Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 11 July 1890

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1560 1 fflottcee. pipping (notices. British India Steam Navigation Company, Ltd. IkXL.i i 7 7 ci r Nederlandscli Indische Stoomvaart Maatscliappii. ’eiunsular Oriental Steam Ocean Steam Ship Company. v 4 l U Nwirtion Coninanv weekly line Aegapatam Line of Steamers. 1 1 3 Intended Sailing and Expected Arrival of Steamers. THE following
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1497 2 JnGUtAHCC (Hofices. ISLE OF SKYE WHISKY. (Tlo£icC£L The Marine Insurance Company, J. DUKJKERS Au ZOON S SPECIALITIES* Life IsSUl'MlltC limited. MEDOC, AFTER DINNER CLARET, PORT. I *****)1111 V. HMIE undersigned are prepared to accept the above firsLclass ASSOCIATION VINICOLE DE BORDEAUX’S WINES AND LIQUEURS, New and Reduced Rates for the
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  • 1083 3 (London and China Express, 13th June.) Court.—The Queen is at Balmoral, where Her Majesty is expected to stay till the 20th inst., when she returns to Windsor to meet the Duke of 'onnaught on his return from his Far Eastern tour. It has been pointed out
    (London and China Express, 13th June.)  -  1,083 words
  • 360 3 A letter from Paris giving details of the adventures of Dr. Bavol, the Governor of Kotonou, who was imprisoned by the King of Dahomey, appears in the Fmwiw/zc Zeituug. Dr. Bayol himself was not ill-treated, but was forced to witness the most horrible executions, and
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  • 382 3 (Pall Mall Budget.) The barrister’s wig seems to be a subject of much doubt and dissension in British Courts in the tropics. A short time ago a point arose in Ceylon whether a Tamil, member of one of the Inns of Court, was arrayed
    (Pall Mall Budget.)  -  382 words
  • 474 3 At the first blush it is difficult to establish a connection between the nose and the inventive genius, but an American contemporary has apparently succeeded in solving the problem. According to that paper the nose is intimately connected with the imagination and the memory. In
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  • 630 3 A CORR' spondent writes to the Hongkong Daily News-.— Among the native industries carried on in Tonkin showing considerable ingenuity combined with great patience is that of paper making This manufacture is conducted by some villages on the shores of the Grand Lae, about three miles
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  • 1444 3 (From a Home Paper.) Do not imagine that this deals with what lies beyond the Styx in Pluto's kingdom, or yet of the land of which Sunday school teachers profess to know so much. If you can imagine a land where the sun rises with a
    (From a Home Paper.)  -  1,444 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 43 3 To the deaf. —A Person cured of Deafness and noises in the head of 23 years’ standing by a simple remedy, will send a description of it free to any Person who applies toNicnoLsoN, 21 Bedford Square. London. W. C.. England. -Adri. 1300
      43 words

  • 119 4 Penang, 10th July. IbW. Rates close as follows London, Demand Bank dollar. Do. 4 months' sight Bank 3 Do. 6 Credits 6.', Do. 6 Documentary 3/6-® Calcutta. Demand Bank R>. 223|-22t Do. 30 days’sight Private 220 Bombay. Demand Bank 223 A-221 Do. 3u days’sight Private 220 Madras. Demand Bank
    119 words
  • 132 4 The following is a list of Vessels expected to arrive during the fortnight Name. From Datk. Destination. Puedua Singuporv It J u v Moul Kitt v d Kun j B.KNL*. K’g ArS’gor. tf.H. Pftrse Port Web! r 1 .IL limit,l,// N<tfU|Mt;n i I; st!”: 1 1 Z/ >.s.
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  • 172 4 London. Bth July, 1890. The Police Strike in London has proved a failure. The second battalion of the Grenadier Guards >h Lom’on refused to answer the bugle call for kit inspet tion, locking themselves in their rooms. The inspection was abandoned, the men then fell in, but hooted
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  • 1107 4 The Penang and Province Wellesley Planters’ Association have acted wisely in adopting the resolution which they discussed at their meeting on Tuesday last, to request the Government to appoint a Commission to enquire into the treatment of Chinese indentured immigrants in Province Wellesley, and if
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  • 1352 4 'I he outward mails ex M. M. steamer Djemnah were received here yesterdav morning per s. s. Achillen. His Honor Mr. Justice Pellereau returned from Singapore on AN eduesday by the steamer Camorta. The P. 0. mail steamer Pekin, having left Colombo at 7 p. m. on
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 334 4 THE AGRA BANK LIMITED. Capita i £1,000,000. (One Million Sterling.) Head Office: Nicholas Lane, Lombard Str., London, E.C. BRANCHES AND AGENCIES IN INDIA AND CHINA. Calcutta Kurraciiee Hongkong Bombay Agra Bvshikf. Madras Lahore Bussorah Rangoon Shanghai Singapore 184 BOUSTEAD Co., Agent», Penang ROBINSON Co. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FRESH DELIVERY
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  • 1236 5 A meeting of the above Association was held at noon on 'Tuesday, in the Chamber of Commerce, to discuss the Chinese labour question, with a view to passing a resolution requesting the Government to appoint a commission to make enquiries regarding the treatment
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  • 168 5 Arrivals 7th July. —Per s. s. Lady Weld from Port Weld. Mr. J. Sweet. Sth July. —Per s.s. Kongsee from Moulmein, Mr. Hughes. Per s. s. Gympie from Port Weld. Mrs. Craigie. 9th July.— Per s. s. Camorta from Singapore. Mr. Justice Pellereau,Mr. Rodesse, Mr. Rowley, Mr. .1.
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  • 623 5 (Government Gazette, 4th inst.) The followingappointments took effect iro n the Ist June, 1890 ('lass 11.— Mr. C. W. Sneyd Kynnersley, First Magistrate, Penang, (on leave), to be First Magistrate, Singapore, vice Mr. R. S. O’Connor, retired. Mr. J. K. Birch, Senior District Officer, Province Wellesley. (Acting First
    (Government Gazette, 4th inst.)  -  623 words
  • 318 5 Bangkok Times.) The results of His Majesty’s tour through the Malay provinces is being made evident in a way that many will rejoice at. No less than five light-houses are to be built and maintained at prominent places on the West Coast. This will be something appreciated ly
    Bangkok Times.)  -  318 words

