The Penang Patriot, 22 June 1898

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1 4 The Penang Patriot
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 409 1 W TAIKCHEE&CO. jjpL. W^TBR 9 2ss-31 CHURCH STREET y <?* pesaso. fill! pr ysn AT ship chandlers wholesale ijHli b£ HkJ fl I DEALERS IN EUROPEAN GOODS. -K° K 66, BEACH STREET. 1 11 lj PENANG. UrnmuM Jit Mice Eeess. mMĔA ESTAELISiIED AUGUST 1897. p at3nt Concentrated 'cj f i
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  • 276 2 Mr. John Kensit, in his fiery zeal for pure F rotestantism, has presented a second petition to the Upper House of Convocation against Ritualism. His ligures, delineating the steady advance of Ritualistic practices, are remarkable In 18*2 there were 336 churches where vestments were used, in 1897 there
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  • 537 2 (From Local Newspapers.) Du ring one hour’s bombardment of Santiago de Cuba, on Thursday over 50CK) projectiles were fired by the Americans A number of the Spanish batteries were silenced by the fire. 11. M. S. Linnet has arrived at Hong Kong. According to the news she brings,
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  • 532 2 It is said that a football has been arranged to be played, at theDato Kramat Garden between the M.C C. and the Cfiulia street football Club. Oil the night of,Friday last about 12 o’ clock the main water pipe, iu Campbell street at the junction of Kwalla
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  • 11 2 More than 125 millions of people are talking English.
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  • 22 2 Tt, is removed that H. K the Governor of Ceylon will soon have a special train at his service.
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  • 18 2 More than 6,000 people from Calcutta have taken refuge at CLandanagoie driven by plague scare.
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  • 25 2 The rate of exchange for the payment of olice pensions in India has been reduced from Hs. 190 to Rs 150.
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  • 26 2 It is difficult to catch Chinese burglars as they oil their bodies all over and twist their pig-tail into bunches stuck full of needles
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  • 20 2 Some Protestant miniiers in America have been preaching War Sermons” in glorification of the Protestant intervention in Cuba.
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  • 32 2 A French gentleman has made a present of a big bell to the Church <>f St. Philip A ei*i in Colombo. r lhe hell, we are told, weighs SSOffj
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  • 26 2 Trinemnalie is said to be infested with mad jackals Several residents have been bitten. The authorities have taken steps to destroy these dangerous creatures,
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  • 49 2 Time was, «ays one of our Colombo contemporaries, when there was no sheep in Australia In the year 1788, about 29 sheep were imported thereto from some country or other. Since then there has been a remarkable increase in their number. The figure now shews 120 millions.
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  • 55 2 A new religion called the Nazarenes has been set up in India by some fanatics. It professes only to inculcate the ethical precepts of f’hrist, Mahomet and Buddah. Christians. Vlahomedans and others are invited to become members without changing their creed. The New System may be an
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  • 66 2 The Ceylon Government t re now erecting at Tataparui a block of huts and buildings at a cost of about Us 7,0i)0 to locate coolies arriving from the different parts of the Presidency for embarkation to thf* spicy isle, to works on the coffee and tea estates
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  • 66 2 A Budhist priestess at Matule near Kandv. is said to have been preaching the other day to a large number of females in a temporary building put up for tlie purpose In the midst of her vociferous declamations against Christianity. the building which was made of light
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  • 112 2 The Ccenaculum or upper Chamber in Jerusalem where Jesus Christ instituted the Holy Eucharist is still iu the hands of the Moslem. Many attempts have been made by various European Governments to secure the holy shrine. France once offered the Multan two millions of Dollars for it but was
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  • 97 2 A Dutch pilgrimage, organised by Mr. Tarnassi, Apostolic Internuncio at Tha Hague, reached Rome the other duv. The members number slightly over seventy aud are under the direction of a committee, of which the Rev. L. Dekkers, of leteringer Breda, is president: 9i\ Vieckens of
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  • 111 2 Givis writes to the Cochin Argus:We have heard of woman doctors and women lawyers. We have seen women figuring us teachers and school-mistress-es, and latterly as Post Office clerks. But in our life we have not heard of or seen women executing commissmn oiders of a
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  • 134 2 A Bisuiurckiun organ in Leipzing has been giving tne views of Prince 1>ismurck on the war. The ex chancellor declines to give an opinion on the Cuban Question, hui he is described as one of the keenest, opponents of the Monroe doctrine. lie thinks that Germany
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  • 128 2 It has been justly remarked by some writers that the inhabitants of the southern part of the Island of Ceylon are a bloodthirsty people. Knife is their usual offensive and defensiva weapon which is ever found in their possession both at home and abroad. The slightest quarrel
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  • 159 2 During the great famine of twenty years ago, a liruhmin Pundit, of Cashmere fled from the valley leaving his infant daughtsr in the protection of hia family priest. From that time, he regularly remitted money to the Guru for the maintenance of the
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  • 240 2 M X A** Two years ago the Director General ot the Russian Navy suggested the fitting up of a ship to attend fleets in action for the sole purpose of receiving the wounded. Tbi. ship would fly the Red Cro.s ambu- e and be respected accordingly
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  • 30 3 Wc hear that Mr. Chesney Duncan, for aloug time connected with the Hongkong Telegraph j‘is gone to the Philippines as special war correspondent for some American papeis.
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  • 33 3 It is reported that many of the people at Kwong-chow-wan, the harbour in south China lately occupied bv France, are leaving the place for Hainan, being unwilling to remain under trench rule.
