The Penang Patriot, 8 June 1898

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1 4 The Penang Patriot
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 385 1 45 v TAIKCHEE&CO <■B*B. i'SK&L 1 CHURCH STREET PENANG, a* M DC imp IT SHIP CHANDLES 4 WHOLESALE DEALERS IN EUROPEAN GOODS. IIOTICSs *H hours at No. 66, BEACH STREET. ESTABUSHti) AUiiUST 1507. gp -p Patent Concentrated To perpetuate tliC AllSpi- 4l? fill lIIW and Improved Sanitary c ions Diamond
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  • 481 2 (From Load Newspapers.) THE WAR IN ACHEEN. The campaign in Pedirhas at last been commenced by the Dutch. On the first of June, the expedition, which had assembled at Segli, on the coast, advanced along both banks of the Pedir river towards Garut. Colonel van Heutsz, the Governor
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  • 70 2 E X P EC T E D. JanG 11 s. s. Sarpedon from Singapore for Amsterdam, Kondon and Liverpool, W. Mansfield Co. 20 Lxtra P. O s s Malacca from Singapore for Colombo and London, Gilfillan Wood Co. 22 r s, Siam from Singapore for Havre, Rotterdam, Copenhagen St.
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  • 894 2 That there is but one G od, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, the supreme uncreated Being who exists ofHimself and is infinite in all attributes and perfections such as holiness, goodness, power,wisdom, justice mercy and truth, that lie always was, lie is and He always will
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  • 427 2 For being found drunk and disorderly in Dato Kramat Hoad, at 11 -30 p.m. on the 3rd inst. a respectnblelookmg Malayof Buckingham Street was brought before the fiirst Magistrate on the 1th inst., and was fined $1. Nina Mahomed, a Kiing (''bullock cart driver) was brought before
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  • 223 2 (From our own orrespondent A Railway Station building at B;tgan Serai, and a Locomotive engine shed at Lutterworth (K Rrui), will shortly be erected Among the singers of the Borias recently celebrated at Taiping special mention must be made of a Jawipekan, Md. Kua of whose rhymes were
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  • 273 3 Tub average height of Laplanders is under 5 ft. Six thousand people sleep in the open air in London every Dight. Of the 68,000 school teachers inPrussia only 9,000 are women. Accordions were invented in 1829, and a single German firm now manufacturers over 17,000 a year. It is
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  • 112 3 When a theatre receives an intimation that Royalty will be present on a certain night, the Royal box has to be renovated. As much as from 10 to 20 is spent by a theatre w'henever Royalty witnesses a performance, one theater often spending £lO on flowers ulone
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  • 15 3 In England, people as a rule, are more interested in Newspapers than in books.
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  • 17 3 Arrangement have been made by Russia to deepen the harbour at Port Arthur.
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  • 14 3 There are numerous desertions from the rocently raised regiments of Native Volunteers.
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  • 17 3 A Brigade of Infantry is about to be despatched to the Nile under Colonel Lyttleton.
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  • 19 3 The highest building in the world is in Tibet which is about 1000 feet above the mean level.
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  • 20 3 A new machinery has been invented in America which, it is believed, milks 100 OWB in 10 minutes.
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  • 18 3 It is reported from Shanghai that the Germans ure endeavouring to obtain a territorial concession at Chefoo
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  • 22 3 A fiddle of about 3000 years old, is still preserved among the Egyptian antiquities. It still maintains its harmony
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  • 27 3 It is rumoured that there is a house built of paper in Hamburg Even the very walls and doors are of the same material.
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  • 20 3 MECCA A rest-house to accomodate more than 6,000 pilgrims, has been erected at Mecca entirely by the contribution of Sultan.
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  • 26 3 A violent storm is said to have recently broken out at Chicago which destroyed more than 10,000 human lives aud as many cattle.
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  • 21 3 Since Januury over 10,000 Russians Soldiers have passed through Colombo on their way from their native Country to Vloudivostock
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  • 27 3 Thb s. s. I)uke of Devonshire brought 197 cases of frozen meal for the Colombo Market from Brisbane and 1315 cases for various Indian cities.
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  • 22 3 The Madras Government are contemplating legislation in connection with the Sugarcane disease which is creating considerable havoc in Kistna delta.
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  • 28 3 A NewRaiiway line is shortly to be opened between Negaputam and JVagore a distance of four miles This will eventually be connected with Kurikal- Peralam Line.
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  • 34 3 Thrre has been a fire at 8akai, Japan, the loss being estimated at 240,000 yen. The buildings were insured recently in the Munches er Fire Issurunco Company for 70,000 yen
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  • 33 3 It is officially reported that hostile bands are seen in various districts of Aeheen Tuanku Omar and others are making every nttempt to c dlect men and money from the petty chiefs.
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  • 43 3 Bubonic Pi. ague is spreading far and wide in Hongkong. It is worse this time than it ever has been. Already the total number of deaths this year is twice or thrice the total at this date in 1894.
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  • 35 3 Tiib Captain of the Gunboat Cullao is said to have been Court-martialled and sentenced to be shot by the Spauish Authorities, for surrendiug to the Americans in Manila without firing a shot.
