Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 29 November 1856

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1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 49 1 PINANG GAZETTE AND STRAITS CHRONICLE. H T" MWWI IMI vn»Mai «•w l»rtu, TQL, XIV. lAf URD A Y 29th NOVIMBIR 18 56, NO. 48. Fubllc MeHßotlom apporia g ia >■ P»p<r a < Signed bythe Proper AnthoHtlenri Io be co na t de re d a O IB c 1
    49 words
  • 3457 1 The Band of the 29th Regiment M. N. I, will perform the following, at the Lines, commencing at 1 to 6 o'Clwk p, m«, on Munday and Thursday next; Programme /or Monday, Ist December. 1. Quick March. 2. Aria Hugenotta. 3. Quadrille M a
    3,457 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 529 1 OOTCBNMBNT NOTIFICATION. »T'HE following wdticb m republisrbd for e INFORItATION By Order ROBT. CHURCH, Secretary to the Governor. Singapore sth November, 1856. No. 1508. Fort William, Home Department. The 15th October 1856. Notification. —The following Dispatch, No. 78 of 1856, dated the 18th August, from the Hon'ble the Court of
      529 words
    • 516 1 In order however to offer every facility to parties whose letters may be too late for dispatch by the Mails, a bag will be kept open at the Office, to be closed and dispatched with the Mail addressed to the Post Master at Galle, by whom all the letter contained
      516 words
    • 572 1 I TO LET. i comodious and well furnished Bungalow situated on "H* the Highlands. Terms moderate Appty to HOGAN A CO. FOR SALS. JL Hat Nutmeg Plantation in the District of Western Ayer Elam comprized in Perpetual Lease No. 184 of 1852-53, the propel ty of Mr. Robert Reutens; containing
      572 words
    • 85 1 Now ready, Bvo., 60 pages, price 1. THE POLICE ACT No. AID OF 1856. With a full Analytical Index, By TftcMaS Bbajddjsll Esq. Magistrate of Prov. Wellesiag, also The CONSERVANCY ACT. With a similar Index. Copies may be procured at the Pinsmg Co* eette OJfic and ut the shops of
      85 words

  • 744 2 C w HOWELL, Secretary. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION company's offices. 101 k September, 1856. The Directors of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Nav igution Company bento announce to Merchants, Travellers, and others interested in the trade and intercourse, with India, China, and other places in the East, certain
    C w HOWELL, Secretary.  -  744 words
  • 2778 2 {Overland Roister. November 15.) Hosti.ities at Carton. It is >i'i. un it. r.. tv.l Ju... Luring ihat H mission to < tih. t- c- ncihsie iho Ctpnsv-. The present ir»J conveys to Europe a gr ci mrn»rl on h assertion as we ar > de fc.elo t n<>' de
    {Overland Roister. November 15.)  -  2,778 words

  • 2232 3 —lbid. f Leader, September 27.) Italy continues to be the object upon which all eyes are tu-ned. Trie Western Powers art-doing somnthing which is likely enough io bring tin a crisis. What the intention of those Powers may please to be nob dy knows, but there are signs winch
    —lbid.; f Leader, September 27.)  -  2,232 words
  • 829 3 ,—Lbid Usttber I, The Presidential contest is now nearly absflrbJ ing the attention of the citizens of the Umtad States. Mr. Johnston, the Know nothing Fred Soil candidate, has declined nomination, anti given his adhesion to Mr Fremont, according to one account, and to Mr. Dayton, according to another.
    ,—Lbid Usttber I,  -  829 words

  • 1033 4 bATVRDAT 2 2nd NOTIMBII, 185 6. “linang being a Free Port, there are no Port 'Charles or Duties on Import* or Export*." Europe import* are usually sold at 3a 4 mo* credit and Produce bought for Cash. The Currency is the Sp. Dollar divided into cents.
    1,033 words
  • 771 4 Since the 23d Ultimo the “Geelong” has ar- lived from London: and brings further supplies of Cotton Manufactures. During the month but little activity has l»een exhibited in our Import market—the demand tor most artides being on a limited scale—and lower prices offered to those
    771 words
  • 620 4 PER SQUARE RIGGED VESSELS. (From 25th October to 19/A November 1856. J itilh October, per barque Alert, from Calcutta—--950 bags nee, 400 du wheal, 20 uo aniserd 51 bales gunnies, 25 do blanket*, 41 bundles line, chests Benares opium, s cases carriage furniture» 2 do wines and I do
    620 words
  • 1088 4 PER SQUARE RIGGED VESSELS. (From 25th October to 19/A November ItySO.j 25/4 October, per barque Alert, to Singapore—--5 eases curry powder, 1 do native cloths, 1 dp tailiinery, 2,200 piece* piece goods, 11 baleec»*. ton, 159 bags eurundrr »e«dv, 18 do tamsnnd, 5 do turmene, 3 boxes cigars, 1
    1,088 words