The Penang Patriot, 29 June 1898

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1 4 The Penang Patriot
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 357 1 jyb TAIKCHBBkOO. 4s%*, JISIJI 28£34 CHURCH STREET PENA NGMIJ RE UAH AT SHIP CHANDLERS 1 WHOLESALE 85 niiW H 1 DEALERS IN EUROPEAN GOODS. IHamojid liMl@@ Bt@ss. ESTABLISHED AUGUST 1897. t* n «O'ltSiafflfeilFfS&fS'ffe® Patent Concentrated To perpetuate tile AllSpi- illJlFlfeSsiPlil and Improved Sanitary pious Diamond Jubilee year of Fluid. Her
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  • 491 2 This is the heading of an article from Madras wherein the writer gives ua a long tale of oppression and misery the Indian Immigrant Co flies are subject to, in some of the Estates here. As far as the Corresp »ndence goes and within
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  • 363 2 (From Local Newspapers.) FRENCH VOLITIONS. President Faure has sent for M. Peytral and will probably aak him to construct a ministry. MORE AMERICANS FOR THE PHILIPPINES A third expedition for Manila will sail from San Francisco on the 27th of June. General Merritt will probably accompany the force.
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  • 359 2 We hear that the Registry of Deeds, will soon be amalgamated with the Land office Open Your hat, says the Perak Pioneer, means in Singapare Eurafluu English to take off one's hat. We congratulate Mr. J. Bromhend Mathews upon his election to the membership of the Penang
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  • 471 2 (communicated) It is rather dangerous for the residents at I). orth to go either to the Police Station or to Pagan iuan Kechil vice versa during dark nights, as there is not a single lamp post along side the road. Small jumping snakes are sometimes trodden
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  • 14 2 Russia unrepresented hitherto in Burma, proposes opening a consulate at nangoon.
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  • 24 2 The German Steamer Darmstadt with over 1300 German Sailors for Kiuochau lett Colombo the other day for the f ar Mast.
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  • 33 2 We hear that a girl aged 7 years, tlm daughter of a Brahmin Sehool Master of an English school in Mysore is soon to he married to a y«mg lad.
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  • 36 2 Tscding-ta-jen, the new Ch.nesc ambassodor to France, is a Catholic He comes of a family that was converted two centuries ago by a .Jesuit Missionary and lias remained Catholic ever since.
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  • 35 2 Eight Chinese students who have been sent by the C hinese Government at the desire ot Japan to he educated in Japan will remain at College in Tokyo for six years.
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  • 44 2 The evacuation of I hessaly by the lurks has begun, Twelve steamers carrying Troops have left Yolo. Edhern Pa.-dia personally superintending the embarkation. 'J he first zone has been completely evacuated by the Jurks and occupied by the Greek troops.
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  • 50 2 Two-thirds of the priests'and four-fifths of the Brothers and Sisters who labour in missionary countries, are of French nationality It is aho said that of one hundred ond nineteen priests who have suffered martyrdom dur ing the present century, ninety-five were French A great glory for Catholic France.
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  • 52 2 The Chancellor d’Aguesseau, finding that his wife always kept him waiting fifteen minutes after the dinner bell had rung, resolved to devote that time to writing a book, he had long contemplated and the result was the production of his great work on jurisprudence in four
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  • 53 2 A dispatch from Pekin states that owing to the hesitation of China to accept the French demands for the privilege of constructing a railway from Pei-hai to diking, 'I he French Minist er threatens to send warships and to commence the construction of the Railway without the
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  • 68 2 A Glascow botanist has constructed a timepiece out of growing fir tree> The trees are planted in such positions that they shade special parts of the house at known hours of the day. For instance, the one o’clock tree” shades the dining room during lunch, while
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  • 65 2 The Emperor of Ch na was evidently nervous and his hands trembled when he shook hands with the prince. The Empress ask*-d many questions and seemed quite unembarassed, A battle of drums of the German Marines, when <hey saluted also gave the Emperor a shock. Prince
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  • 71 2 Sanction has been accorded for the construction of a Homan Catholic < hapel fur the use of the employes of the North Western Hailway at Lahore. J he building is to be erected on the property oi the Koinau Catholic liishop oa Empress Road.
