The Penang Patriot, 1 June 1898

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1 4 The Penang Patriot
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 375 1 jyp taikchee&co. pfflfe \^r^^tlSw^p ,R CHURCH STREET PENANG PP pip IT SHIP CHANDLERS A WHOLESALE lUfiil PL h i dealers in European goods. jllOVffiEi all tears at a report on c ti. t'' alvnitt g Itm ESTABL.SHEO august 18.7. p at e nt Concentrated T A jO- 13 3 ifcDffi
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  • 141 2 EXPECTED. June 1 P. 0. Extra Shanghai from Suez for Singapore China and Japan, Gilfillan Wood (Jo. 2 a. a. Vindobona from Trieste for Singapore China Japan S. Kuatermann Co. M 3 Outward P. 0 Mail Steamer Verona from Colombo for «Singapore China and Japan Gilfillan, Wood Co. 4
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  • 132 2 Fbnans Ist Junk, 1898. Rates close as follows: London, Demand Bank 1/lOf J)0.4 month’s sight Bank 1/11$ Do. 3 Credits 1/115 Do. 3 Doc umenfary. 1 /1 1 g Calcutta Demand Bank Us. 141 4 Do. 3 days’ sight Private 145 Bombay, Demand Bank 141 J Do. 3 days'sight
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  • 172 2 Pasax 9, Ist June, 1898, Tin $40.92$ rTrang 23.50 sellers, Black Pepper < West Const 21.50 do. lAcheen 61b 23.50 do. White Pepper 35 do. Cloves (pibkod) 48 do. Mace No. 1 ios do. Mace Pickings 90— do. Nutmegs 80 do.* fNo 1... 6.90 do. Sugar J
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  • 580 2 Whenever we go and whatever side we turn, the promincntfigures, we meet with or hear of, in Penang, are Prostitutes and Sumsengs. The one is as good as the other in their respective irregularities. The former we reserve for another occasion and deal here with the latter as far
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  • 327 2 (From Local Newspapers SPANISH AMERICAN WAR Two th onsand five hundred American troops have left >an Francisco for the Philippines with one year’s supplies President McKinley has called cut 70,000 more volunteers making the total number of the army OOO. The rumours that France acquires the Philippines are
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  • 447 2 It has been arranged by the India Meam Navigation Co, to the sailings of their Negapatam in order to change the time of sail -IB a week. The S. S. Lalpoora is expect J arrive here from Negapatum on the| Inst unusually earlier this time, oil to
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  • 269 2 fComiminicated Owing to public holidays the Government officers were paid on 27th May. His Excellency Major General H. Jones of Vanghan, C. 13. General officer commanding the troops s p. ofSingap 0 after inspecting the regiment at 1 a’p' left w’ith his staff for K Lumpur Friday last
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  • 506 3 To the naked eye not more than 6,000 stars ure ordinarily visible. A powerful telescope will reveal 5,000,000 slurs at once. Pope Leo XIII does his private writing with a gol i pea, but his pontifical signature is always given with a white feather quill which is believed to
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  • 25 3 It is proposed to encourage the importation of Rangoon rice into Ceylon to prevent danger of plague from Calcutta rice usually imported there.
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  • 30 3 The Government of India has sanctioned the grant of a plofc*of land in the Cantonment of Mandalay, for use as a park, in commemoration of the Queen’s J übilec.
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  • 35 3 The Secretary of State has sanctioned the payment of exchange compensations to officers serving on probationary appointments in the Straits Settlements provided they have their home in acountry which has a gold standard.
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  • 154 3 The Chinese have a peculiar notion about the plague. They entirely deny the theory of tne Western Scientists who trace almost ail deseases to microscopic germs produced by dirt and filthiness of the place. Nor do they admit that it is a visitation of
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  • 65 3 Ceylon Taper is responsible for the following: Modern Astronomers have discovered another Lunar body which is about 648,000 miles distant from the Earth. Its circumference is about 440 mile 3. Owing to such a great distance, it is quite imperceptible to our sight. Some Astronomers coDtend that it
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  • 29 3 The public Press in Japan protest against the policy of England in mustering warships in the gulf of Pechilli which they condemn as vain and empty pride.
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  • 19 3 Teaseed hasb<eu pronounced by Indian quacks an infallible remedy for different symptoms of cough.
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  • 25 3 It. is believed that the Duke of Westminister derives from the state an income of a sovereign and a half per minute.
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  • 65 3 In New York, there is a lady by the name of Anders Bhe is now about 52 years old. She has 14 children. She w;8 married for the first time iu 1863 The following year she lost her husband. She married in succession 17 husbands
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  • 21 3 A very hard and curious paper is being manufactured in Germany Itisnotonly a waterproof, but a fire-proof too.
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  • 29 3 The Czarina is said to have been sick some days ago, The doctor attending on her, has been allowed at the rate of 70 pounds a day.
