Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 February 1839

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1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 32 1 PINANG GAZETTE AND STRAITS CHRONICLE. VOL. 2. SATURDAY MORNING, 23rd FEBRUARY, 1839. NO. 47» Public Notifications appearing in this Paper and Signed by the Proper Authorities are to be considered as Official.
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  • 30 1 Per Angelina.— H. Kenzie Esq. Per Palmira.— C. Spottiswoode Esq. Dr. D. Mit. chell, Mrs. Ogilvie and family. Per Stamford. Capt. J. Lee, Mr. F. de Rozairo.
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  • 8 1 Per Sultana,— A. Rodyk Eqs.
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  • 770 1 We have received V Bolton; our files of the Canton Register” to tlie 22d. and Canton Press” to the 26th. ult., also the Malacca Weekly Register” to the 7 th. inst. Her Majesty's Ship Hyacinth 18Capt. Warren, returned to her blockade Station off Quedah on
    770 words
  • 2463 1 —lbid February 7 Siam and Quedah. —By private letters, received during the week, we learn that a deputation from Siam arrived in Penang for the purpose of having an interview with the Honble the Governor s since which it has transpired that their object was to induce our Government
    —lbid February 7  -  2,463 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 551 1 p r An Account of Receipts and Disbursemants by the Committee of As* lessors of Prince of Wales Island from the Ist January to the 31st December 1838 inclusive. Cr. I 838 Dre. Cts. I 1838 Sp. Dre. Ct», fjanv. To Balance of last account 2,491 37 31 Deer. By
      551 words
    • 157 1 FOR SALE. At W. A. DRAGON S SHOP, FEW cases of Grauad La Rose Claret, warranted of the best quality—price moderate. Pinang, \sth February 1839. ADVERTISEMENT Bookbinding executed with neatness and despatch by MORDECAI, Bookbinder from Calcutta. For particulars apply at the Gazette Office. Pinang, 1 sth February, 1839For Madras.
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  • 650 2 [Sing. Free Press, Feb. 7 Affairs of Quedah. —In the Calcutta G crier rime lit Gazette of the 9;n ultimo, we find published the following draft of an act, which is to be reconsidered at the first meeting of the Legislative Council afve tne 31st March next: it is
    [Sing. Free Press, Feb. 7  -  650 words
  • 817 2 I ject himself voluntarily io a certain loss.— United Service Gazette, Hoc. 16. 20 Ship Carnatic, Captain Edward Voss, from Portsmouth 14th and Madeira 31st August, and the Cape 4th November—having on board Sir Gasper and Lady Nicholls, and 5 Miss Nicholls; and the lollowing Passengers Lady Nicholls, Mesdames
    I ject himself voluntarily io a certain loss.— United Service Gazette, Hoc. 16.  -  817 words
  • 1603 2 Questions, for the cons deration of those who encounter Hurricanes and Tyfoons. Independent of a detailed narrative of facts occuring during a storm, which all commanders may not feel disposed to enter into, or when committed t<> paper to publish, the following points of inquiry may be received as
    1,603 words
  • 153 2 Of Exports of Teas to Great Britain ami ,e United States of America, since the Ist Juty la3B, up to this date. To G. Britain. To U. StatesPiculs riculs Fokien Boliea 135 Canton Buhea 305 Congo ***** S’P" 8 9 5 2933 Souchong 2850 Pouchong 1 J CamjHii 158
    153 words

  • Article, Illustration
    227 3 The Worth of Woman. (From the German.') Honored be Woman she beams on the sight, Graceful and fair as a being of light; Scatters around her, wherever she stays, Roses of bliss o’er our thorn-covered ways— Roses of Paradise sent from above, To be gathered and twisted in a
    227 words
  • 1381 3  -  AS IT IS IN 1838. By Thos. Waghorn, Esq. Creation of theSecoud Schools at 2Mexand ia auct Ateppo. (Continued from our lost.) In 1837, two secondary medical schools were created, one at Alexandria, the other at Aleppo, h r the improvement of the practical instruction of the pupils from
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  • 899 3 Herald, Dec. 30. By the Singapors and Pinang papers xvhich have reached us by the late opportunities, we are parry to perctb e that the proceedings of the Dutch with respect to the coast of Sumatra and the people called the Bugis, were causing an increase of anxiety
    Herald, Dec. 30.  -  899 words
  • 219 3 iTiy the Prig Sakee,from Achcen, Entered bih Februaiy.— Pepper 650 piculs, Sp. dollars 6000 in no. By the Bark Boabah, from West < oast of Sumatra, Entered 1 >b— Pepper 4000 piculs. By the Briy Catherine, from Singapore, Entered \Sth l eb. China plates 5520 in no. Ditto coarse
    219 words
  • 721 3 By the Bark Marques de Hastings, to Bombay, Cleared 151/z February.— Sugar 120 piculs, Sp. dollars 1100 in no. By the Brig Harriet, to Malacca, 3( Singapore, Cleared \bth Feb. Rice 30 coy a ns, Black pepper .300 piculs, Tin 10 do. Soft sugar I till do. /fy the
    721 words
  • 106 3 February and March 1839. B High Water. < I T OCCURRENCES. 1 1 i Days of the J x S I iQ a S iP Week. £3 I I I 1 I I 23 Saturday E, 10 829 a.m. 8 54 p.m. 1 iiii 1 24 Sunday
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  • 162 4 SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 23rd 1839. Free Pori, Hot are no Mies on iMports or and no PoH Charges on nr a exceeding 3 month's, and all Produce purchased from the natives is for ready Cash. The Currency m which commercial transactions are calculated,
    162 words
  • 522 4 IMPORTS FROM EUROPE. Cotton Manufactures. Moderate imports from Singapore and the only sales of English Cottons reported during the week arc—--100 pieces Turkey Red Cloth 8 5} T* piece. 150 pieces Coarse Cambrics 8 18 V Corge. About 1,000 pieces American Jean ex Cashmere have been sold at
    522 words
  • 1484 4 Prices In PRODUCE OF EUROPE AND I REMARKS. AMERICA. Sjt.MrsCOTTON MANUFACTURES. Long Cloths, 36 inch 40 yd.. ;»iece'3| a 4 Saleable, do. fine quality do do\ s| a 6 Small demand do. 40 a 45 inch 40 vd do a 5 Saleable do. 54 a 64 inch do
    1,484 words
  • 160 4 AR RIVALS. ia '7 V J 8? 1 Par k B or, ha 1., A. Martin, from West Coast Ist Ultimo.—lBth Feb Brie Alqervne J. Yonnff, from Singapore 1 Oth Ins 1 Vl b j. B r ll /i 1 o OrTl in S' P or e Bth
    160 words
  • 178 4 Vessels’Namhs Tons. Commanders V T oB Atu Brig Cauder Ganja Savoy 60 \l Wherefrom. Cauder Mydin Bux 120 do N j na A ma d Shah I p orto Novo Uncertain H 2 T. Bacon W.Smart \Sing. Malacca do Mahaletchmy Poorvy 101 Natives Mahd. Lebby do
    178 words