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  • 39 3 Lk Coukriek ue Saigon. a French Journal accuses England of aiding aud abetting the United States in Manila Bay in as much as the United States Squadron was piloted into Manila Lay by the Esmeralda.
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  • 42 3 Great doubts are entertained as to the reported death of Prince Hung. He is still alive, says N C. Herald and it was Oily the other day that he was visited by their Majesties the Emperor and the Empress Dowager.
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  • 40 3 Thh currency proposal of the Government of India, for which the Committee presided over by Sir llenry Fowler is to meet to give them consideration, do not seem to have met with any particularly cordial reception in London.
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  • 75 3 A NOVEL BIRD The Chinese Sea is said to be the haunt of a curious little biid culled Katsana Tt is little bigger than an ordinary dove. W Hen it flies in the air, another bird by the name of Kit kit follows it, right below. with its beak open.
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  • 40 3 According to the investigation made by the Government, there were at the end of April lust 775 periodical* published in that country including 311 daily papers and 464 magazines. After all, Japan is not an illiterate nation.
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  • 60 3 Thb Governor of Goa proposes to convert British Coin circulating at Goa in Portuguese Rupees This will give the Goa Treasury a clear profit of twenty-two lakhs which is nearly equal to the whole of the yearly revenue of that settlement, but if the British rupees be melted
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  • 55 3 It has been decided to present the Emperor of Austria with a present from the planters of Ceylon on the occasion of his Jubilee. The present will consist of a box of 100 lbs of tea and an album ef Ceylon views beautifully bound consisting of Mr.
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  • 69 3 Paper Cigars are said to be coming into favour iu America eveu with connoisseurs of the fragrant weed. These cigars are prepared from sheets of paper which have been soaked in tobacco juice which are then pressed and cut into the requisite shape by means of specially constructed
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  • 95 3 A French Paper has the following: There is an island in the Chinese Sea intabited only by females. They have no idea of marriage, but they conceive and bring forth exclusively female children I which is effected by virtue of a very rare fruit found
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  • 83 3 ThkQuben has been pleased to sanction the selection of the Revd. Mother St. Katherine, Superioress, Convent of Jesus and Mary, Bombay the Revd. Mother l'heodoriua Superioress, St Joseph convent Bundra* also Mrs Mabel Allen, late of the Civil Plag ue Hospital Kurruchee, to be honorary serving
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  • 102 3 flu speaking of the duration of the priucipul living creatures, an Indian Pftilosopher assi ns the first place to elephant which he presumes, lives to 200 years; crow 100; swan 100 tortoise 100; lion 60; duck 50; parrot lOu; crocodile I 100;
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  • 77 3 MANILA Thb Captain General and Archbishop of Manila are making great efforts to induce the natives to remain loyal to the Spanish Government. A Council of twenty-four Philippines who were formerly separatists, have been formed as advisers to the Governor-general The country is quiet around Manila and other provinces are
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  • 88 3 A triumphal arch has been erected at Wa-h ia Pu, Peking, to welcome Prince Henry. The Emperor will give a ban- quet to the Prince in the Summer Palace, (irand Secretary Li Ilungchang and vice President Chang Yenk Siin have been ordered to attend upon the ltoyal guest
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  • 117 3 The Hindu a non Christian Journal edited by a kigli-Custe native of India has the following: “The increasing member ofCor versions I to Roman Catholicism from the Brahmin community is being looked upon by j the population of Trichir.opoly with considerable alarm. Within the past few months, there
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  • 214 3 A Correspondent superscribed “A follower of the Prophet Mahomet” has sent us an article, contrasting Christianity with Mahomedanism which we refrain from publishing, owing to the antagonistic spirit of the writer and the severe attack on Christianity at largo. He speaks at full length of the unshaken
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  • 291 3 Airship is the finest fighting machine ever equipped for war. The most perfectly equipped airship in existence, is in America at the present moment. It may be bohght outright for use against Spain The airship was built in France bv the great expert, Mallet. It waa
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  • 132 3 Penang, Btii Jl t xe, 1898. Rates close as follows London Demand Dank 3/10j£ Do, 4 mouth’s» sight Bank l/llj| Do, 3 Credits J/11 F 8 T Do. 3 Documentary ]/11/ T J Calcutta; Demand Bank Rs. I4(q Do. 3 day's sight Private 145 Bombay, Demand Bank 140 J
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 193 4 S¥Ell p S Allah Piichay SYRUP! D Siinpls, Flavoured and Medicated. U T Rose Syrup, alleviates beat in the Urinary System, JB*price SO cents a bottle* Rose-coloured Syrup, a stimulant S alleviating extreme thirst, g 25 cents a bottle V J Indian Pennywort Syrup, a best *Tkr*~lS~ remedy for venereal
      193 words
    • 219 4 THE “Mono juniirE r? r ?r 130 CHULIA STL, i.i, rSSTAITC. WORKS OF ALL KINL E CHEQUEBOOKS. BLOCKED BILL HEADS. IHVG. t. buOi j. if» iiiii ip iiiiiii CIRCULARS HAND BILLS MEMO FORMS AND ADDRESS CARDS, AXiL executed in the fflest Style Concert and ball ts ji e T
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