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  • 41 3 The Kobe Shimbuu says that a telegram has been received at I okio to the effect that Lord Salisbury had announced the existence of an aVumec* between Great Britain and Japan in regard to China.
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  • 53 3 France has claim d from China an indemnity of tDJM'O for the murder of a French Missionary at Kwansi, the erection ot a t hurch at Pakoi and th connection of the Luugchau railway with a sea-port in Kwantuni It is expected that Chain will c miply
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  • 58 3 In order to cement friendship between China and Janan, it is reported in local mandarin circles that the high authorities at I ekin and Wuchang have been casually informed by the Japanese Government that Japan will not press t o hard on the Chinese Government on account of
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  • 66 3 Some trouble has occurred between the Spanish authorities at Manila and the british Consul with regard to the protection of the Chinese and negotiations entered into by the Chinese Government for the .Japanese Con-ul in the event of the continued refusal of the Spaniards to allow the
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  • 104 3 Mr Gladstone’s gift of sleep was one of the secrets of his success It was said that he was capable of sitting down in a chair, covering his face with a handkerchief and going to sleep in thirty seconds, and after sleeping for thirty minutes or
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  • 123 3 According to the British Medical Journal, the woman doctor is having a great time of it in the l nited States. There are, it appears, no fewer than 4,oU;i women doctors practising between New York and San Francisco, as against in 187‘>. Most of them are said to
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  • 136 3 The Daily Chinese Progress states that on the 22rd of May as the district magistrate of the city of Changshu, near Soochow, was inspecting some canal work outside Changshu, he was surrounded by several thousand women children of the district, praying him to open city granaries for
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  • 151 3 ije Rev. Mr. Ferguson, an Anglican clergyan’i formerly attached to the Protestant Epis'T 1 1 Cathedral, Edinburgh, has been received J \i 16 at^°^c Church by Father White, S. is. herguson has also followed her husband e m omentous step he has taken, Another Ritualistic English hurchman has goae
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  • 184 3 —Star. Princess Louise of Saxe-Coburg—Gotha, who recently created a European sensation by her elopinent with a handsome Lieutenant of Uhlans named Mattacich, was on May 9 to Vienna secretly brought closely guarded, and immediately confined in a private asylum. The erring Princess is 40 ye«rs of age,
    —Star.  -  184 words
  • 220 3 A Home Paper say' During the Armistice agreed upon between Mr. Kensit and the Archbishop of Canterbury both parties in the t_ hut ch of England are marshalling their forces. The two great societ e—the tnglish Church Union and the Church Association—arc agitating and agitated,
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  • 247 3 A continental medical journal circulates the marvel; At Zurich there lives a woman who was deprived of her stomach five months ago by Professor Schlatter of that city. It was a daring operation but her only chance of life. '1 he mystery is how she
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  • 417 3 Communicated It is reported that a Railway coolie at Enggor was carried by a tiger last week. Mr. Oliver Chief Engineer for Rlys. is now on an inspection duty at the P. Buutar and l’rai Section. The Railway line from Sungei Siput to Enggor a distance of 8
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  • 942 3 The Editor does not hold himself responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondents. (To the Editor of the Ptnang Patriot.) Sir, We are indeed sorry to find, that a very serious remark has lately been made, by the new Colonial Chaplain Mr, liodkiusons in one of the leaflets which
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  • 105 3 X X P EC TX D. ff 22 8. 8. Siam from Singapore for Havre Rotterdam Copenhagen and St. Petersburg, Behn Meyer Cc. ”7, 23 8 a Chelydra from Singapore for Calcutta, Boustead Co. 24 a. s. Sui Sang from Calcutta for Singapore and Hongkong Boustead ijfCo. 24 a
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  • 166 3 Penang, 22nd June 1898. Tin 41.9 d rTrang 23.50 sellers Black Bepper < West Coast... 21.50 do. I AcheenOlb... nominal White Pepper 35 60— do, Chives (picked) 48. do. Mace No. 1 105, do. Mace Pickings 90. do. Nutmegs 78. do. i No. 1 6.90 do. Sugar
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  • 132 3 Penang, 22nd June, 1898. Rates close as follows ’f London Demand Bank 1/Io|s Do, 4 month’s sight Bank l/11-A Do, 3 Credits 1/1 1A Do. 3 Documentary 1 /l l x«; Calcutta; Demand Bank Rs. 143 Do. 3 day’s sight Private 145 J Bombay, Demand Bank 143 Do. 3
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 176 4 SYRUP! sAllah pi cl]ay SYEBI! Simple, Flavoured and dedicated. U T Rose Syrup, alleviates heat in tlie j|| Urinary System, B price SO cents a bottle. fi Rose-coloured Syrup, a stimulant g| alleviating extreme thirst, R 25 cents a bottle Indian Pennywort Syrup, a best "W“ fejP remedy for venereal
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    • 206 4 THE “DIAMOND JUBILEE” PRESS 130 CIIDLIA STREET, PENANG. WORKS OF ALL KINDS, CHEQUE BOCKS, BLOCKED B'LL HEADS. INVOICE BOOKSHit lifll ill lillli CIRCULARS HAND BILLS MEMO FORMS AND ADDRESS CARDS, ARE ALL Sxccuted iti tue* Style> Concert and ball programmes POSTERS. To any size, wholly displaye.l aa:l printed in one
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