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  • 86 2 'I he Anglican Bishop of outhwell is labouring under certain sort ot delusion as to the renera' tion of the cross.” Writing to the Times, heapp eftrj( unable to make up his mind as to whether tho ge present at the Anglican Service are guilty
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  • 79 2 A good deal has been heard of Germany's Sympathy with Spain in the latter’s war vvlth the United States, and a further proof f the existence of this feeling, has bt ea afforded n the arrival of the German transport -Darmstadt at Woosing from
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  • 80 2 The paper teeth made in Germany that is artificial teeth for human use manufactured from paper pulp instead of porcelain and ther materials that are usually selected for making our imitation masticators are said to be verv satisfactory It is distinctly durable and n.t being bristle, does not
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  • 88 2 England uses American paper in her public offices, finding it of the best quality made, says the New York Sun. Its degrees, before which foreign nations and tribes all around the world, bow, are inscribed over the water mark of the eagle instead of the lion, which ought
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  • 80 2 Great activity prevails in Colombo amongst the medie ds. eu-toms and Municipal authorities respecting the possible introduction of plague 1 he cooly camps, at Uagama are being thoroughly examined from day to day and every care is taken to prevent the introduction of it in any way
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  • 75 2 The steamer Rangoon lias arrived at Plymouth from Rangoon. 8he reports that when off f iriisterre. about the middle of the night, a low-lying war-vessel apparently of the gunboat type, appeared alongside. having c> me up out of the darkness unobserved, as she was not showing
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  • 127 2 Next to our beloved sovereign, says tbo Ceylon Observer that there is no reigning monarch more deserving of esteem and regard than the Emperor Francis Joseph of. Au.-tria Hungary. He is now in his OHth year having reigned for the long period of 60 years. He
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  • 147 2 Fir W Foster asked the Secretary of State far India whether he was aware that at pre-ent uneducated and unqualified persons had as much right to practise medicine in India as fully qualified practitioners and whether, in view of the danger to which the Indian people
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  • 251 2 Manila, where the weak Spanish fleet has been annihilated by the Americans, is on the Luzon the largest of the Philippines. It Has long been in the hands of Spain, they held it long before the Great A mad* started to conquer England. The Port of Manila is among
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  • 23 3 drinking fountain for the »’enang Free School. the handsome gift of Mr. Ghan Ngoh Pee has already arrived from England.
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  • 32 3 7 he insurgents at Manila got hold of a e<>uple f pri st» recently and murdered and mulitited them. They hold five as prisoners at the present time.
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  • 33 3 It is currently reported that the Tamil Pandits of Jaffna are about to form themselves into' an association with a view to the cultivation and development of the Tamil language.
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  • 35 3 Kydong who is «alleged to have been the real instigator of the recent widespread riots in 'Ionkin cities been departed to franco. He will be sent unto perpetual banishment at trench G uiana.
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  • 32 3 Tim struggle for existence, has made two Eurasian girls at Sourabaya join a native theatre (Komedie Gangs:.wan) as actresses and it is evident that other girls will do the same.