  • 1428 6 Another ease of a man who has been living in a most sordid manner, dying and leaving a fortune behind him has recentlycome to light in Paris. He lodged alone in a garret for many years, his only food being bread and a little jam, which was taken up
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  • 71 6 6tii Si xday after Trinity. 13th Jii.y. Isfio Morning. —Venite 76 Te Deum y-2 Benedietus 255 Anthem 261 Holy Communion—Kyrie 1 Gloria and Thanks 2 Hymn after Sermon Bo!» 3rd tune EirssoNG.—Psalms, Ixix tv I—3o 87 it 31—end, Ixx 22!* in A Magnificat 54 Nunc I fimittis
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  • 449 6 FIRST DAY. Thursday, 21st August, 1890. First Race. THE MAIDEN PLATE, value 125. For all Horses that have never won a race on any course, Roadsters, Jump Races and Subscription Griffin Races excepted. Distance 1 mile. Weight 11 st. Entrance $lO. Second Race. THE
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 107 6 NOTICE. 1H ER EBY give notice that 1 have ceased to be a partner in the firm of Bun Hl'aj Hix A Co. since the 18th June 1890. corresponding to Kongsoo 2nd of sth moon ot this year. (Sgd.) LIM KONG HIX. Penang. 20th June, 1890. 212 NOTICE. OUR interest
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    • 444 6 FOR SALE TIMBER. TO ESTATE MANAGERS 4 FEW HUNDRED TONS of well- seasoned hardwood TIMBER, in logs and scantlings, also a quantity of TEAK in log and cut. The timber will be sold for cash only at very low rates, and immediate application for list of same must be made
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    • 86 6 TO LET. FIjKNISHED or INFCItN ISHEi Avondale," at Butterworth. 179 REGINALD HOGAN. TO LET. No. 2, Westlands Bungalow. Apply to THE AN CHEE A Co. Ist May 1890. 153 NOTICE. Byyl T H B A C K RAILWAY Dal'V KKA MAI G A RHENS. Charges for Admission:— s Cents. 4
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1946 7 FORSALE. PENANG auction MART, Positive Government Security Bricks I Bricks!! Bricks!!! Established 1865. BILLIARD ROOMS Co., Ltd. FOHE undersigned have always a large E. S. COHEN SON A Co. 1 1 stock of BRICKS at Krian Buick Auctioneers, Appraisers A Commission 1 0, n^on Street, Penang. Works for sale, at
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 63 8 PILSENER BEER. KEY BRAND. IMPORTED SINCE 1879. NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THESE TH 11 EE LABELS. Labels and Trade Mark Registered in England and Germany. Brewed and BEWARE of imitations. Sole tmporiers and Sole Agents, SCHMIDT, KUSTERMANN Co. BASS /s\ GERMAN DIAMOND Purest and Lightest ALE extant. STONE’S BOTTLING PA QQ
      63 words
    • 1187 8 GRIM AULT'S Syrup o! Hypo-Phosphite of Lime FOR DISEASES OF THE CHEST All sufferin'- from Catarrh, Consumption. Obstl- 1 nate Coughs or Colds and those affectol with disenes Renowned Physicians prescribe Grlmault’s t of th Chest. Lungs and Bronchial Tubes. should take Matico as the most active dnd at the
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