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  • 12 3 More than <SOOO Judges are administering justice throughout jNewyork,
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  • 51 3 It is rumoured that if the Philippines fall into the hands of the Americans by the right of conquest and be put up by them for sale in accordance with the principles of the Monroe doctrine, the Pope is prepared to bid more than highly for
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  • 51 3 Mr. H, J. M. Todd of Jaffna, has Fent the skin of a cobra to Mr A. IJaley of the Colombo Museum It measured no less than 7 feot 5 inches. It will be remembered that the largest in the British museum is only (j ft. 4
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  • 29 3 The Russian Volunteer Fleet Steamer “Ekaterinolane” is said to have been conveying 1037 soldiers and officers for service on the arrival at Fort Arthur.
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  • 135 3 The project of a railway across Adam’s Bridge to connect India und Ceylon has been raised again in an extremely able paper, the work of Messrs John Ferguson and J Davis Allen. Ihe main object of the paper was to snow that the line across the gulf
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  • 48 3 The United States people yell most for war and are least prepared, while the Spaniards are more anxious for peace but better armed The Americans are doing the right thing in the wrong wav; the Spaniards are doing ihe wrong thing in the right way
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  • 60 3 The Panic in Calcutta in connection with plague precautionary measures still continues. Plague members of the neighbouring classes are leaving the city and thereby seriously dislocating local trade The authorities are doing all they can to allay excitements and panic but, when the whole population appears to be in
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  • 77 3 The native papers generally are opposed to the gold stunnaid scheme proposed by the Government to bring about a fixity of the rates of exchange in respect ot Gold and Silver currency which will, instead of diminishing,aggravate the evil sought to be removed Ihe authorities must
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  • 130 3 The Health department of the Bombay M unicipality is reported to be doing pretty sharp work with reference to the destruction of rats. During the month of March, it destroyed not less than 3688 rats in the city of Bombay and this is u fact which
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  • 43 3 A mossy plant grows in a certain North American Bea. No sooner snow or frost touches it, than it turns into the form of butter of exquisite perfume. The Americans are trying to make a fine essence out of it
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  • 26 3 Canadian feeling which tfas distinctly favourable to America, is ranging round owing to the hostile to* 6 °f a large section of the American press.
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  • 41 3 kShantung is believed to l»e the pri in which Confucious was born. In of its towns called Kiuochau, the t man soldiers have wantonly destrt an image of Confucius and a Tem Great indignation prevails throueh place.
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  • 14 3 A general revolt is said to havetal place in the Caroline Islands.
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  • 40 3 The American Mission at “West Riv is in great alarm. A well-armed n has looted and burnt all Hie missi houses. The missionaries have had narrow escape. The American Consul Canton has requested the viceroy to di patch troops.
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  • 15 3 Fifty thousand American Jews ha volunteered for service in the war agair Spain.
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  • 30 3 Advices from feiera Leone state th fighting has taken place between ti troops and the rebels in the Hinterlar. in wnich the rebels were defeated wit heavy loss.
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  • 88 3 A distinguished Spaniard in Lend* said ton Pressman:—We will fight, if be necessary, for two. three, aye and fr years to retain our independency of Co and to maintain our power as a nation Europe. We, a 9 a nation have shewn t whole
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  • 29 3 Prince ot Wales is said to be a pr sleeper He goes to bei after 2 a m., a gets up not later than 7 inthemornr
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  • 103 3 News has reached us from Karikal 1 the grandson of Mr M. JSaiboo Merh a well-to-do merchant and agent of B. I. Company, Karikal was murdei the other day by a Pattani. i he dece was about 11 years old. The murd being a neighbourer and an acquaints, someway
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  • 22 3 The Americans captured a French 1 containing ammunition in trying to into Havana after bein* l- warned off. r>
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  • 169 3 Lately, the Police arrested at Bom several coiners along with coining in incuts, such as dies, and hundreds of si disGs ready for stamping Latterly ports of silver have been increasin, Ind a The wonder has been why should be the case, considering 1 Government had stopped
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  • 29 3 .It is officially reported that sevet foreigners have been killed in 11 ui and that the Governor, fearing the c< sequence has committed sricide by sw lowing gold.
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  • 55 3 A Chinese Counterfeiter at Souraba has tried his hand at forging a lotti ticket lie went to the Chartered Bj. there to ask payment for a ticket wh represented a thousand guilders pri 'i he Manager quietly detected the fra on inspecting the ticket. The Chinarmade oflfbut soon fell
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  • 187 4 The other day, Mr. John Kensit, publisher, created a disturbance, at St. Cuthbeit’s church, Kensington, by protesting against what he considered the Roman Catholic service of the "V eEeration of the Orosa He was brought up at the West London Court on the charge of
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  • 501 4 1, My name is Billy Symons I am a gardener by trade served seven years to one situation, I first, lost my heart and then I threw away my spade Come listen to my doleful lamentation; Oh my, this world is to me, A garden of great desolation
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 50 4 S. Allah Pitchay B II T R BASER PROVISION DEALER, No. 247, Penang lioad PENANG. Bogs respectfully to inform Ladies and G entlemen of Penang that he will supply Beef, Mutton, Bread, Tinned provisions and other necessaries of life at a very cheap rate. A trial solicited. *3rl Moj-, 1808.
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