Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 27 April 1888

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1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 28 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE PU BLISH I D EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. ESTABLISHED 1833. New Series.] VOL. XLVI. FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1888. [Price 20 Cents No. 33
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1925 1 KAISER BOCK BEER. From the Kaiser Beer Brewery Company Limited, Niedennen lig on the Rhine. lluttenhach Brothers Company, Sole Agents for the Straits Settlements and Sumatra. 164 r.niDßular A. Oriental Steam Karl- Ocean Steam Sb?p Company NEGAPATAM LINE OF AT THE ENGINEERS INSTITUTE nation Company. Holt a Weekly tine. STEAMERS
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1651 2 INSURANCES. 3 C THE The Marine Insurance Company fl fl MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED, Limited. rfl fl 20, OLD BROAD STREET. LONDON, E. C. THE undersigned arc prepared to accept fl q O ESTABLISHED 1836. Risks and issue Policies on behalf of the fl fl r> G 3 above Company
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  • 366 3 The following very pertinent remarks by Dr. Hampshire are given by the Acting Principal Civil Medical Officer in his Annual Medical Report just published in the Government Gazette The epidemic of small-pox during the past year has brought forward prominently not only the
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  • 575 3 In an article on the above subject, lhe ilb,be says that the completion of the Canadian Pacific Railway has enabled a great saving to be made in the administration of the Pacific division of the Royal Navy, and has rendered it possible to strengthen
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1102 3 H. J. MARTYN, I Commisison Ijient,— lo, Pearl» Street. Ihifi in stock: TRAI)E MARK CIGARS INCLUDING AFTER ffirlWffl DINNER BRANDS. V FANCY TABLE AND TEAPOY COVERS. nectieut. L. S._ are the proprietors of a I rade Mark, being an ‘‘EAGLE” which is FANPV APTIP! FQ represented at the head of
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    • 567 3 WANTED. An Overseer of roads: salary §BO per month, and horse allowance. Apply, forwarding testimonials, to The Magistrate, Parit Buntar, i Kiiitu. 24th April 1888. 557 77;yh e i, s w. 1y te i>. Tenders will be received, at the Resident jCouncidors Office, Malacca, up to noun on the 3rd
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  • 53 4 Foikth Svsi.av ahki; Easter. April 29, I'SS. Mokiukg Venite Te I) hum 299 Benedicts s*, Antliem 30s Holy Communion. Kyrie Gloria and Thanks 2 Offertorv llvmn 137 Evhkimg —l’wdnrsCXLll, XLIII T 274 Magnificat Nunc Dimittis m Antliem ]33 Hymn 291 Hymn 13$ Notice. Practice Friday at 6p. m.
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  • 121 4 Penang 2Gth April. 18 8 Bates close as follows: London, Demand Bank 3/0 dollar. 1 >O. 1 moiiilis' sight Bank 3/0# 80. o Credits 3/ljJ Bj. 6 Documentary 3/lj Cdciiiti, Demand Bank K». 223 Do. 30 days' sight Private 220| D mibiy, Demand Bank .»23 Do. 30 days'sight. Private
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  • 322 4 London, 23rd April, The Queen has started for Berlin, lhe lever from which the Emperor Frederick has been suffering’ is now' greatly reduced, his most favorable day was yesterday. Some students opposed to the Boulanger” party were in a procession in Paris, and came into collision with their
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  • 389 4 The Governor’s reply to the deputation of planters who recently had an interview with him here, an account of which will be found in another column, must have greatly! j disappointed them in some respects, i Not only did His Excellency de-i cline to interfere
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  • 1697 4 On Tuesday the 17th inat. a deputation of the Penang and Province Wellesley Planter’s Association waited on His Excellency the Governor at the Fort for the purpose of presenting him with a petition. The deputation consisted of the Hon. J. M. Vermont, who read
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • 435 5 THE PKBAK GOI EIINMENT YACHT MENA." To the Editor oj (he Pmawj Gazette. bill A certain notable person. when detected in t Inact of practidn-» a pi.-ce »f jobliery. which altlioiieh lucrative and not very dishonorable in itself, is viewed to be beneath and iiicoiniatible with his position in
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  • 2176 5 We hear that there is to be a minstrel performance at the Sepoy Lines theatre this evening by the Lancashire Darkies.. A meeting of Justices of the Peace was held on Tuesday at the Senior Magistrate’s office to elect two licensing justices in place of Mr. John
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 40 5 Ililttenbach Bros X- Co.. have hit on a good plan for their Apollinaiis. The' are. now storing it in the ice house, and it therefoe remains a/fn-sli and in as good condition as upon the day of arrival. Adut- 166
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    • 182 5 I look upon the introduction of Hunytuli Janos, as compared with other similar waters, as an advance almost as great as the use of these was an improvement on the employment of < Hauber, or Epsom Salts in their simple form.” This was the verdict of Dr. Silver, of Charing
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  • 23 5 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE. DEATH. On the 25tn April at Penang Charles Lemaixi, second son of George Griffin, Head-Master, Penang Free School, aged 144 months.
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  • 2040 6 Municipal Office, Town Hall, Penang, 28th February 1888. The Hon’ble President and Municipal Commissioners. Gentlemen, I have the honor to submit herewith my report for the year 1887. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, J. W.
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  • 221 6 EItINCE OF I/ .ILES IS! AND. DEBTOR I'Sfi 1887 Rates Town 77x77 .8 7'H 7 Rates Country 131'9 !6:<s'i 92 Taxes 11 .’ll 2 237 .54Rents. Markets 1465'* '44MS Rents. Jdiscelliineous 3632 73' I Os Miscellaneous l-cceipls (itisl 174.30 SG WvTEIt
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  • 226 6 The following Notifications appear in the Government Gazette of April 20. His Excellency the Governor has been pleased, with the approval of the Right Hon’ble Secretary of State for the Colonies, to make the following appointments, to date from the Ist of January, 1888: J. K. Birch. Esquire,
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  • 355 6 In an article on this subject. The Globe of 28th ult. says: —The death of Syud Burghash breaks the only remaining link connecting Zanzibar with her political past. When he entered the world, his father ruled over Zanzibar. Mascat, and a huge territory in Eastern Africa as far
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1493 7 THE LONDON ASSURANCE. TILE PENANG KHEAN GUAN I ARCHIBALD KENNEDY The Posit iveGovernment Security INSURANCE COMPANY. 1 life assurance Company (Ltd.) INCOBPOKATEY BY ROYAL CHARTER. LIMITED. I ORAM’Q RUH HIMQQ LUuAN O DUILUINbOj I The Company request flifi earnest attention of 1/20. i> ta thoughtful and intelligent Assurants to the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1593 8 DR. LALOR’S j Hunyadi Janos. "THE BEST AND CHEAPEST TQTT Q "PTT VKfli 1 APERIENT WATER." rnuuinui/ 1 IX Hl “SPEEDY, SURE, and GENTLE.” Is the only Patent Medicine of the kind or name awarded Certificate of Merit /prescribe none but this." at the Calcutta International Exhibition, 1883-4. Baron von
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    • 615 8 PENANG ICE WORKSBeach Street No. 27. Open on week days from 7.30 to 10 a. m., and from noon to 5.30 p. ni., on Sundays and Holidays from 8 a. m. to noon. I ICE WILL ONLY BE DELIVERED AGAINST CASH OR TICKETS AND NOT AGAINST BOOKS OR CHITS THE
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