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  • 63 3 It is stated that a proposal is on foot tor the Colombo Municipal 1 ouncil to acquire the Bristol jlorel for the purpose of a Town Hall as the huiiding at present used is not adopted for the purpose. 1 he price at which the
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  • 128 3 It is reported at Peking, that on the d.ay previous to the death of Prince Kung. he was visited by both the Emperor and Empress Dowager. When the latter saw. there was no hope of the Prince's recovery, Her Majesty bent over the Prince and anxiously
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  • 237 3 Marquis dc Beauvoir, has left us Mime interestin'; detail about the fashion of Small feet in his voyage round the world ho fashion of small feet, says he, has given rise to many theories, tirave scholars say that tins impediment offered to travelling, proves
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  • 267 3 News comes from Paris of a fresh medical u<e of the wonderful discovery of Rontgen. namely, to test the reality or otherwise of apparent death i lie event that gave rhe to the experiment was the occurrence of an alleged case of premature burial
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  • 321 3 p ahvl» m xtaiy. ’read! bread was the rry of the impoverished V an fi an( i v hen they said that their cry was lfi e ed, they rose in rebellian agnin»t the overnment which grinds them down by tax°n a Packed the houses where they
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  • 59 3 The Rajah of Puducottah is lionising in England, Puducotah is a tiny little state near Trichinopoly. hut it makes that little go along way. The Puducottah Rajah belongs to the Kullar of Hindus and appears to have no caste samples as he dines openly with
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  • 186 3 The lion. W. R. Collyer is appointed by the Acting Governor to be his Deputy during His Honour’s absence from Singapore, dating from the 22nd of June. The Hon. W. R. Collyer proclaims that the Secretary of State for the Colonies has intimated that the Queen will not
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  • 88 3 COMMUNICATED. On the ninht of the 20th inst., at about 9 p m. one Ahmad Saudagar, rmpposed to be Orang Harapan of Datok I’niuliiii of Ipoh, while returning homo from the river at K. Kangsar after taking his bath, w;is so badly assaulted that next morning he died
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  • 374 3 Taiping and K. Kanos ar vs. Iron and B. Gajah. A very interesting match witnessed by many spectators took place at K. Kangsar on the 2lst i’st.. between the natives ot the above places, and was won by the Taiping—K. Kangsar. after a hard struggle to one goal to
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  • 584 3 T'ae Erlitor d 033 not hold himself responsible fci opinions expressed by Correspondents. From our Correspondent. Parit Buntar, 24th June. Mr. Oliver, the riew construction Engineer for the> hole il iyat« Peninsula, and Mr. Hanson, tli. Re-iue .t Engineer for Railways, I aiping, ea oe h re this w
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  • 205 3 To the Editor of the Ptnang Patriot Sir, There is a great discontent on the part of some Hindoos who send their children to St. Xavier’s Anglo-Tamil School. Penang, owing to the recent appointment of a Pariah as Assistant Teacher. I wonder how Hi Lordship Hr.
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  • 54 3 OUTWARDS. Coromandel June 31 Bengal July 5 Paramatta 29 Chusan Aug. 12 Ballaarat fj 26 Forornandel Sept. 9 Bengal 23 Paramatta Oct. 7 Sunda July 25 Manila Aug. 9 HOMEWARDS. Chusan July 1 Verona 15 Ballaarat 29 Coromandel Aug. 13 Bengal 27 I'aramatta Sept. 10 Chusan 24 Ballarat Oct
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  • 168 3 expected. June 29 s s. Glenesh from London for Singapore, China and Japan, Boustead Co 30 Outward P. O. Mail Steamer Coromandel from Colombo for Singapore, China and Japan, Gilfillan, Wood Co July 1 P &0. Extra Java from Singapore, for Colombo and London, ilfillan, Wood Co. 2 Homeward
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  • 164 3 Penang, 29th Junk 1898, Tin 41.95 r Trang 23.50 sellers Black Bepper < WestConst... 21.50 do. (Acheenfilb... nominal White Pepper 35.75 do, loves (picked) 48. do. Mace No. I 105, do. Mace Pickings •ftl 90. do, Nutmegs 78. do. {No. 1 6.90 do. 2 4.20 do. Racket
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  • 125 3 Penang, 29 th June, 1898. Rates close as follows London De n and Bank l/10j} Do, 4 month’s si”ht Bank l/lly^ Do, 3 Credits 1/H-A Do. 3 Documentary 1/DtV Calcutta; Demand Bank Rs. 144} Do. 3 day’s sight Private 147} Bombay, Demand Bank 144} Do. 3 days’ sight Private
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 197 4 £2 0 i'- B r?f(-g*> t s-> rff** *5 f &.)i,:inu-;;^ Simple, Flavoured R>9 I tR g I it M mi Medicated. U F~W% Rose Syrup, alleviates heat in the H Urinary System, M price 30 cents a bottle. Rose-coloured Syrup, a stimulant alleviating extreme thirst, M O 7 t
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    • 208 4 THE “DIAMD JUBILEE” PRESS 130 CUDLIA STREET, foxtaito-. WORKS OF ALL KINDS, CHEQUE BOOKS. BLOCKED BILL HEADS. INVOICE BOOKSmm an hi fit» CIRCULARS HAND HILLS MEMO FORMS AND ADDRESS CARDS, iIIAE ill.l* Executed in the iftest Sty/e Concert and ball programmes POSTERS. To any size, wholly displayed and printed in
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