Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 27 May 1890

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1552 1 pipping (Rotices. pipping (Hotter. British India Steam Navigation Company, Ltd. Peninsular Oriental Steam OcmSteani Ship Company, Nederlandsch Indische Stoomvtmrt Maatschappij. Navigation Company holts weekly line. Negapatam Line ot Steamers. xtoq. THE appoint. Intended Sailing and Expected Arrival of Steamers. .VAvi L cd datos of arrival of the ~~1 Mail Fiickets
      1,552 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1407 2 3n6urance (ttotaee. ISLE 0F SKYE” WHISKY. 3 w s wrAnc QMtte» The Marine Insurance Company, J. Dukkeks Zoom’s Specialities, Standard Life Assurance Limited. p MEDOC, AFTER DINNER CLARET, PORT. 1 lOfflpaiiy. THE undersigned are prepared to accept I Risks and issue Policies on behalf of ASSOCIATION VINICOLE DE BORDEAUX’S WINES
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  • 263 3 (Straits Times.) Yesterday afternoon (20th hist.) about the time of the commencement of the races, an accident, which might have been attended with serious results but for the courage of the syce, occurred to a brougham in which Lady Dickson and party were driving to the race course.
    (Straits Times.)  -  263 words
  • 701 3 The following are the results of the events on the first-day First Race. The Maiden Plate. —Value §2OO. For horses I that have never won a race on any Course, Roadsters and Subscription Griffins’ races excepted. Ist class Horses list. 71bs.,‘2nd class Horses list.. 3rd class Horses, Griffins
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  • 461 3 (China Mail, 15th INST.) The accounts of the royal visit have been closed. The cost of the demonstrations amounts to §14,334.01. The local architects are incensed at an imputation, in the report of the Sanitary Superintendent, that they impeded the working of the sanitary regulations, and they have
    (China Mail, 15th INST.)  -  461 words
  • 242 3 (China Mail, 151 H inst.) The report of Commissioner Happen shows that there is the prospect of a fairly large trade passing through Mengtzu, the new Customs Station opened on the Yunnan.Tonkin frontier, The Red River route possesses special advantages, and if it were not for the protective
    (China Mail, 151 H inst.)  -  242 words
  • 225 3 A private telegram from Batavia, dated 20th instant, states that the fortification at Pcdawa in Edie having been abandoned by the Dutch allies it was directly occupied by the Achinese. The next day the Dutch attacked the enemy but did not succeed in capturing the
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  • 1497 3 Nothing, writes Mrs. Lynn Linton in the Times, puzzles the ordinary mind so much as the sweet reasonableness of certain judicial utterances. Where the layman, going along a single line, comes to a direct conclusion, the judge weighs and measures minute fractions of evidence which may
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  • 343 3 The following appears in a Colombo com temporary Last evening (4th May) as it was getting dark, the neighbourhood of Siriniwesa (the Chief Justice’s residence), was disturbed with cries of Stop the thief! Stop the thief and a party of gentlemen could just be discerned in the
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  • 213 3 —Adit. Messrs. Adamson, Mactaggart and Co., of Negapatarn, recently made astrong representation to Government in connection with the prevalence of cholera in Negapatarn and the insanitary condition in which the town was allowed to remain in spite of repeated remonstrances. They pointed out that this greatly hampered
    —Adit.  -  213 words

  • 126 4 Penang, 23rd May, 1890. Rates close \s follows: London, Demand Bank 3 I’ dollar. De. 4 months' sight Bank 3/4? Do. 6 Credits 3/5| Do. 6 Documentary 3/5.) Calcutta, Demand Bank ...Rs. 224) Do. 30 days’ sight Private 228 Bombay. Demand Bank 224'. Do. 30 days' sight Private 228
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  • 114 4 I’he following is a list of Vessels expected to arrive during the fortnight:— N.xar. Fnoji Datk. I Ihstixation. T'lanmu I.ivei p. ul 27 Muv China A Ja. nii. Hamburg ...27 Sin China A Jap -'lnna 2s Tri,,t< Bombay. s. Liverpool 2s Sin..<hina&Jup.' '''f v s’pore ,v China s.s.
    114 words
  • 147 4 London, 25th May, 1890. The Washington House of Congress has passed the Tariff Bill. Sir James Fergusson denied, in answer io a question, that England was making sacrifices to Germany in East Africa. England’s rights and interests were being maintained negotiations with Germany were proceeding amicably. Regarding Portugal
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  • 882 4 The announcement macle by the Singapore newspapers that Colonel Dunlop, the Inspector-General of Police, is about to retire from the service, will not cause much astonishment. Personally Colonel Dunlop is a very loveable man: officially lie has been far from a success. The police force is in
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  • 551 4 The visit of the King of Siam came to an eml on Saturday evening, when lie left in the steamer Lady Weld for Port Weld. During the last day or two here, His Majesty had a pretty busy time of it. On Thursday, accompanied by the
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  • 511 4 (Front our Telegraphic Exchanges.) '1 lie reserves in Crete have been disbanded and quiet has been restored. The gasmen at Hamburg having struck work the town has been in darkness. The Turkish Minister of Justice has been dismissed from bis post, owing to his action in the
    (Front our Telegraphic Exchanges.)  -  511 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 257 4 THE AGRA BANK LIMITED. Capita i £1,000,000. (One Million Sterling.) Head Office: Nicholas Lane, Lombard Str., London, E.C. BRANCHES AND AGENCIES IN INDIA AND CHINA. Calcutta Kvrrachee Hongkong Bombay Agra Bi shire Madras Lahore Bussorau Rangoon Shanghai Singapore 967 BOUSTEAD Co., Ag ent», Penang ROBINSON Co are now showing the
      257 words

