Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 28 January 1887

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2072 1 X’ Oriental S'tram I WORTH i SECOND COLONIAL SEA FIRE i OCEAN STEAM SHIP COMPANY Xaixgauon (Komvani). IN «00. INSURANCE COMPANY HOLT’S WEEKLY ILM .-i fIHIE following are the appointed I. Authorised Capital «J.W I ROURMHUC UUIWFAW 1 WEtLAM LI N Ik (UK 1 datee of arrival of the Mail
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1873 2 FOUNDED 1 825. *‘S C H W E IZ” I NOTICE. I NOTICE. IfflariHt tiißuranrt eompanij. DI wl P Tf wnsirQ 6 T HI! u».ube.» P March neit.'ice The undersigned was ASSURANCE LUM pointed Agims for above Company can be had from the Depot, Beach appointed Licensed AllC THE ALL-IMPORTANT
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1497 3 North China Insurance Coy. (Ld.) G G I li ri |iN REDUCTION OF RATES. cSmXto» a^ 1L 35 I’l e following reduced Scale ofrates is in force from this date beach Street, G. G BATTEN. s— Ist December 1886. Penang. Herophones To London. Produce. J Tin. eg» G. G. BATTEN.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1776 4 juni store”lim^ted^ vy Robinson Co. Branch Depots. Aldershot Dublin, > f ESTABLISHED 1879. 77 y* q Q C 1! p'limp R&rffvri CAPITAL 200,000 -E» 8 Glencoe. I Junior Army and Navy Stokes, Limited, FdUCV Dcp<irtlllOllt» l/ r v yobk house. v mEeSSBM^ /9 Beoent Street. Waterloo Place, S.W. i, ft
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  • 112 5 FKMAxa, 28th January, 1837. Rath ci.osb a* follow* London, Demand **-4 dollar Do. 4 month*’ sight. Bank Do. 6 Credit* Bs.s| Do. 8 Documentary Js.jj Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. 224 Do. 30 day*' sigh* Private 226 Bombay, 30 226 Do. Demand Bank 224 Hadru, 223] Do. 80 day*’
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  • 92 5 Friday, 28th January 1887. Strait» Insurance Company, Limited.— 100 Share* §2O paidu p. No recent tale*. May b» quoted at 37. The Singapore Insurance Company Limited §lOO Shares; S2O paid up. iNommil at 2L Maynard and Company, Limited.— 100 Shares, fully paid up, .'ales at §59. Sayle and
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  • 468 5 Constantinople, January 17.-A note from the Porte declares the Bulgarian Regency to be illegal and requests the regents to resign the government into the hands of the powers. London, January 17. —The Standard of to-day states that the Cabinet have resolved to introduce at the beginning of the
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  • 877 5 According to a Government notificition a material redaction has been male in the fees hitherto charged at Oat-door Dispensaries. Formerly, a fee of li fry cents was charged for a first, visit, and fifteen cents for every subsequent visit; b it, according to the
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  • 427 5 The first Number of Indi in Engineering contains the following very suggestive paragraph We leir that tli3 Govcrn’iient of tlie Straits S.’trb-’.ii-its a e in ikies in the in liter of a sa’isfactory survey, anJ recently applied to the Government of India if the s.rviees of an expirienee 1
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  • 573 5 Tilts < hineso New Year is passing away much more quietly than on previous occasions—the cracker nuisanco being considerably below the average. Nearly the whole of the Chinese houses of business have been closed for sonio days, and trade in Penang had been completely at a
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  • 870 5 The members of the Tamil Congregation of St. George’s Church held a reception on Tuesday evening last in ths uuw Chapel <ind School Room adjacent to the compound of St. George’s Church in honor of the Lord Bishop of Singapore. The little building in which
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 240 5 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Applications will be received in the Uolotiia! Secretary’s Office up to nomi of the 31st ii Sbiant for the appointment of Superintendent, of Telegraphs, Penang and Province Welh sley. Salary $l,BOO per annual with usual travelling and fi-iid allowances. Candidates must possess a thorough practical kmw 1.-dge ol
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  • 1342 6 The Court of Appeal, Penang, has been fixed for the 21th February. It is officially notified that the next Criminal Assizes, I'enang, is fixed for the Bth March. Holman and Klair’s 1 ircus, now giving a scries of successful entertainments I at Singapore, is expected here in the course
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  • 159 6 First Criminal Assizes 1887. Before His Honor Justice Pellereau. Twenty five cases in all have been set down for hearing at the present Assizes. The following are the cases disposed of up to Thursday evening. Li Bun Fob, charged with an attempt to commit suicide pleaded guilty,
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  • 275 6 We very much regret to announce that the total mortality by the above fire is how 402. Daring and after the terrible catastrophe looting Was carried on to a considerable extent —the police and others being busily engaged in rendering assistance to the unfortunate sufferers.
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  • 606 6 Ou the 11th inst'. a Portuguesen me! Xivier, employed as purser on board one of the Kowloon ferry launches, attempted to commit suicide at the Race Course by shooting himse.f. I lie bullet entered just below his chin, passed through his tongue and lodged below the eye. I L
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1851 7 MAYNARD AND COMPANY, NOTICE. THE ROYAL HORSE MART. FAMILY 4 DISIENBING CHEMISTS. I» ‘be Supreme C.urt of the Straits T qrrvn laad 8 L St eet r N PWNANO DISPENSARY Settlements UiDAA-DJjLoIixiJJ 1004. PENANG DlbrENbAKl. Settlement of Penang. A T nT T v IMPORTANT ANNOUNCMENT. „nnmMrDV k Tnirw-I' RNnTllSTTirq In
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1392 8 THE LONDON ASSURANCE Incorporated by Royal Charter, For Insuring Buildings, Goods Merchandize Vessels in Bort or in Dock, From Loss or Da- feW mage by Fire. Hunanf Dobree, heq., Governor, £N VVMk I'airick F. Robeit»<m. K»<j., Suh-Govedhor, g l®t j OOMm Kichard Ll*gg»il»v, Esq., Deputy-Governor i S& 4 ei t\
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    • 529 8 AGENTS WANTED In the principal Eastern Ports for the sale Oi} commission of LAMPS OF ALL KINDS, > German and English IRONMONGERY GLASSWARE. Parties applying must be able to influence Wholesale Orders (Indents), from the leading native traders. The indents to pass through first-rate European commission merchants established in the
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