITECTS No. SO, beach STREET Thue’s A. I. Code (1887.) SURVEYORS penang. A. B. C. 4th EDITION and General Manager. Private D Codes. CONTRACTORS, F. m. McLarty, m.i.m.e. BRANCHES AT THAIPING, BATU GAJAH AND SINGAPORE. < the net
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    • 59 9 New York Life Insurance Company. Cash Funds. .£21,000,000. MANSFIELD, BOGAARDT Co., 321 Agents. On Tai Insurance Company, Limited. Head Office, Hongkong. ITHE undersigned having been appointed Agents for the above Company are prepared to accept Marine Insurance Risks at current rates of premium. CHEW CHOO HEANG. BAN ENG A Co.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 545 10 PILSENER BEER. KEY BRAND. IMPORTED SINCE 1879. HONE GENUINE WITHOUT THESE THREE LABELS FSaDT IM l ll!rWhT'ii|-llWnßßßw«<r i llil'i' l ;F.l’!'’. l l !i>'A—i m■' 1 FM; I J Labels and Trade Mark Registered in England and Germany /fdfff W twl f M i HWWM i'4 SSrtl I jgS HI
      545 words
    • 603 10 BASS /s\ GERMAN GREEN DIAMOND Purest and Lightest ALE extant. 30 Dr. Lalor’s Trade Mark Phosphodyne is Registered under the Tiade Mark Act for the Indian Empire, and attested by the seal of the Registrar, Calcutta. DR. LALOR’S PHOSPHODYNE Is the only Patent Medicine of the kind or name awarded
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