  • 1082 5 We are informed that the Treasury 1 has just received 847,000 worth of small silver com. The outward bound M. M. steamer; Natal left Colombo for Singapore at, 7 a. m. on Friday, the 23rd instant. Vessels arriving from Calcutta and; the Coromandel Coast during the past
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  • 258 5 It is our sad duty to announce to our readers the death of the Rev. Father Habe, one of the most devout and zealous of the Roman Catholic missionaries of this place. Father Habe came to Penang in the year 1856. He was the founder of
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  • 1066 5 A meeting of the Municipal Comtnis- sioners was held on Friday at the Town 11 Hall, at which the following gentlemen were present:—The Hon. A. M. Skinner (President), Messrs. J. H. Callcott, D. i Comrie, F. M. McLarty, R. A. P. Hogan and C. W. Barnett. The minutes
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  • 386 5 The man Forster, who was committed for trial in Singapore in connection with the double murderat Selangor, was brought up before the Chief Justice and a special jury on the 21st instant. The AttorneyGeneral stated there was a deficiency in the proof on a technical point
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  • 288 5 Arrivals. 23rd May.—Per s. s. Gympie from Port Weld, Mr. W. S. Fraser, Mr. W. H. Wellington, Mr. J. Sweet and Mr. C. Fincham. 24th May. —Per s. s. Pnndua from Rangoon, Mr. Win. Winter; from Moulmein, Mr. Ah Oou. Per s. s. Goalpara from Singapore, Mrs. E.
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  • 431 6 (Government Gazette. 23rd Instant.) The exportation of arms, ammunition, gunpowder, and military and naval stores from any port or place in this Colony to Netherlands India is prohibited for a period of six months from the Ist of June 1890. Mr. William Hood Treacher, Secretary to the Government.
    (Government Gazette. 23rd Instant.)  -  431 words
  • 121 6 A <.i xil,emax well known in connection with Borneo Ims applied for a concession to construct a railway from Saudakan to Mempakol and other places. The proposed line, will be about 270 miles in length, and the projector is supported by influential Singaporeans in London.
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  • 202 6 Pi.tlll<>\- to Home Authorities. Il n\: Free Press says that the Straits Police Force has one peculiarity—that every time new men come out to join it they discover t ho same grievances arising out of the wretched system in vogue here —that living is not as cheap as
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  • 170 6 Says the Straits Timet:— Colonel Dunlop, e. m Inspector-General of Police (but for the last year acting as Municipal President will retire at an early date from the Straits service. It was Colonel Dunlop’s intention to have gone on leave and to have returned to complete
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 526 6 WANTED. VT end of June or beginning of July, a House for three, conveniently situated. Furnished preferred. Address, 0. H., 176 care of Pinang Gazette. WANTED. 4 N experienced Clerk (Chinese or Eura2A_ sian) for Byram Sugar Estate. Applications to be forwarded to ADAM STEWART. 173 Manager. EURASIAN CLERK WANTED.
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    • 941 6 Ross Pritchard Sl s TAILORS Apply w ax- e THEAN CHEE Co. and Ist May, 1890. 153 GENTLEMEN’S OUTFITTERS, v i tm™ 7 No. 1, Beach Street No. 1, Union Street, BA.N LEOnlu, .coon. GENERAL WAREHOUSE i RE now showing a LARGE ASSORT- aitd‘ A MENT of the latest designs
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 2095 7 BRITISH north Borneo. i penang auction mart. ORIENTAL TIFFIN Positive Government Security Experienced Planter Wanted.' No. 3, Bishop street. and a J i w TV 1865. BILLIARD ROOMS Life Assurance Co, Ltd. HIO take the Head Management of Estates 1 E. S. COHEN SON Co uiuunnw 1 belonging to an
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 91 8 PILSENER BEER. KEY BRAND. IMPORTED SINCE 1879. NOXE GENUINE WITHOUT THESE THREE LABELS. m m I Labels and Trade Mark Registered in England and Germany. Ki ii l KwK\ J/tSrS, OB trade—mark WWW Brewed and //4' .iff/ Xil l 1 Ml iHAMIi. I,, 1 xStariiSKf ILiii""’s“ BEWARE of imitations. w
      91 words
    • 1106 8 awarded Gold Medal Lpool Intern'l Exhibition. 1886. GRIMALILT’S ENGLISH MANUFACTURED HIT ZN 1 TfiDAOPfIQ Matico Capsules I UDAuuUu and injection DIPUMAMH Renowned Physicians prescribe Grimault's F* Ul* U Matico as the most active and at the same time f» AVCTdniQLJ the most inoffensive remedy in the treatment VjrA< v EL
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