Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 25 July 1890

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1658 1 (Tloticea* pipping QWtcea. British India Steam Navigation Company, Ltd. Peninsular A Otlental Steain Steam Ship Comply. Neder Indhche Sfoommrt Maatechappjj. Navigation Company holts weekly un J Nogapatam_Lnie_o£Steain e r S ®mav e V— lntended Sailing and Expected Arrival of Steamers. THE following are the appoint- -«terA V' 2 ed dates
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1496 2 3ngurance (ilottcea. "ISLE OF SKYE” WHISKY. Jnaunnce (Iloticea. The Mxriue Insurance Company, J. DUKKERS ZOO.X S SI*EC[ALITIES, Life \SSUrilll(‘(‘ Limited. T lt 4 MEDOC, AFTER DINNER CLARET, PORT*. C*****)ailV. IE undersigned are prepared to accept 1 J the above !l cii B pany P °by C any U firsbelass ASSOCIATION
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  • 1105 3 (From Indian Papers.) The Reichstag has passed the Colonial estimates without debate. The West Metropolitan Tramway Company have adopted electrical traction on all thenlines. Major Wissman, who has arrived in Berlin, has had the patent of nobility conferred upon him by the Emperor. The original
    (From Indian Papers.)  -  1,105 words
  • 1655 3 A special correspondent of the Daily Telegraph gives a most interesting account of a visit which he paid, on the 6th ult., to Prince Bismarck at Lis estate at Friedrichsruh. The correspondent found the Prince in full posses-, sion of the most vigorous health, and bent upon
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  • 932 3 Accoklung to Ferguson’s Handbook and Directory” the planting industry of Ceylon in June stands as under Number of separate properties recorded 1,930 plantations cultivated 1.452 Superintendents Assistants 1,211 Total extent 686,728 acres. cultivated 321,765 In Tea 219,487 Coffee (Arabian) 53,454 (Liberian) 1,226 Cacao 12,050 Cardamoms 5,060 Cotton (on
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  • 363 3 Ix a pine forest not far from Arkadelphia, Ark., there is a narrow-gauge railroad, built for the purpose of hauling logs to a sawmill but recently it was chartered as a highway for the transportation of freight and passengers. The other day a man was seen walking
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 48 3 To the he if.— A Person cured of Deafness and noises in the head of 23 years’ standing by a simple remedy, will send a description iff it free to any Person who applies toNn iiolsov, 21, Bedford Square, London, W. (J.. England.’ —Adel. n i ;so q
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  • 126 4 Penang, 24th July. 1890. Rates close as follows; London, Demand Bank 3 7 dollar. De. 4 months'sight Bank... 37] Do. 6 Credits 3 8!, Do. 0 Documentary 3/8] Calcutta. Demand Bank ...Rs. 22:’» Do. 30 days' sight Private 226 Bombay. Demand Bank 223’. Do. 30 days' sight Private 22<>
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  • 177 4 The following is a list of Vessels expected to arrive during the fortnight:— Name. From Date. Destixatiok. N—— s-s. Teltirlo-i Hamburg -27, July. S’pore c hina. hA ...china 26 Calcutta. a.s. /’..x'Mwitf Kl.m Jn t Klang X Selangor. e. 5.... Port Weld... .’7 S’pore <7l ports JI. Singapore
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  • 185 4 The Mutinous Grenadiers. London, 21st July.— The troopship Tamar will take away the Grenadiers to-morrow (Tuesday), the destination is kept secret, but it is believed to be the Cape: rumours, however, tire alloat that it is Bermuda. Tin: Grenadiers Ri bi ked: the Finding or the Court-martial. London,
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  • 1603 4 Figures may be made to prove anything” Ims become a common adage l in these days of exuberant statistics nay more, "the worse may appear the better part” in the hands of a clever master who knows how to handle the figures which lie has before
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  • 848 4 (From our Telegraphic Exchanges.') '1 lie dock labourers, who struck at the Albeit Docks, have resumed work. I he Lords have passed the Bill for increased barrack accommodation. lhe Queen has given fifty pounds to the Stanley fund for placing a steamer on Victoria Nyanza. Sir John
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 307 4 THE AGRA BANK LIMITED. Cavitai £1,000,000. (One Million Sterling.) Head Office: Nicholas Lane, Lombard Str., London, E.C. BRANCHES AND AGENCIES IN INDIA AND CHINA. Calcutta Kurbaciiee Hongkong Bombay Agra Bishire Madras Lahore Bvssoraii Rangoon Shanghai Singapore 184 BOUSTEAD Co., Agents, Penang. ROBINSON 8c Co. HAVE JUST received A FRESH DELIVERY
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  • 1247 5 Deli Races.—We are informed that the next meeting of the Deli Turf Chib will take place at Medan on the 27th, 28th and 29th September next. Homeward Mail. —Telegraphic advice lifts been received that the mails despatched hence ria Negapatam on 25th ult. were delivered in London
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  • 129 5 The visits of professionalists to Perak are —like angels visits—few and far between. We were therefore agreably surprised last week by the announcement that Professor Bosco would favour us with a performance on Friday and Saturday. The houses were good on both occasions, under the patronage of
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  • 390 5 We have been favored with the perusal of a letter from the Magistrate who tried the case against Tan Kang Hock’s two brothers and his tindal, and as it appears he is anxious to correct some of the statements made in Tan Kang Hock’s letter to
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  • 502 5 AV e have received a graphic and interesting account, of the match between the Perak Cricket Club and a team of the 58th Regiment from Singapore, played at Taiping on Monday last, and regret we are unable to insert it at length. The weather was fine, and
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  • 205 5 Arrivals. 21st July. —Per s. s. Gyinpie from Port Weld. Mr. F. Friedericlis and Mr. G. Williamson. 22nd July. —Per s. s. Lady Weld from Port Weld. Mrs. Langslow, Mr. Doze and Mr. Pereira. 23rd July. —Per s. s. Nuddea from Singapore*. Mr. D. L. Richardson. Mr. W.
