The Penang Patriot, 4 July 1899

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Penang Patriot
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 592 1 r'”T o GET SALE. zi:%,■■■■■ ::i.o| inaeTiowAßiES, ai b:«[vo:rxk»* I I mm -TWO «fTE-N»-. POSTAL DBLIVBEY j T'>U° *»'k j Lssays io r the Young <)*' 1 j I vcenfcy two Ch.impdoce Mystery ()-<^> Hand Book of saying and Phrases 0-45 Quarterly i Lovers correspondence o*4o j P.-cket Dictionary I
      592 words

  • 478 2 AY e now resume our task, and we re fiume it with new Zealand earnestness, for we are urged to it by very many an i peculiar circumstances A new press» has been bought by Mr. Tan C'hye ilock u worthy and educated C hinese gem lonian and withal,
    478 words
  • 260 2 The‘‘Upper Burmah Gazette” of the 14th June 1*99, nas anum. st others some irrelevant utterances against the native Christicms rf .>outi,ern India In speaking of converts to ‘'hi istianity of course says our c< ntemp nary it is only the lowest <*r the people of no caste at
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  • 590 2 Hie fsanna ha* given birth to a daughter. Kussia has as-signed 13,000,000 roubles fo~ tlie improvement oi Vladivostok. I he sum of 2,000,000 roubles will be fort.ilwith expended (pi tlie undertaking. The German delgates at I he Hague have definitely opposed tlie l{us." prop *0 to suspend all increase
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  • 2373 2 —Madras Timet. The next assize s in Penang will be on the 1 ilii instant. Quarantine on arrivals from Madras is withdrawn. Monday the 7th of A ugust. is appointed. the bank Holiday in tne colony, Baninlinghutn has been fined ST) and ordered to pay ecu is
    .—Madras Timet.  -  2,373 words

  • 302 3 Sneak ink o v k on Wednesday, herd r harles said that there was no doubt in the world that our Govermn nt liad made certain mu>taives in China, wo h id to do, a* far as hina her.-eit c 'iieerned, in
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  • 497 3 Claimant.' to the Throne of France. Napoleon the Great was one ofthe richest if mot quite tne nehegt, sovereign it* Europe in his day tt is m ituods of acquiring money were thoroughly churacn ri-tio, ami, to do him justi :e, he never, exec; t in the matte*'
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  • 280 3 Kmperor William i- a soldier even when he goes to bed i•->r ho -loops oil a regulation ramp bed such as his officer.' u?e. ine bed-clotniug b of the lough regimental pattern, lie retires at i p m and i' up and dresses soon alter
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  • 1333 3 James Hlass writes as follows in the JViestministtr Budget: Lord Lytton’s aphorism. Ihe pen is mightier than ttiQ sword, is being exemplified every day. tor one successful General there are hundred of succe.-sful merchants and legi-l.itors. The sword i now di-credited :t& a civili.'ing infiueuoe. but
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  • 171 3 Year by year women are extruding men as ichers in our Momentary schools. In Jb7 the number of men teachers (including certificated. provisionally certificated, assistant, and additional teachers) was O,BB’J the number of women was 0,347 Jhe two «exes were thus pearly equal. In 1898 the number of
    171 words
  • 166 3 I>ea»h has again called attention to what, is probably the most remarkable family in the hist* tv of the Church. An uncle ef Cardinal Vaughan’s ha < List died —a Jesuit; unoth-er uncle is the Bishop of Lit mouth, an i still another »>t provincial ofthe lledempt
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  • 142 3 The Wes ‘.tu'usfer Bndrjct lias the following:— Year» ago it used to be a favomite occupation of Knglishmen u* s a boars uow it. appears we are going to eat the in, which (inasmuch as the edible heirs are Russian/ may be said to be a practical
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 32 3 WASTED. A reporter for the “Penang Patriot” with good knowledge of English and Malay Eurasian is preferred. Apply with recent testimonials to the Manuger of The Tcnang Patriot. NA 181 Street* Venatfij.
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  • 120 4 EXPECTED July 4 9. a. Wittenburg, from Ilomburg f»r Singapore, China and Japan liehn Mev«r Co. 5 e Mtnilam from Liverpool for Singapore, China and Jupan, W. Mansfield Co. 6 P and O Bombay from Loudon, for Singapore, China Japan, Gilfillun Wood and Co, 0 ss lla-kata Maru from
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  • 126 4 Penang, Ist July, 1809. Paths close as follows: London Item find I Sank 1/1 Jj.? Do. 4 month’s sßdit ISank 2/<iJ c Do, 8 (Credits 2/<>| Do 8 Documentary 2/"$ Culcuita; Dcmaml Dank Ils 149 Do. 8 day’s sight Private iol Rombay, Deman.l Dank 149 Do. 8 days’ sight
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  • 158 4 Penang, 3rd July, 1899. Tin 79.40 sellers (Trang 25-50 Plack Pepper'' West Coast no-sales. 1 AcheenGlb... White Pepper 49.G0 <doves (picked) 87. Mace No. 1 10 ).—sellers. Mace Pickings B». do. Nutmegs GG.-r do. j No. 1 7.75 do. 8 “SOT 2 4.85 do. i>a>ket 4.44 do.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 18 4 XCILLF. B RATEDpP A R >tTs OF. THEI’Wb R Lb] only BY DENTISTS D» ypc Ej hill Tomdonkl
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    • 626 4 NOTICE. Cor respondents will please note that all communications j intended for publication in the !*< Penang Patriot should he written only on one side of the paper and unauthenticated cor- respondence will receive no attentionSubscriber! to whom th« paper is not delivered or any dei&y is made in the
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    • 653 4 Special Xotice to SUBSCRIBERS All Arrears due to the Penang Patriot up to 30th June 1899, either subscription or advertisement charge should be sent to the EditorSubscriptions from July 1899 should be made to the manager of the Penang Patriot Press 181 Beach Street Penang. WANTED. A compositor 1 oi
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    • 5 4 3 > i m M l/d
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