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  • 522 6 It is rather curious to notice that a dispute arising out of this case has found its way into a London Police Court, as will be seen from annexed extracts from two different issues of the Star, Mr. T. P. O'Connor's popular evening paper.
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  • 180 6 Stone Broke. —‘Have you anything to offer the court before sentence is passed?’ asked the judge of a recently convicted man. ‘No, your honour, ray lawyer took my last farthing,' replied the prisoner. Bv no means a new experience. A CON VENIENT LACK OF RECOLLEC I JON.—
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  • 453 6 FIRST DAY. Thursday, 21st August, 1890. First Race. THE MAIDEN PLATE, value 8125. For all Horses that have never won a race on any course. Roailsters, Jump Races and Subscription Griffin Races excepted. Distance 1 mile. Weight 11 st. Entrance 81<>. Second Race. THE
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 102 6 TO LET. FURNISHED or I NfTRNISHED Avondale,” at Butterworth. 179 REGINALD HOGAN. THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1888. IN THE SI ’I’REJIE COURT 01’ THE STR AITS SETTLEME NTS. Settlement of Penang. Lt Bankruptcy. Vo. I of /N.S',9, Jie KiiOo Ghent; Beow of the Chop Ainu Lee.” "IVTOIICI 1 is hereby given
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    • 1191 6 Ross Pritchard'. TAILORS The pivpnty of Mr. E. Kaki,. I*or particulars apply to, and I The Assistant Official Assignee, 259 27, Beach Street, Penang. GENTLEMEN’S OUTFITTERS, No. 1, Beach Street No. I,Union Street, FOR SALETIMBER A ni kARGE ASSORT- T 0 ESTATE MANAGERS. MENI of t he latest designs for
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    • 131 6 Eastern Mortgage and Agency Company,, Ltd. Authorised Capital... .£1,000,250. Subscribed 600,250. London Directors: G. W. Campbell, Esq., (Messrs. Finlay, Campbell A Co.) Chairman. E. E. Barclav, Esq., (Messrs. Barclay, Bevan Co., Bankers.) John E. Borland, Esq., (Messrs. Steel Brothers Co., London.) James Hora, Esq., Director of the Trust Agency Co.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1473 7 ROBBACH MINERAL WATER iPos re s Applyto Lite Assurance Co., Ltd. utMay. 1890. 153, fSuPpIICS (/USt Arrived. Bonus Year 1891. NOTICE zra ALL POUCIIS TAKEN out with profits iLL debts owing by the late Alfred E. p enang 19th j u 189( BROWN CO. fhe remftinina lnnntba 2X Qcadling, of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 80 8 PILSENER BEER. KEY BRAND. IMPORTED SINCE 1879. VOTE GEVUrVF WITHOUT THESE THREE LABELS. I Labels and Trade Mark Registered in England and Germany. SfcSljflfffa TRADE-MARK WyOrSi H i hOhjjAjl %VW l!a iA Brewed and Af jl'/ z BEWARE of IMITATIONS. ■Miifca» W Mali JKIb wMbZ™l> Sole Importers anti Sole Agents,
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    • 1203 8 •■i AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAXAf GRIMAULT’S 5 GRIMAULT’S Matico Capsules Syrup of Hypo-Phosphite of Lime i FOR DISEASES 0F THE CHEST A£tlJ IDiJEUIiUiN J All suffering from Catarrh, Consumption, Obstl- C z nate Coughs or Colds and those affected wish disease» Renowned Physicians prescribe Grimault’S 2 of the Chest. Lungs and Bronchial Tubes,
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